Out for Karma: One Piece

Chapter 80: Music is life. That’s why our hearts have beats

This is the start of a new arc.
Post time skip of course!
I intended to do an interlude like I did when Rick left the marines but in the end... nah.

It's a long chapter, perhaps the longest so far.
And it should have been perhaps longer if I didn't stopped when I did.


Chapter 80: Music is life. That’s why our hearts have beats

“Hey! Are you going to the concert this afternoon?”
“Of course I am! Everyone on the archipelago will go, well except the pirates maybe and the tavern’s owner I guess.”
“You know Bellus?”
“That’s the guy selling antiques on groove 5, right? What about him?”
“He heard from a friend who heard it from his cousin who heard it from his girlfriend who’s friend with a roadie, that the concert is supposed to last all afternoon and well into the night!”
“What?! No way! Soul king didn’t release enough songs to last all that time!”
“That’s what I said! But Bellus assured me that he heard from that friend that his cou… well he heard that Soul King will actually play for the first time new songs. That he tried some new musical genres. That’s why he hired a whole chorus and an orchestra besides his usual musicians.”
“That’s going to be the musical event of the century!”
“And we’ll be there to live it!”
“Hell yeah!”

The two young men kept walking while talking, oblivious to their surroundings. That’s why they didn’t see a reindeer walking behind them.

“Musical event of the century?” asked Chopper out loud.

He stopped in his tracks and took a look around. Everyone was very active. Shops owners were packing away their merchandise. Some were already done and were closing the door to their business. Inhabitants and tourists were passing by, all walling in the same direction.
Because of his short height a store owner bumped into him.

“OH?! Sorry kid, didn’t see you there.”
“That’s okay mister, no harm done.”
“Good then. Have a nice day.” said the man before following  other people.
“Wait mister!”
“Yes? What is it?”
“Where is everybody going?”

The store owner looked at Chopper as if he had grown a second head.
“You’re kidding right?”
“Huh… No? I just arrived here, so I’m not really aware of what’s happening.”
“I see, a tourist eh? Still to come today all day on Sabaody Archipelago and not knowing anything…”
“... Sorry?”
“Don’t apologize kid, you did nothing wrong. As for what’s happening, take a look.” said the man pointing at a poster on the wall.
“Soul King is doing a big concert today, that’s why everyone is gathering in Groove 1. That’s where it takes place. And while the concert begins this afternoon people want to have the best spot, so excuse me kid but I need to go.”

Chopper thanked the man for helping him while still looking at the poster.

“Soul King? But it’s just Brook with a bigger hat and sunglasses!”


Since Brook was the only crewmate he knew the location of Chopper decided to go join him and departed for Groove 1.


Not far from there an alluring woman and a man were exiting a pub.

“Okay, what was that?”
“What was what?”
“Nami, you just electrocuted the whole pub, just like that! I mean I know you can do it with the clima-tact but you didn’t use it, heck you didn’t use anything!”
“Ooooh Usopp, you should know by now that ladies have their secrets!” answered Nami with a mischievous grin.
“Fine! Don’t tell me. Anyway, can you believe it? Some pirates are impersonating us, that’s crazy!”
“My guess is, they’re trying to use our fame to get more powerful pirates under them. Fine by me if it gets the marines off our backs.”
“So you’re fine with that ugly fake red-head hag passing as you?” asked Usopp with a dubious face.


Nami stopped mid-sentence and with Usopp turned their head towards the voice who screamed.


The doctor immediately stopped in his tracks to look around for the person who yelled his name. His eyes stopped on his friends who were waving at him. Without thinking twice he ran towards them!

