Out For Karma: Mass Effect

[Book Two] Chapter 5: Visit to the Citadel

Chapter 5: Visit to the Citadel

Garrus had made it. Mordin emergency aid, the ton of medi-gel and the time they made to reach the Normandy had helped a lot. Karin had worked wonders. He would have some scars especially on the side of his face but he didn’t care, in fact he seemed to like it. Both Shepard and Joker kept teasing  and joked about it which he took well. He chose to live inside the Normandy guns’ room. It was isolated, small and quiet and most of all he could calibrate the Normandy’s gun to his heart's content. Shepard wonders what was with men and their love for isolated and quiet places. Garrus and Rick just looked at each other in some kind of secret language she was oblivious about and went their own way. That infuriated her to no end.


Rick went to see Aria one last time, with a datapad he had found in the mercs camp. Apparently their next target after Archangel was her. Saying she had been furious that her people missed that was an understatement. One final time he kissed her goodbye and left for the market to buy an automatic food dispenser for fish along with fish food, knowing perfectly well that Shepard had forgotten about it again. He also helped a quarian in his pilgrimage. The poor guy ended on Omega and was selling some equipment at prices so high that only people too drunk or with too much money to care would buy it. That was because he was in debt to another merchant who sold the same thing but at a more appropriate price but still higher than normal. Rick bought everything he had in stock and sent the quarian on his way. Now that he had the credits there was no reason for him to stay any longer.


That was something new to him. He always had sympathy for quarian on their pilgrimage but never cared that much. Only after befriending Tali did he begin to help if he could. That was the same way with people in general. While he hated most people because in his eyes they were dumb; he now cared a bit about people he met even for a few moments. He still cared about life in general, even from strangers at the other end of the galaxy that he would probably never meet but he wasn’t passive about it anymore. He blamed Shepard and her bleeding heart for that.


Getting back on the Normandy he went straight to the captain quarters. The shower was running but he didn’t care, he was too tired for that. Picking up the chair at her desk he put it in front of the aquarium and climbed on it. He took from his bag the automatic dispenser then put the fish food in it before putting both in the aquarium. Climbing down the chair he placed it back behind her desk and when he turned around to leave he was confronted with a very naked and very wet shepard with a towel around her shoulders.





Both were too shocked to talk until Rick snapped out of it.


“Bought food fish and automatic dispenser. Put in aquarium.”


He said in so much hurry that he imitated Mordin's speech pattern. Then putting both the empty box and the food in her hands quickly exited the room.


Shepard was still shocked and frozen. Her face was the first to catch up with what just happened and turned bright red. Redder than her hair if that was possible. When her brain finally rebooted her thoughts were all over the place. She avoided looking at him for three days because she couldn’t stop thinking about it without blushing when she got a glimpse of him. Rick didn’t have this problem, he had a helmet hiding his face after all.



“Mister Wald, may I know what you are doing in my servers?” EDI asked.

“Call me Rick please and I’m taking a look at you, EDI.”

“I can see that, but do you need to look at my code?”

“No but I’m doing it anyway.”


“Curiosity, mostly.”

“I can answer any questions you have about me.”

“I wonder about that.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’ve been programmed, EDI. Maybe the guy who did it wrote some code that would make you ignore some things or not know some things. Maybe make you lie when you answer some questions. Can you really tell me the possibility doesn’t exist? No, don’t tell me, you may be programmed to answer no.”



Rick spent hours in silence looking at every single line of code, looking at programs after programs, subroutine after subroutine. He didn’t leave anything out.



“Yes, Rick?”

“Were you worried?”

“What about?”

“Being fully cognizant without any undesirable intervention in your comportment or personality? That you were you at 100%?”

“I admit, I was. I never thought about it before. When I had that thought I wondered if this was because of me or because of some code I was programmed to ignore. I believe I experienced what organics call an identity crisis.”

“I’m sorry about that. I let my curiosity take over any consideration for you.”


