Out for Karma: One Piece

Chapter 79: I wish you knew how much I carry you with me – always, everywhere I go

Chapter 79: I wish you knew how much I carry you with me - always, everywhere I go

A week had come to pass since the war with Whitebeard ended and things went from bad to worse quickly.

Aokiji and Kizaru were too late when they came to Impel Down. Blackbeard had already left and while most of the prisoners, locked on the regular levels, were still in their cells, level 6 was a bloodbath. From a surviving inmate they learned the now former shichibukai forced them to fight for their lives against each other, recruiting only the ones left standing. Magellan was found soundly defeated and the vice warden Hannyabal in critical conditions. Blackbeard's stunt cost a great amount of marines and jailers lives to be lost.
Rick hadn’t lied. After careful investigation it was discovered that, while The prison was running smoothly, the people in charge were taking some liberties. Had those liberties been not taken Blackbeard would have been stopped from even entering the prison.

In Marine Ford, it was chaos. The fight between Sengoku, Garp and Tsuru against Rick destroyed half of the base, particularly the side where people were living. Thankfully no civilians were there and with the help of the low rank marines still on site, but had retreated upon Sengoku’s order when they couldn’t leave to Impel Down, reconstruction had already begun.

Out of the ten vice-admirals who fought Rick, two were devil users and drowned. The remaining eight would be stuck in a hospital bed for months.
Akainu lost his arm for good. Apparently when Rick transformed, he ripped the arm from the shoulder with his gravity and, still using gravity, “cauterized” the wound with sea water. Since the admiral was a magma man, the water solidified the wound into rock.

The poisoned cherry on top of that cake of shit was the return of Whitebeard in Marine Ford. And he wasn’t alone. He was there with his second in command Portgas D. Ace, Strawhat Luffy, the now ex-shichibukai Jimbei and at the surprise of everyone the Dark King Rayleigh himself.


Whitebeard and Roger were none to be rivals and yet the pirate king’s first mate was there. Was it because of Ace, son of his former captain? Nobody knew, but the most popular rumor was that Rayleigh and Whitebeard were grooming Ace to be the next pirate king.
Regardless of the truth the group quickly dealt with the minimal force on site and proceeded to recreate the ceremony of the new year. Albeit they rang the Ox bell 16 times, eight for Ace and Eight for Luffy, under the watchful eyes of both Whitebeard, Rayleigh and every civilian and news that were there to either help with the reconstruction or trying to investigate for the news.

Whitebeard that a new Era has come and the Dark King added that the One Piece was not a tale and that it, in fact, existed.

While the navy was able to cover up the incident at Impel Down, they couldn’t cover up this or their loss against Whitebeard. What was more damaging and humiliating to the Navy and the world government as a whole though, was Rick’s fight.


Let’s take a look into the soon to be former Fleet Admiral’s office to understand.

“If it wasn’t so humiliating for the navy I’d be proud!” said Sengoku.
“Stop lying to yourself, you’re proud of him, he outsmarted you.” replied Tsuru, prompting Sengoku to let out a long sigh.
“You’re right. I’m proud of him. Bringing back the video feed by using his Me Me no mi powers, without anyone noticing. After he warned us about Impel Down at that, so we would be able to cover it up. God, that was a masterful move.” admitted the marine.
“But still! His freedom speech against the celestial dragons did damage! I already received reports of towns from all across the world falling into insurrection!” he added.
“It was doomed to happen sooner or later. If not for his speech, the R.A would have done it.” replied Tsuru.
“Ugh… I know.”

“And it’s not like it’s your problem anymore, now that you and Garp retired.”
“It’s not effective yet, and I’m still on the job, training the new recruits. Speaking of Garp, where is he?”
“He’s… visiting a friend.” replied Tsuru hesitantly.
“He doesn’t have any friends besides you and me.” stated Sengoku with a deadpan face.
“Out with it Tsuru.”
“You’re not going to like it.”
“At my insistence, Garp kept his mouth shut. I didn’t want to, and he agreed on that, to burden you with this information and put you between a rock and a hard place.”
“Tsuru. Out. With. It.”


Tsuru took a deep breath.
“Very well, it’s not like it matters much anymore since you’re stepping down.”