“Nami! Usopp! Robin has been captured by the navy!”
“What?!” exclaimed Usopp while Nami was more level headed.
“I doubt it was her Chopper.”
“But I..”
“Chopper, Robin has been avoiding capture for more than twenty years, there is no way she’ll just get caught like that. The person you saw being taken was probably an impostor.”
“An impostor?”
“Yes, we just dealt with some pirates impersonating us.” explained Usopp.
“And they’re bad at it, they don’t even look like any of us. Was the Robin you saw anything like you remember?” asked Nami.
“Well she was short, and mean. She kicked away the fox she had with her.” said Chopper.
“Robin loves animals, there is no way she would have kicked one.” said Nami.
“But, but people change!” said Choppe.
“Chopper, Robin is 6’2 and you said the one you saw was short, there is no way it was her. You can’t change your height in two years.” aded Usopp.
“And how do you know how tall Robin is, exactly?” asked Nami with a tone full of suspicion.
“But… Why would people pass themselves as us?”
“Because we’re famous Chopper.” said Usopp, trying to change the subject.
“Hehe, we’re famous!”
“Not in the good way Chopper!”
“I already signed an autograph.” bragged the crew’s sniper.
“Really? Should I practice signing one too?”
“You can do that later, we’re going back to the sunny.”
“The Sunny? Why? I was on my way to see Brook when I met Ro… fake Robin.”
“Because Brook left a message at Shakky’s. He invited us to his concert. You won’t spend the whole day with your bag on your back, right?”
“Well, no.”
“Besides, others may have arrived too and may have gone to the Sunny first.”


The weak trio left for their home and kept talking about their experience during those two years they were apart. Usopp shared his adventures and training on the island he landed on. He kept to himself his brief overweight period however. Nobody needed to know that.
Chopper talked about the natives living on the island he was on. Apparently while living primitively there technology and knowledge was very advanced. Two years later and he still couldn’t reconcile the two.
As for Nami, she didn’t talk much about Weatheria. She spoke of the old men there and how they treated her but never really related what her training was.

Finally after a bit of a walk they arrived at the hill overlooking the Sunny and saw two people talking on the deck.

“Robin! Franky!” yelled Usopp and Chopper while Nami was already running towards the ship.

Seeing her move so fast, the two followed and when finally  they put their foot on the deck they saw her giving a bone crushing hug to Robin while Franky faked being offended he didn’t get the same treatment.
“Hey guys! It’s good to see you!” said the Cyborg.

From there, two groups formed. On one side the guys with Franky showing his new body and on the other the girls.

“I missed you.” said Nami, her head in the crook of Robin’s neck. She was hugging her fiercely as if Robin would disappear if she let go.
“I missed you too” was the simple reply the archeologist gave her while stroking her lover’s back to reassure her that everything was fine.

The navigator after being reassured enough stopped the hug to look at her friend with watery eyes. Robin,we could finally have a good look at her, stopped staring when she reached her neck. She raised her hand and gently traced what was written on Nami’s collar.

“You’re wearing it.”
“Of course! Ever since… Ever since…” she began but couldn’t bring herself to speak further.
“I never removed it since I put it on and I never will.” declared Nami with fierceness making Robin giggle.
“He’d be laughing his ass off, knowing you’re taking his joke so seriously.”
“Probably but that’s the only thing I have of him and besides… I like being your kitten.” the last part was said in a whisper in Robin’s ear.

As she was about to respond to Nami's bold declaration, she was interrupted by Franky.
“Does anyone need some help with putting their stuff away?”
“No thank you, my bag is not that heavy” answered Chopper.
“My stuff is back at Shakky’s.”
“And mine is already in our room.” finished Nami.
“Robin? Need any help with your plant? It seems heavy.” said Franky.
“It is, but I’ll manage, thank you.” she replied while raising her hands and made feet bloom under the huge flower pot that was on the side.
“That’s a neat trick.” stated Usopp.
“That’s a big flower!” said Chopper.

Indeed the flower was big. At least one meter in diameter and nearly as tall. It looked like a closed water lily.

“What kind of flower is it?” asked Usopp.
“I don’t know, it was given to me.” was all Robin said, before going inside the ship followed by Chopper.

Franky turned to Nami and spoke up.
“Why didn’t you support me there?” he asked.
“Support you with what?”
“Where do you think she’ll put it?”
“Well, it’s a plant, so in the gard… OOOOOh” she exclaimed horrified.
“How did you….” was her follow-up.
“I’m not blind Nami, I saw it on our way to Enies Lobby while we were hostages.”
“What are the two of you talking about?” asked Usop.

