Out for Karma: One Piece

Chapter 94: Let’s get it on (or not)


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Chapter 94: Let's get it on (or not)

Luffy had given everything in his fight against Doflamingo to the point that hours later he was still sleeping. He wasn’t the only one, many of the people who either fought against the Doflamingo family or did their best to stop the birdcage were in the same situation.

Currently the straw hat crew, minus the members who were on Sunny, were resting in a small wooden house on Flower Hill, far from anyone else. The R.A trio was there too.

“To think Luffy had a third brother.” said Zoro.
“Yes, I always thought he had only two.” said Sabo grinning at Rick who grinned back.
“I didn’t even know he had other brothers than me until we were on our way to save Ace from Impel Down.”
“Luffy is not the type to speak about anything other than the present.” noted Robin.
“Robin, Luffy didn’t even know he had a father, so I think it’s more than just talking about the present.” said Franky, making everyone laugh.
“One thing I don’t understand is that Luffy thought you were dead.”
“ Years ago, since I was the oldest I was the first to leave but there was an incident. The island we lived on was separated in two. The rich side and the poor side, the latter being a big dump. I was the son of a noble living on the rich side and one day my father received the news that a celestial dragon would be visiting. The entirety of the rich district wanted to look their best and curry favor from that world noble, so they decided to get rid of the dump and during the night started a fire. I fled on my small ship; unfortunately the celestial dragon arrived at the same time and shot my ship down. I was saved by Dragon.
“Luffy’s dad?” asked Rick.
“Yes, he brought me onto his ship and let the doctor on board save my life. That’s how I got my scar.” he said pointing to his left eye.
“Though complications occurred.”
“What kind of complications?” asked Zoro.
“Well shit.” said Franky.
“I know the feeling” Rick sympathized.
“Yes. I couldn’t remember if I had a family, where I live, or even my name. So I entered the Revolution Army and started a new life. Until two years ago when I saw in the newspaper, Ace and Luffy side by side paying their respect at Marine Ford. I suddenly got a splitting headache and my memories came back. I was out for days though.”
“Please, tell me they didn’t…”
“Went back to honor you? Fine I won’t tell you then.” replied Robin next to him.

Rick just pinched the bridge of his nose and mumbled along the lines of “those morons.”

“They could have just had an interview. Since I stopped the war plenty of marines were still healthy and ready to fight. That could have ended badly.”

“When we were tasked to put a stop to Doflamingo’s arms dealing we came here but then I learned that Luffy was here, I couldn’t help myself and went to search for him.”
“Thanks again for winning the eternal pose.” said Rick
““What eternal pose?””” asked Zoro and Franky.
“The winner’s prize at the tournament…”
“An Eternal Pose to Lodestar.” finished Robin.
“What’s that?” wondered the swordsman.
“Lodestar is the last island you can reach with a log pose on Grand Line.”
“You… mean, it leads to the last island before the one with the One Piece?!” Franky said, astonished.
“If it’s the real deal, yes.” replied Rick.
“Knowing Doflamingo, it’s real.” Sabo said.
“It’s not like it would be useful to us…” Robin began.
“But at least others can’t use it.” Rick finished.
“Not useful? Why wouldn’t it be? Isn’t being the pirate king Luffy’s dream?” asked Hack.
“There is no way Luffy would use it.” Zoro proclaimed.
“He’d probably destroy it.” added Franky.
“Hack, for Luffy becoming the pirate king, it’s just a fact, so for him what matters is the journey, the adventure, not so much the destination.” Sabo explained.
“I see.”
“What are you going to do now?” asked Robin.

Hack and Sabo looked at Rick intently. Koala would have done the same if she had been awake. Currently she had her head in Rick’s lap getting her head patted with a very happy sleeping face.

