Out for Karma: One Piece

Chapter 89: When you’re a snake charmer, you’re gonna get bit [R-18]

I LIED! Never two without three!

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(Sorry I forgot the Picture!)

Chapter 89: When you’re a snake charmer, you’re gonna get bit [R-18]

It has been a week since the events of Punk Hazard. The crew was currently sailing towards Dressrosa.The journey would last another two weeks at least. There were additions to the list of people on Sunny. Trafalgar Law had made an alliance with Luffy to fight against Doflamingo, and was currently discussing with Chopper about medical stuff.
On the other side of the deck with Brook and Zoro was a samurai from Wano Country called Kin’emon, who was talking about his Fox fire style giving him the ability to cut through fire which interested Zoro a lot. Brook began to cry when he began looking towards the girls and that didn’t escape Kin’emon attention. Turning his head to look in the same direction and began crying in frustration.

A young kid was sitting in Robin’s lap and was burying his head in her cleavage to the anger and envy of the skeleton and the samurai.

“You shouldn’t be envious of him.” said Zoro.
“Everyone should be envious of this little goblin!” replied Brook, angry.
“Because of his age he can perv all he wants and know heaven,without any consequences!”
“It would have been any other woman in the world perhaps. But this is Robin.” replied the swordsman.

That it was Robin, gave Brook a revelation and he began to laugh sadistically to the confusion of Kin’emon.

“What’s the problem with Miss Robin?”
“Not Miss. Mrs.” corrected Zoro.
“Oh! Is her husband a jealous man?”
“I wouldn’t say that…” said Zoro.
“Yohohohoho. No Rick is not jealous, he’s worse.”
“What do you mean?”
“He’s really possessive, and protective towards her.” replied Brook.
“One man had laid his hand on her. And well… he got destroyed. He was so enraged that he almost killed us all.” Explained Zoro
“Last time someone talked bad about her he ripped the guy’s arm off.”

The information made Kin’emon pale, cold sweat running down his back.

“Is he that monstrous? He wouldn’t hurt a small child, right?” asked the samurai.
“Rick is a really nice guy all the time, except when Robin is concerned. He literally turns into a devil and loses reason.” answered Zoro.
“Though in normal time, I don’t see him hurting a child, he is a good caretaker actually.” added Brook.

That reassured Kin’emon a bit but he was still worried. He planned to have a talk with Momonosuke to not be so close with Mrs Robin, for his safety.

On the girls' sides, they were around a table talking. Sanji came up to them with drinks.

“Nami-swaaan, Robin-chwaaan, here’s your coffee.”
“Thank you Sanji.” replied Nami while the brunette gave him an appreciative smile.
“Oh! And here is the newspaper.” he added.

The redhead took it and began to read it. The last newspaper they had received revealed Luffy and Trafalgar’s alliance, among others, and Doflamingo abdication of Dressrosa throne, which was just a ploy.

She brought the coffee to her lips and began drinking while reading. Suddenly she spat her drink in shock on Sanji who was just there and didn’t mind one bit the heat of the liquid.

“Nami?” asked Robin, curious.
“T-that idiot! Robin! Your husband is a bigger moron than Luffy!”
“What about me?” said Luffy getting on deck.
“Apparently there is news about Rick.” said Sanji, cleaning his face with a tissue.
“Really?! Hey guys! There is news about Rick!” yelled the captain to the rest of the crew.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and came together to hear about it.

“What did he do?” asked Usopp.
“Is he alright?” wondered aloud Chopper.
“Here, read it for yourself.” Said Nami while discarding the newspapers on the floor and leaving for the inside of the ship.

Luffy took it in his hand and everyone read the article from above his shoulders.

““““““HE DID WHAT?!”””””””

Only Robin was laughing at the news. Her husband was insane and she loved it.


Marine new HeadQuarters - New World.

“Did you read the newspapers today?” asked Sengoku.

“Yes and?”
“Garp, it says it was him.” said Tsuru.
“That can’t be him, Sengoku! You were there! Both of you! He died in my arms, remember?! You even helped me bury his body, it can’t be him! It’s just some stupid pirate, thinking he’s clever impersonnating him or the R.A.”
“I believe it.” replied Tsuru.
“You?! You’re getting old, Tsuru.”
“While I don’t share her belief, It is possible it’s him.”
“Garp, Rick always did the impossible, It wouldn’t be impossible for him to actually be alive.” stated Sengoku.
“You’re both mad!”
“I’ll find out. And if it’s not him…” said Tsuru, letting hand in the air her threat. No one would steal Rick’s identity and get away with it.


