Ouroboros Record ~Circus of Oubeniel~

Chapter 66: Burn, Volden 2 (5)

For many various reasons mentioned earlier, withdrawal was not possible in the current situation. At least, it was unthinkable for Jurgen Bauer.

"At the very least, we need to take down the state capital."

Volden, the capital of the province. The centre of the province, named after the region. The place where the grain paid as taxes and the goods brought by the trade routes must be collected. The supplies that would be there were becoming more and more necessary for the St. Gallen army.

Whether they retreat using the mountains carrying supplies, or consume them while staying here, capturing the capital of the province became a prerequisite.

"A-Attacking the city with the tired army…?"

Bauer’s subordinate finally seemed to realise the gravity of the situation. It really was too late. Bauer had assumed this possibility from the moment he received the report of the burning of their stores, though he tried to consider all the other options.

"The Volden provincial guards are small in number and vulnerable. Even if they are holed up in the castle, as long as we push strongly or…"

As Bauer began speaking, he could feel some kind of rot in his mouth. This was not a strategy any upright general would consider. It was a doomed strategy for those who only thought of troops as mere numbers, without considering their condition. A terrible war of attrition strategy.

However, the impossible blunder of losing their food reserves had already happened. If they do not occupy a base that can hold 40,000 troops, they won't be able to resist the coming reinforcement of the Arquell army. Without supplies, it would be impossible to even return to St. Gallen. Then they would have to fight and win. No matter how horrible and hellish the battle would be.


From the other side of the dusty ash-filled horizon, a cavalryman came galloping.

Bauer squinted with his eyes and took in the expression on the messenger's face.

He was smiling.

"Message! General Bauer, I bear good news! There is a field of wheat that has not been burned yet!"


Even Bauer couldn't believe what he was hearing, then he broke into a smile. There was food. The fields were untouched, and a new source of supply had been found. This news came just as they were losing their reserves, losing their hope of making up for it, and finally preparing for a disastrous war of attrition. It was truly a blessed rain in a drought.

"Is that report accurate?"

Bauer suppressed his impatience and urged for confirmation. The messenger nodded his head so vigorously that it was going to be torn off.

"Yes! The villages that exist on the border between the eastern and western parts of the province are still untouched! In fact, according to those who conducted the reconnaissance, they are harvesting wheat in the western part of the state!"

"Western, huh?"

If you think about it, all the land that was sacrificed in the scorched earth campaign was in the eastern part of the province. In addition to being close to the St. Gallen army's sphere of influence, the terrain was rugged and difficult to defend due to the lack of forts. The western part of the province was where the population of Volden is concentrated. If there was a shortage of food, there was a risk of riots. The Volden provincial guards, which were not only small in number but were also being reduced in numbers, would not be able to suppress this.

Was there a political situation that prevented them from conducting a scorched earth campaign in the western part of the province? Or was the strategy to starve the St. Gallen army that had conquered the east while the Arquell were supporting themselves with wheat in the west?

In any case, there was wheat left in the west, meaning there were supply centres within reach for them. That much was certain.

Bauer gave new instructions to the staff officer beside him.

"Hurry up and regroup the troops to gather food from those villages in the report. After that, we'll go back to our original strategy."

"Yes! Immediately!"

Somehow or another, they could bring the compass back to their original strategy. Food supply could be replenished, troops could get their rest, and then, they could attack the west side of Volden with a strong and revitalised army. That way, they would have enough time to intercept the enemy's reinforcement.

"Hmph. ...... Scorched earth strategy of burning down supplies. I was chilled to the bone seeing that they have adopted these measures, but I guess it’s backfiring for them since they can’t fully accomplish it."

If they were going to do it, then they should have burned the entire western part of the province too. If they had done so, the St. Gallen army would have been completely cut off from supplies and would have had to die of starvation in the middle of their conquest. Though, there would be consequences to face after the war by burning your own land. If that's the case, then they should have thoroughly burned everything, scrape the remaining food on hand, and suppress the starving people by handing out rations. 9 out of 10, it would lead to the collapse of the country, but from another perspective, from 9 deaths, a more advantageous situation could be created. However, by being greedy and leaving the western half intact, they were giving St. Gallen room to strike back.

Victory was possible. Bauer thought to himself. With the disruption to the schedule and the reduced amount of time the soldiers had to rest, the battle against the enemy's reinforcement, which would probably arrive next month, would be tough. However, once the soldiers overcome this predicament, they would harbour greater animosity against the Kingdom of Arquell, and that could raise their morale. Unity can be brought forth and strengthened by the single-minded hatred of the enemy. Considering all the factors, St. Gallen could consider their overall situation as a plus. They have a chance to win.

At the very least, the fool who ordered the scorched earth campaign would definitely not make it out alive.

Bauer hated the Kingdom of Arquell. Bullshit trade, bullshit diplomacy, and now this bullshit war. He was not particularly fond of St. Gallen either. He didn't care about the Heidellechts of Grandenburg, but his homeland, Baharia, was the one that had to struggle and clean up the mess.

Hence, Bauer would collect that debt. General Jurgen Bauer's face was stiff, but his will to fight was boiling hot.

※ ※ ※

"Reporting, Master. Our guests are expected to arrive as scheduled."

"Oh? Then we shall have to vigorously welcome them."

"Also, I see that you have found the surprise gift without issue."

"Hehe, I see. I think they'll be surprised. We've spent a lot of time on it."

"The problem is, if they are satisfied with the gift and just leave—"

"That’s impossible, Margrave Doldran said. The guests will want to take home as many souvenirs as they can, so they'll definitely come here."

"Is that so?. It would be nice if our preparations were not in vain."

"Yeah. It's a pain in the ass, honestly. I just wish for them to go home ...... Those people. Or get the hell out of here, perhaps?"

"I hate to be presumptuous, but I believe this is the critical moment. I think this is an opportunity to sever master's anxieties once and for all."

"Well, true. I know that, but whether or not I'm going to do it is another matter, I guess."

"Then I would like to offer you today's tea so that you can at least regain your energy."

"...... More sugar and milk today, please."

"As you wish, master."

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