Gloom Island - Ruins of the Muggy kingdom.

“You should be ashamed Rononoa. Protrasting yourself in front of your enemy? Where has your pride gone?” Ask Mihawk.
“I don’t feel ashamed, nor should I feel ashamed for doing that. I knew a great man, who wouldn’t have kneel for anything in the world except his wife. He took insults, beatings, scorn, everything you could send him his way and he would have stood straight and took everything in stride. Yet, for the people he loved and cared about, he wouldn’t have hesitated a single second to bend the knee and offer his life. That man was my vice-captain. What would it say of me if I couldn’t do the same? Failing my captain, my friends because I couldn’t prostrate myself and ask for help out of my own misplaced pride? I refuse to be that disrespectful towards him, not after everything he did for me and my crew. Besides, your head is the only one left in this place for me to take and I know I don’t have the skills to do it.” replied Zoro.
“... Pride in someone else and not in yourself… An interesting concept, I admit. I would have liked to meet your friend. Anyway, go get some rest, training starts tomorrow at dawn.”
“Yes, Sir!” said Zoro, smiling.


Kamabakka kingdom - Grand Line.

“You really met them?” asked Sanji with a dubious face.
“Yes, we escaped together from Impel Down.” answered Ivankov.
“What’s up with your face? Don’t believe me?”
“If anything your story is the one which is unbelievable. Part of the Straw Hat crew you say? What a joke.” joked Ivankov.
“It’s the truth!”
“Oh, really? And what are you? The butler? Yes, with your clothes you’re definitely the butler.”
“The cook ? Let’s put that to the test then, show you’re really what you say you are.”

Half an hour later Sanji came back from the kitchen and served Ivankov a dish who ate it with gusto.

“Okay, I believe you.”
“It’s edible, but it’s far from true cuisine. You have a lot to learn.”

“What?! What do you even know about cooking?!”
“Me? Absolutely nothing, but I ate enough dishes from the 99 cooking masters on this island that you’re severely lacking.”
“C-cooking masters?”
“Yes. You see, your food tastes good. That’s the problem.”
“Isn’t that the whole point? Tasting good? How can that be a problem?”
“The problem is, it only tastes good. It doesn’t help your body at all. It doesn’t invigorate you, relax you or make you stronger.”
“Make you stronger?”
“A true chef brings more than just taste in a dish, he can make a dish that makes your muscles sturdier, denser, all kinds of things like that. Their food builds and shapes the body.”
“You mean with my cooking I could make Nami-swan and Robin-chan even more sexy?” asked Sanji in disbelief with a nosebleed.
“In theory? Yes.”
“In theory?”
“Like I would give you the recipes for such fine cuisine.”
“Fine! I challenged you then!”
“No thanks.”
“I’m not interested, besides I have better things to do, and those recipes are the sacred treasure of this kingdom. But I like your enthusiasm, so I have a good challenge for you.”
“I’m listening.” said Sanji, not knowing that this endeavor would lead him straight to the deepest pit of hell.


Wheatheria - Sky Island.

“Is she alright?” asked an old man in a robe.
“I don’t know.” replied another, clothed the same way.
“She’s been looking at this bag for a long time. What may be in it?” said a third.

A few feet from them Nami was on the ground, looking instantly at the bag Rick gifted her back on Sabaody Archipelago. She has been looking at it ever since she read the newspapers, which has long been discarded on the side. Finally she opened it and pulled out its content with both hands.

“Is that...” began one of the old men.
“A devil fruit.” added a second.
“And a collar?” finished a third.

Nami looked at the collar on her right hand. It was just a joke between the three of them. Her, Robin and Rick. But now, it represented something more. This was the one and only gift she ever received for the man she loved. Yes, loved. The realization hit her when she read the news about his death. She had joked plenty of times to Robin that she would like to try him, or steal him from her. And while the latter had no such change to ever happen the former did happen. And it changed her feelings towards him, unknowingly to her. She loved him, She loved his stupid jokes. She loved how he could act like a kid but when the situation called for it, was the one she could depend upon the most. She loved how he made her feel safe and loved and cared for.
Making a decision, Nami used the back of her hands to wipe away her tears then put the collar on her neck and locked it. Next, she took a good look at the devil fruit. With eyes full of determination she brought it to her lips and took a bite, then another and another until nothing was left of it.
She raised herself, stood on her feet and approached the old men with a big smile.
“Okay, guys! I forgive you for making me cry! My name is Nami but I’m allowing you to call me Miss Nami. I’m staying here to study the weather and I need a place to live in for that, so I’m taking that house. Thank you!” she said, before leaving behind her dumbfounded old men.



