Our Hometown

v6 Chapter 171 - 127 heads

Chapter 171 One hundred and twenty-seven heads

The honoraries who were forced to stay at the foot of Mount Tai by Liu Che were extremely dissatisfied with the emperor.

However, it was just dissatisfaction.

They even need to express their views to the emperor, and all decisions made by the emperor are extremely correct and without any flaws.

Everyone put on the table and said that they resolutely obeyed the call of the emperor His Majesty to truly rule the world and renounced their own control over the fiefs.

The seals of Yun Lang and Cao Xiang were written by Sima Qian. After reviewing, they found that Sima Qian wrote very well and handed it to Prime Minister Zhao Zhou. The Prime Minister’s House then presented the seal to the emperor to make the emperor happy.

The emperor dominated the world, so he naturally wanted to present some gifts to the earth.

The group of ministers saw these gifts and consciously offered their knees to the emperor.

The emperor’s gift to Mother Earth in Liangfu Mountain was 127 heads …

The heads of 127 thief chiefs!

One of them is inlaid with gold, silver, precious stones and pearls.

Yun Lang is very familiar with this human head, because this human head was dug out of the tomb of King Hun of the Hun of Mount Hook Mountain.

The first level inlaid with gold, silver, and gemstones accurately said that there are six skulls, one of which is inlaid with gold, silver, gemstones, and pearls. It is full of exoticism. After careful observation of Yunlang, I found the pendulum. The name of the owner of the first level is written on the edge of the wooden plate on which the first level is placed.

This very exotic first-class is actually the king of the Huns-Yi Zhixie.

There is an introductory text on the edge of the first level, which says it was excavated by Yun Lang.

However, the explanatory text on the edge of the first level of Ichisho indicated that this first level was cut down by Liu Ling himself …

Looking up, one hundred and twenty-seven chiefs were placed on the huge altar, and they looked very imposing!

It also makes people feel a little sighing.

The 127 first-level masters are all tycoons who order one side. Now, their first-level masters are placed as sacrifices with pig heads, cow heads, and sheep heads, and are inspected by gods.

Liu Che stood at the front, fiddled with these heads like a collection.

He does not allow any flaws in these heads. Even if a leaf falls on the head, he will carefully take it off and put the head on again …

Except for some skulls, these human heads are well preserved. Some of the hair and beards on the heads are very complete, but the appearance is a bit daunting.

Over the past two decades, the army of the Great Han Dynasty has been rushing to and fro, fighting blood and fighting, and finally made up these expensive sacrifices for the emperor Liu Che of the great Han.

Now, Liu Che can declare his merits to everyone in the world.

Seeing Liu Che standing alone on the high platform, carrying the green mountains, facing the scorching sun, and spreading his arms to greet the wind and arms, Yun Lang and Cao Xiang thought the emperor was ready to make a long speech.

Can not help but change a comfortable posture to stand, ready to wait for the emperor’s long talk.

Who knows, after the emperor embraced the wind and embraced his arms, he said to the group officials with a very slight voice: “World, An Yi!”

Qiqi Qiqi bowed his arms and congratulated the emperor for his supreme merit.

Prime Minister Zhao Zhou went to work and started to play: “Think of it, be a building of Beijing to guard against visitors!”

Liu Che nodded and said, “Precise!”

The secretary of Hongyun Temple went to work and said: “I think that Beijing should be built in Chang’an!”

Not waiting for Liu Che to answer, Dong Zhongshu said from the class: “I think that the place of Mount Tai is a suitable place for Jinguan.

Chang’an is the heart of my great Han kingdom. It is not appropriate to show off the force. Your majesty wants the world to return to his heart. “

Liu Che still didn’t speak, but his brows were obviously frowned.

Cao Xiang touched Yun Lang with his shoulder and whispered: “Aren’t you going to talk?”

Yun Lang looked at Cao Xiang puzzledly: “What do you say?”

“Don’t you think these things can decorate the walls of Chang’an City?”

Yun Lang shook his head and said: “Changan should be grand, majestic, and magnificent, but it can’t be ridiculous.”

“Do you agree with Dong Zhongshu’s view?”

“Yes, Chang’an City is now also a place where all nations come. It can only let them see the richness and elegance of the Great Han Dynasty. It can’t show our rudeness and can’t chill the hearts of those guests who come from afar.”

“I remember you used to say that those who were awe-inspiring and not humiliated.”