Nami gave a look at Franky who nodded and went after Robin inside the ship.

“Robin and Rick were close. “
“Well yeah, anyone knows that.”
“They were best friends, Usopp, and the only place she can put that plant iiiiiis…?”  said Franky, hiding the true relationship between his crewmates. It was their private life after all and it was no one else's business but theirs.
“In Rick’s garden. Shit.” said Usopp facepalming.


On her way to Robin, Nami met Chopper, he was already done apparently.
“Nami? I thought you were done with your stuff already?”
“I am, but Robin may need some help after all. Especially yours since I don’t think I have the strength to lift that flower pot.”
“But I thought she had it handled?”
“Except she may not be able to enter the garden.”
“I’ll explain to you later.”

Chopper wanted to know more but Nami was already walking away. When the both of them found Robin, she was in front of the garden’s door, her hand on the doorknob. Just standing, frozen.

“I… I can’t. I can’t do it. I can’t go inside.” the brunette replied as tears began to fall on her cheeks.

Nami stepped forward and hugged her.
“That’s okay. I understand. To be honest, I couldn’t do it either.”
“That’s okay girls, Chopper and I will do it, and we’ll tidy the room a bit, while we’re at it. Go take some rest.” said Usopp who arrived running to assist.
Nami mouthed a thank you to Usopp, who simply winked and gave her a thumbs up back, before taking Robin away to the girls’ quarter. Once out of sight Chopper asked his question.

“What’s wrong with Robin?”
“Robin was… more affected than any of us by Rick’s passing. He was the one that understood her the most. With their similar past and all that. That’s why they are.. Were best friends. And now her best friend is gone.”
“But she still got us!”
“That she does! But that’s not the same.”
“Like Dr. Kureha and the crew will never replace Dr. Hiriluk?”

Chopper transformed into his bi-pedal form and lifted the flower pot.
“I miss him.”
“Me too Chopper, me too.” replied Usopp, opening the door to the garden and entering inside. Chopper followed him.

The sight that welcomed them was a sad one. Everything was dead. Not a single plant had not withered.
“I’m glad Robin didn’t see that.”
“Me too. That’s such a shame, the garden was so beautiful.” lamented Chopper.
“Really? I’ve never been there after touring the Sunny when we sailed with her for the first time.” confessed Usopp.
“You missed something. I came from time to time to get some medicinal herbs Rick was growing. He really took care of the place. It was so colorful, and relaxing. Everytime I came he served me tea and asked me questions about the use of this or that plant. I always felt better when I left.”
“Yeah, he always had that effect on everyone. Making you feel better about yourself or just lifting your mood.”

They didn’t say anything more. Usopp went back a few steps to close the door, just in case Nami and Robin would walk back. He didn’t want Robin to see the state of the room, it was already hard enough for her as it was.
Meanwhile Chopper went to the back of the room and put down the flower pot near the desk.

“What are you doing?” asked Usopp.
“Rick was very meticulous, he noted everything down.”
“Noted what?”
“Everything. What plant should be put in what soil for example, and many more things.”
“You can’t put a plant in a random soil?”
“No. He said each plant is different from another and needs different nutrients but since he didn’t know which plant needed what, he was experimenting and recorded the results.”
“And what does Robin’s needs?”
“I don’t know, I’m not an expert. But I don’t think any of the soil here is any good.
“Why is that?”
“It’s been two years, they are probably all out of nutrients.”
“Should we go outside and take some soil then?”
“No, I don’t think we should, besides I think I have a better solution.” said Chopper.

He went behind the desk and opened a big chest. Inside he found Ryusei which Rick seems to have left and what he was looking for. He picked them both up.

“What did you find?”
“Rick’s sword, I should probably bring it back to our quarters so Zoro could take care of it. I also found this!”
“Is that..”
“Clouds from Skypiea? Yes!”
“I didn’t know he brought back some!”
“The trees on the vearth were the same as the ones that were on Jaya.”
“Well, it was once the same island after all.”
“True, but the trees on the vearth were gigantic. Rick and Robin thought that it was because of the clouds.”
“So we put Robin’s plant in this and we’re good? It will flower in no time.”
“Yes, but first…”
“We must clean up the place.”