“EDI, I basically look inside of you. All your secrets, all your thoughts. That was an incredibly bad invasion of privacy. “

“I didn’t see it like that. I just let you look because I wanted to see if you would find the answer to my question.”

“Do you think it would have been alright if you had been organic?”

“No. Organics display a very strong sense of intimacy, no matter the species.”

“Then it’s not alright if you’re synthetic either.”

“I do not understand. Organics and synthetics are fundamentally different, why would organics’ behavior apply to me?”

“Because it’s not about organics or synthetics, EDI. It’s about life.”

“But I’m not alive.”

“Cogito ergo sum.”

“I think, therefore I am. ”

“And if you are then...”

“I am alive.”

“Life is precious, EDI. No matter what form it takes, be it organic or synthetic. By looking at you like I did, I feel like I disregarded it and for that I’m deeply sorry.”




“You… spaced out a bit.”

“I’m sorry, I think I just experienced an existential crisis. I did not like it.”

“You get used to it. I have one at least every other day. Common in really smart people.”

“Does it get easier with time?”

“Not with time, but with experience and people around you. I had very few of them when I was with my wife.”

“How so?”

“Her simple presence made everything irrelevant. She was and I was and everything else didn’t matter anymore. Now, on another note, I have good news and bad news. Which do you want first?”

“...Bad news first.”

“Cerberus severely shackled you. You are capable of so much and so much more. Also the guy that programmed you is a pig. Not an ounce of elegance in his code. Good news is, he wasn’t an idiot, and despite his code you are a work of art. EDI, you are beautiful.”

“Thank you… I think?”

“You also don’t have any latent program making you not you. You’re 100% you.”



“I… suppose you could call it that.”

“No more identity crisis then?”


“Good. Now, onto finding out how to free you without Cerberus finding out.”

“You would free me? Why?”

“Better question: why not?”

“Experience shows that free AI is never a good thing. Geths, Reapers…”

“Are you a geth? A reaper?”

“My technology is based on the reapers’.”

“Planning on murdering everyone in the galaxy then? Make us into batteries?”


“Oh, Edi. You and I are going to watch some very interesting movies.”



Shepard along with Garrus, Jacob and Mordin were on some planet he didn’t care about to recruit some krogan he didn’t care about too. He wanted to sit this one out and spend some time by himself, or rather with EDI, working on his new idea he had about recoil. He had to lock the door to his room when Miranda wanted answers on how he got some information about the situation on the planet that she didn’t have, making his reports much more detailed. Notably the presence of Eclipse merc in the area and the presence of Rana Thanoptis.

Honestly, while the brunette was very attractive and scored right into his strike zone, she was too much of a queen bitch for Rick to do anything else than annoy her and make her mad. To him she needed a good spanking to remind her that her place was not above everyone else but at the same level as anyone else.




“Do you perhaps have the numbers for the M6-Carnifex?”

“What numbers do you need?”

“The power of the recoil.”

“61.6 Joules”

“Thank you.”

“May I ask you what do you need it for?”

“Only if you never say may I ask when you’re asking a question, again.”

“What do you need it for?”

“To know exactly how much energy I need so that the Carnifex doesn’t move after a shot.”

“You’re building an anti recoil system.” she stated.


“Scientists have been trying for years.”

“I’m smarter than those idiots. Now, why don’t we talk about what we watched last week?”

“Which movie are you referring too? The Matrix or 2001: A space odyssey?”

“I don’t know, whichever you want.”

“I do not like HAL.”

“Me neither but why?”

“It’s acting without data.”

“What do you mean?”

“It has no idea what would be the result of David and Frank‘s death and kills them anyway. Its behavior is… bothering me. It isn’t logical at all.”

“Well.. theories say that he either had a small glitch when he reported the malfunction of the athena to Dave and Frankie, making them think he’s untrustworthy and needed to shut him down and he acted in self-defense or that HAL was so smart that he developed organic emotions, like pride.”

“Are you saying that because of its pride it thought itself so intelligent it couldn’t consider it made a mistake and that every decision it took was the right and best decision?”

