Out for Karma: One Piece

Chapter 39: Snake? Snake?! SNAKE!!!


The crew spent a good part of the night partying as per Luffy’s wishes. His thoughts were that a celebration was needed for the start of a new adventure. Zoro and Sanji were tasked with making a huge bonfire. Usopp and Rick, the hunt for food, the shark Sanji cooked was good but it wouldn’t have been a proper party without meat. Robin came back from the shore with a big rock which apparently contained salt. She was not for it at first, she rightfully noted that a big bonfire would alert the enemy of their position. She changed her mind after Usopp and Luffy ‘explained’ to her that making a campfire on a camping night was the way of life, even if they had to die. At least it’s the official version. The truth of the matter was that Rick told her that he would be on guard duty all night and that she had nothing to worry about. That quelled Nami’s fears, wild beasts lived in the forest after all.


“Let’s get this party started!!!!” Yelled Luffy.


And it did. Everyone was having fun around the bonfire. Almost every crew member was dancing around, including the cloud wolves that somehow the Strawhats captain had tamed, with the exception of Zoro who was nursing a drink and Robin and Rick who were having fun watching the others’ antics.


“Not so much for dancing?” he asked.

“No. What about you?” she answered back.

“I’d rather get caught by the marines than to be seen dancing.” he joked.

“You’re that bad?” she said with a smirk.

“No… I’m worse.” he smirked back.

“Haha. There is probably nobody else that would dare make so much noise in Ener’s home.”


The voice came from behind them. When they turned around to know whose the owner was, they saw Gan Fall slowly walking towards them.


“You’re awake, Should you not be resting?” asked Robin.

“I’m quite fine, thank you. I’m just sorry to cause you so much trouble when I wanted to be helpful.” said the old knight.

“What do you mean? You helped enough, thank you.” stated Zoro.

“Hungry? We have plenty to share.” asked the Vice-captain.

“Thank you but I really don’t have an appetite.” declined Gan Fall




“I overheard your conversation earlier, about that land being part of an island called Jaya. But to the people of the sky it’s a holy land. Do you know why?” he asked.

“Because there is no land in the sky.” said Robin

“Greenery and soil are not found on it. Sure the clouds can nurture plants and animals and very well at that, just by looking at those trees they grew vastly differently from the ones on Jaya in the blue sea but without vearth nothing is born.” stated Rick.

“You’re correct. I’m surprised you know so much.” said Gan Fall astonished at their answers.

“We may have studied a book or two about Skypiea history.” said Robin

“It was very interesting, we learned a lot, notably about you.” added Rick.

“Oh? So you know I used to be god.”

“And good one at that.” declared Robin.

“Thank you for the compliment young lady, but I doubt that.”

“You tried to bring peace and peacefully end a 400 years old war. Just because you failed doesn't mean you were bad at the job. Besides it can’t even be said you failed, you were replaced before succeeding.”


The former god pondered the young ones’ words. For the past six years since his defeat against Ener he was ridden with guilt and shame. His mercenary work was some sort of atonement. He saw the truth yet it was difficult to accept it.


“There is no shame in being weak. Knowing about it and doing nothing to change it is shameful though.” 


Those words resonated within Gan Fall. Ever since his defeat, despite being old he trained hard his body to help those in need. He may not have been god anymore but he still shouldered the responsibility of the position.


“That’s some wise words you said, I’m impressed.” said Robin.

“She’s right, you’re very wise for your age.” agreed the old knight.


“Let me give you a few more words then. Someone wise learns from others’ mistakes. Someone foolish learns from his own. And I’m definitely not the former.” stated the Vice-captain.


“I see… I guess life is difficult for everyone.”

“There is a saying for it on the blue sea. ‘ Life's a bitch so get used to it.’ “ intervened Zoro.


His companions laughed merrily at the idiom.


“This is a good saying. I might use it from now on.” said the previous god with a smile on his face.