Chopper simply nodded and they began their task. That asked Franky for help to get rid of everything, which he happily obliged as it allowed him to show his new flamethrower abilities.


As Usopp took charge of the situation, Nami led Robin to their bedroom where she put her on their bed. The brunette was still silently shedding tears and the redhead took her once again in her arms.

“It’s going to be alright.”
“I know! It’s just… It’s just… I thought I had made my peace with it. I really did! I didn’t cry when I heard the news, nor did I for the next two years. I thought I was okay but… when I was going to open the door I…”
“Everything felt real for the first time? That if you opened that door, he would be gone for good?”
“Yes… It’s stupid I know but…”
“It’s not stupid, Robin. When I said that I couldn’t do it either, I wasn’t saying that to make you feel better. I felt the exact same way as you did yesterday when I was in front of that very same door.”

They didn’t talk more, they just sat there and hugged in silence until Robin stopped crying.

“Let’s freshen you up a bit before we go out.”
“I’m such a mess. I’m the oldest here, and your owner at that. I should be the one taking care of you.” said Robin, making an attempt at a joke.
“It’s fine. It’s not like it happens everyday. I mean, Robin, you’ve been bottling up all those feelings for years.”

“I can’t go around the fact that you became even more mature than before. Gone is the young little kitten from two years ago and now a woman is standing in front of me.”
“Pleeeeease. I became a woman the moment Rick pounded me into the mattress then into oblivion.” joked Nami, making Robin laugh.
“That’s true. God… he really was good at that.”
“Well, I have no one to compare him to so my opinion doesn’t hold any weight but I agree.”
“Oh believe me, he was the best.”
“Really. The thing I did with my tongue? He was way better.” Robin answered in all seriousness.
“No way!”
“Uh-huh. And let’s not forget the extra body parts he could make. That alone makes him the best.”
“Ugh. I’m horny now.”
“Too bad we need to go.” said Robin with an annoying grin.
“Don’t worry, if you behave, then tonight…” said Robin, letting the unspoken words hang in the air.
“Toniiiiiiight what?” asked Nami.
“Behave and you’ll see.” answered Robin as she left their bedroom.
“That’s animal cruelty!” Nami yelled.

But no other answer came than her owner’s laugh.



The group on the Sunny went to Shakky’s bar to see if anyone else had arrived. On the way Robin caught Franky and let the others walk a bit ahead in front so she could talk with him privately.

“Thank you.”
“What for?” asked Franky.
“For trying to help me avoid… I didn’t even think about it until I was in front of the door.”
“Oh! That’s alright. I did push Nami and Usopp to help, though.”
“I already thanked them, and Chopper too.”


“Nami told me that you knew about… Rick and me?”
“I did.”
“But how? Nami knew because she was indirectly involved but…”
“I already knew back in the Puffin Tom. To be more accurate, that's when I found out.”
“But we were not together yet at the time!”
“Perhaps but I knew he loved you. The way he took care of you, talked to you, looked at you. I’m surprised the CP-9 didn’t catch on, his plan would have failed here and there if they did.”
“Really? I didn’t notice. I mean, yes he was flirty before but I thought that was just that.”
“Had you been in the right state of mind I’m sure you’d have realized. In fact you did realize. I don’t think anyone will forget that kiss you gave him.” snickered Franky, making Robin blush and grin at the same time.
“When we left Water Seven, with how you were acting with each other, I just knew.”
“Thank you for not saying anything.”
“Bah! It’s alright. Wasn’t anyone's business but yours. If you wanted us to know, you would have told us.”
“Were we really that obvious?”
“Nope. Well you weren’t at least. Rick on the other hand…”
“A complete open book.” smiled Robin.
“I confess, sometimes that threw me off a bit, making second guess myself but I became sure when we fought Moria.” said Franky, remembering this particular event.
“Does anyone else know?”
“Brook may have suspected something. From time to time I caught him looking at the two of you and laughing to himself. But the others? Nah, they’re too dense for that. Why, though? Would that be a problem?”
“No.. It’s just… that was… ours. Just ours. But now? I do feel some regrets for not being open about it. I wouldn’t have wasted so much time.”
“Don’t say that. Look at it from another angle, the few private moments you had together were even more meaningful that way.”
“You’re right. That’s surprisingly insightful, for a Cyborg.” joked Robin
“Well, my human psychology and human interaction programs are really good.” replied Franky, making Robin’s eyes grow big.
“Do you really have such programs?”
“Eh, who knows.” the cyborg answered with a mocking grin.