Royal Palace - Alabasta Kingdom

“Your majesty!”
“Ingaram, you’re in quite a hurry today, what did Vivi do this time?” said King Cobra.

The man had aged ten years in only two thanks to his daughter's antics. He now had more than a few gray hairs on his head. Ingaram didn’t answer him and just gave him the newspapers. He was shocked at the content and his  first thought was for Vivi. She’s been in love with the man since she was six, and never moved on after his death two years ago to the despair of her many suitors.
“Does Vivi…”
“Your majesty!”

He was interrupted by a royal guard coming into the room, not unlike Ingaram did. After two years he was used to it now.

“So she knows… What did she do this time?”
“Princess Vivi stormed out of the palace! She’s heading to Nanohana!”
“Your majesty she’s leaving the kingdom!” exclaimed Ingaram.
“Why didn’t the royal guard stop her?!”
“She defeated them all sir! No one could stop her.”
“We need to get her back! The reverie is in a few months, she worked too hard to miss it!”


Foosha Village - East Blue

“Mom! Did you read the newspaper?” asked Eri.
“No sweety, why? What happened to get you so excited?”
“It says that two days ago Mary Geoise was attacked by one man and that he kidnapped more than a thousand people! They were all working for the world nobles!”
“Oh my! I wonder who would be mad enough to do that.” replied Kaza.
“It says that it was Wal D Rick. That he’s alive!”

Kaza had to grab the counter hard to not faint from the news. She couldn’t give any hints to her daughter that she knew him. Garp’s visit two years ago and her reaction were already suspicious. She couldn’t add to it.

“Don’t worry mom! I’ll catch him one day!”
“I’m sure you will.” “If only you knew sweety.”
“But I need to be a marine for that!”
“Nu-huh. We already had this conversation, Eri. You can enroll once you’re eighteen.”
“But Mooooom!”
“But nothing young lady, you’re too young to join the navy.”
“But the minimum age is ten! I’m almost twelve!”

Kaza sighed in exasperation.

“Sweety, one day, you’ll enter the navy and from that point you’ll be so busy that we won’t see each other much. Even worse than grandpa Garp.”
“That’s why I want you to stay with me a little longer. I want us to spend as much time together as possible.” she explained while hugging her daughter
“Okay mom.”
“Besides, you're far from ready to leave for the navy with the level of swordsmanship you displayed yesterday!” said the redhead with a teasing grin.


Amazon Lilly - Calm Belt

“Sister, did you see?” asked Sandersonia.
“Yes! To think, this man…” replied Marigold.
“I hope our empress doesn’t find out.” said elder Nyon.
“HAAAAAAANNNNNNN!” was heard from behind the door making the elder sigh.
“Too late.”
“What did you expect? She’s a shichibukai, there was no way she couldn’t know.” stated Sandersonia.
“Fortunately for us, our empress fell in love with a good man.” said the elder to cheer herself up.
“He is our niece's father at least.” declared Marigold.
“You don’t know that!” replied Sandersonia.
“It’s obvious.”
“I hope not, that would bring all kinds of…” began the elder.

Elder Nyon closed her eyes and sighed in exasperation.

“I’m too old for this shit.”


On a Galleon on its way to O’hara - Grand Line.
“Hmm, captain?” asked a passenger.
“Yes?” replied Rayleigh.
“The man who rescued us…”
“Nope! Nope, nope, nope! I don’t know him, don’t want to know him, don’t know anything about him and I’ve never seen him in my life.” replied the Dark King in a hurry.
“I… see… If I may ask, where are we going?”
“A place the Navy and the World Government doesn’t know exists.”

The passenger nodded and left Rayleigh alone, understanding that sometimes it was better to not know things for their own safety. He still couldn’t believe it. Neither did the 500 other people on the galleon and the 500 more and the one following behind.

A day ago during the darkest hour of the night, him and one thousands slave, were rid of their explosive collar. Next thing they knew they were floating in the air and transported down Red Line on two different galleons.
There, only one man was still flying, and told them that they were free now and that the old man who seemed to captain one of the Galleons would lead them to a safe place. People were still scared of being caught by the navy and brought them back to Marie Geoise. Only shackles and torture would await them. They all hoped that they were free for good.

“This crazy kid! ‘I just need you to transport a few people to O’hara, Rayleigh. Don’t worry I’ll get the ship Rayleigh. Don’t bother with the supplies, I'll take care of it, Rayleigh.’ A FEW PEOPLE MY ASS! ONE THOUSAND! ONE THOUSAND! AND THEY’RE SLAVES!” was what the Dark king was thinking.

Looking at the eternal pose leading to O’hara he sighed.

