Out for Karma: One Piece

Chapter 71: There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.



Chapter 71: There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.



Rick was on his way to Impel Down and was thinking of a plan to get Ace out of there. Of course any plan would be useless if Ace was already transferred to Marineford so he had to plan for this too. He hoped that once Ace was back into Whitebeard’s hands his crew would escape and not stay to fight. That would change a lot of things. Blackbeard would not steal the Gura Gura no mi and goes on to become a yonko. With Whitebeard still alive, at least for a little while longer considering the man’s health, many islands under his protection will be safe from pirates fighting for the scraps of his empire. Any problem between Luffy and Big Mom would be avoided in the future making the straw hats lay low. More or less, considering how Luffy is. The ex-marine was brought out of his thoughts when he saw a familiar ship under the light of the full moon.

‘So I am too late to get to Ace. Well… Nothing I can do about it now.’

He waited for the clouds to cover the moon, not wanting to be seen landing on the ship’s deck by the marine ship escorting it even if the said escort was a good hundred feet in front. One can never be too cautious. As Rick’s was descending he recognized the familiar strawhat belonging to his little brother and captain, making him smile to see he was okay.  Of course he knew Luffy would be but he couldn’t help feeling relieved at the sight. Landing on the desk he couldn’t utter a single word completely before dozens of arrows charged with armament haki flew towards him. None of them could do anything in front of one of the absolute physical laws of science; all of them stopped their movement and just floated in the air.

“Good evening to you too, amazons, now do you mind I would like to greet my little brother?” said Rick.

He could have unleashed a gravity area on them but they were friendlies and it may have been a problem afterwards with their relationships no matter his bond with Luffy.

“Rick! You’re alright” said the elastic man taking his vice-captain in a hug before telling the guards still arrows at the ready who Rick was.
“He’s still an intruder on the Queen’s ship.” one said.
“True. Why don’t you go ask your Queen what to do? I promise I’m not moving from here.” replied the ex-marine.

The amazon looked him in the eye for a moment then nodded slightly before going back inside the ship to deliver the news of this new development. Turning back to Luffy the vice-captain started small talk.

“So… The amazons huh ?”
“Yes, they’re really nice! Though at first they were all after me! And there was that thing with mushrooms that covered my entire body!” exclaimed Luffy trying to tell his story since he landed on Amazon Lilly. While not everything was in order, nothing was left out. Nothing of Luffy’s experience and not of the manga’s has not happened nearly the same. Apparently Luffy didn’t have to fight in the arena for one good reason. He was Rick’s captain. Before he could even think about why this reason changed most things a cold voice came from behind them.

“Well, well, well. It seems a rat just came on board my ship.”

Rick wasn’t familiar with the voice, not by a long shot. He only ever heard her once and that was more than ten years ago. Yet considering where he was and the situation he knew whom it belonged to. Turning around he faced its owner.

“Nice to meet you again Boa Hancock. I have to say, you’re even more beautiful than the last time we met.”

Confusion and curiosity were on the face of everyone on the deck except the pirate queen and Rick. Whispers about the identity of the man in front of them who so casually addressed their leader. Sure he was connected to the man with a strawhat their Queen tolerated but that didn’t give him any right to speak so rudely. The ones unhappy about it were about to let go of their arrows when they heard their leader’s say the name of her most famous attack.

“ Mero Mero Mellow!”

Pink hearts went straight through Rick who just checked himself and then behind him before turning back to look her in the eye.

“This feels… nostalgic. What does that do? Is it even working?” asked the ex-marine.
“I wondered the same thing! At first I thought it was like the slowing beam from that foxy guy you beat but..” started Luffy before being interrupted by the pirate queen with a twitching eye and a vein bulging on her forehead.
“You two, come inside.”

Luffy and Rick looked at each other before following her. They entered her cabin. It was very spacious and from what Rick could gather taking a good chunk of space from the crew quarters. He didn’t get to observe the room any further before being tackled to the ground in a deadly tight hug as kisses were raining on his face making both men’s eyes grow as big as saucer and out of their sockets.

‘WHAT THE HELL!?’ thought Rick

What happened was so much not expected that the gravity man was too stunned to use his power and just yelled at his captain for help. Snapping out of his stupor, Luffy rolled up his arms all around the female assailant and tried to get her off his subordinate and family. He partially succeeded in his endeavour as Hancock’s torso was brought back up while her lower body was still straddling fiercely the man down. Hancock was not the pirate queen and one of the shichibukai for nothing. She was still fighting her restraints to continue her assault though.

“Okay, stop! Time Out!” said Rick raising his own hands to take a hold of the girl he saved all those years ago. Surprisingly when he grabbed her wrists her back straightened, and she stopped fighting for her freedom immediately letting a very low and short moan escape her lips. Looking at her with a frown he was trying to process what just happened.

‘Okay, what the fuck?! I know that me helping her back then would have some effect for this moment but again… WHAT THE FUCK?!’