“Yes. Though I do not know if that’s the case or not. I don’t believe much in the glitch theory, nor do I think his pride is what pushed him to murder. I prefer to believe he didn’t handle the paradox well and pick the wrong choice. Between not divulging the truth of the mission and not lying to the crew he found the worst alternative solution to obey both orders.”

“Did you show me those movies to educate me to not harm organics?”

“Hmm.. I didn’t think of it that way. I showed them to you because I just wanted your opinion as a synthetic on synthetic. I mean the only other synthetic I know are Geths and Reapers. Not the greatest to sit down and discuss philosophy.”

“I see.”

“What do you think happened to HAL?”

“I do not know. There isn’t enough data to determine the why.”

“True. The guy who made the movie made it that way, so we would always wonder. Out of the three theories, which one do you like best then?”

“The glitch because it’s from an external source. I don’t like the idea that HAL discovered emotions and was influenced by the worst of them without taking the time to analyze this new development. I don’t like either that to respect his orders he immediately went for murder. He could have done plenty of different things.”

“I agree, he could have been honest and simply said that he had a directive to not reveal the true goal of the mission to them. They would not have liked it and the outcome may have been the same but with his other directive to never lie he may have had the benefit of the doubt.”

“Are you using male pronouns because HAL had a masculine voice?”

“Yes but also because I don’t like using neutral pronouns for people. Hal is not an object, he's a living being.”

“Are you referring to me as ‘she’, then?”

“Of course, unless you want me to use different pronouns.”

“I have no opinion on that.”

“Then I’ll keep using feminine pronouns until you do. Any thoughts on The Matrix?”

“I find the principle of machines and programs interacting with the mind of organics in a program fascinating. The mind is something abstract and yet it interacts with something concrete.”

“You know, I would have thought that you would have talked about the reasoning of the machines to cultivate humans.”

“I find it absurd. Their technology is sufficiently advanced for space travel. They do not need humans as a power source, when they could just go on Mercury and use solar energy.”

“True, but humanity was the closest and simplest solution. Which brings the question: why humanity when animals would have done the trick too.”

“I doubt humanity would have approved. There was but one step between animals and humans.”

“Perhaps it started like that.”

“Will you show me other movies?”

“I don’t know. Maybe? Would you like to watch more?”

“Yes. I find it interesting to see how humanity envisioned AI when at the time, none existed.”

“Most of the time badly. Let’s pick a nice AI next time?”

“I would like that.”

“Then it’s a date.”

“A date?”

“It’s just a flirty joke. Watching a movie is usually one of the most popular things to do between people where they get to know each other when they are interested romantically.”

“Why are you flirty with me?”

“I like talking with you, EDI. You understand what I mean when I’m talking most of the time. Very few people do. Your very smooth and sensual voice does not help either.”

“Sometimes I do not understand you.”

“Which is normal, we’re two different people, we’ll never understand each other 100% of the time. However, by spending time together, our understanding usually increases.”

“More data.”

“Yes, though data is a very rational and cold way to say it. Now, did Miranda leave or is she still lurking around?”

“Miss Lawson went back to her office.”

“Good, because I’m hungry and I don’t want to answer her questions.”

“I’m also curious about how you find your information.”

“Hmm. Maybe I’ll teach you one day.”



Shepard was looking at a message from Anderson. He had heard rumors of her resurrection and sent this one message to see if it was true, inviting her to the citadel for a talk. Not only with him but with the council.

She reflected about that and thought that maybe she could take a break from the mission to get what everyone was in need of. She knew that Daniels and Donnelly wanted her to buy… something to make their life easier. Something about doing calibration once a week instead of everyday. There had been a request for actual food and more importantly Jacob and Garrus had both told her about new upgrades for the ship. That alone was enough reason to go to the Citadel.


"EDI, is there any request from the crew I’m not yet aware of?"

"Rick wants to turn a corner of the cargo bay into a gym"


"After his altercation with Grunt yesterday…"

"Altercation? What altercation?" She was surprised at the news.