“Well at least he did stick it to the W.G. And here I am sticking it to them too by helping in hiding them. Yeah, that one last adventure feels good.”

Two weeks later they arrived on the island. Unfortunately Rick had not informed him that O’hara was now the HQ of the R.A and cursed him in his mind.
They were held at gunpoint. But after seeing the dragon’s talon on some of the people some of the members of the R.A. understood.

“We were sent here by…”
“The Messiah.” said a high ranked, making his way towards Rayleigh while member of the R.A. gasped in shock.
“The messiah?”
“Wal D Rick. He’s the one who led you here.”
“He calls himself the messiah?” laughed Rayleigh. So hard that tears appeared at the corner of his eyes. That didn’t go well with some of the soldiers.
“Why you! Show some respect.”

Rayleigh ignored them and spoke to the officer.

“Yes, he’s the one who led me here.” he replied, showing the eternal pose.
“He’s truly alive then.”
“... Those people are welcome for a while. They will have to follow the rules, but they can help and rest. Interested in joining us, Dark King?”

The mention of his nickname made the people around whisper.

“No, I only came here to pay my respect to a dear friend.”
“... Who?”
“Nico Olvia.”
“Where do you know her from?”
“She sailed with Roger and I when he wasn’t the pirate king yet.”

That tidbit of info finally shocked the officer.

“Lovely lady, just like her daughter.” added the old man.
“You know Robin?”
“Of course, I trained her captain and vice-captain after all.”
“Is she doing well?”
“Considering she married Rick last month, I’d say pretty well.”
“The light of revolution and the messiah married?!” said the officer dumbfounded.

For the more fanatical members of the R.A., this was a sign. A sign that their cause was right and that they will succeed in getting rid of the celestial dragons. Soon enough this information would be known by every member on the island and would spread to every R.A. outpost around the world. To those who had the chance to meet and get to know Robin, they were happy for her.

“Come with me, I'll bring you to your friend.” said the officer.

Let’s rewind time a bit, to the day after the news of Rick’s doings had reached Amazon Lily. Hancock had just put Lynda to bed when a voice coming from her balcony called out to her.

“Good evening, Hancock.”

Turning around immediately, she saw the man of her life, the one who haunted her dreams. The man who gave her, her daughter, their daughter. She ran towards him and jumped into his arms; kissing with every ounce of love she had. She put her legs around him, forcing him to put his hands on her ass to hold her, making her moan in the process. When she broke the kiss she rained some more all over his face.

“I missed you! I missed you so much! A part of me died with you until…”
“You found out you were pregnant with our little Lynda.”
“You know?!”
“Robin and Nami filled me in. I came as soon as I could.”
“She’s over there.” said Hancock motionning the cradle some feet behind her.

Rick started walking towards it while carrying Hancock. Not like he had any choice in the matter. Two years later and she was still stuck to him like a leech.

Reaching his daughter he freed one of his hands and caressed her cheek lovingly.

“She’s beautiful. Just like her mother. I pity the men whose hearts she’ll break.”

Hancock stayed silent but blushed furiously at his compliment. They stayed that way for a while until she asked him some questions.

“Why didn’t you come to me? I would have hid you.”
“Because I died, Hancock.”
“What?! You could at least find a believable lie!”

Rick sighs and for the third time talks about his resurrection.


“That’s crazy.” she said while sitting in his lap on the bed, resting her head against his shoulder.
“I know right, still can’t believe it either.”
“What about…”
“Me dying?”
She nodded.

“Met Vegapunk again,and he fixed me. I’m good for four to five decades.”
“Thank god. I don’t think I could handle losing you twice.”
“You won’t.” he answered, raising his left hand and caressing her cheek.

That was a bad move as Hancock saw his wedding ring on his finger.

“YOU MARRIED?!” she screamed in anger waking up their daughter.
“Hancock!” exclaimed Rick with a whisper.

He pushed her out of his lap and went to pick up his crying daughter. Realizing what she’s done, Hancock suppressed her rage in silence and looked at the both of them.

“Shhh, little one, daddy he’s here. There is no need to cry.” he said sweetly while rocking her gently.

That sight melted the pirate empress's heart and dissipated her anger. She kept on looking at the scene, noticing the quickness with which her daughter stopped crying in her father’s arms.

“She never quieted down so quickly.”

Once she was back to sleep the little one got a kiss on her head and was put back in her cradle. Her daddy’s job done, he walked back to her mother.

“I’m sorry.” whisper Hancock looking at the ground.

He put his arms around her and did likewise in response.

“That’s alright.”
“Who’s she? Robin?”
“That’s not fair. I knew you for longer. You always were my husband, in my head, my dreams, my heart. And now…” she began sobbing.
“And now you just need Robin’s approval to become my second wife.”