What Rick didn’t take into consideration was the difference between his meeting with Hancock and the original one with Luffy. When Hancock met the strawhat captain in the manga she fell in love with him and had ‘access’ to him immediately but now she fell in love with Rick more than a decade ago, with a promise to meet again to boot. The pirate queen has been waiting and waiting, day after day to see him again, bottling up her growing - fast - feelings. When she saw him again in the flesh, and not from some wanted poster, she barely held herself back, her dignity and pride not allowing her to break in front of her subordinates. Once alone though? The dam broke and every ounce of love and lust she had towards her saviour surged like a tsunami towards the man who gave birth to them.

Boa Hancock was a maiden starving for love and physical contact from the man her heart set its focus on and once its target was in sight she was like someone suffering from thirst after years of wandering in a hot desert without a single drop of water.

In other words, the already a bit insane Hancock turned into a bat shit crazy woman in need who could easily rival a buxom redhead Rick was very familiar with.

The thought crossed the ex-marine’s mind and made him shudder.

‘No, no, no, no, no, no and no. No way I’m letting a second one take charge. No way, not happening.’

“Hancock what the heck?!” asked Luffy
“What’s wrong with a wife showering her husband with love after being separated for more than a decade?!” replied Hancock.
““WHAT?!”” let out the brothers.

The madness of love had deteriorated Hancock’s mind so much that reality was slightly different for her.

“Okay, I’m done.” declared Rick before adding : ” Hancock, Luffy’s is going to release you, and we're all going to get up and sit to talk about that.”

The pirate queen nodded vehemently while Luffy looked at Rick with a face asking ‘Are you sure?’ to which the vice-captain nodded affirmatively too.
The younger brother did as he was asked and took a seat, while Hancock hesitantly biting her lower lips finally got up followed by Rick. When the latter sat too, his ‘wife’ sat  next to him really close and grabbed his right arm into hers before nesting it between her breasts.

“So…” started Rick.
“Husband? I would remember if I married you Hancock.”
“Ohh! We were married the day you saved me dear. I don’t need a paper from the world government to attest to it.”
“That’s… not how things work… And you need the consent of both parties for a marriage.”
“You have mine! You always had! Never doubt that.” exclaimed Hancock in worry, thinking that was what Rick was referring to, missing the fact that Rick was talking about his consent. She was the pirate queen after all, the most beautiful - arguably - woman in the world, every man wants to marry her, or so she believed, completely ignoring the homosexual and Luffy’s existence.

Rick just sighed and decided to change topics, not wanting to talk about it further in front of Luffy. Oh he was definitely going to have sex with Hancok, afterall the crazier the lady the better the sex but talking about the deal he had with Robin in front of his captain when their relationship is supposed to be secret was a no go, so the conversation would have to wait to a more intimate setting. Now was the time to dust a bit and bring out his loyal acting skill for some revelations.

“Anyway… Luffy what’s the plan?” asked Rick.
“What plan?” replied the strawhat captain.
“Before landing on the ship I was on my way to save my brother but now…”
“You have a brother other than me? Did Grandpa adopt someone else ?!” Luffy asked, surprised.
“No, no… I met him recently, he’s the one that… Well, let's say he saved my life and even though I knew him for less than a day, we … connected somehow? If that makes any sense.”

Luffy didn’t say anything; he just smiled in understanding. He was aware of how relationships and bonds with people can develop fast.

“He was the one that made me sail again and now his life is in danger so I have to help him. I don’t have much time, the marines are going to execute him soon, that’s why I was on my way to where is locked up.”
“Me too!”
“Great, with the two of us it will make things easier.”
“No! I mean, me too! I’m on my way to save my brother from his execution!”

A light bulb went on above Hancock’s head while Rick feigned surprise.

“Wait a moment here. You’re both brothers having another brother each?”
“Seems like it.” said Rick waiting for the conversation to hurry along.
“And from what I gather, Rick you were on your way to Impel Down?”
“Yes, that’s where the criminals waiting for their execution are locked up after all.”

Hancock started to laugh, now sure of the situation, leaving Luffy confused and Rick faking it.

“The only man up for execution soon is Ace! You two are brothers with Ace and you don’t even know about it. This is hilarious!”

Luffy had his jaw hanging and turned to look at Rick who had the same look. The latter didn’t keep it long before speaking after letting a chuckle out.

“The world is really small. We have the same Grandpa and now the same brother.”

That brought Luffy to join the laughter too. Soon enough Rick asked about Ace and Luffy’s childhood, interested in knowing more, his knowledge about this period being sparse or almost gone with time. After an hour or two of stories, it was getting late and the youngest brother asked where Rick had been sent too by Kuma.

“I landed on Doctor Vegapunk’s island.” announced Rick, making Hancock gasped.
“Who?” asked Luffy
“Doctor Vegapunk is the greatest scientist the world ever had, Luffy. It is said that he’s so smart, the technology he invents is 500 years ahead of its time.” answered Hancock.
“Wow indeed. He is quite the character, surprisingly very nice.” said Rick.
“I’m surprised he didn’t lock you up for study, since you ate two devil fruits and survived.”
“He didn’t lock me up but he did study me, not for the reasons you think though.”
“What do you mean?” asked Luffy
“He knew why I survived  but not why I was alive.”
“I don’t get it.” said Luffy in confusion.
“You are contradicting yourself here.” added Hancock.

