Our Hometown

v7 Chapter 30 - Battle for name

Chapter Thirty

The group of people standing at the end, in Yun Lang’s eyes, they dress too well.

The bright yellow vest with robes, as for the weapons used, obviously there is no unity like the other two groups. There are all kinds of weapons and all kinds of weapons.

These people should be the royals. It looks like they are dressed as royals.

Lingxi disguise dress is hidden in the purpose of this painting, it seems to be a sneak attack on these people.

While the three groups were discussing how to deal with the disciples of Lingxin Gate from Skyrim, Lingxi led dozens of people and suddenly killed them from behind.

The war broke out without warning!

The sky and earth change color in an instant, the wind rises, the sky is dim, and only the roar of the earth-shattering roar, like Thor’s anger, resounds through the eight wildernesses.

As Bai Ming said, the painting, which is almost at the core of the battle, was not affected by the battle.

“In this battle, the spiritual heart door is at stake, and your good looks may be in danger.” Bai Ming lay on the side of the cloud with a hip flask, looking out from the window to the sky above.

Yun Lang couldn’t help but tighten his mind, although Yun Lang hasn’t figured out how to deal with the relationship with Ling Xi.

But in Yun Lang’s heart, he was very concerned about the safety of Ling Xi.

“The odds are really low?” Yun Lang asked nervously.

Bai Ming nodded his head, poured a sip of wine into his mouth, and said, “It’s not high anyway!”

Under such a war, Bai Ming seems to be very calm, and looks like a light wind.

Squeezed twice the nose that was hit by alcohol, Bai Ming said: “Tianyu Gate, Zhen Wuzong, plus the sinister villains of the royal family, do you think the chance of winning the Xinxin Gate is big? This is three dozens.”

Yun Lang said: “But I just took a closer look at it. In terms of the number of people, Lingxin Gate has a lot more than these three forces.”

Bai Ming laughed mockingly and said: “Do you think the number is more effective? This is for strength. Like your kid, even if there are tens of thousands of people, it is not a combination of some masters. Enemies can be killed casually. Those who can appear in this painting and sit with the other two factions are masters of each sect, which is comparable to ordinary disciples. “

“Then … Doesn’t the spirit gate do this by itself?” Yunlang couldn’t help but worry.

Bai Ming smashed his mouth and said, “It’s almost right, but without finding such an opportunity, their situation is even worse.”

Bai Ming suddenly turned his head to look at Yun Lang, and asked, “Do you know what these people are doing here?”

“Separate the world!” Yun Lang’s eyes flashed a little bit of fineness, and said, “Although today’s four major monasteries and the royal family are divided into five worlds, but this chaotic situation, no one can stop the world’s group of heroes and hordes of ants It ’s enough to eat away an elephant. If I guess right, they should be discussing the three of them to unite first and deal with other people first. The Spiritual Heart Gate may be the first thing they want to solve, right? “

Bai Minghui nodded his head, “Your kid is pretty good, and it’s not far from what I think, and it’s estimated that it’s also not far from the fact. The Lingxin Gate is a place of paradise in the rivers and lakes, so this is the case. In one place, it can easily become the first stepping stone for others to achieve hegemony. “

“So the spiritual door of the news, chose such an opportunity, trying to fight the important characters of these three forces all over the net, and strive for a breathing opportunity!” Yun Lang said, looking at the increasingly fierce battle on the horizon.

Bai Ming swayed the flask in his hand and said, “But what if the news was spread out intentionally?”

Yun Lang suddenly looked at Bai Ming, anxiety flashed in his pupils, shouting: “Bai Lao, is this a conspiracy?”

“Probably yes! Don’t forget that this is a group of insidious villains cooperating. If they don’t want to make some tricks, they’re really sorry for their names.” Bai Ming said with a lip, and the words were full of Tianyu The contempt of the door, the Zhenwuzong, and the royal family.

If this is really the case, then the chance of winning the soul gate is really small and pitiful.

Although the number of people appearing in Tianyumen, Zhenwuzong and the royal family is relatively small, no one knows how many backers they have hidden.

And these people are also masters!

If you keep some back hands, the soul gate is not extremely low. But there is no chance of winning.

“No, you must find a way!” Yun Lang paced anxiously, muttering.

Bai Ming glanced at Yunlang and sighed, “What do you think? Are you going to save people? Or am I going to save people? Or are we going together?”

Yun Lang still rushed out, Bai Mingla didn’t pull it.

Ran out of the painting, Yun Lang violently grabbed a boat, and ran all the way to the scenic mountain outside the city without knowing its name.

In the panicked streets of the crowd, Yunlang running panting like a weak and poor lone wolf.

He was so crazy, he didn’t run to anything, and he completely obeyed his heart.

Although he was weak, he couldn’t watch Ling Xi’s body in jeopardy, and he was immediately indifferent.

Once he did have an iron heart, but III was a man. Almost all the soft things in his heart ran out.

Now he, Yun Lang feels more like a Tang monk, so he just missed the word Amitabha.

This is a real fairy fight. It happened in front of Yun Lang’s eyes. A personal figure fell like rain and fell from the sky.

The initial spirit rhythm is such a scene, but it is only a little smaller than the battle at this time.

Bai Ming made no mistake in guessing, and there is really no chance of victory in Lingxin Gate.

As the clouds run, he is also closely watching the battle above the sky.

After the battle became fierce, a team of men suddenly came in from outside the city and rushed to the battlefield from all corners of the world.

These people are all disciples of Tianyumen, far away, arrows like locusts fell into the battlefield.

Disciples at Lingxin Gate have no advantage in an instant, and suffered a lot of casualties.

Although Yunlang couldn’t see a real one because it was too far away, it could be vaguely seen, and the disciples of Lingxin Gate began to retreat.

The strong addition of the Tianyumen Freshmen Army has made the whole battle situation change in an instant!

Let’s hit the soul gate again, it is only a matter of increasing casualties.

Yunlang finally rushed to the mountain ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Standing on the top of the cold wind, the battle in the sky was finally closer.

Just behind the top of the mountain, there were many corpses lying there, female disciples with a spiritual heart gate, and other three parties.

Blood has impregnated the mountain stone, making the mountain a part of the battle.

Yunlang ran up, but standing on the top of the mountain, feeling the mountain wind and the strong blood in the mountain wind, he somewhat doubted what he was doing.

Can’t help … This is an indisputable fact.

Huo went sick like a timely rain, quietly appeared on Yun Lang’s side.

Yun Lang looked at Huo Qu for a long time, and then realized that this was a real person, not an illusion because he was too tired.

“Your kid has been following me?” Yun Lang asked, still panting.

Huo Goicki shook his head, looked at the battle in the sky, and said, “No! I came out to see the bustling, and accidentally saw you running in the crowd. Why are you going to the mountain? You can watch it here Is it different? It seems to be a little clearer, but also more dangerous. “

Yun Lang searched for the figure of Ling Xi in the messy air battlefield, and said: “Beware of breaking into a woman, people will always do some stupid things.”

Huo went sick and laughed, “It turns out that a woman lived in my heart! Let me guess, it must be Lingxi. It seems that you don’t have any other woman’s fate besides Lingxi. Lingxin’s move is really a bit Stupidly, it can almost be said to know that there are tigers in the mountains, and they tend to travel in the mountains and end up dying. “

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