Her response was instantaneous, she raised her head in a flash and looked up at him.
“You heard me. I’ll be your husband and you’ll be my wife as long as Robin approves.”
“Since when can people marry multiple people?”
“Since I decided that I wanted marry the women I love.”
“I won’t be your first wife.”
“Don’t be like that. You knew about it when you agreed to our deal. And besides. Who gave me a child first? Robin or you?”
“That’s something she could never take from you.”
“You’re right.”
“Still want to marry me then?”
“Uh-huh” was her answer as she kissed him longly.
“A bit of advice, Robin loves history and good sex.”
“It’s in the bag then, I’m really good at sex.” she boasted.
“Is that a fact?”
“Let’s see if it’s true then.”

He turned her around and began to kiss the back of her neck towards her shoulder. He untied her belt and opened her dress and let it fall down as he put his on her belly stroking it softly. One hand moved downard and rested just above her nether region while the other went upward grabbing a breast. Hancock moaned loudly.

“Shhh. You don’t want to wake Lynda again, don’t you?”

She shook her head negatively while bringing her right hand to muffle her moans. That went on and on until she couldn’t take it anymore. She escaped from his grasp and turned around. She went for his pants while he removed his upper clothes. When she pulled down his underwear she was hit in the face by the cock she loves so much, the one who gave her her Lynda. She inhaled the scent it was emanating, making her even wetter than she already was.

Rick looked at her with fascination with his lover. She was in some kind of trance. Slowly she went downwards, sliding his dick on her face, until she was right onto his balls. She inhaled deeply once again through her nose and let out a deep sigh of content. She kissed one of them, then the other, leaving red lipstick marks on his sack. Finally she finished kissing and took one in her mouth, swirling her tongue around it while sucking strongly.
The effect was immediate as Rick groaned loudly. Hearing this, Hancock sucked even harder and let go, before doing the same to the other testicle.

She gave one last kiss to both of them, before grabbing his cock in one hand and began to lick and kiss from the root to the top of it. She positioned his shaft on her mouth, right under nose and with her eyes closed sniffed it one last time. She opened her mouth and looked at him dead in the eye.

Rick could see the love and devotion in them and it excited him to no end. Finally she opened her mouth and took it in. Very slowly she moved forward, taking inch by inch. She moaned when the crown of his cock reached her throat and kept going further down until her nose touched his skin. While she took everything all his length, her eyes never left his and she never blinked.

Hancock's whoreship
[Art by Mikanberry : Here)

Now that he was fully sheathed in her, Hancock started moaning which sent vibrations through his cock. Rick grunted and put his hands on each side of her head to hold her in place.

“You’re a naughty, naughty slutty mommy, aren’t you?” he said.

She tried to nod but couldn’t.

“Since you like to worship my cock so much, I wonder how long you can keep it in your throat.”

She knew instantly what he was going to do, and she was delighted at the knowledge making her pussy throb. Quickly she began to need oxygen but Rick was still holding her in place. Hancock’s survival instinct took over and she put both of her hands on his thighs, trying to push herself away, as tears began to fall, ruining her mascara as they fell on her cheeks.
He sprouted a hand on one of her legs, which inserted two fingers into her snatch and did some back and forth with good speed.

This was too much for Hancock who came hard. Her throat constricting itself around his cock made Rick reach his peak and came too. As he did so he pulled himself out quickly and painted her face in white.

The pirate empress was out of it, breathing heavily. Her mouth,still linked to his cock by multiple strands of saliva.

“Hancock! Are you alright?!” said Rick in panic.

He had tried that many times with Robin before and she had loved it though, at the beginning it was difficult with her gag reflex and she couldn’t yet take all of him that way. But he had found out two years ago that Hancock didn’t have one and could take all of him. So he tried and it was an out of this world experience, physically, mentally and emotionally. However if the price for it was to hurt his lover he would not do it again.

Hancock didn’t answer his question, instead took back his dick in her mouth and began bobbing up and down.

“Hancock stop!”

But she didn’t hear him, as she was unconsciously doing it. Seeing that she didn’t respond, he stopped her and took her into her arms and went to bed where he laid himself down with her on top of him. He put his hand into her hair and started combing her slowly.

He did until she came to.

“Hey” he said sweetly, seeing her disorientation.
“Hey….” she answered with a hoarse voice. Confirming  the experience did, do a number on her somehow.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t …” he couldn’t finish his apology as she gave him a kiss.
“I.. love it.”

Rick sighed, in relief and exasperation.

“ She’s as crazy as Kaza.”