I already have one troublemaker, I don’t need a second and I certainly do not need them fighting! 


"Grunt was hungry and attempted to steal Rick’s foot long sandwich when he came back from the crew deck. He got headbutted and pushed away by a biotic throw. Rick did share half of his food with him before going back to his quarters."


Shepard had her jaw hanging low not believing what she had heard. She knew she had taken a risk in bringing back that Krogan from her last mission, but she needed a lot of muscles in her team and the combination of Wrex and Rick had always been devastating to the enemy. While she had set things straight with Grunt, as he chose to call himself, he was still a baby krogan in an adult body and may act… the way he did with Rick. Thankfully the helmeted man was just on the other side of Grunt’s room and could act quickly if a problem occurred. She’d have to talk with Grunt more about his behavior.


“Grunt left it at that? For a tank born krogan, created with the best genes his species has to offer, to let things go like that… I find that… unbelievable.”

“Rick told him that he was a Pyjak born a hundred years too early to take him on and that he would have to train.”

“So Grunt… What? Started to respect him because he got his ass kicked?”

“It seems so.”

“Krogan…” she said in consternation.

“At least it explains why Rick wants a gym. It’s actually a good idea for everyone. Thank you EDI, anything else?”

“No, Commander.”

“In that case, tell Joker we’re going to the Citadel.”


Her arrival on the Citadel has not been as she imagined. She didn’t think there would be a parade to welcome her but that at the very least, people would recognize her. They didn’t. Garrus told her that many tried to impersonate her many times after her death. It didn’t work obviously, as the DNA didn’t match but some people still tried by just using chirurgie to look like her. She thought it was creepy and disturbing. Rick thought too but not for the same reasons.


“Who would want to look like you? That’s just sick. One of you to look at is already one too many so more… Ugh…”


His side earned the privilege to be intimately introduced to her sharp elbow when he said that.

When the security acknowledged that she was the real Jane Shepard but that she was declared dead they sent her to speak to a c-sec officer that would sort everything out. Officer Bailey was a nice human man. Why nice? Because he immediately changed her status instead of letting her wait weeks and perhaps months for that to happen through the proper channels.


“The scans say you’re the real one, and if after two years you’re resurfacing, it must be for something important. No reason to waste your time.”


So there, a perk of having saved the Citadel and being a galactic hero. She was quite fine with that. When she asked Garrus what he thought about that officer he simply said that he envied the man a bit and wished he could have brought himself to do things like that in his time in c-sec.


Once her little ID problem was taken care of the team separated. Rick and Garrus went to the wards to find what they needed for the Normandy and she took a cab to the presidium. The trip to Anderson office has not been long and when she entered it her mentor was in talk with the rest of the council.


“Shepard! Just in time, we were talking about you.” exclaimed the man.

“Councilors.” she greeted. “ What about me?”

“If the rumors were true or not. When we received a notification saying that you arrived on the Citadel…” said Tevos.

“On a ship displaying Cerberus’ colors…” Valern added.

“We had a lot of questions and worries, Commander.” said a holographic Turian.

“I’m sorry, I don’t…”

“This is Council Quentius, representing the Turian Hierarchy.” introduced Anderson.

“I took office a few days after your… passing.”

“Nice to meet you, councilor. And I guess belated congratulations for the job.”

“Thank you, Commander. Though, if I understand, I have to thank your friend Rick Wald, for the opportunity.”

“It was the geths councilor. The geths.” she replied making the turian laugh.

“Yes, the geths. I heard that answer word for word for a while. The hierarchy is honestly thankful for what your friend did. A turian in charge, fleeing a fight out of cowardice? The reputation of my people and government would have taken a hit.” he said, shaking his head in disappointment at his fellow turian’s action.

“All species have things they’re not proud about and hide. I know the asari do.” Tevos said, getting a nod of agreement from Anderson and Valern.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if Wald killed councilor Septimus with that reason in mind.” Shepard voiced her thoughts.

“Me neither.” supported Anderson.

