Our Hometown

v7 Chapter 4 - The foundation of a ruined court

Chapter 4 Destruction of the Foundation

Li Changfeng is gone, this time it is true.

Yun Lang confirmed this when he saw Ling Xi lying beside the window and said nothing for a few hours.

Of course, Yun Lang did not know what the relationship between Ling Xi and Li Changfeng was. It was just the recent contact. He also found out the temper of some Ling Xi. She was not such a silent person.

So she didn’t say a word, it was due to her worries, and this person, nine out of ten, was Li Changfeng.

Ling Xi has the depression of Ling Xi, Yun Lang has no way to ask. Solving feelings for others has never been Yun Lang’s strong point, so he simply said nothing.

He and Huo went ill, but he was particularly interested in this strange town.

The inn is for them, just the place to stay and sleep. Most of the rest of the time, they are used to understand the town.

Yun Lang wants to understand this strange world as soon as possible, and knowing nothing about it here always makes Yun Lang panic.

He didn’t want to be a duckweed swaying in this world, and the life and death situation that happened at any time made him annoyed. Therefore, more understanding is necessary.

Huo Going’s disease is different. He didn’t see the waves all day long, and it was really pure curiosity. Especially the curiosity of this world is unbelievably prosperous, but also unbelievably powerful martial arts.

For most of the day, Huo Qubing spent his fights watching Yanwuchang.

Huo Qubing emphasized countless times that was a contest! But Yun Lang always believed that it was a fight, a reasonable and legal fight.

Yun Lang nestled in his chair with his arm, and the map book in his hand was several pages thicker, thanks to Aunt Wang, who sells tofu in town. It was really a warm-hearted person and a living map of Xiaoyao Town. She knew every building and every street clearly. What famous people are in the town, she is even more precious.

After Yunlang bought two pieces of stinky tofu, she spent an afternoon telling Yunlang about the history of Xiaoyao Town.

Huo Qubing rushed into the room with a smelly sweat, “Today, Jinjiamen recruits, I have signed up!”

Yun Lang doesn’t have much interest in what gold and silver armor are. When he looked up, the only concern was how many days Huo went to bed without taking a shower.

If he remembered correctly, since he settled down in Xiaoyao Town, this great lord of the great Han Dynasty, he has not entered the bathtub.

“My suggestion, you take a bath first, let’s talk about it again.” Yun Lang closed the map book in his hand and carefully cautiously entered his arms.

Huo went sick with a hint of shyness in his smile. After arriving here, he forgot about Yun Lang’s military order for a while.

“Let’s go, let’s go! I’ll talk to you about this golden armor later.” Huo Qubing said excitedly, turned and ran out.

Yun Lang smiled silently, as if he saw Huo Going sick when he was young. At that time, his character had not yet formed, and it was full of innocence of young people.

“It’s just a little puppet who doesn’t enter the stream.” A cold voice suddenly sounded near the window.

Yunlang looked strangely over the past two days. The girl finally knew what to say.

Yun Lang asked: “Austria? Do you know this golden armor?”

“I don’t know anything about it, it’s just the Golden Armor Gate, it’s just a few small characters.” Ling Xi finally changed his posture, no longer looked up at the sky, her eyes were empty, and her eyes were alive. The spirit of spirit.

Yun Lang was curious about Ling Xi’s identity background, but he didn’t want to take the initiative to ask, if Ling Xi wanted to say these things, he would take the initiative to speak.

If she didn’t want to say, she asked in vain, why would Yun Lang waste this tongue.

However, when Ling Xi talked about the Golden Armor Gate, a look of extreme contempt made Yun Lang have a lot of interest in the Golden Armor Gate.

“My big brother’s appearance seems to be very interested in this golden armor.” Yun Lang seemed to ask very casually, but his heart was very devoted to this matter. The champion of the Great Han Dynasty sometimes loses his eye, especially in strange places where his life is not familiar.

Ling Xi’s cheeky luster on his face turned over on the soft couch, and his staring eyes fixed on Yunlang, saying, “You have life-saving grace in me, as I promise you a future, so that you can be in Xiaoyao Town How do you get a life-saving grace based on your foothold? “


Yun Lang nodded with little consideration.

The background of Ling Xi’s identity, Yun Lang is really not clear at all, but Ling Xin Gate, he has already learned a rough idea recently.

Xianxiansu’s hands caress the moon like flowers and butterflies like snow!

The Lingxin Gate, one of the four gates in the world, enjoys a magnificent name in rivers and lakes, and almost no one knows it.

The disciples in Lingxin Gate are all female disciples, all good doctors and good pianos. You can use medical techniques to save people, and you can also use Qin Yin to kill people. You can look forward to your eyes and smile with a smile. They are both a dream of the injury of the rivers and lakes, and a nightmare of life and soul.

As the spirit rhinoceros, the spirit rhinoceros, based on the promise given, Yunlang does not have to think about it, and it is definitely better than what they strive for by sharpening their heads.