“Why? Aren’t you fighting against the celestial dragon?” asked Sabo
“I do, but I have more important things to do first.”
“What can be more important than defeating the world nobles and gaining freedom.” Hack asked.
“ Help Luffy become the pirate king and most of all find the truth about the void century.” he replied matter of factly. Which earned him a kiss on the top of his head as Robin was higher since she was sitting on a chair and Rick on the floor by her side.
“Besides, people need to stand up for themselves. If they don’t make the decision to fight for their freedom and let others fight for them… It would just be a lost cause.
“You’re right on that.” Sabo admitted with a sigh.
“That doesn’t mean I can’t help, though. I’d be very happy to smash a world noble to shred should I encounter one.”
“That’s good enough for me.” replied the fishman.
“That is not the only kind of help I can provide the R.A.”
“What do you mean by that?” Sabo asked.
“My luck is exceptionally good for one thing: finding devil fruits.”

Everyone one looked at Rick confused.

“I ate my first devil fruit at four, ate a second at eleven. Found two others on Thriller Bark and… found one in the Royal Palace while I was on my way saving princess Mansherry.”
“Another one?” asked Robin.
“Damn, that’s a lot of devil fruits you found.” stated Franky.
“You would give it to the Revolution Army?” Sabo asked.
“To the R.A.? No. To you? Yes.”

Activating the system, Rick discreetly put the Gura Gura no mi, from his inventory to the inside pocket of his overcoat on his avatar display. Immediately the fruit appeared in the same pocket in reality. Rick put his hand inside the said pocket and brought out the fruit displaying it to everyone.

“Do you know what devil fruit it is?”
“Can’t say I do.”
“Let me give you a hint. In the whole world, you are probably the only person Ace would be okay with if you ate it.”

Sabo frowned, not understanding right off the bat. After a few moments he connected the dots and raised himself so fast from his chair that it fell behind.

“Okay, stop with the suspense, what fruit is it?!” Franky asked.
“That’s the Gura Gura no mi. The person who ate before reforming was.”
“Whitebeard.” Sabo replied.
“Holy shit!” Franky exclaimed.

Rick tossed the fruit to Sabo who caught it with two hands and looked at it like it was an heirloom.

“What are you waiting for? Eat it.”

The R.A. commander didn’t waste any time and did as instructed. Within seconds nothing was left of the fruit.

“God, it tasted awful.”
“And you only ate one. It’s even worse the second time.”
“Really? I still remember the taste of mine and I ate it at six. I have never tasted something more awful. I can’t believe something could taste even worse.” Robin asked.
“Believe me, it’s true. And Sabo…”
“Don’t worry, I won’t test its power now. Not with so many people around the island.”
“It is really weird to have a brother with an ounce of common sense. I’m so not used to it.”
“Someone had to reign those two idiots.” Sabo, joked, making Rick laugh.
“Speaking of devil fruit… The marine admiral on the island has the same power as Ener.” Zoro said entering the conversation

“So Fujitora was the one who ate the Goro Goro no mi?  Could have been worse.”

“Oh? I guess I’m paying him a visit tomorrow morning.”
“Why?” Robin.
“I want to see what kind of person he is. The Goro Goro no mi is too powerful to be in the hands of someone bad.”
“He’s… an alright guy I’d say.” Franky replied.
“Well, he has nothing to fear then.”
“What I don’t understand is how did he get it? Ener disappeared after Luffy defeated him. With how powerful he was I doubt someone killed him.” Robin asked.
“Excuse me, but who’s Ener and what power gives the Goro Goro no mi?” Hack wondered out loud.”
“The Goro Goro no mi is a logia type devil fruit, making anyone eating it a lightning person. Ener was a skypiean, passing himself as god with his powers, a tyrant who had no problem destroying an entire sky island and murder thousands of people along the way. As for what happened to him… Wyper, Gan Fall, Raki and I are responsible. I tracked him down and Raki used the seastone in Wyper’s reject dial to immobilize him, after that I just sent him down to the blue sea where he drowned.”

That confession made everyone awake in the room and dropped their jaws in astonishment.