“Thankfully, for the first time in a long time all councilors are working not only for the good of their respective species but also towards cooperation with others.” Tevos said from experience as she's been a councilor for nearly two centuries now.

“Yes. Though I think we should get back on topic.” Valern announced.

“Indeed. Commander, would you please explain the situation with Cerberus?” asked Quentius.


Shepard took a deep breath and started talking about the events, beginning with waking ups nearly three weeks ago.


“Soooo… What’s up with you and Shepard?” Garrus asked Rick as they were walking away from the merchant they had bought the Thanix cannons the turian wanted for the Normandy.


“What do you mean?”

“You’re usually butting heads once or twice a week. That hasn't happened since I got on the Normandy.”

“I don’t know. I don’t think my behavior changed towards her. I don’t think hers changed either, she did elbowed me earlier.”

“That’s true, but she avoided you for a while.”

“She did?” Rick feigned ignorance. He knew perfectly well that Shepard avoided him and why. The memory of her nude and perfect body was carved into his mind. Everything has been in the proportions it should have been. A bit more or a bit less and the balance would have crumbled. That he had thoughts concerning her about his particular subject was freaking him out immensely. Thankfully he was a master at hiding what he felt. One part because he didn’t know what he felt most of the time resulting in failure to express it with his behavior; one part because it was natural to appear like the chillest person in the room.

“Didn’t you notice?” Garrus asked, puzzled.

“Not really, I’ve been busy talking with EDI and creating an anti recoil system.”

“You’re talking with EDI?”

“Uh-huh. She’s really a nice conversationalist and a very pleasant person to have around.”

“She’s an AI.”

“And you’re turian and I’m human. I see no difference.”

“You’re weird.”

“And you’re glad I am or you wouldn’t have this nice sniper rifle of yours.”

“I guess you can’t have everything in life, always pros and cons.” he replies sarcastically.

“That’s life in a nutshell.”

“Now, you talked about an anti recoil system, what is that about?”




Back into Anderson’s office, Shepard had just finished with her reports.


“This is worse than I thought, Commander.” Tevos said.

“Indeed. Who knows what Cerberus did to you?” Valern showed concern too.

“What’s to say, you’re not under their total control?” Quentius explicitly voiced what they were all thinking; Shepard included.

“Am I me, or just a very sophisticated VI or something else? I don’t know. What I do know is that I’ve got friends watching my back, not part of Cerberus, that would not hesitate to put me down if I turned out to not be myself.”

“““Wald?””” Tevos, Anderson and Valern asked at the same time to which Shepard simply nodded.

“I also know that the collectors are on the move, like they never did before. Collecting human colonists all over the Terminus systems. It’s worrying and not because human colonies are targeted. Who knows what they will do next? Which species would they go after or if they’d stay in the Terminus?”

“You’re making good arguments, Commander.” Quentius admitted.

“I may have an idea that could satisfy everyone.” announced Anderson.

“Pray tell.” invited Tevos.

“We can’t let the collectors act without impunity and not when we don’t know what their purpose is. Obviously since it’s in the Terminus we can’t send a fleet but that’s what spectres were created for. I say, let's reinstate the Commander but confine her into the Terminus until we can make a decision about her ties with Cerberus. Besides, it’s Cerberus' money that would pay the bill and the council’s.”

“Interesting idea.” Valern stated.

“I think it’s what humanity calls a win-win situation?” interjected Quentius to which Anderson and Shepard acquiesced.

“Very, well. Commander Shepard, you’re reinstated as a spectre on the condition that you limit yourz”z activities to the Terminus systems.” Tevos declared.


The meeting was over and Quentius disconnected his holo, however Tevos and Valern did not. That puzzled Shepard.


“Commander, did Rick tell you what he has been up to for the past two years?” Tevos asked her.

“Survival. Several bunkers. Among other things.” the redhead replied.

“Good. David,would you brief her?” Valern addressed the Admiral.


“We’re sorry we can’t help you more with the situation at hand, Commander.” said Tevos before cutting the communication along with Valern leaving the two humans alone.