“Another time, but not tonight.” he said, kissing the top of her head.

She pouted and buried her hand onto his chest in prostestation, but she knew he was right, her throat was burning and couldn’t take more. She wasn’t done though. She moved down and oriented herself in a way where she could look at him and have his thick cock between her breasts. She started slurping loudly and lewdly on it and once it was sufficiently hard, used her tits.

“God you’re crazy.” he whispered.
“About you.”
“No blowjob and certainly no deepthroat!”

She gave a kiss on the tip of his penis and nodded.
“That’s not why I’m doing this anyway.”
“I’m only giving you a titjob  to make you hard.”
“Don’t let me stop you then, because it’s working.”
“Of course it’s working, did you see those beauties?” She said as she fondled her breasts and displayed them with pride.
“They’re marevelous.”

“Dear goddess, they are even bigger than Robin’s.”

Soon enough Hanock’s hard work bore fruit and Rick was as hard as steel. She didn’t waste any time and positioned herself. Ever so slowly she lowered her ass, taking his dick in her pussy until she could sit on his thighs.

“God, I missed that too.”
“Hancock, please don’t …”
“I’m fine, really.” she said, interrupting him.

She took his hands and put them on her breasts as she started not to slide along his cock up and down but to gyrate slowly. Rick tried to raise himself but she pushed back down.

“Just watch.” she ordered, to which he nodded.

He didn’t move as instructed and let her have her fun. It was only fair he had a few minutes earlier after all. He kept one hand on her left tit, still fondling it and playing with her nipple while with the other caressed her side, sometimes going before her and squeezing her ass.
Before long she leaned forward and put her hand on his chest for support. It allowed her to move faster and to rasided herself up and down a bit. While she picked up a bit of speed, she wasn’t in a rush and was enjoying every second of this intimate moment they shared. She was so happy that she was doing a mix of moaning and humming that Rick found incredibly sexy.
Once she had found a good rhythm she began to contract then release  the walls of her pussy, effectively massaging his cock. That made Rick grunt in appreciation and fuelled her lust more. She stopped gyrating, laid down on him, her boobs squashed on his chest, and began to move her ass up down at a frightening speed as Rick grabbed her ass cheeks and spread them.

They’ve been at it for more than twenty minutes now and Hanock felt her orgasm approaching, she went even faster and kept at it until her lover couldn’t handle it anymore. He gripped her ass roughly then pushed it down impaling her with every single inch of his cock and exploded inside of her, flooding her baby chamber. His climax started her own and she had to bite hard on his shoulder to not scream in ecstasy, less she woke up her daughter again.

His orgasm didn’t last long but after a minute or two, Hancock’s body was still having some spams. When it calmed down she let his shoulder go and felt guilty. The bite was deep.

“It’s alright. It doesn’t hurt and it will be healed by the morning” he said, taking her face in one hand and giving her a kiss.
“Thank you…” she whispered with her head on his chest, listening to his heart beat.
“What for?”
“For letting me lead, letting me make love to you.”

He kissed the top of her head, and combed her hair with his hand again.

“When are you leaving?”
“A bit before dawn.”
“Can’t you stay a bit longer?” “Can’t you stay forever?”
“I can’t, my crew is waiting for me.”
“They don’t need you.” “I need you.”
“You know they do, with Luffy as the captain.”

The only recourse she had left to make him stay was Lynda, but she refused to use their daughter like that. Out of options, she accepted what she knew all along. He would leave her.

"By the way, you're not good at sex."

"What?!" she whispered angrily, murder in her eyes.

"You're excellent. Robin's approval is in the bag." he said and kissed her on the lips and pulled her down with him, letting sleep take both over, with Hancock having a very proud and satisfied smile on her face.


Came morning and Hancock didn’t find herself alone in bed. Though the one with her was not the one she wanted to.

By her side was Lynda, soundly sleeping. She noticed something about her daughter. She was wearing a small cap with a dark purple star sewn on it and holding into her tiny hand a small snake plushy. Her daughter's adorableness was overloading and she took her in her arms. As she did so a small note fell on her lap. She picked it up and started reading.

“I changed and fed our daughter then put her near her beautiful mom so the latter wouldn’t feel lonely without her daddy.

I hope she likes her cap and her plushy.
I’m sorry for leaving without waking you up but I didn't want to see your heart break, I don’t think I could have handled it.

To both my Empress and my little snake, all my love.”

He had signed the note by his name even though it wasn’t necessary. Hancock opened the drawer of her nightstand and put the note inside. She then focused on her daughter, loving how beautiful she was with her cap while she was fiercely holding her new toy. She only had one question in mind.

Where and when did he get all that?”

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