Yun Lang didn’t want to despise himself, nor did he want to despise his big brother Huo Going to be sick, but they were princes in the Great Han Kingdom, but here, that is the rogue from a foreign land. The only skill you can rely on here is just better than the unfettered chicken.

Ling Xi laughed and clapped his hands and said, “You’re a refreshing person, so you don’t plan to ask Huo to get sick?”

“He will agree. I want to know what kind of future you can get for your life?” Yun Lang asked with a smile.

Ling Xi’s face was cold, and she didn’t want to hear such words recently. She lived here because her life was of great value.

“I will greet them after entering the Kyushu dart board. By then, you will be there.” Ling Xi said coldly.

Yun Lang shrugged, Kyushu dart board, the name seemed to have no domineering Jinjiamen.

However, this promising life is worth a try.

Huo Going disease with wet hair came in, his face still full of excitement, “Come, I will tell you about this golden armor now.”

“Lingxi girl thinks that this Golden Armor Gate is an influx of garbage.” Yun Lang copied Lingxi’s words.

Ling Xi did not mean anything against it, “Yes, I did say so.”

Huo, who had just sat down, went stunned for a while, then blinked hard, “Why does Lingxi say so?”

This pot of cold water poured down the head, making Huo Qubing feel more transparent than the cold bath just now, and a fire in his heart was extinguished.

“Because Jinjiamen, it’s really an influx of garbage.” Ling Xi didn’t think about explaining what, garbage is garbage, and she shouldn’t deserve any explanation from her.

Kyushu dart board.

Looking at the dusty gold signboard and the worn gate, Yun Lang also doubted whether he was deceived. This place does not seem promising.

Huo went ill and blew his teeth, shouting: “This should be influential garbage, in my opinion, it is much worse than Jinjiamen.”

Yun Lang couldn’t refute this. The shabby appearance really made him unable to figure out any words and went to support the speech.

To say that there is a future here is a bit against my heart.

But now that he is here, Yun Lang intends to take a look at the promising places in Ling Xi’s mouth.

“Squeak-” The old door opened and an old man in green robe came out.

Ricket was waist-skinned, skinny like a skeleton, and on his old cheeks, his skin was cracked like a hundred-year-old tree, and the ravine was vertical and horizontal.

But his smile is very gentle, and it seems that there is a touch, which makes people feel better and magical.

“The two are Yunlang, Huo is going to be sick? Please come in!” The old man in the green robe extended his old hand and said.

Yun Lang nodded with a smile, and walked in. He hoped that this old door was a different place.

However, after all, Yun Lang was disappointed, and it was as old as the gate.

The place is quite big. I don’t know how many times you go in and out, and there is also a small performance martial arts field. But these buildings are all old, and they are a conservative estimate of Yunlang for hundreds of years.

Standing in the high-hanging “Jianghu Justice” plaque, Yun Lang asked the old man in Qingpao with a smile, “Have you not asked the old name?”

“Don’t dare, don’t dare! There is white at night, sword rain is coming, old man is white at night.” The old man bowed slowly.

Midnight is white, sword rain is coming, Baiming? Yun Lang repeated it silently, the name was quite domineering, but for Yun Lang, who is a newcomer, which character Bai Ming is, I really don’t know.

“I’ve seen Mr. Bai Ming, I don’t know if the main director of the dart board is there?” Yun Lang asked with a smile ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ So long since he came in, except for the old Bai Ming, he didn’t see anyone else. .

“Yes! I am the old man.” The old man Bai Ming smiled more calmly, and looked at Yun Lang and Huo Huoqi up and down with muddy eyes.

Huo Goiyi suddenly laughed out loud, “Old man, would you be the only one in this dart?”

The old man Bai Ming nodded with a smile, “Huo Xiaolang’s eyes are very tricky, really I am the only one! There were a lot of them, but my masters, brothers, and disciples were unwilling to be lonely, and went everywhere.”

“Really …” Huo went ill silently, looking at Yun Lang, his eyes somewhat meant to fight.

Yun Lang couldn’t laugh, so it was a little … a little embarrassed, there was only one person’s game, it seemed that it could not be called a game.

However, Yun Lang has always been a person with a good attitude. What about the bureau with only one old man? My brother is here, so there will be no one.

As a great prince of the Han Dynasty, Yun Lang did not find it difficult to conquer the Western Regions, conquer the Huns, and adjust the next dart. My brother, Wenzhi martial arts, each have their own strengths, but how afraid!

Huo went to sick for a while, but it was obviously not suitable for him to show his ambitions.

Seeing this, Yun Lang immediately said, “Thanks to the love of the old man, my brothers and I have entered your dart game. What do you think?”

Huo Gouyi raised his eyebrows, his face was unhappy, and he thought about it, Yun Lang might have his own reasons, so he chose to give up temporarily.

The old man Bai Ming smiled happily, showing big yellow teeth, and quickly said: “This is so good, the old rotten hopeless.”

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