“Why didn’t you say anything?” asked Zoro.
“Two reasons. One: At the time none of the crew except me and perhaps Robin had taken a life. No offense but you were still babies freshly arrived in the world of adults at the time.”
“Fair enough, and the second reason.”
“I may or may not have awoken during the party feast and…”
“And you went to search for him?!” exclaimed Robin, not happy about the news.
“Eh… What’s wrong with that?” Franky asked.
“What’s wrong with that is that a couple hours earlier that idiot died!” Robin explained.
“For three minutes, no big deal and as I say I may have not done that.”

If Koala wasn’t sound asleep in Rick’s lap, Robin would have slapped him until her frustration was gone. She would endure for now.

“I may or may not have a word with you about your instinct of self-preservation.” the brunette said sending him a murderous glare.

That made everyone around laugh.


Morning came and the R.A members said their farewell. Rick had asked Sabo to send a message to O’hara saying the slaves he had saved would arrived on the island soon led by Rayleigh. Sabo agreed of course and watched down with curiosity and amusement the showdown between spouses.

“Robin please.”
“Come on, look at her!” said Rick holding Koala in front of her like he would hold a child.
“No, Koala’s place is in the Revolution Army.

Both Rick and Koala had the same puppy dog eyes, but Robin didn’t flinch.

“You two can look at me like that all you want the answer is still no.”
“I don’t want to go!!” said Koala, wrapping her arms around his neck.

As they had things to do and a long journey to go, Sabo gripped Koala by the collar and forcefully detached her from his new found brother. Waving with his free hand he said farewell to the crew.

“She could have been Nami’s twin! Without the money obsession.” commented Rick.
“I know.” replied Robin. Getting closer to him she whispered.
“Koala is like a little sister to me, that’s why I don’t want her in our bed. And I was being serious about the R.A. needing her.” she added.
“Alright, alright. “ Rick said, admitting his defeat.

Robin grabbed his head in her hands and gave him a small kiss the after ending it took his hand in hers.

“Isn't it about time we go?” the brunette said.
“Go? Go where?”
“Visit the admiral? What else?”
“No, no, no, no, no, NO!”
“I won’t bring you to the heart of the marines forces on the island.”
“Why not?”
“If something goes wrong…”
“Then my dear husband would be there to protect me.”
“Robin, I…”
“I’m coming with you and that’s final.”
“... Why?”
“Last time you confronted someone with the Goro Goro no mi’s power, you died. I’m reminded of that everytime I see your right arm.”

That was true, the scars left by Ener on his body were always there even when he regenerated the said arm or sprouted them around. Looking in her eyes, she saw the determination in them. She squeezed his hand tighter.

“We’re not getting separated from each other, not if I can help it.” She announced.
“... I love you, I hope you know that.”
“I know. And I feel the same.”

Rick took her up in his arms and started to float. He didn’t bother to try to dissuade her at least one more time, it was a futile endeavor, instead he just flew while carrying her to the marines’ settlement on the coast.

In a few seconds they were above the main ship. Looking down they saw Fujitora roll a die.

“So I'm finally meeting the guy… I wonder what his importance was in the story. I mean one thing I remember about the Dressrosa’s arc was him.”

“What, number rolled up?” the admiral asked.
““One”” replied the couple landed on the deck a few feet away from the man.
“You! You’re under arrest!” said the subordinate.
“Captain, did the die rolled a one?”
“Yes or no?”
“Then stand down. That’s Strawhat's number, so we won’t be going after them today.”
“B-but Sir.”
“Don’t warn the others, that’s an order.”
“Y-yes sir.” The captain said before leaving.
“To what do I owe this visit in this fine morning?”
“Curiosity.” Rick replied.
“Oh? And what are the two of you curious about?” the blind man asked.
“How did you…” began Robin but was answered by Rick.
“Observation Haki. In combination with the Goro Goro no mi, he’s able to see his surroundings, just like Ener did.”
“That’s correct, you seem well informed.”
“I was the one who killed the previous lightning man. A tyrant who enslaved and tried to kill thousands of people just so he could own the moon.”
“Stupid I know, but the people on sky islands have very little knowledge about the stars.”
“I guess, I should thank you for your deed.”
“No need. Taking his life was the right thing to do. You, finding the fruit was your own luck.
“... May I know who I am speaking to?”
“Wal D Rick.”
“Nico Robin.”
“The traitor and the demon child? I feel honored.”
“Don’t call my wife like that.”