They caught up with the weak-trio and arrived at Shakky’s bar where everyone paid their respect to Rayleigh and Shakky. The latter told them that Sanji had arrived and had Zoro with him. Both left towards the stadium where Brook was having his concert, with V.I.P. pass in hands. Those passes were left by a member of Brook’s staff. The only one left to get on the island was Luffy, and considering how forgetful he is, Nami took his pass with her and asked Shakky to send Luffy their way if he ever came here, to which the bar owner agreed.


“It’s a shortcut.”
“NO IT’S NOT!  The stadium is literally in front of us and you were going back the way we came!”

Zoro didn’t say anything and just ignored Sanji going his own way.
They had left Shakky’s bar almost 2 hours ago and going to the stadium from there was just a short 30 minutes walk. Sanji was at his wits’ end and his temper began to flare. Fortunately, Zoro was met by the rest of the crew, who didn’t get lost.

Everyone was happy about the reunion, though it didn’t last long as Sanji passed out from nose bleeding after seeing Nami and Robin. Two years in the Kamabakka Kingdom didn’t do him any good and made him even more weak to women. Chopper didn’t waste any time going full doctor on him.
Once the cook was up and about again, they walked towards the Stadium. Once at the entrance, Usopp stayed behind to wait for Luffy and his pass, while everyone else was led to the V.I.P. room. Room was an over reach though, as the space reserved for the crew was actually the roof of the stadium. They had a view of everyone and everything and no one around to bother them.

“Isn’t it a bit much?” asked Franky to the member of the staff that brought them here.
“The Soul King said  that everyone could hang out freely without being annoyed by the fans that way.”
“We’re pretty far, though, how are we supposed to see anything?” asked Sanji.
“Don’t worry about it! You can’t see it now because of the curtain but there is a giant screen at the back of the scene airing what’s happening on it. You won’t miss a thing!”

Couches and armchairs were there for them in more numbers than the number of people in the crew. Zoro asked about refreshments and the staff member notified him that once the show began, food and drinks would be brought to them. Brook had apparently briefed his staff about the crew’s appetite and thirst.

As the employee was leaving Usopp made his appearance. His face was as white as a sheet.

‘Usopp? Are you okay?” asked Chopper.
“Ba… ba..” he mumbled.
“What about Luffy?” wondered Nami.

Usopp kept quiet and walked like a Zombie to the nearest seat where he crumbled.

“What’s wrong with him?” said Zoro.

Before Chopper could give an answer, a voice they knew well call out to them.

“GUYS !!!”

Everyone turned their head to see their captain wearing his famous straw hat. He was the only one who didn’t change much after two years, with the exception of his clothes. He was now wearing a white overcoat who felt oh so familiar to them.


Most of them gathered around, happy to see their friend again. Chopper was asking question after question when Franky interrupted him.

“Luffy, who’s your friend?”

A few feet behind him stood a tall and beautiful woman, carrying a bundle of cloth in her arms.

“Oh?! That’s Hancock!”
“Hancock as in the pirate empress?!” asked Nami.

Luffy didn’t have the time to give a reply as Sanji was grabbing him by the collar, shaking him with all his strength while mumbling some sort of cursed chant.

Hancock stepped forward and said a simple “Hello” to the crew. Now being, so close, everyone could see that the bundle of cloth was actually a very cute baby! Nami immediately squealed in front of this overwhelming cuteness.

“A cute baby!” she screamed.
“BABY!” screamed Usopp who was brought back from his trance.
“Luffy had a baby!” he added.
“““““ WHAT ?! ”””””
“It’s not mine!”
““““ THANK GOD ! ””””
“Hey!” protested Luffy clearly offended.
“Sorry Luffy, but you’re not exactly the most responsible person. At least when it comes to raising a child.” said Nami.
“... Fair enough.”

