Out for Karma: One Piece

Chapter 51: The devil’s finest trick is to persuade you that he does not exist

Chapter 51: The devil's finest trick is to persuade you that he does not exist

“Are you done shitting your pants? I want an answer CP9. What makes you think that it was a good idea to meddle in my affairs.”(Rick)


The member of the CP9 didn’t say anything. Actually they didn’t know what to say. Simply because Blueno didn’t report anything. Neither did Kalifa, but she didn’t understand Rick’s hint. She didn’t even know who he was. Even though she was some years younger, at the time she was busy training to become an assassin for the world government. When she was activated as an Agent Rick had already disappeared for a few years and no one was actively searching for him as there were more important figures in the world making waves. Out of the four of them only Blueno and Lucci knew who he was. The former believed Rick was just a marine under cover. It was not the first one to be branded a criminal and secretly working for the marines. But as a member of the CP9 he worked directly for the world government not the marines, making him higher in the hierarchy. He thought that Rick was below him and didn’t take his threat seriously. But just now the man in front of them announced he belonged to Cypher Pol 0. The only CP unit working directly for the world nobles, meaning the five elders and the celestial dragons, who were above the world government itself.


“My apologies it was my fault.” said Blueno


“He came yesterday’s late afternoon at the bar to warn us. I thought he was just a marine undercover marking his territory. I didn’t even think that he would be a member of CP0. I don’t even know what his mission is.” (Blueno)


Lucci was clearly not happy with the situation. Furthermore he was suspicious of Rick. Just because he said he was from CP0 meant it was true. He is or was a member of the strawhats meaning a former crewmate of Nico Robin. He may be playing them to try and take her back. On the other hand, how did he know they were CP9 agents? He left the marine more than 10 years ago and even if he didn't, only a few high ranking officers knew about their identities.

“What is your mission?”(Lucci)

“My mission is… not for you to know.”(Rick)


Lucci’s finger twitched a bit, he was about to attack when Rick continued to talk.

“But since you fucked it up, I don’t mind telling you. It’s imperative that you keep your mouth shut about it, for both our sake. THEY would not be happy about it if THEY learned that I had to blow up my cover for a half successful mission. Knowing how THEY are, all of our heads may roll. If we’re lucky only that incompetent Spandam’s will. Anyway, my mission was to find Nico Robin and keep more than a close eye on her. Whatever the case, help her be free and somehow find a way to learn the location of the ancient weapons from her. Now that you have arrested her it changes the plan a bit. You could have made do with just the plans of Pluto but nooooo, you had to rope her in.”(Rick)

Robin, who didn’t say anything, was shocked. First to see Rick here, then to learn that he was an agent of CP0 and finally that he was ordered to get close to her. The thought that their time together was just a ploy to use her, pained her a lot, to her greatest surprise. Rick’s confession is something she should have seen coming. Everyone always betrays her.

“Why would the world nobles want Nico Robin free?”(Lucci)

“Do I look like a world noble to you? How should I know? If I had to guess though… So she can keep destroying illegal organizations and pirates’ crews? She’s very effective after all. The work she’s done with Crocodile and his Baroque Works. Splendid. All so she could read some poneglyphs. Now, why waste assets to deal with those kinds of people when we got her doing the job for us? She’s like a parasite, she latches onto something and sucks everything out of it, until it dies.”(Rick)

“Why stick with her then?”(Kaku)

“So I can guide her a bit towards certains direction I would have been told. Let’s not forget any information about the ancient weapons.”(Rick)

“I’m curious how you would have done that.”(Kalifa)

“Love makes one blind. Right Robin, darling?”(Rick)


Robin had an impassable face but her eyes were not. Disgust was what filled them. That told everything the CP9 wanted to know. They stumbled on something they shouldn’t have touched. His mission was succeeding and they screwed it up.


“Aren’t they scared that she could bring back the ancient weapons? Did you find anything about them?”(Lucci)

“Why should I tell you?”(Rick)


“Fine, don't make that face, you’ll be stuck like that forever. Not good for someone going under cover often. If you want to know, during a trip to a sky island, we found out that one: The pirate king knew or had someone in his crew who knew how to read and write poneglyphs and two: that he found the location of the ancient weapon Poseidon. And as if they’re scared or not.. Not really. From what I’ve been told, if she wanted to bring them back she would have worked fully with any organisation, one of the yonko, made one herself or just joined the revolution. Since she didn’t, it has been determined that even though she’s a risk, she’s an acceptable one, but just in case she does anything funny, I am to separate her cute little head from her shoulders.” (Rick)


Rick was baiting them with truth. Well,  mostly truth, he was hoping that by giving them some truthful info they will trust him moderately at least. By the new look Robin was giving him, the CP9 thought he wasn’t telling lies.