Turning to Robin he asked a question that has been bothering him for a while now.

“Why is everyone surprised that I’m married?”
“Because most of the time people only get to know your childish side which is not nearly mature enough to have a wife.” Robin answered with a serious face which was betrayed by her amusement in her eyes. Fujitora didn’t miss it in her voice and laughed.
“I apologize if I offended you.”
“It’s alright with me, I’m used to it. My idiot over there isn’t.” She replied, giving him a peck on his cheek.
“You said curiosity? What are you curious about?”
“What kind of person you are. Depending on the answer, the Goro Goro no mi may soon be in circulation again.”
“I see. That’s very blunt.”
“I believe it’s the best way to communicate.”
“And what decision did you take?”
“That the fruit is in good hands.”
“Just like that? After just a few minutes of conversation.”
“I was already aware of what you did when Dofus made the birdcage. I just wanted to see if it was an act or not. The fact that a full marine bataillon is not yet surrounding us hostile is proof enough it wasn’t.”
“...You’re nothing like the stories said you are.”
“If the stories are from the Navy, you better not trust any of it. Mainly lies born from the red bitch’s… ”
“Wounded pride.” said a voice coming from behind the couple.

Turning around they were face to face with Tsuru and Sengoku. By reflex, Rick put himself in front of Robin and took a protective stance.

“There is no need for that. Admiral Fujitora said that today we were not going after your crew, so we won’t.”
“And, you think that I’ll believe you, of all people?”
“Tsuru, Sengoku, why are you here?” Fujitora asked.
“We were already on our way when Kazuki told us to hurry to provide support.” Tsuru replied.


Tsuru came close to Rick and stopped right in front of him. She raised her hand slowly and put it on his cheek.
“I’m glad you’re alive. When I heard the news of the Marie Geoise incident and that you were the one responsible, I hoped it was true.” She replied , a ghost of a smile appearing at the corner of her lips.
“Eh! Sakazuki was enraged.” Sengoku joked.
“I don’t know what pissed him off more. That you are alive, that you brought chaos on Marie Geoise just under his nose or the message you left him.
“A message? The newspaper never reported that. ” Robin asked.
“It was censored.” Sengoku explained.
“ ‘How is your arm, Red Bitch?’ signed WDR. You always liked taunting people. That’s why I hoped.” Tsuru said with a laugh.
“What can I say? I was taught by the best to go right for the weakness. And his, is his pathetic misplaced pride.” replied Rick, looking at Sengoku while Fujitora laughed at the truth of the matter.
“The only subject you ever surpassed me in.” the former Fleet Admiral said.
“That’s not true. I remember my last words to you, Uncle. What did defeat taste like?” the ex-marine replied, making the old man frown.
“Bittersweet. He was both furious and proud of being outsmarted.”
“Oh, give it a rest Sengoku. You’re not the Fleet Admiral anymore, relax a bit and be honest with yourself.”
“Like Garp?”
““NO!”” yelled Tsuru and Rick in sync.

The three of them looked at each other in silence then laughed heartily at the surprise of Robin and Fujitora.They did not witness a pirate speaking to marines, but a family having a reunion after a long time. It was heartwarming. Fujitora, feeling he was intruding, discreetly left. Whatever Tsuru and Sengoku had come to tell him could wait. The laughter stopped and the conversation became serious when Tsuru spoke up.