Nami got close to Hancock to have a better look. Sensing what the thief wanted, the pirate empress made an offer.

“Do you want to hold her?”
“I’d love to! What’s her name?”
“Lynda.” replied Hancock while delicately handing her daughter to Nami.

Once in her arms, the navigator began rocking the baby gently, who opened her eyes and smiled. Nami nearly dropped her from shock. She knew to whom those blue and gray eyes belong . She raised her head and looked at Robin who was by her side. She got close too to get a better look. To her surprise, Robin was genuinely smiling.

The girls formed a group and sat on the biggest couch, while the guys were on the side. It was Hancock who spoke up first.

“So… he was telling the truth.”
“About?” asked Robin.
“You, not minding ….”
“Yes, he was. It was my idea actually.”
“Really.” Robin answered with a knowing smile.
“If anything, Rick was against the idea.” announced Nami.
“Any other man would jump at the opportunity.”  stated Hancock.
“But he wasn’t any other man, and I guess that’s one of the many things we loved about him.” replied Robin.

The two others nodded in silence. Nami handed Lynda to Robin, who treated her with care. Looking in those familiar eyes her eyes started to water a bit.

“It’s alright. I’m just… both happy and sad. Sad that he’s gone but happy that a part of him is still in this world.”

She started caressing the child’s cheek lovingly prompting the target of her affection to giggle.

“She’s adorable.”
“That she is. So much that Luffy started playing the role of the protective uncle.”
“What? No way!” said Nami.
“Well not at first, but Ace was spoiling her so much he had to intervene.”
“I don’t know what is more difficult to believe in, that Ace is an irresponsible uncle or that Luffy is the responsible one.” joked Nami, making the two others laugh.
“How has he been doing since Whitebeard’s passing?” Robin asked.
“He’s been stressed a lot. Many of Whitebeard's pirate allies deserted when he died along with some members of the crew. They didn’t like that Ace was Roger’s son and got to succeed Whitebeard.”
“Must not have been easy.”
“No he wasn’t but I think Lynda cheered him up good when he came to visit Luffy, after the funeral. She was just born and he fell head over heels with her.”

They sat there in silence for a few minutes before an announcement was made that the concert would be starting soon. The stadium was more than full, and a big crowd was gathered outside waiting for the chance to maybe sneak in.

“I should go, loud noises are not good for a baby, despite how special this one is.” said Hancock raising up from the couch.

Robin handed back her daughter, after giving a gentle kiss on her forehead. Just before leaving Hancock spoke one final time to Robin.

“If you ever need to hide, you’ll be welcome on Amazon Lily. I agreed to the deal and intend to honor it even if he’s gone..” stated Hancock
“Are you fine with being with a woman?” Robin asked, surprised.
“No men are allowed on the island, how do you think I get any relief?” answered Hancock with a smirk before departing with her baby girl for good, leaving behind a stunned Nami and Robin.


Lights in the stadium turned off, Except for one who focused on a specific spot on the curtain. The public went silent and the sound of an electric piano playing began. The curtain opened revealing,in the center front, just where the light landed, their friend Brook and around him plenty of musicians and singers.

“The heart is a bloom
Shoots up through the stony grounds.
There’s no room…”


“I don’t know that song.” said Nami
“Me neither.” said Usopp.
“I heard from people in town that Brook would sing songs never heard before from plenty of different musical genres, and that’s why he has so many musicians with him, and that the concert will go late into the night.” informed Chopper proudly.
“I hope they’re all as good as this one! I love it!” declared Luffy.


“That’s right! It’s a beautiful day isn’t it?” said Brook in his mic, after the song ended.
“We’re all gathered here today, to spend a good time together. With friends, or with strangers. Some of you may have heard some rumors about what’s about to happen and why this concert is so long. That’s true. I’ll tell you why once the show is over, so please be patient! What I can tell you is that some of those songs are about or for my precious friends. They are here today, somewhere, after a separation of two years. So you see, this concert is in part a celebration for our reunion.”