Rick sighed for a few seconds before telling his story. How he was an artificial human created by Vegapunk himself, astonishing both his listeners. What he was created for along with others and the fact that he shouldn’t be conscious. He didn’t get into detail about the soul subject, letting them hang  but that was too complicated for Luffy and not really any of their business. He did talk about the most important thing though.

“What amazed him was that I should have died ten years ago.” declared Rick.
““What?!”” was the only reaction Luffy and Hancock had.
“The artificial humans he created, their life span is around twenty years and I’m twenty 28.”
“Why are you alive then?” asked the strawhat captain.
“From what he said, because I took care of my body and didn’t let it rot.”
“Well you’re good then, right?” asked Hancock

Rick shook his head negatively and went on to explain his current situation. Luffy went into full denial while Hancock squeezed his arm even tighter than it already was while crying heavily. The ex-marine tried to make his captain see reason but that was for naught. The latter exited the room saying he was going to sleep.
To Rick, this was a good idea actually, he’s been flying non-stop since leaving Vegapunk’s island and even though he could keep at it for a couple more days, getting some proper rest wouldn’t have hurt him.
When he tried to stand up and join Luffy he was brought back by Hancok tugging violently on his arm.

“Don’t leave, please.” she asked.
“... Alright.” was the answer Rick gave her after a moment of hesitation, and sat back down. Hancock then straddles him and hugged him tight, resting her head in the crook of his neck.

“That’s not fair! I have been waiting more than ten years to see you again and you will be gone soon.” she said between sobs while Rick was patting her head.
“No it’s not. But that’s how life is.”

Neither said anything more for a while.

Hancock’s sobbing while Rick patted her, was the only sound that could be heard breaking the heavy silence in the cabin. Finally Rick stopped comforting her saying it was time to get some rest. Unfortunately for him, Hancock didn’t take it well and became aggressive.

“No. You stay. I won’t let you go.”
“Hancock it’s late.”
“I don’t care. I want to stay by my husband’s side for as long as the time he has left permits it.”
“Hancock, I’m not your…”
“You are! And I’m going to make love to you before you’re gone.”
“Hancock, I'm already in a relationship.”
“Then I’ll get rid of her! She’s not even here! I am! What don’t you realise? I’m not your type? Not pretty enough?” She said as she landed butterfly kisses after kisses on his neck while smashing her breasts into his chest and grinding herself on his member that hardened with her ministrations.
“You know that’s not true, but I can’t betray her love and her trust, no matter how much I want to.”
“She will never know!”
“But I would.”

Not taking no for an answer Hancock removed her dress, letting in plain view her amazing bosom. As Rick’s gaze lowered to do some admiration of the woman’s assets, she took his hands in her own and put them on her impressive mammaries.

“Please.” she begged.

Thinking she was ready to accept anything, Rick went on the offensive.

“Look… My girlfriend and I have a deal.”
“I don’t care!”
“You should, because should you agree to the deal, I would be free to make love to you.”

That calmed down Hancock instantly.

“What’s the deal?”
“I’m free to be with whoever I want…”
“Good, now let’s get to…” interrupted Hancock trying to remove Rick’s shirt.
“But the person I’m with is hers too.” finished Rick.

That put a firm stop to the pirate queen’s doing.
“What?” she asked.
“She doesn’t share me, we share others, meaning if I’m with another woman she will be with that other woman too. If you can’t agree to be with her, to be shared between her and me then there is no deal.”
“Who’s she?” she asked with narrowed eyes.
“Nico Robin.” he answered immediately.
“Good, it’s fine then.”
“She’s gorgeous! Well not as much as me but she’s not a butterface, so that’s not a problem.”
“You’re okay with being with another woman?” Rick asked astounded. While homosexuals and bisexuals were not an uncommon thing, meeting not one, not two, but three women willing to be with someone from the same sex in a row… Well the odds were very low.
“Dear, I’m the queen of the amazons, how do you think I relieved myself with no men around?” she asked with a ‘Duh’ look on her face.
“Fair enough. Are you sure though? I mean, Hancock, even once I’m gone the deal is still in effect, you’ll be hers.” That was weird for him, Hancock had so much pride and ego that it was almost impossible to imagine her submit to someone else
“It’s fine.” was all she answered but let her thoughts continue. ‘ That doesn’t mean I’ll be the one submitting though.’

Without saying anything more, Hancock began untying his pants then went on her knees and removed them before doing the same to his boxer. What she saw a few inches from her face pleased her a lot.

‘I’m going to have so much fun.’ she thought with glee before reaching with her hand.

Sorry if you expected lemons in this chapter...
Okay, I'm not sorry BUT

There will be lemons. I don't know how much but there will be. I'm just waiting for a certain part of the story to start it, just so it has more impact.
Take a guess at who would be first in a lemon scene. ( If you got that far in the story, chances are you know)

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