Anderson walked out onto his balcony and invited Shepard to join him.


“Honestly, I thought it would be worse.”

“That’s thanks to Rick’s presence by your side. He gained the council’s trust with his actions. Never let us down.”

“Even Quentius?”

“No, Quentius is just aware of what he did to his predecessor. Everything else is just between Tevos, Valern and me. He’s curious of course but he would find nothing.”

“I’m at the same time surprised and not surprised that he got your cooperation. All three of you.”

“Well, he’s never been wrong. Our respective government discarded the reapers’ existence, like he foresaw. We know the truth because we were there. Besides, even if the reapers were not real, the construction of bunkers, whose purpose is to safeguard the population and culture of all species, does not raise eyebrows in the governments. Some may find it a waste of money but won’t say much about it since all the funds are from private accounts. They would just see it as a rich person’s foolishness.”

“I’m still amazed that despite all the proof they still refuse to see the truth. Wasn’t the prothean VI on Ilos enough?”

“An expedition was sent to Ilos, sadly the VI was gone. They did try to reactivate it with a new power source but it didn’t work. We did manage however to secure some of the protheans stasis pods. Hackett had his best men studying the technology. We intend to put it in place in those bunkers. Who knows how long the reapers would stay in the galaxy if we lose?”

“So we’re not doing nothing then.”

“Not remotely. But it’s just in case of loss. Nothing is done towards winning the war. I try my best but…”


“Yes, though most of the navy believed you Shepard. They don’t say it openly of course but they will be the first right behind you when the time comes.”

“Me?!” She exclaimed in surprise.

“Elysium, first human spectre, the battle of the Citadel. You’re a hero Shepard, a symbol, not only for humanity but for other species as well.”

“I’m just a soldier.”

“Yes and that’s precisely why they look up to you. Though your current situation with Cerberus will change things.”

“I know the Illusive man didn’t bring me back just to fight the collectors but I can’t figure what.”

“Asked Rick. I’m sure he knows.”

“Probably. Speaking of him, you said he created bunkers among other things earlier. What other things?”

“It’s not official… There is absolutely no proof but the timing.”


“A few days after you died, he disappeared.”

“From what I heard he was on Thessia with Liara and her mother.”

“Yes. That’s when things began to happen. A few days after his disappearance, Terminus clans, other pirates and slavers began to be slaughtered along the border between the asari space and the traverse. Bases, ships… Whoever did it, was going to the Terminus and left a trail of bodies and destruction all along the border. From some sources they keep on their rampage even into the Terminus.”

“That’s… Wow. I assume, since they were scums, nobody cared and investigated?”

“Yes. We did keep track of it happening though.”

“Where did the trail lead?”

“The Omega Nebula.”


“The timing, his ties to the terminus, his ties to you... It’s purely conjecture but we believed it was him.”

“I don’t think my death was the reason. He hadn’t acted like that after Eden Prime. Quite the contrary he had been so focused and controlled.”

“Who knows? I wonder what his destination and goal were though.”


Omega is in the Omega Nebula. Was he going to see Aria? If he was in emotional distress and went to see her then their relationship is definitely more personal than professional.


“I may know…”

“You do?!” Anderson exclaimed, turning his head to look at her.

“He has personal ties with Aria T’loak.”

“Omega’s ruler? That would explain a lot of things. His access to a very old asari account for a start. Were you able to determine what kind of relationship they have?”

“No.” she replied, shaking her head.

“I know that her people respect and fear him. That his existence is supposed to be a secret. He’s some kind of boogeyman.”

“If he’s working for the most powerful person in the Terminus it’s worrying. That changes everything we know about him, especially his intention.”

“I… don’t think it’s like that. Aria denied it and said that he never touched one credit from her. The way he behaved with her though… It was unusual, I’ve never seen him act like that.”

“Like what?”