At that point the crowd yelled and clapped their hands, happy for their idol.

“Now guys, let’s play a game. Try to guess what songs are for whom!”

Without adding another word he started a new song.


“A challenge, eh? Fine, I accept.” said Zoro.
“As if you could guess even one!” chidded Sanji.
“No offense Zoro, but I never saw you being interested in music.” said Usopp.
“That’s because I’m not, but the songs are about us so it won’t be really difficult to guess it right.”
“He’s not wrong.” said Franky after a long silence among the group.


“My oh my, do you wanna say goodbye?

To rule the Country, baby, you and I?...”


“I don’t think this one was about us. It was really catchy though.” said Usopp and everyone nodded.


“When I walk in the spot, (yeah), this is what I see (Okay)
Everybody stops and they staring at me
I got passion in my pants and I ain’t afraid to show it.
(Show it, show it, show it)

I’m sexy and I know it (ayy…)”


The crew was laughing at the lyrics but most of all at the dancers on stage wiggling around in nothing but a speedo.

“That’s... That’s definitely your song Franky!” said Usopp in a fitting laugh.
“Damn! Even the dance and the poses are good!” the cyborg answered, happy that Brook wrote such a good song with him in mind.


“Every move you make
And every vow you break
Every smile you fake
Every claim you fake
I’ll be watching you…”


“While the song is pretty, it’s giving me the chills.” said Nami.
“Yeah, it kinda has some creepy stalker vibes” agreed Usopp.
“That’s not one of our songs.” announced Sanji.


Foosha village - East Blue.

“Mom, you’re alright? Did you catch a cold? Do you need your jacket?”
“No, I’m fine Eri. I guess some people, somewhere are just talking about me.” said Kaza.


Here comes the rain again
Falling from the stars
Drenched in my pain again…’


“That song is so sad.” said Luffy.
“Yes.” said Chopper with watery eyes.
“Not one of them though.” stated Robin.


“I knew we'd find you here.” said Tsuru to the tall and big man in front of her looking at a tombstone.
“Garp, It’s been two years.” said Sengoku.
“Not yet. It would be two years in a week.”
“You need to move on, old friend.”
“I did. I just… It’s not like it matters anyway. I’m more or less retired now. But stil, I can’t help but feel that I failed him somehow. Much more than I did Dragon, or Luffy or Ace.”
“There’s nothing further from the truth.” said Tsuru before adding.
“You gave him a home, you gave him a family, you gave him a chance to reach his dreams. Any choice he made was his own decision, you can’t blame yourself for that.”
“You’re right. Of course you’re right. I know it. In my head, I know it but in my heart…”
“Come on Garp, let’s get out of this rain for some tea.” said Sengoku.


“What a lovely, lovely night

For a drink and a parade.

We'll dance until the morning light,

This town should be afraid…”


“Yep, Brook song, no doubt about that.” said Franky.
“I like how the voices all have different tones.” said Robin.


“So lock up your daughter

Lock up your wife

Lock up your back door

And run for your life…”


“Dumb-ass cook.”
“Shishishi, that’s Sanji’s song.”

On the side, a cook was sitting on the ground, knees up to his chest, crying tears of blood.


“We must be swift as the coursing river

With all the force of a great typhoon
With all the strength of a raging fire

Mysterious as the dark side of the moon…”


Nobody spoke, but everyone was looking at Usopp.

“What?” he said.
“Oh come on!”
“Fine it’s mine… It’s my song.” he said with anime tears falling down his face.


“She's a rebel

She's a saint

She's salt of the earth and she's dangerous…”


“This one doesn’t really fit any of us but…” began Usopp.
“Yeah it fits her..” said Luffy.
“Who’s her?” asked Franky.
“Princess Vivi Nefertari, she was a member of a crew before we arrived at Water Seven.” replied Nami.


“Your majesty! Your majesty!”
“What is it Ingaram?” said King Cobra.
“It’s the princess !! She suddenly got angry during training and is currently proceeding, and succeeding, to give a beating to every single royal guard.”
“What are you waiting for! Call for Chaka and Pell!”
“They were the first to fall, your majesty! She took them by surprise!”