“If the pirate king knew about Poseidon’s location, why didn’t he use it?”(Kaku)

“Maybe he couldn’t get to it? Frankly, I don’t know, and I don’t care. The guy’s been dead for more than twenty years, I have better things to do than wonder what was going on in his head. Now enough with the twenty questions, the sea train will depart soon and I want my mission to be secure.”(Rick)

“We will keep an eye on you. Until we got confirmation of your status.”(Lucci)

“Whatever, call fleet admiral Sengoku once we’re on Enies Lobby if you want, I don’t care.”(Rick)


He finished his tea and laid the cup on the tray beside him on the bench. He stood up.

“I will be with Nico Robin in wagon number one. Meanwhile, I encourage you to think of a way to get everyone out of the mess you created. Feel free to come by anytime if you want to check on her.”(Rick)


He signaled to Robin to follow him but she didn’t move an inch, clearly not wanting to spend  any kind of time with him or to be in his proximity.

“Fine, we’ll do it my way then.”(Rick)


He made her float and led her into the next wagon.

“Leave the doors open.”(Lucci)

“Sure, sure, whatever you want.”(Rick)


He put her down on a seat and sat on the bench in front of her. They were almost at the end of the wagon. They could be seen but not heard by the CP9. The last sea train departed, and an uncomfortable silence reigned between the two of them. When Rick couldn’t handle it anymore he spoke up.

“ Are you going to stay silent forever? It's a few hours of travel to Enies Lobby, you know.”(Rick)


“You really don’t make my job any easier.”


“Finally! I thought I would have to talk myself to death.”

“I would have been fine with that.”

“You wound me, Robin. After all the fun times we had together.”

“They were not fun times.”



“So you didn’t have fun when we paid a visit to those pirates in Jaya?”


“Neither during our trip in the forest on Skypiea?”


“And Shandora? The exploration and discovery of Shandora? I know it was fun!”


“Our time in the town hall on Angel Island?”


“You didn’t have a good time during any of those?”


“What about me carrying you like a princess to escape a giant snake?”

“No! Those moments were lies. Nothing was real!”

“Oh?! You really liked that one, I have to say it’s my favourite too.”

“I said no such thing.”

“You don’t have to, Robin, the simple fact that you reacted to it is enough .”


“Maybe one day we’ll do it again.”

“I’d rather die.”

“Hearing you say that saddens me immensely. What would the others think?”

“As if you cared what they think.”

“I do and always did.”

“Right, that’s why you betrayed them?”

“I didn’t betray them, I’m doing my job. What about you? Care to comment on your little stunt?”


“You know no one believed it?”


“They probably found an improbable way to go after the sea train. Maybe some of them are already on board fighting everyone on their way to get to you.”


“So that’s it? You gave up?”


“You ran for twenty years, did anything to survive and now that you found people you can really rely on, you give up on life? That’s pathetic, Robin.”


“A lot. For one, that you don’t want to be here. That you could have run but didn’t, meaning you’re here for a reason. If I had to guess… you’re protecting them. I don’t know from what though. They can take care of the CP9, albeit with difficulty but they can do it, you should know that. So what’s keeping you here?”



A commotion was heard from the wagon number two where the CP9 were.

‘So Sanji, Usopp and Franky must be in the kitchen wagon or almost. That means Usopp will be here soon….’

“Robin, do you want to live?”


“I can snatch you away if you want to live. It wouldn’t be a problem.”

“And spent the rest of my life as a slave to the world nobles? No thank you.”

“Slave? As if I’d do that.”

“As if I’d believe you.”

“Take your time to think about it. Anyway I’m giving you 5 minutes for the two of you to talk.”


Robin looked at Rick confused. He stood up and exited the wagon number one, closing its door to go to stay between the junction with wagon two. Soon after his departure She heard something knocking on the window on her left. She saw Usopp on the other side. Despite his mask hiding his entire face she couldn’t mistake his very long nose. She opened the window and let him in.

“Why are you here?! You shouldn’t be here!” 

“Nice to meet you, I’m sogeking, as for why I am here… To make a long story short to save you.”


