Our Hometown

v7 Chapter 18 - Fairy fight

Chapter Eighteen

What Bai Ming was worried about happened that night.

It was a terrifying battle without warning. Yun Lang was awakened in his sleep.

Yunlang thought it was an earthquake. The magnificent night opened the window and looked out. The vast night became colorful.

One by one silhouette, flying in the air.

This scene is like the myth movie Yun Lang had seen before.

Tianyumen and Feixue Mountain Villa seem to be in a real war. The gods fight in the sky, and the mortal underground Yunlang is full of interest.

The force of this world is so powerful that it is unimaginable.

While dazzling in Yunlang, Huo went ill and hurried into Yunlang’s room, yelling anxiously as soon as he entered the door: “Are you still calm and watching the bustle? Get out of the city.”

Huo Qie’s disease is not calm, and the flames of war outside are almost demolishing this strong city, but Yun Lang’s two fools are fascinated by the excitement.

Dragging on Yunlang, Huo went ill almost ran out of the inn with the pace of fleeing.

Outside, Bai Ming and the dartsman of the dart board, as well as the girls, were already waiting anxiously outside the door.

Seeing that Yun Lang and Huo were sick, the group hurried away outside the city, and the streets were full of people like Yun Lang.

Carrying a family with a mouth, helping the old and the young, like a locust, hurried to the gate of the city.

The Feixuemen guarding the city gates have long disappeared, and such a war has occurred. Presumably they should also keep their responsibilities.

Yun Lang is actually quite calm. He has gone three different times in different worlds. He believes in his own destiny.

If God let him end here, escape cannot escape.

If God had other arrangements for him, why not watch a violent battle here, such scenery can not be found in idle places.

On the south mountain outside the city of Feixue, Yangliu Fufeng stretched his waist.

A man in white is standing alone, with an independent canopy, floating like a fairy.

The willow leaves resting on his mouth made a whining sound, which was not pleasant, but a bit sad.

“My big lord, can you stop blowing such an unacceptable tone! A good drama is made by your tone, I am a little … want to fight.” The childish voice with a trace of sweetness under the tree Sounded.

The little girl with maruko head, in a black costume with beautiful curves, is boringly kicking the tree trunk.

The whine of the leaves stopped, and the young man with the long sword, with a hand in his hand, pointed at the city gate building.

“Xiao Qi, did you see those people? There are two interesting people there.” The man in white said very casually, with a small smile in his mouth.

The girl named Xiaoqi jumped forward, turned over the canopy, and looked up in the direction of the finger of the white man.

“Brother Changfeng, can you stop fooling me like this? There are not thousands of people pouring out of the city gate building. I am afraid there are hundreds of people. There are so many of them. Where can I find you? Two people talking. “Xiao Qi said impatiently.

In her eyes, everyone is interesting.

The two particularly interesting people, with her eyesight, could not be found.

“Go, I’ll take you to see the old man.” The white man’s footsteps lightly touched the branch, and the figure was like a willow of the wind, swinging out lightly.

Xiao Qi tilted his head thoughtfully, “Brother Changfeng also has an old man here? Why have I never heard of it?”

Xiao Qi, who was puzzled, rolled over and followed the pace of the man in white.

When the white man appeared in front of him, Yun Lang and others had just squeezed out the gate.

Although the dart flag was hung and everyone brought a sword, in such a chaotic situation, the sword could not threaten the people who panicked God.

On this hundred-meter-long city gate Yongdao, Yunlang’s bones were almost squeezed apart, and the three horses didn’t know where they were squeezed.

In such a chaotic situation, Yun Lang is too lazy to care about it. If you lose it, just lose it. Anyway, Bai Ming old man has some silver, and then just buy a few more horses.

Yun Lang now chews the old and feels at ease, everyone has a story hidden in his heart, then naturally it will be smoother.

Walking out of the city gate, Yunlang, who was just relieved, raised his eyes and saw Li Changfeng, who suddenly appeared in front of him like a ghost, and there was a naive and lovely little loli beside him.