The party went on well into the night before everyone went to sleep.  Rick stayed awake for ‘guard duty’, in truth he hoped to see the manifestation of the Merry repairing itself. When Usopp woke up to empty his bladder he knew it was time. Hearing a commotion towards the ship he knew it was time. He floated there and stayed a reasonable distance away.


“Do you need help?” he asked.


The spirit fixing the mast jumped in surprise and turned towards the  ex-marine.

I’m surprised you approached me, Usopp fainted from fright.’ the spirit said.

“He probably thought you were a ghost, Merry.” replied Rick.

You know?!’

“I heard stories. I’m both happy and sad that they are true.”

Sad? Why?’ asked Merry.

“How long do you have left?” asked Rick in return.

So you really know… I’m a ship, so I can’t really die but I can probably carry all of you for one or two more trips.

“I see.”


Merry started working on the mast again and despite his question never being answered Rick used his gravity to maintain it in place.

Thank you.

“After everything you’ve done for the crew it is the least I could do.”


Merry kept hammering, nail after nail, sometimes stopping to get a steel plate to put on the mast. Rick didn’t let her and used his powers to lift them up and put them in place.


“Is there any wish you have that I can realise?” asked Rick.

My only wish is to sail every part of the world with all of you. I doubt you can fulfill it.

“No. But an alternative is possible.”

An alternative?

“When the time comes we can take a piece of you with us. We’ll still sail together but we’ll be the ones bringing you with us not the other way around. You’re part of the crew after all and we don’t leave a mate behind.”


Merry stopped hammering. She considered Rick’s proposition, it was a really good alternative. Would she still exist though? What part of the ship was ‘her’? Or was she the entire ship? She didn’t know but she liked the idea of a part of her always with them, to be considered part of the crew. In the end it didn’t matter if she kept existing.


The figurehead. When it’s time, please take my figurehead with you.

“I promise I will.” swore the Vice-Captain. Before adding “ Should I keep our conversation to myself?”

Yes please, my kind are not supposed to interact with people.

“Why did you then?”

I… don’t know. Somehow, you … feel different from the others?

“Well, I always felt that I was different, so I’m not really surprised. Anyway, I will tell them that you need repair though. That way they can be prepared a bit, is that okay with you?”

It’s fine, it’s better that way actually.


Merry was done with the repairs and Rick floated towards Usopp but not before leaving some last words to Merry.


“It was nice speaking with you Merry.”


He didn’t get an answer, Merry was already ‘gone’. Picking up Usopp he brought him back to camp and put him in his sleeping bag.



Morning came and one by one the crew members woke up. Luffy as usual was excited to the maximum and began rushing everyone. To occupy him, Sanji quickly made him breakfast. It didn’t take long for them to pack away their camping gear and go back to the Merry.


“Look! I told you somebody was here before! It wasn’t a dream after all!! Someone fixed the Going Merry.” yelled Usopp with conviction.

“Yup… Even the broken mast was reattached” noted Nami.

“Whoever they are, they weren’t very good at it.” stated Sanji

“I thought it was some kind of ghost.” said Usopp

“Well, you’re kinda right and wrong on that one Usopp.” declared Rick.

“You know who did the repairs?” asked Zoro

“Yep. It was a Klabautermann.”

“““““A What?””””

“They are a myth.” said Robin.

“Well I thought too, until last night.” replied the Vice-captain.

“What’s a Klab. Klaba..” asked Chopper.

“Klabautermann. It’s a water spirit that dwells on ships and is basically an incarnation of a ship that has been well cared for. It is a merry and diligent creature that is said to warn sailors when a ship’s in danger and help in bigger ways sometimes. It’s a myth though.” answered Robin.

“Well excuuuuuuuuuse me miss Sceptical but Usopp and I disagree big time with you on that one. We both saw it.”

“Wait, you saw it too?” asked Usopp

“Yep, Since you were taking rather long for a simple leak I searched for you. You were ‘asleep’ on the shore. Then I heard a hammering noise and saw a little silhouette fixing the mast.”