“I’m not alone, though. There’s a chief named Sanji and a hoodlum named Franky on the train. Furthermore, the strawhat found their own sea train and are in pursuit. Them and some other people.”

“Long-nose, you need to …”

“I peeked through the windows on my way here. The four people inside look really strong.”

“You need to leave!”

“Yes, we should leave before Sanji and the others confront those guys. Here take these, they are Octopucts, with them you can attach ...”

“If you want to live you need to go! Rick will be back soon! He knows you’re here.”


“Rick is here!”

“He’s working with them? I knew it! I knew he was a traitor!”

“He’s not with them, he works for the world nobles.”

“Isn’t it the same?”

“No, it’s way worse. Now go! I cut my ties with you and the others, I’m not one of you anymore.”

“They know your reasons, you know? Ice Burg told them everything.”

“He’s alive?!”


“Then… No, it doesn’t change anything. I can’t go back.”

“You still don’t get it do you? You should have talk to them first  before making your stupid deal. Do you really think they would abandon a friend for their own survival? Now that they know why you left, they’re more pumped up than ever to get you back and kick the ass of everyone in the way.”

“You really don’t understand what you’re saying! I never wanted you guys to save me! I won’t let you have your way!”


“Geez Robin, keep it down will you!”


Rick came back inside and sat back at his place.

“So, are the both of you done talking?”


No one said anything, but Robin was clearly seated on Usopp, her rainproof poncho thingy that she was wearing.

“Usopp, it’s time for you to go. Be careful, the door is open, they can see you.”


At that moment someone came flying through the door of wagon number two from wagon number three. Taking a good look, that person actually came all the way from wagon number four. Sanji made his appearance, joined by Franky coming from the roof after smashing through it his opponent. That was Nero, the sea weasel, a new recruit of the CP9. He had landed near Kalifa and Blueno, badly beaten.


“Well, you’re in luck, they are distracted. Don’t miss your chance. Robin, what are you going to do ?”


Lucci got rid of Nero, apparently to be a CP9 member you need to have mastered the six forms of the rokushiki and Nero clearly didn’t. Sanji attacked Lucci out of range when the latter said that Robin’s very existence was a sin needed to be purged for the sake of the world. She got up, revealing Usopp, and walked towards wagon 2 and Rick followed her. The sniper tried to attack him from behind but was soon face on the floor.

“Really Usopp? Sucker punching? Don’t you have any honor as a pirate?”


He was soon floating in the air and pushed with moderate speed across the wagon towards Sanji and Franky, who caught him.

“Rick? What are you doing here?”(Sanji)

“He’s working for them, Sanji!”(Usopp)


“Ugh. No, I’m not working for CP9. I have my own job, and different standards, thank you!”(Rick)

“So all this time spent searching for Robin was a lie! You knew where she was, right from the beginning!”(Sanji)

“Not really.”(Rick)

“I told you he was a traitor working for the marines Sanji! Luffy should have listen to me!”(Usopp)

“That doesn’t matter! Robin I’m taking care of those guys, Rick included and then we’re running away together!”(Sanji)


Before he could do anything, arms bloomed on his body restraining him and threw him to the ground..

“It seems that words are meaningless to you people.”(Robin)


Sanji ordered Franky to cut the third car  loose to prepare their escape. Usopp threw a smoke bomb on the ground, and dived into the smokescreen. A few seconds later he came out carrying Robin under his arm and joined Sanji and Franky on wagon number three. The car was already unhooked from the rest of the train and the distance between the two grew fast. They were celebrating their escape and getting Robin back when unfortunately for them Rick exited the smokescreen and raised his hand. Without any of them able to do anything Robin was pulled towards him fast and was caught in his arms.

“Welcome back ~~”

He turned towards the CP9 and raised an eyebrow.

“Really? Done by a smokescreen?”


This little taunt had the desired effect. Annoying them. He walked by the four agents and went back to the first car. He mustered everything he could from his acting skill to not smirk at them. He sat back down on his seat, still carrying Robin. She fought, got out of his grasp. She sat down too, looking at him with disdain.

“You really don’t like me carrying you.”

“I don’t like you, period. Don’t touch me ever again.”

“You say that now but I’ve got the feeling that’ll change soon.”



She ignored him and stared at the sea on the other side of the window.

“No really, I mean… I’m going to stick to you forever, so you better get used to it.”


“You know, I thought about why you would quietly go with the CP9.