“Meeting an acquaintance in such a place, I do not know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing?” Yun Lang asked indifferently.

Unlike Yun Lang, Huo went sick to see that Li Changfeng was very nervous, and an invisible murderous force pervaded from him, quietly protecting Yun Lang’s left side.

Li Changfeng’s slender eyes looked at Yunlang, and the corner of his mouth gently ticked, said: “The world’s things, half of good things and half bad things, I guess it’s good.”

“I guess it’s a good thing!”

Yun Lang looked at Li Changfeng plainly, this man is said to be the leader of the martial arts!

I have read a lot in the novel. This is the first living martial arts leader Yun Lang saw.

Of course, this is not the first time to meet.

Yun Lang had nothing to say, and Li Changfeng didn’t speak, and the two looked at each other with some emotion.

Bai Ming sat quietly in the carriage, only half of his face was exposed in the curtain, and looked at Li Changfeng a little cautiously.

“Li Changfeng, your name is good, who started it?” Yun Lang asked suddenly.

Li Changfeng smiled faintly and said, “I myself! Your name is not bad, Yunlang!”

“I also think it’s not bad, but it wasn’t taken by myself, but by my parents.” Yun Lang said.

“I heard that you are going to the capital?” Li Changfeng asked Yun Lang’s eyes, staring at Yun Lang.

Yun Lang nodded and said: “Your news is very well-informed. I, a small person like me, have also been followed by you. I really want to go to the capital. There are a bunch of bandits who gave me a mixed life.”

Li Changfeng grinned slightly at the corner of his mouth and said, “This world is the only thing I want to know, and what I don’t want to know.”

“You are bragging about this, but I believe you.” Yun Lang said with a smile.

“Hey, how do you talk to my boss? Believe me or not!” Li Changfeng’s beautiful girl, little girl, little girl seven, suddenly jumped out and raised a pink fist, with a fierce look Yun Lang shouted.

This roar really scared Yun Lang, the key was that it was a little too sudden.

Li Changfeng stretched out his hand and grabbed Xiaoqi’s pill head, stopped Xiaoqi’s move, and reprimanded: “The old people met each other and made two jokes, what are you talking about, staying honestly.”

Xiao Qi glared at Yun Lang, frowned, flattened his mouth, and muttered: “What an old man, this kid is inside and out, and is clearly taking you away.”

Yun Lang didn’t react very much. He looked at Huo Qubing ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ This quirky, hot-tempered little girl, was very suitable for Huo Qubing.

If you can make a pair together, it is also a beautiful thing.

It’s a pity that Huo’s eyes were on Li Changfeng’s body from beginning to end, and he didn’t put it on Xiaoqi’s body at all.

It seems that it seems a bit mean to Li Changfeng.

Yun Lang exhaled, dispelled the idea, and led Huo to the disease to pull the line, let’s save it first.

Li Changfeng clung to Yunlang and clenched his fists. He was very sorry and said: “Brother Yun is strange, Xiaoqi is a little girl, and she has nothing to say.”

Yun Lang smiled and waved her hand, said: “It’s okay, maybe I said that she did have some misunderstandings. Brother Li came, maybe it was not a special trip to come to me? This is the fight between the two major gates of the Blizzard City, you came to mediate. ? “

Li Changfeng glanced far into the city, shook his head, and said: “Brother Yun may not be familiar with the Longwu Continent. Here, it is the best way to solve it by force. Mediation is the way that the weak will come up with. . “

What this said made Yun Lang totally unavailable. What he wanted was mediation, should he be considered a weak man?

It seems like this!

This guy Li Changfeng didn’t come to mediate, why did he come here to do it?

A special trip to watch the game, watch a lively?

Just when Yun Lang was thinking about it, Li Changfeng himself gave the reason. He said: “The battle between Tianyumen and Feixue Mountain Villa has been a long-term plot. I just came to see it!”

It’s really just to watch the lively, this sentence is impeccable, Yun Lang can only smile.

“Feixue Villa is destined to be annihilated?” Yun Lang suddenly asked.

Big crabs eat small shrimps, this seems to be the law of natural survival.

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