“Rick, we need to talk.”
“About what?”
“Family matters.” Tsuru said, looking at Robin.
“Anything you have to say, you can say in front of my wife.”

That was a surprise for both of them. They knew that two years ago they were dating but marriage?

“Ugh. Yes, wife, so anything you have to say, she can hear it. I keep no secret from her, and if she doesn’t know anything it’s either because I didn’t have the opportunity to tell her yet or because it doesn’t matter to me.”

Tsuru and Sengoku looked at each other and nodded. His funeral.

“You have a twelve years old daughter.” announced Sengoku.
“When you left the navy, Kaza found out she was pregnant. With how high the tension was after your leaving, she feared for your baby’s life. That’s why she left a month later. Garp found her a safe place and hid her. ”

Horns materialized on Rick’s head. To say he wasn’t happy by the news was an understatement. When he had met Garp on Water Seven he didn’t tell him anything about it, despite his right to know. His sudden change in appearance made Tsuru and Sengoku tense. They remembered those horns too well. They were dumbfounded when Robin hugged him from behind and whispered something in his ear. Rick seemed to calm down and the horns went away.

“Where is she? Where are they? Why do I only learn about it now? Why didn’t Grandpa tell me when we met at Water Seven?”
“Only Garp knows where they are. The less people know the safer they are.”
“You’re learning about it now, because you deserve to know.” Sengoku replied.
“And I didn’t years ago?!” yelled Rick.
“Rick, Sengoku didn’t know about it until after… after you died.”
“I’m still pissed about Garp and you keeping me in the dark for a decade.”
“You would have used them to get him back!” Snapped Tsuru.
“... You’re right.” confessed Sengoku with a sigh.
“It wouldn’t have worked. Where I was hiding I didn’t have access to any newspaper.”
“Back at Marine Ford, there wasn’t any opportunity to tell you.” Tsuru explained.
“Not that it would have mattered considering the time you had left.”
“You spoke to Vegapunk?” asked Rick, astonished.
“We did. It was very informative.”
“And shocking. Artificial humans… madness.” Tsuru added, shaking her head.
“I have one question though…” Sengoku began.
“How am I still alive? Well… that’s a long, unbelievable story, so let’s sit down.”


“Insane, I know.”
“I was going to say ‘ so like you’ but it works too.” said Tsuru.
“Just like me?” Rick asked.
“Always doing something that redefined reality and/or  logic.” Robin replied.
“She knows you well.” said Sengoku with a smile.
“I wouldn’t have proposed to him if I didn’t.” the brunette replied, making the two marines laugh.
“What’s so funny?” she asked, confused.
“Rick being proposed to, and not doing the proposing.” answered Tsuru.
“I’ll forever remember him looking at Tsuru with stars in his eyes with a good deal of determination declaring ‘ Big sis when I’m all grown up, I’m going to marry you!’.” laughed Sengoku with tears in his eyes.
“Yes! What happened to marrying me?!” Tsuru teased.

She was not ready for the retort she got. Neither was Sengoku.

“If you can get Robin’s approval, I’d have no problem marrying you. You’re still my hero and the person I admire the most. And the sex was really good.”

Tsuru froze and a faint blush appeared on her cheeks. Sengoku? Sengoku had his jaw on the ground and was frozen too. Unlike his friend though, his brain seemed to have checked out. Rick rose from his chair, got close to the older woman and gave her a very hot and sensual kiss. She didn’t react at first but got into it. When the kiss ended she was blushing a lot more. The out of this world experience didn’t stop when Robin arrived from nowhere and kissed her the same way too.

“Sorry but seeing you kiss her made me hot… Hmm. I understand why you went after her. I like her, so marry her if you want.” was all she said.

Rick took her in her arms and took up to the sky. Their direction? The nearest inn, his wife was turned on and so was he.

Back on deck Tsuru’s mind was a complete mess and Sengoku’s brain hadn’t rebooted yet.


