Out For Karma: Mass Effect

[Book One] Epilogue: Chapter 25: Going home

Chapter 25: Going home


R&R was over but it wasn’t the only thing that was. With Saren and Sovereign gone the mission was complete. It was time for some members of the crew to go back to their lives. 


Wrex was the first to go saying that he had work to do on Tuchanka, his homeworld. Rick had given him the notes on the genophage they stole on Virmire, but gave him a piece of advice.


“The krogans are not ready to be cured. They’re too divided and even if they were not as they are right now, they would just repeat the same mistakes of the rebellions.”


Wrex didn’t say anything to that but agreed. If the krogan wanted to go back to the height of their glory they would need to change, to be more than just battle junkie good only to take hits. He had a lot of work to do and he knew it.


“If you’re ever in a pinch, come see me on Tunchanka, you’ll be welcome.”


While the krogan invited him because he liked the man it also wasn’t a disinterested offer. Rick was a thinker after all. Someone that could come up everyday with amazing and revolutionary ideas. His help would be a blessing to his people.


The second to go was Garrus. With his work with Shepard he got some awards and many promotions at c-sec. However it was time for him to go back on the job. He didn’t leave however without Tali and Rick offering him a customized sniper rifle with a dozen clips and a cooling system. One with both the first reload system and the thermal clip one. It was all black with blue wings from a bird decorating it. The turian loved it and promised to invite them to a drink should they visit the citadel.


Next was Tali. She had bought enough ship parts for the fleet and it didn’t even put a dent in the money she had earned by working with Rick. The middle sized ship she bought however did, just a tiny bit. Rick had insisted so long to call it the Galatea that Tali relented but only after he told her the meaning of the name.


“It means galaxy. I thought it appropriate for the future great empress of the Milky Way to have her very first ship named like that.”


She hugged tight but not too tight because of his ribs and thanked him profusely. She left with other quarians whose pilgrimage was over and were trying to find a way to ship home. They had been dumbfounded multiple times when they learned that she was Tali’Zorah one of the saviors of the Citadel and that her ship wasn’t a gift she received as a thanks but something she bought herself with the money she had earned. They all looked at her with stars in their eyes. That she was the daughter of one of the four admirals of the flotilla didn’t even enter their mind. Before leaving she did extract from Rick the promise to send him his ideas but that she would prefer if it would about ship this time. She likes building things but she was a mechanic at heart after all. When she finally left she was wearing the brown poncho Rick bought her and still had the kissing mark on her visor.


Lastly, of the non-human members of the crew, Liara was the last to leave. Her mother was back to herself enough that they had woken her up a few days ago. The young asari hugged her mother as if her life depended on it and cried tears of joy. They had contacted Tevos and came clean with the situation. The asari councilor had been worried at first but after a lengthy explanation, was relieved that one of the most important matriarchs of her people was back to being herself. Sadly, there would be consequences for Benezia’s actions during her time with Saren. Mindcontrolled or not. The matriarch was more than happy with losing her status as it would allow her to reconnect with her daughter. When it was time to say goodbye to Rick Liara found it too difficult and couldn’t let him go.


“You know, it’s not a goodbye.”

“It isn’t?!”

“No. Why? Do you want to?”


“Good because we still have plenty of old movies to watch. Right now I have things to do but I’ll come visit Thessia in a couple weeks.”




This time she kissed his helmet and pouted when it stayed close, making him laugh. He opened the jaw part and gave her a proper kiss. Before leaving, Benezia a middle size box.


“Could you please give it to her once you’re back home? If I give it to her now she will be insufferable during the whole trip.”

“I’m not! And I won’t!” Liara protested.

“Of course. It’s the least I could do for saving my life, my mind and taking care of my little wing.” Benezia replied with a smile.

“Mother!” Liara screamed both scandalized and embarrassed of being called by her pet name in front of the man she loved.

“Thank you, mommy blue.”

“Mommy blue?” Benezia asked with an eyebrow raised in question.

“Liara will explain.” he answered with a smile and left the two asari alone.


Seeing the sad expression on her daughter’s face, she tried to lighten up her mood by teasing her.


“You’re behaving like a maiden in love.”

“I am a maiden in love!”

“That you are.” Pulling the box under one arm and grabbing Liara with the other she dragged walk toward the ship that would bring them back home.

“Tell me about this mysterious young man that stole your heart.”

“There is so much to tell mother, I wouldn’t know where to begin.”

“Let’s begin with why he called me mommy blue?” she asked, making her daughter laugh.


Ashley woke up to what was now the familiar warmth of Rick’s body. She felt content that morning, like she did every morning since the battle of the Citadel waking up like that, cuddling the man she loved and loved to shag more. She would have been more than content, happy in fact if  shaggin had actually been done. Sadly it was not meant to be with his wounds. That didn’t mean she didn’t take care of him from time to time but just not with sex.


Her contentment didn’t last, remembering that he was leaving today. She knew that this day would come. She had known from her days on Eden Prime that one day, as a member of Alliance military she would have to be reassigned somewhere else and would have to say goodbye to Rick and Analysse. That day happened but not in the way she thought it would. Analysse was gone and now Rick was leaving her too. Feeling a hand gently caressing her back lower back, she sighed in pleasure.


“I’m going to miss this. To miss you.”

“Me too.” she replied.

“You better write.”

“I don’t have much of a choice. You’ll never contact me otherwise.”


She was right on that. As he was not a people person and always busy thinking on something, Rick never wrote to people in general as he didn’t think about them. Sometimes he did and the person in question received a message but that was very rare. Only if you wrote to him would he reply.