Amazon Lily - island of Women - Calm Belt

“I told you I will train him!” screamed Rayleigh.
“And I told you I gave my word to the kid’s brother to take care of him!” replied Whitebeard.


They had been at it for hours. Fighting to see who gets to train Luffy. Speaking of which he was sitting with Ace and Jimbei on the side, watching the two legends having their spat while eating. The fight was put to a stop when a feminine and sensual voice full of anger yelled.


Hancock was furious, men were on her island and it could not stand! She didn’t mind Luffy and Ace as they were Rick’s brother, but the two decrepit old men that were making her home rumble because they were using their conqueror Haki like babies swinging around their toys in a tantrum, she did mind.

“Not until we settle who trains the kid.” said Whitebeard.
“At least we agree on that.” added Rayleigh.
“I don’t care! Train him one after the other or train him together it doesn’t matter to me! Just leave!”
“She does have a point, pops.” said Ace.
“Indeed, you could both train him.” supported Jimbei.
“Eh… Don’t I have a say in this?” said Luffy.

“““““NO!””””” answered everyone present in perfect sync.
“Fine. Old men first, you take him for 3 months, then it’s my turn. I know an uninhabited island not far away. Plenty of dangerous wild beasts to keep him on his toes.” announced Rayleigh.
“Deal, now lead the way.” replied Whitebeard.


“Women’s anger. Putting a stop to fights between men, even when it’s between the most powerful men in the world.” said jimbei clearly scared of the pirate empress’ fury.

Later, Jimbei was the first one to reach the Moby Dick ready to live the island.


A giant bridge - East Blue.

“WE’RE LEAVING FOR BALTIGO!” was screamed by a sailor behind Robin, prompting everyone else to finish faster what they were doing. While she was looking beyond the rail towards the horizon a member of the R.A approached her.

“The journey would last a few days. Thank you for coming with us. Mr. Dragon has wanted to meet you for a long time now.”
“Had I known the members of the Revolution Army were so nice I would have let you contact me sooner.” joked Robin.
“M-my apologies, we …”
“It’s alright, I’m just teasing you and I can’t really blame you when I was the one being elusive.”
“Oh!” was all the revolutionary could say.
“By the way, why is everyone looking so down?”
“They… took really hard the death of your Vice-Captain.”
“Rick? Why would they?”
“For many in the army, mister Wald was just like you, a symbol.”
“A symbol?” asked Robin curious.
“Yes. The revolutionary army has been around for a long time. They overthrew towns, countries, kingdoms, but never directly attacked the World Government and the World Nobles. Perhaps it was an impossible task for the members and the people in general. A feat too great, too out there to be realistic. So the day when the news that a freshly promoted enseign tried to assassinate a celestial dragon and the Fleet Admiral of the navy appeared…”
“It showed everyone that it was possible.”  finished Robin.
“Yes but more than that, it showed that our dream of freedom wasn’t just a pipe and unreacheble one.” confessed the young R.A. member.
“I understand.”
“You… don’t seem that affected by his passing, were you not close?”

“I am… was… We were very close, but I made my peace with his death months ago.”
“Months ago?”
“Rick was dying. The number of people he told could be counted on one hand and have some fingers left.”
“If I may ask, what afflicted him?”
“It’s fine. As for what he was suffering from… Well, we don’t know. He wasn’t sick, or in pain it was just… It was just his body… Actually I’m not sure myself and I don’t think anyone could tell but his body wasn’t healing as fast as it used to.” Said Robin before developing a bit more in front of the quizzical look she was getting.
“Rick had a super healing factor. A cut? Healed by the end of the day. A fracture? A week. But some months ago his healing factor became normal for an average person.”
“And that was enough to think he was dying?”
“No but he felt it.”
“Maybe he was wrong?” said innocently the R.A. member, prompting Robin to laugh out loud.
“Did I say something funny?” she asked.
“Yes, quite so. Rick is… was always right.” answered Robin.
“I’ve only known him for nearly a year, but he is... was never wrong when he said something. Not once. His gut feeling was scarily accurate.”
“Yes. Even when he blurted out the most improbable of things.” smiled Robin, averting from the young woman she was talking to and looking back at the sea, reminiscing times when her love was right and without an ounce of humility bragged about it.