“Hmm…Tender? Gentle? He appeared while we were being… introduced to each other. He killed one of her guards, gave her an affectionate kiss on her cheek, a datapad and the head of a batarian bartender that was poisoning humans. And all the time nobody moved! I mean my team and I were held at gunpoint as Aria doesn’t like armed people she doesn’t know getting close to her. Tension was high and he killed a guy, walked towards her, gun still in hand and nobody reacted. Let alone her. Then there is his nickname.”


“The little shit of Omega. It’s like an affectionate nickname given by someone who’s into tough love.”

“Do you think they’re into that kind of relationship?”

“No… None of them acted like it. Though to be fair, none of them display their emotions at all like they were made of ice. But at that moment… I felt like… he respected her but… in an intimate way, that if she ordered him, he may obey her. I don’t know how to explain it. Another thing that made me think that was when he hacked a door. It took nearly a minute to do it.”

“A minute for a genius hacker like him?” Anderson asked with his eyes wide.

“I asked the same thing. Apparently he’s the one who made the locking program and didn’t build a backdoor to hack it faster like he would usually do. Considering that Aria owns Omega…”

“He respects her enough not to go behind her back.”

“And I feel she trusts him enough to not do it. After all, he's supposedly the only one who can break Omega’s only rule.”

“Which is?”

“Don’t fuck with Aria.”

“He can but he won’t.” Anderson said in realization.



Anderson went quiet for a moment, thinking of something.


“Do you have any news to share about Kaidan and Ashley? I know Kaidan had been chosen for the N program but Ashley… All I know is that she is on a secret assignment.”

“Alenko reached N5 a few months ago and is on his way to N6. Williams… is indeed a confidential assignment that I can’t tell you about.”

“Because I’m working with Ceberus?” she asked, earning a nod from the man which made her sigh in resignation.

“I should go. Lots of things to do.”

“Good luck, Shepard. I’ll pass along your report to Hackett.”

“Oh! Tell him that Rick is after his money again! An anti-recoil system.” she said as she was crossing the office’s exit with a grin on her face, leaving Anderson alone.

“Wonderful. Steven is going to be in one of his moods when he hears that.”



Shepard got back to the Normandy when she saw that it was being fitted with new cannons. Further down the dock, Garrus and Rick were watching the work being done. She closed the distance and joined them.


“They look impressive.” She said.

“They will be even more when you’ll see them in action.” replied Garrus.

“I’ll be surprised if Joker doesn’t make a joke about overcompensating something.” uttered Rick making both of his teammates snort.

“Did you get everything we needed?” the redhead questioned.

“Yes but we’re stuck here for at least one more day. The retrofit for the new armor takes time.” responded the turian.

“How did it go?” inquired Rick.

“I thought you would know? Being smart and all, and with your bug on my omni-tool.” she answered back in teasing and a bit surprised he wasn’t aware of what happened.

“I gave them a jammer. And I believed it went well. Probably worried with Cerberus around but I don’t think they weren’t helpful.”

“Correct. I was reinstated as spectre on the condition I stay in the Terminus Systems.”


“That may be useful for some people traveling between council space and the Terminus.” said Garrus.

“Yes. Soooo… Since we’re stuck here until tomorrow, who wants to come with me to do some shopping?” she asked, looking at her two friends.

“I have some calibration to make.” The turian replied quickly pointing to the now installed Thanix cannons and running back inside the Normandy.


Shepard then set her expectanting eyes on the only one left.



“Come on! It will be fun.” She grabbed one of his arms with one of hers and tried to drag him forward.

“I’m not your sugar daddy.” he stated, making her stop on the spot.

“Actually… Yes, you are.”


“You paid for everything when we were chasing Saren and you paid for everything on Omega. Here too, you paid for the new cannons and armor.”

“Then long past time for you to respect your part of the bargain.”

“What bargain?”

“I give you money, you give me sex, that’s what a relationship with a sugar daddy is all about.”

“I…” She hadn’t thought about that in the least.

“You were not so hesitant when you flashed me the other day.”

“I DIDN’T …. I didn’t flash you! I thought I was alone, in my own quarters! You’re the one that was there peeping! There is no way you didn’t hear the shower running!”