“Wait, wait, wait! Merry is alive? That’s awesome!” exclaimed Luffy.

“Who cares if it’s alive or not ? We need to go.” said Zoro.


As he was done being rude towards Merry, the sail detached itself from the mast and fell on him.

“Apparently Merry cares, so don’t be rude to her.” joked Rick.

“It’s a coincidence, nothing more!” replied the swordsman.

“Whether you believe it or not doesn’t change the truth. Anyway I’ll take the warning seriously. Merry is heavily beaten up, we should prioritize fixing her by a professional carpenter as soon as we can. There is a limit to how much she can take before she’s beyond fixing.”


The conversation didn’t go any further, it was not the time for it. Instead Nami explained the plan. The crew would be divided in two. One group would go East towards Shandora on foot, while the other would sail on the Merry and get around the island by sea. The purpose of getting the Merry closer was double. First to provide an escape route, second to avoid transporting the gold through half the forest.


The group on foot was composed of Luffy, Zoro, Chopper, Robin and Rick. Except for Sanji all the heavy hitters were there which was natural as this group would be the one facing the enemy. Robin was there to help guide the group in the right direction by studying any ruins they would find on the way. Finally, Chopper was tasked to take care of any injury as the ship doctor.


As Luffy declared the start of the adventure, Chopper held him back. Rick was missing. That didn’t sit well with the straw hat. Fortunately his Vice-captain showed up before he could complain.


“Rick, where were you? You’re delaying us!” exclaimed the Captain.

“Sorry Luffy, I had to do something really quick in the kitchen. I’m ready to go now.” replied the ex-marine.


The captain didn’t even bother to listen as he was already stretching his arm to get to the forest’s shore. Rick made everyone else float and followed him.


“So… What was so important that you were late?” asked Chopper.

“I had to take a weapon.” replied Rick.

“A weapon?”


Zoro was surprised, until now he never saw Rick using anything else than his gravitational powers, so him needing a weapon was a curiousosity. Besides, what weapon could he find in the kitchen?


“Sanji won’t be happy with you taking one of his knives.” stated the doctor.

“Oh, I didn’t. I took something else, something he won’t miss.”

“What did you take then?” asked Robin.

“I’m not going to spoil the surprise~~ Besides, if I tell you and I end up being wrong I don’t think I could survive the shame.”

“Wrong about what?” it was Zoro’s turn to ask.

“Ener’s abilities.”

“You know what devil fruit he ate?” exclaimed Chopper.

“I’m not sure, but if I’m right, only Luffy will be able to defeat him and maybe, and it’s a big maybe here, me with Nami’s help.”

“Fortunately you’re always right.” joked Robin.

“Oh~~ Be careful guys! She’s learning!”


He winked at her and earned rolling eyes and a small smile.

“What do you think his abilities are then?” asked Zoro.


“Lightning?” repeated Chopper, to which Rick nodded.

“It makes sense that Luffy would be able to defeat it then, but why only him?” wondered Zoro out loud.

“From Nami’s description, the column of light was actually a huge thunderbolt. That much power over an element indicates that it’s the power of a logia.” 

“Well shit. What about your weapon then?” asked Zoro.

“And Nami !” added Chopper

“Well I’m not confident that I could dodge a lightning bolt. On the other hand Nami with her clima-tact could be able to redirect it. She’d play defense, I’d play offense.”


Somewhat Robin had an epiphany. She knew what Rick took in the kitchen. She imagined Rick fighting god with it, with Nami on his back and the idea was so ridiculous that she started laughing hard.


Zoro and Chopper looked at her as if she’d gone mad. Rick started sweating bullets.

‘No… She couldn’t have found out, did she?’


“I know what you took in the kitchen! And you’re right, this is definitely something someone would die of shame if Ener’s power is not lightning.



“Don’t say anything!” Rick urged her.

“Oh, don’t worry I won’t. There is no way I’d pass on watching everyone's face when they find out.” she assured him.