It was a bit in the afternoon when the married couple left the inn and a very embarrassed and horny innkeeper. How did they know? Her nipples were rocked hard through her cotton dress. Rick dropped off  Robin to the wooden house where the crew was resting with the addition of Bartolomea who was guarding the perimeter and Baby-5 who hung out near Franky already assisting him, giving him the tools he asked for while fixing his damaged left eye.

“I rented the room for the whole day and night.”
“Oh? Another session scheduled tonight?”
“Yes~~” Rick answered.

He gave her a quick kiss and left for the Royal Palace to find Viola. He had to be discreet. The marines may not be after them today, but that didn’t mean they could parade themselves in front of them in public.

He found the princess speaking with Rebecca in a bedroom. The latter was being dressed by servants. Entering through an open window he attracted Viola right into his arms.

“This is a kidnapping. Don’t worry I’ll bring her back tomorrow in the morning, so if you could keep quiet about it that’d be nice, thank you!”

Was all he said and left the way he came in. Viola was hitting his chest with her fists but with the position she was in, she didn't have enough space to hit hard. Seeing how high in the air they were she gave up and let herself be led away. Rick found a secluded place and landed there, lowering her down on her feet. Immediately she pulled away, putting her hands on her hips, clearly not happy about her kidnapping.

“What was that for?!” she yelled out.
“The kidnapping?”
“No, I was talking about …. OF COURSE THE KIDNAPPING!” she yelled again but this time right in his face.
“To have a talk?”
“You couldn’t just go to the palace and ask for me?”
“To have a private talk?”
“And it needed to happen here? Not in a secure room?”
“To have a nice private talk?”

She threw her arms up in the air and sighed. There was no winning with him as she started to realize.

“You want to talk then talk!”
“I’m sensing some hostility here…”
“Alright, alright, no need to yell. I wanted to talk about Robin.”
“Yes, are you interested or not?”
“Why should I sleep with her to begin with?”
“Well, she’s gorgeous, very flexible, really kinky and very talented in…”
“What is it then?”
“Why should I do you that favor?”
“... Because you owe me, duh.” Rick said, playing the incredulous one.
“I owe you nothing.”
“Sure you do, didn’t we get rid of Dofus?”
“I thought you helped me because it was the right thing to do and not for a reward.”
“You didn’t seem pleased with that, so if you remember, I gave you time to think about a reward. Time’s up you don’t have any idea, so I gave you mine.”
“Okay… First: you didn’t get rid of Dofy, your captain did. Second: I asked you to kill him and he’s still breathing.”
“I did stop the birdcage’s destruction it was causing and saved your people, by giving time to Luffy to put Dofus down. “
“Okay… I'll give you that one.” Viola replied reluctantly.
“And I saved princess Mansherry too but I’ll consider it a freebie.”
“If you’re really not interested that’s fine but I need a definite answer before tonight.”
“Before tonight? Why?”
“Speaking from experience, Luffy will probably wake up tomorrow or the day after. Once he does, we’re leaving immediately, with the marines around… they haven’t acted against us because of luck. If anything has to happen between Robin and you it’s tonight.”
“... Alright.”
“I’ll drop you off back at the palace, I’ll be back in early evening to hear what you decided to do.”
“No, I meant… alright, I’ll do it.” Viola said shyly while blushing.
“Don’t feel obligated, I was joking about you owing me. I don't want you to feel coerced either. Do it if…”
“I don’t feel that way. Obligated or coerced I mean. I’ll do it because I want to.”
“Yet, you seem reluctant.”
“I’m… not it’s just…”
“It’s just?”
“I… feel… threatened? By Robin.”
“That… may not be the right word to express what I feel. A better word would be…”
“Not exactly… ”
“Hmm… Inferior?”

He had just pinpointed her feelings and Viola felt embarrassed, lowering her head, looking at the ground and fidgeting with her hands.