Sensing it was the end of the conversation the young woman asked if robin needed anything.
Still showing her back to her interlocutor Robin grabbed the necklace she was wearing. After a few moments of silence she answered.
“If you can, please bring me a flower pot, with some soil and dirt.”
“...I’ll see what I can do.” replied the woman with a big smile.
“Thank you…”
“Koala, my name is Koala.”


Throne room of the royal palace - Alabasta - Grand Line.

“Ingaram, is Vivi still in her room?” asked king Cobra.
“Unfortunately your majesty.” replied Ingaram with a sad expression.
“It can’t go on. She can’t stay locked up in her room forever like this.”
“Your majesty…”
“I know, I know. His death was a shock  and a big blow to all of us and especially her but she can’t keep mourning him like that.”

King Cobra, followed by Ingaram in his most trusted men, Chaka and Pell, left the throne room for Vivi’s. Once in front of the door he knocked.

“Vivi? It’s me, can I come in?” asked worried father but got no answer.

He slowly opened the door and saw his daughter in front of an open window, giving a view to most of Alubarna. She was perfectly dressed with her hair done, just as a princess should. It was a surprise, as during the past week she had been a mess.

“Vivi? Are you alright?” asked the king.

“No father, I’m not.”
“Vivi, I know that…”
“But I will be, father. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow or the day after, but I will be alright. I will be.”
“... I see. Can I help you with anything ?Do… Do you want to talk about it?”
“Thank you but no. But you sure can help me father.” she said, still looking outside.
“Of course, what do you need my help for?”

Vivi turned around and looked into her father’s eyes. At that moment Cobra didn’t see his daughter but a ghost. The ghost of his late wife. Her face solemn; her eyes burning with determination. The likeness was so strong that Ingaram, Chaka and Pell gasped in surprised.

“Father, things need to change.”

Shocked, the King of Alabasta could only nod slowly to his daughter's statement.


Foosha village - Dawn Island - East Blue.


*Knock Knock*

A tall and aged man was knocking on the door of a pub as it was too early in the day for the pub to be running yet. The door opened and a young child stood at the entrance holding it.

“Grandpa!” yelled the young girl, while rushing to hug to death the man.
“Good morning Eri! It’s been a while.”
“I’m sorry, but work got in the way.”
“It’s fine, I understand.”

The old man at the invitation of the young lady entered the pub and greeted the owner.
“Good morning Makino.”
“Good morning!”
“Is she awake?” asked the man.
“Yes, mom is awake. I’ll tell her you’re here. Maybe she’d cheer up seeing you.” said the young child before exiting the room.
“I… was afraid of that.”
“Did you really expect for her to react any other way?” asked Makino while cleaning glasses without looking at him.”

The awkward silence was broken by a child's voice.
“Mom, are you feeling better? Don’t worry Grandpa is here, he’ll cheer you up!”

In an instant a lady in her mid to late thirties with red-flamed hair and bright blue eyes rushed into the room towards Garp. He didn’t move one inch, ready to endure anything that was going to happen. The woman slapped him hard, then again and again, finally she started punching his chest with both fists. Garp still didn’t move and let her vent. She was yelling at him with everything she had.


She punched and punched until she couldn’t anymore. Her knees weakened and she fell but got caught in a hug by Garp. She was sobbing.

“Mom?” asked the little girl confused while Makino got behind her and hugged her too.
“It’s alright Eri. Your mom is just … letting out the feelings she had bottle up.”

On the other side of the room the woman was still crying and kept whispering in a loop.
“How could you?”
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry… Kaza.”

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