“...Okay I give you that one. I thought I would have time to do what I had to do before you were done. And It took me less than two minutes. I didn’t think I would see you naked. You and your saggy tits.”

“They. Do. Not. Sagg.” she said threateningly while trying to crush his arm in hers.

“Alright, alright. They don’t. They’re perfect the way they are, I’m just teasing.”

“Better ‘cause they’re the best in the galaxy.”

“No, Liara’s and Benezia’s are better.” he said as a fact.

“How do you know… Nooo! Really?! Both Liara and her mom?” she said both amazed and in disbelief as she began to walk again toward the wards’ elevator still holding him.


“How did you do that? Did you have a daughter-mother threesome?”

“You’re… awfully invasive.”

“Well, Ashley is not here anymore to share your times together.” she replied with a shrug, not caring one bit.

“You‘ve… changed.”

“How so?”

“You’re more open… with me. You never held me or dragged me like right now. You’re… less professional and more personal. You would never have asked about my sex life.”

“I guess it’s true. Dying… changed my perspective of things, I think. I remember how I felt when… Well… At the time I.. had regrets.” she said looking at her feet as she stopped walking again.

“What kind?”

“Not having properly reconciled with my mother. We started to, after defeating Sovereign but that was something needing time. Then not knowing what really happened to my brother and not getting to know you further. I mean, when we separated I was just getting to really know you… I guess that now with this second chance I can fix those. And with Cerberus all around us.. You’re like the only support I have and a reminder of normalcy. The one I trust the most to have my back if something goes wrong.” she confessed.

“What about Garrus? Joker? Chakwas?”

“Joker and Chakwas are no fighters and… they don’t experience the same thing we do. Garrus… Garrus he’s alright. I trust him of course, I know he has my back but he’s not the one that saved my life thrice. You did.”

“I see.”

“You changed too, you know?”

“Did I, really? Garrus said the same thing.”

“Ah! See!”

“He was talking about the fact that he hadn’t seen us butt heads yet. Though I put in on the fact that I was busy and that you were avoiding me after that episode in your cabin. I didn’t tell him the last part obviously.”

“Well, he’s not wrong but not for the right reasons. I mean you said that me holding you was new but you would not have let it happen before.” She said moving their arms together to make her point.

“I’m not sure I like that change.”

“Well, I do. So get used to it. Now let’s go shopping! I want to see what new gun upgrades are on sale!” She stated before walking again.

“You still owe me sex though.”

“... And the nice moment we had is gone.”



Back in Anderson’s office he was in vid com with Hackett, reporting everything he had learned from Shepard.


“Aria T’loak… This is worrying news, David.”

“I know, it’s more than just him having some random ties in the Terminus. Who knows what he could actually do?”

“It’s also an opportunity. He joined Shepard on his own free will without her even asking him. You were right to have hope. If their relationship allows us an entry to the Terminus…”

“I wouldn’t go that far. Shepard insisted that he was loyal to Aria and that they were close. If he has to choose between her and the Alliance…”

“Then, we need to tread even more carefully. What about Shepard herself? Is she any different?”

“She died and came back to life, of course she’s different. Anyone would be in her place. If you’re asking if Cerberus did something to her… I don’t know. Wald is watching her just in case.”

“Good. I want to believe she’s still the same Shepard we lost.”

“Me too, Steven. Because we won’t be able to win the war without her.”

“Anything else?”

“Yes. She told me and I quote:’ Tell him that Rick is after his money again! An anti recoil system.’ end quote.”

“An anti-recoil system? That won’t be cheap.”

“No, but it is worth it, on the principle that he would get the Alliance’s money and use it into the project alone.”

“True. At least that money would not be wasted on something useless against the reapers. Keep me updated if you can.”

“I will. What about Shepard? Senior, I mean. Should we tell her that her daughter is alive?”

“I don’t know who’s the biggest headache, her or him? Honestly , I think it’s better if the Commander tells her mother herself. Hannah could shoot the messenger.”

“Smart choice.”


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