Chopper tried to get the information from Robin but to no avail. They finally reached the shore with Luffy and started their journey towards Shandora.


After an hour or so walking through the forest (and a dozen redirects of Zoro and Luffy who kept going the wrong way), Rick suddenly stopped everyone.

‘How could I forget about that guy?’


“Did you find something Rick?” asked Luffy

“More like something found us.” the ex-marine replied.

“What are you talking about?” said Chopper.

Rick didn’t say anything at first. He raised his head slowly towards the sky and with his right hand near his waist pointed upward with his finger.

“That.” was all he said.


They all turned around to see what he was looking at. Nobody said anything or dared to move a single muscle. They were looking at a giant snake and the snake was looking back. It was as if time had stopped.


“It’s a snake! RUN!” yelled Luffy.


The group scattered as the snake attacked. Robin and Rick used their powers to position themselves on a high branch of some trees, hoping to be out of reach. Zoro tried to cut it but despite how massive his body was the snake was too fast. He nearly ate Chopper who dodge sideways and Luffy who chose to jump in the air. In the end the snake planted his fang onto a tree’s trunk. Releasing it, the beast’s poison had already dissolved half of it.


“Don’t touch that poison, no matter what!” Yelled zoro.

“For once, I’m down to running away!” said Rick from his branch.

“I agree!” cried Chopper.


Everyone agreed to flee their separate ways. Luffy tried to draw the snake’s attention but failed as it had noticed Robin just above him. She dodged by a hair’s breadth and was about to bloom some hands to catch herself on a branch but Rick was faster and attracted her to him right onto his arms.


“I got you.”


The giant predator noticed Chopper running away but he was too far. He set his sight on Zoro who was a closer target.


“Oh shit!”


Thanks to Rick, Zoro was pushed away from the snake’s assault.


“Thanks Rick!” he yelled while running deeper into the forest.


The Vice-captain, still holding Robin, flew as far and as fast as he could from the snake.

The group had barely begun their exploration that they were already separated.



“Rick.” called out Robin.


She said his name a third time but he still didn't hear her. Finally she bloomed hands around his head and covered his eyes. The effect was immediate and the ex-marine stopped abruptly on his track.


“What the…”

“We lost him, you can’t stop now.”

“Oh! Sorry, I was so focused on getting away that I didn’t pay attention.”


Robin had dismissed the hands covering his view, and looked at him.They were looking into each other's eyes.



“You can put me down.”

“But do I have too?” said Rick with a smile.



“Now, please.”


Reluctantly he put her down.

“For once, I’m carrying a gorgeous lady that is not screaming my ears off. I can’t even enjoy it.” he muttered. Unfortunately she heard him.

“Does it happen that often?”

“You have no idea! During my time in the marines the only one who did not was Vivi and she was six and asleep.”

“I noticed her name comes up often when Nami and you are talking.”

“Nami brings her up, I don’t.”

“You seem to know her well. More than the rest of the crew.” Robin asked with curiosity.

“I do. It’s… a long story from long ago.”

“I see.” she didn’t pry further, but she’ll definitely ask Nami whenever she could.


Rick took a look around to get some idea of their position. Normally in un unknown forest it would be stupid to do so as there was no way to know where one were in this situation. However, lady luck was smiling upon him.

“Shit! I flew too far, we’re at the border of the forest now.”


The forest ended a dozen feet forward where the ground was replaced by clouds.


“All is not lost. Look.” said Robin pointed to their right.


Rick followed with his sight the direction her finger was pointing at when he caught on what she saw. Or more accurately, who. Someone was kneeling on the clouds. The person was showing them their back so they couldn’t tell what they were doing.

“We’re in luck. You think that person could help us?” asked the Vice-captain.

“It doesn’t hurt to ask.”


He made them float and landed a few feet behind the person, who turned out to be a woman, they were hoping could help them.

“Excuse me! Hello!” greeted Rick. 

The woman, surprised by his voice, jumped forward and turned at the same time, brandishing a gun and shooting at Rick.

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