“You're scared of them, but nothing like when we met Aokiji. But more than that, you’re scared for the crew. So I wondered… What could possibly threaten a whole crew and scare you enough to sacrifice your own life to protect them?”


“Buster Call.”


His two words made her react. She turned her head fast to look at him with genuine fear in her eyes.

“Guess I was right. Well I’m always right so that’s not really a surprise.”

“Then you know why it was the right decision to leave them.”

“Not really. The Buster Call sure is a terrible thing with unrivaled fire power but it’s just ten warships.”

“Ten warships?! Just ten warships?! Ten warships destroyed my home when I was eight!”

“One day, if the occasion presents itself, I’ll show you that ten warships doesn’t really mean anything. Sure the destruction is phenomenal, but it’s not something invincible.”



Robin was more than angry, he was talking about what destroyed her whole island and its people as if it was something trivial. Her anger induced a loss of words.

“You should have faith, Robin, it will make your life better.”


The door to the wagon suddenly opened, and Franky was tossed into it, his hands restrained.

“That’s a shame I quite loved our alone time.”(Rick)


He made Franky float and made him sit next to Robin.

“Oh, well, the more the merrier.”(Rick)


“Yes, me? What about it?”

“What Kind of bastard are you?! First you put the blame on me for Ice Burg’s assassination attempt, then you betray your comrade! What a piece a shit.”(Franky)

“Well, I couldn’t have the whole island go after my friends with pitches and forks. And you did so much shit that you deserved it. For many people you were the first person they thought about as to who could have Shot Ice Burg, so don’t go complaining to me, people made their choice. Not my fault they’re dumber than a brick.”


Franky was about to lash out when Robin tried to calm him down.

“Stop it, you’re playing his game, and you’re not going to win. He’s a master at railing people up, you’ll be some kind of entertainment for him.”(Robin)


“That’s not nice of you to spoil my fun Robin, but I do admit this is a bad hobby.”(Rick)

“Nothing to say about betraying the strawhat?”(Franky)

“Did I really?”(Rick)

“What the... After all you…”(Franky)

“Don’t! He’ll probably say something along the lines of ‘I never was on their side, so it’s not a betrayal.’ or something like that. I told you you can’t win.”(Robin)




“I have to say, your presence here doesn’t please me Franky.”(Rick)

“I’m not pleased either!”(Franky)

“That means you have the blueprints for Pluto.”

“How do you..”

“He’s working for CP-0.”(Robin)


“Don’t worry, my boss doesn’t care about the ancient weapons.”


“I did tell otherwise to CP9 but that’s the truth. It’s my own curiosity I wish to satisfy but I’m not interested in reviving them or using them. Those things are better forgotten and that’s why I’m displeased to see you here. You have the blueprints of Pluto and Robin has the power to awaken it. The World Government has now the way to destroy the world and shape it to its liking and that’s not good.”(Rick)

“... Aren’t you working for them?”(Franky)

“Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

“Then why aren’t you letting us go? I could go back to my men and her to her crew.”


Rick didn’t answer and just turned his head slightly to look intently at Robin.

“I can’t go back. If I do, I'll just put them in danger.”

“Why? You’re the only one in danger.”

“The World Government will forever be after me because my very own existence is a crime!”

““It’s never a crime to exist.””


Robin was shocked by the reply she got and that made her think.

“We arrived.”(Rick)


The Puffing Tom stopped at Enies Lobby’s station. They were ‘welcome’ by a crowd of marines. One poor guy put changes around Franky to restrain him even more. Bad move on his parts as he ended up with his head being bitten by the cyborg. Robin, then Rick were next to exit the train’s car. The four CP9 agents were on solid ground too and at their sight the marines and agents present formed rank and stood at attention but you could hear some of them whispering .

“The CP9 sure is great, they solved a 20 years long problem just like that.”

“Wait, who's that guy in a white suit?”

“That’s.. That’s Rick Wald!”

“What?! They got him too! Man, CP9 are really the best.”

“I don’t think he’s their prisoner.”

“What do you mean?”



Rick got closer to Lucci.

“I hope you thought of how to deal with this mess. My advice? Throw Spandam under the boat.”(Rick)


Lucci didn’t say anything and started walking towards the front gate. His colleagues followed up, and Rick just went back to Franky and Robin walking behind them. Soon the battle of Enies Lobby will start.


I'll drop the (X) at the end of dialogues. It makes the story look like a script and I don't like it. That's was a really bad idea. I wont revised the chapters though. (Way too lazy for that)

I guess it's back to the old way.

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