“Did you have to be blasted out a wall? I would have like a goodbye fuck.”

A goodbye fuck?” he said skeptically.

“That would have lasted my whole R&R.” she replied with a mischievous smirk.

“I figured… And no, I didn’t have too but I didn’t have much of a choice. I’m still surprised to be alive. Waking up floating around in space was… disorienting to say the least.”


Looking down she saw his morning wood.


“I feel mocked by your cock. It’s all straight, at the ready and I can’t do anything with it.” she said in a petulant way.

“You have my assurance, it isn’t mocking you. In fact he wants nothing more than to be inside of you right now.”

“And we could have been together were it not for its stupid owner!”

“You could say fuck it and leave the alliance to come with me. You’ll be able to play with it all you want.” He suggested grabbing her ass with his roaming hand and pulling her closer to his body.”

“I love you, Lover, but not that much.” She laughed softly.

“Can’t blame me for trying.”

“No, I suppose I can’t.”

“Perhaps it is for the best. I don’t think you will survive if I take my feelings on you every day.” he joked.

“That is a challenge I’m… actually hesitant to face.”


He had completely destroyed her both times during their last R&R. She loved every second of it, despite the pain and soreness afterwards.  She knew however, that she would not be able to take this treatment every day. Part of her would not mind but her body certainly wouldn’t last.


“Come on, let’s take one last shower together.”

“I’m not sure this is a good idea. I don’t think I could stop myself.”

“Actual sex may be off the table but I think you’re well enough for a real sloppy blow job.” she replied as she got up from the bed and went to the bathroom shaking her ass seductively.


Rick just smiled and followed her.



He had said Ashley goodbye when they left the hotel. Each going in another direction. It was better for them that way. It was easier than saying goodbye on the docks. Walking towards the docking bay where he’ll board the ship that would bring him to his destination, he was surprised to see a familiar face waiting for him.


“Leaving without saying goodbye?” Shepard inquired with a cheeky grin on her face.

“I did say goodbye…”

“Not to me.”

“To the people important to me.”


That jab at her didn’t remove the smile on her face.


“I know you like and care for me.”

“If you say so.”

“I do.”

“Then bye.” he said and tried to walk past her. Tried being the operative word.


Shepard blocked his way and in a flash hugged him lightly. She felt his body tense, hard and thought that maybe she shouldn’t have. Letting him go she raised her head to look at him properly.


“One day, I’ll make you admit it out loud.”

“It’s good to have dreams. It’s better to have realistic ones.”

“Mark my words, one day.”

“I’ll take your words seriously when you're that tall, shorty.” He said, raising his hand above her head to indicate a height.

“When you can properly look at me without unscrewing your head by looking up .”

“Or I could just bring you down to my level.”

“That would be low.”

“That’s the point.”


He sighed in defeat, having lost that exchange.


“I’m surprised you’re not asking me to stay.”

“You have your own life, besides why would I? You’re the worst to work with.”

“First of all I’m the best and you know it. Second, because without me, you can’t do anything right.”

“That’s not true.” she said calmly with a frown on his face this time.

“You’re on your own for three days, and you you make up stupid suicidal plans, like dropping the mako on a twenty meter long landing strip, driving through a prothean ancient city like a mad woman, and use a prothean prototype of a Mass Relay to crash on a building of the Citadel. Do I need to say more? Your ability to research for the mission you undertake is a joke and your decision making leaves a lot to be desired. Now, tell me again how you can do something right without me?”


In some way, he was right.


“The mission to Ilos was a success! And I can do all those things by myself!” She replied in anger without any heat in her words. She was more embarrassed than anything.

“Right.” Rick said, not convinced.

“Think what you want!”

“Didn’t wait for you to do that. Anyway, take care of yourself.” he said as he got around her and walked toward the ship taking him home. 


Shepard was about to say the same thing to him when he turned around and spoke once again.


“Just so you know, I wasn’t referring to you using that huge dildo of yours!” He said quite loudly so everyone around could hear.

“FUCK OFF!” she screamed, her face as red as her hair. Was it out of anger or embarrassment? Probably both.


Following her command he turned his back to her and left.



It has been a very long day for her and she was tired. Managing an empire no matter how small, was not something easy, especially when half the people around her wanted to take her place and the other to suck it up to her. The former she dealt with properly as any ruler should, the latter she had to endure.


She was tired and that’s why when she reached the door to her quarters above her nightclub and saw it wasn’t locked she didn’t call for her men. She pulled out her own gun and was ready to vent her frustration on the poor bastard that had infiltrated her home, herself. Slowly and silently, she opened the door and got inside with her senses in high alert. After getting through the entrance and reaching the living room, her nose was attacked by a faint nostalgic smell. Looking around the table she saw a plate under a bell, probably to keep the food inside warm. Walking slowly towards the table she lifted the bell and the smell assaulted her full force. She recognized the dish. A human one. A well done steak with mashed potatoes. Still on her guards, she tried to squash down the hope that was soaring in her heart. Moving past the table she walked towards the back of the couch facing the gigantic holo-screen on the opposite wall. She saw a familiar helmet resting on the coffee table. Reaching her destination she looked down to see a familiar blond man sleeping. A man who had still been a boy the last time she saw him. Now? He was a lot taller and bulkier. If their relationship was different she’d say he was a hunk but it wasn’t. Sheathing her gun, she extended her hand to let her fingers run through his hair. With a small happy smile gracing her lips, one she would deny ever having and even kill anyone for saying otherwise, she said a few words.


“Welcome back to Omega, Rick.”


After seven years, Aria T’loak’s son was home.

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