Ouroboros Record ~Circus of Oubeniel~

Chapter 70: Battle of Clavicule 1 (2)

But that was not the case for Tullius. If the Royal Army is successful in defeating St. Gallen, he would lose his position as the Lord of Volden. He would be criticised for hiding in a shell and forced to take responsibility for his failure in defending his territory.

In addition, the person behind the reinforcements was the Marquis Lavallee, his irreconcilable political enemy. It was quite possible for Lavallee to use the threat of the army to expel Tullius from Volden.

That was why Tullius had to win the war with his own efforts, no matter what it took. Thus, Tullius had to expend these peasants he deceived.

"The atrocities of the enemy, huh?"

"Yes. St. Gallen is terrible. Not only did they loot and rape, but they also set fire to villages and poisoned the wells."

"Hmm...... The enemy, who should be lacking in food supplies after crossing the mountains, had set fire to the villages? And poisoning the well that their own troops might require? How incomprehensible, Lord Tullius."

"Yes, it's really strange. It would seem that there is more to our kingdom than meets the eye. Don't you think so, Lady Balbastre?"

Tullius knew what she was talking about but obviously did not admit to anything. However, this only strengthened her suspicions.

Because Tullius did not show any anger nor sadness. He spoke of the destruction of his territory and the cruelty inflicted on his people. It should have been natural for him to display such emotions but there was none of those emotions on him. He was so nonchalant, obviously feigning ignorance.

Ignoring the looting and rape, the arson and poisoning was most likely the work of this man. Marquis Lavallee believed he was the real culprit behind the fire in the royal capital. When Tullius was cornered, he might even burn down his own territory.

But she decided not to pursue the matter any further.

"Yeah, totally. .......But thanks to that, you managed to raise an army. Turning misfortune into fortune, eh."

She said, shrugging.

She had no evidence to speak of. All that remained were the burned villages and the claim that the enemy army had spread the fires of war while committing atrocities. If she tried to pursue the matter, she would be blamed for trying to shield the enemy from censure. Rather than making a fuss here, it was more effective to make use of the soldiers' enmity towards St. Gallen. At least way more effective than squabbling internally and benefitting the enemy.

The ashen man, almost blackened, smiled.

"If you call the success of the recruitment turning misfortune into fortune, then it is a blessing in disguise that the Second Order is stationed here. Thanks to that, invasion by St. Gallen was kept in check here........ I really can't thank you enough for your help."

"Not at all. It was an inspection tour made because of the unsettling movements from St. Gallen."

"Ah, if you say so, that makes me feel a lot better."

"I see."


Then they smiled at each other.

What the two of them meant by their conversation was, in essence, a striking of a deal. It was an indication that there were no grudges and that they would cooperate with each other in this situation.

Yes, while they were in this situation.

"...... Well, then, let's move on to the military discussion."

Tullius said, looking around the tent.

Elisha Rosmond Balbastre, Commander of the Second Order.

Alfred Simon Prudemache, the vice-commander.

Due Schwarzer, his military officer.

Victor Delacroix Lorge, his vassal.

The general, Margrave Doldran, the acting military strategist.

And other commander knights of the Volden Guard from the Oubeniel house.


"I’ve kept you waiting, Master."

The person who appeared in the tent while saying this was someone who was out of place in many ways.

A girl in an apron dress with a white brim on her head. A silver collar that shone around her neck. She was both a maid and a slave. Either role would be an unnatural presence in a military camp.

Uni, the 'Silver Wolf'. She was the loyal dog of the ‘Slave-killer’.

"Please forgive me for the delay."

"Not really. We were just about to begin."

The pet owner easily forgave his servant who had prostrated herself.

Her appearance created some stir in the camp.

"To think that you would bring your female slave while we are at war……"

"I've heard rumours, but to think it was real?"

"Don’t tell me the entire generation of men in Oubeniels have been involved with slaves…"

The knights of the garrison were whispering, but intentionally loud enough to be heard. They’ve been vassals of the Oubeniel family and have served this land for many years, but compared to Tullius who was born and raised in the royal capital and only recently started working at Marlan, their ties were weak. It was inevitable that they would frown upon his incomprehensible tendencies.

Furthermore, the person in question seemed to be unperturbed. It was impossible to tell if he had heard or not since he did not respond at all. Instead, he nodded to urge Uni to proceed with something. Uni started to speak.

"I am pleased to report the results of the reconnaissance. The enemy has launched their forces as expected and is marching towards us. They are expected to arrive in the Clavicule Basin by the end of the day."

The female slave's report sent waves of agitation to those who were gathered. If it were Elisha, she would have said, "We're here because we knew the enemy would come, so why are you all panicking now?” However, the knights in attendance were survivors of the defeated armies. A way to describe them would be, remnants of a defeated army or refugees. The enemy that had defeated them splendidly was approaching. Naturally, there would be panic among such soldiers.

One of the knights turned his bloodshot eyes to Uni.

"Slave! I hope you're not lying!"

"Yes, Sir Knight. I am reporting honestly the facts I have seen on the ground. Also, would there be any reason for me to spread falsehood?"

"Damn impertinent slave......"

"Cut it out."

The knight who tried to argue was stopped by Margrave Doldran.

"What reason do you have for your suspicions? Even though she is a slave, she used to be a well-known adventurer. I think I can trust you to be able to assess that much, can't you?"

"Yes sir......."

A knight was worthless compared to a real noble like Margrave Doldran and had no choice but to shut up. The reason why he casted doubts on Uni was probably his prejudice against the slave class. Or perhaps, his fear of the St. Gallen army and thus, disbelief at the report. Either way, it was unlikely he had any legitimate reasons.

Tullius let out a sigh.

"Good grief. Why is there so much commotion for just 1 report?"


The knights under his command all looked down at their new leader.

The answer to this was simple. It would be because the men did not have faith in Tullius. If Tullius had absolute control over them, there would be no commotion at all.

"Let’s continue with the plan. Enemy forces coming from the east are aiming for the provincial capital Volden in the west. And we shall intercept them here at Clavicule. That's the basis of the operation."

"A question, if I may?"

The one who raised his hand to say so was Alfred, a subordinate of Elisha.

"Go ahead...... the vice commander of the Second Order—"

Tullius' paused unnaturally, as if trying to remember his name.

"I am...... Alfred Simon Prudemache."

"That's a long name that might twist tongues, won't it? You may call him Al. I will allow it."

"Wait, Commander!"

Elisha thought she was offering a helping hand, but his subordinate opened his mouth in dismay. She did not say anything further, but the way she tilted her head showed that she did not understand why.

"—Well, Al. Your question please."

"Yes...... Can you tell me why His Excellency the Count intends to destroy the enemy army in the open field instead of defending against their siege?"

"You are saying?"

"Thanks to Your Excellency's efforts, our forces are now over ten thousand, but I have heard that the St. Gallen army has nearly forty thousand men. They outnumber us by more than quadruple or triple. If that is the case, it would be safer to hold out in a siege battle than in a field battle."

Alfred's question was justified. It was only natural that they were inferior in pure numbers, but what was more problematic was their skill level. They were composed of militias that can be equated to random refugees wielding weapons. There was no way they were a match for the St. Gallen army.

Every ten or twenty years, a civil war would erupt between the member states of the Federation, giving the soldiers the experience of war. Although a byproduct of defects in the Federation, the experience of real warfare became a valuable asset for the military. In addition, even the conscripted peasants have fought monsters once or twice in their villages. They should not be considered the same as the people of the Kingdom of Arquell, the most prosperous and peaceful of the four major countries.

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