“Carry on my wayward son
There’ll be peace when you are done…”


“I think… That one is for Chopper.” said Robin.
“Yeah me too.” agreed Nami.
“Really?” asked the reindeer.
“It seems like it.” replied Usopp.
“I’m glad my song is nice.” was all Chopper said, sitting on his seat rocking from right to left in the rhythm of the melody.


“'Cause I'm rising up

Never giving up

Never say never

This fight ain't over…”


“That’s mine.” said Zoro
“How come HE, of all people, gets a cool song!” whined Sanji.
“Because I’m awesome and you’re not.”

That was too much for Sanji who launched himself at his rival, starting a fight.

“I didn’t miss that.” said Nami to which everyone agreed.


“One true alpha female puts you on the level

Messing with this broad is messing with the devil

She will make sure her lesson you will learn

Once you cross her you will never return…”


Every single one of the guys stood straight, frozen. Staring straight in front of them, no daring to make eye contact. They were holding their breath, stupidly hoping that her vision was based on movement. They knew, should they move an inch, they were doomed.

“NOT. A. WORD.” said Nami with a deathly glare making them sweat cold sweat.

They didn’t dare disobey her, but thought nonetheless.

““““““ It fits you to a T.””””””


Every journey starts a new romance

A new world's calling out to you

Take a turn

Off the path

Find a new addition to the cast

You know that any captain needs a crew…”


The song was so catchy and groovy that the public was dancing, the straw hat crew was no exception. Robin and Nami were dancing together, while the guys were moving around. Even Zoro was moving his head from side to side while tapping the ground with one feet.

There was no doubt this was Luffy’s song and the captain seems to like it a lot.


I'm a survivor, I'm not gon' give up

I'm not gon' stop, I'm gon' work harder

I'm a survivor, I'm gonna make it

I will survive, keep on survivin'...”


Nami hugged Robin on one side while Chopper, in his normal form, jumped on the other, hugging her too. The rest of the crew were screaming their agreement to the song and Robin… Robin was just smiling, happy to be here.


The show didn’t have any break, it was hours of music non stop. The musicians, all except Brook of course, took turns playing so they wouldn’t be too tired. The show went on and on and the public was still as energetic as ever but as the night was already well advanced Brook signaled his band to stop.

“It’s been hours now that we all enjoy ourselves together….”
“It’s time for me to make an announcement. After the next two songs, I’ll take an indefinite break to travel the world with my friends.”
“I know that during this journey I'll have plenty of inspiration to write new songs. So this is not a goodbye but more of a see you later.”
““““““““ SOUL KING! ””””””””
““““““““ BROOK! ””””””””
“Anyway, here’s the penultimate song…”
People quieted down, Brook gave a sign to a drummer,who played in a simple rhythm. The only other instrument you could hear was the acoustic guitar that he was playing.

“Anything for you,
All of this is true.
But the best story that I could ever tell

Is the one where I’m growing old with you…”


Back to the roof of the stadium, the entirety of the straw hat crew was standing up in silence. The most sensitive and emotional of them were crying without emitting a single sound.

They all knew for whom that song was for. They didn’t have to take a guess, they didn’t have any doubt about it. They knew.
It was both sad and happy. Both beautiful and heart wrenching.
It was an amazing homage to their dear friend who was now gone.

It was a bittersweet moment.

A moment that was broken by a gunshot.

A fat man with a straw hat was leading a group of pirates into the stage while multiple groups of pirates were blocking the exit of the stadium and threatening people.

“My name is Monkey D. Luffy! I’m taking everyone here hostage until I find that redhead bitch that friend of hers with a bob! You have 10 minutes to bring them to me or I’m starting shooting people and I’ll start with Soul King here!” said the Luffy wannabe while pointing a gun at Brook’s head, who wasn’t scared one bit. In fact he was more angry than anything. The fat pig interrupted the tribute to his vice-captain and he will not let it slide.

“You just made the biggest mistake of your life.”



So I forgot to put that here.

Good luck finding the songs used in this chapters. some are easy, some... not so much.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.