“Nonsense, if each of them was afraid of us, what would we soldiers do?

If the whole world of the goddess leveled off, the soldiers should be out of luck. “

“Do you think those barbarians should be allowed to see the rich man’s wealth, frailty, and then covet the heart, so we can take advantage of the opportunity to move all their things back?”

Yun Lang nodded and said, “It’s the truth. It’s better to say this more than once. Once the number is too high, even if we are really weak, they don’t dare to act rashly, because they can’t tell whether it’s right Our disguise. “

Cao Xiang nodded and said, “This is the truth. The stronger the national strength, the more moderate, and the weaker the national strength, the more fierce.”

Gongsun Ao standing behind Yun Lang whispered: “After the death of the 227 owls, the Great Han Kingdom can have the situation where the nations of the world come to the DPRK today. Look at the envoys, which one is not shrunken and cowardly? Chicken in general.

In other words, the chest of the Xiongnu messenger was raised very high, and the three princes of his family were placed on the table, and he did not know where he came from. “

Cao Xiang looked up at the Xiongnu envoy with a chuckle, and said to Gongsun Ao: “Old fellow, that Xiongnu envoy is a Han.”

Gongsun Ao said with a curse: “What a Chinese, only a ghost slave.”

Zhang Qian standing behind Cao Xiang sighed: “Different in the past, the Great Han Kingdom and the Huns are now in-law countries. We can no longer look at the Huns with their old eyes. If the Huns King is served by Liu Huanlai, the Huns In fact, it became a branch of the Great Han Dynasty.

At this time we cannot scare our allies, we still need the Huns to help us see the outside world. “

As a small circle of Yunlang people began to gossip, the group of officials standing under the table also began to whisper, but there were more people whispering, and the venue was buzzing like horse honeycomb.

Liu Che looked at Zhao Zhouyi in annoyance, and Zhao Zhou immediately raised his voice and said, “Quiet, Quiet!”

The venue gradually quieted down, and Liu Che looked at Yun Lang and said angrily: “What can’t you say in public, you have to whisper?”

Yun Lang quickly went to work and said: “Your Majesty, you think that the 127 chiefs of thieves are not enough to show your majesty’s martial arts skills, and they are not enough to make the barbarians surrender. Meet the greater glory. “

Liu Che snorted and disregarded Yun Lang, saying to Zhao Zhou: “I am pardoning Taishan as a resting place of ghosts, you will do it!”

The caterpillar-like Zhao Zhou immediately turned to go to government affairs, and the emperor also quietly stepped down from the high platform and got into his palace. It seemed that he didn’t want to see anyone again.

Yun Lang still sympathizes with Liu Che.

Since Changping Kuaima came to Taishan from Changan, she cooperated with Su Zhi to see Wei Qing for the doctor, and the rest of the time was used to torture Liu Che.

Yun Zhe was very scared because he saw that Changping had crushed the teacup with his claws, and also kicked over an armor, snatched the armor’s long sword, and shouted loudly at the emperor, and his hair was like a lunatic.

The emperor was furious, and he drew his sword and pointed at Changping. The soldiers were ready to help the emperor, but the emperor repelled him.

Changping started to be angry, Yun Zhe was dragged by Sui Yue and left the palace, so he didn’t know what happened later, only that Changping left after a period of incense, and the long sword in his hand did not know that it was cut. Something has become crooked.

From that day on, Changping would go crazy once he saw the emperor … causing the maids in the palace and eunuchs to be in danger.

The target of Changping ’s madness is not just the emperor ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Cao Xiang, Yun Lang and Huo Qie also suffered disasters.

She didn’t touch the three juniors, but she cried every time she met.

Watching Changping pull off the hairpin ring and throw it on the ground, and also tore his clothes and scattered his hair, not to mention the requirements, but self-abuse, which made Cao Xiang, Yun Lang, Huo Qiao prepared the charter completely gone The place to use.

Cao Xiang wanted to question his mother long ago.

Yun Lang also wanted to have a good talk with his mother.

As for Huo Going sick, he had done a good job of ignoring Changping …

Now, he can’t say a heavy word, but can only comfort him softly.

Wei Qing was lying on the hospital bed and had just taken a lot of medicine. He had a mouthful of icing sugar. He smiled and ate the icing sugar. He smiled and said to Su Zhi: “You see, this is the correct way for a mother to talk to her sons!

What kind of reasoning, if relatives start reasoning, what kind of relatives are they! “

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