“Why though?”
“She’s… everything you said she was. I’m the princess of the whole kingdom, an incalculable number of men court me either for the power I held or to get between my legs. I know I’m beautiful, yet when you look at her I feel… less.
“Okay, first of all: you’re a ten out of ten. You got a pretty face…” Rick said, beginning to list her good points but was immediately interrupted.
“ ‘Big bouncy and juicy tiddies and legs so tasty people could start a religion about them.’, I remember.”
“The enticing hips and the narrow waist and the very kissable luscious lips.” he finished before kissing her.

She immediately kissed back in a frenzy putting her arms around his neck and pulling him down to her, while Rick took his time to caress up and down one of her legs with one hand and fondled her ass gently with the other. She moaned in appreciation and pulled harder, squashing her chest against his. For years since she put an end to her relationship with Doflamingo she has been frustrated, perhaps even before.Rick was pushing some really good buttons and she wanted more. While she had been cold and didn't react to his actions with her when they met it was simply because she was too much focused on the shichibukai’s downfall. The pressure on her shoulders didn’t allow her to be responsive.

The kiss didn’t last long but was really passionate as Viola was breathing heavily when they stopped.

“Wow. You really were pent up.”

The princess mumbled something back unintelligible.

“I’m always right, that’s like… nature’s law, so I need more…”
“Dofy! He was an awful lover!”

She tried to kiss him again but was stopped.

“Why?!” she asked in a whining tone.
“Because you’re ready to explode.”
“I AM!” Viola answered and took his hands to put it under her dress where he could feel how wet she was.
“Now do something about it !”
“I want you like that for Robin tonight. Eager and highly frustrated.” Rick replied as he started to take the air.
“I have some preparations to make. Don’t worry I’ll be back in a couple hours.”

Viola kept screaming at him but he was already gone.


Evening fell and Rick had brought Robin to the inn they had visited in the morning. Just before they entered the room he had blindfolded her.

“Why?!” she had asked.
“For the surprise.”

She kept quiet and went along with it. When they entered the room a familiar smell hit her nose. She knew that smell very well and loved it. She bit her lower lips and couldn’t wait to have the blindfold removed, hoping that he had realized her wishes.

“Do you smell it?”
“God yes! It’s so strong!”

She heard him walk away from her then heard a short muffled moan. He walked back towards her and the smell hit her even harder.

“Straight from the source? Do you like...” he began as Robin, understanding he had put his fingers right in front of her nose moved her head to take them in her mouth. She loved the taste even more and started to suck as if her life depended on it. Rick removed his hands and went behind her, hugging her with one hand pawing one of her tits and the other caressing her mound. Kissing her neck he stated:

“Nipples as hard as diamonds, pussy overflowing… Do you want her that much?”
“Then open your gift Ro.”

The blindfold was gone, Robin was in front of her a very naked and very tied up Viola on the floor. She was on her knees, legs spread apart. Her arms extended above and behind her head. She was binded by a thick and long purple ribbon. Her thighs and calves were bounded together and the said ribbon wrapped her entire body. From her legs it went up towards her pussy, splitting into two, on each side before going higher then behind her back. It reappeared in front, delimiting her bountiful and firm breasts before reuniting between them and  going towards Viola’s throat where it split again and circled her neck. The princess was positioned in a manner that she was rubbing her pussy on the floor, making a small puddle.

“This.. This is the best apology present I ever got.” she said, turning her head to give him a kiss full of love and appreciation.

“We’re going to have so much fun with her.”
“Just you.”
“Just me?” she asked in surprise.
“I had Hancock twice when you didn’t. So in the spirit of fairness I want you to have Viola, just for you.”
“I…” she didn’t know what to say.

He kissed her on the lips and released her from his hug.

“I have to bring her back tomorrow to the palace, so you have all night. Have fun baby!” Rick said, kissing her one last time and leaving the room.

Robin turned her head to look at Viola, dozens of ideas rushing through her head.

“I love this man.

One more chapter and the Dressrosa arc is over. Meaning it's almost time for NaCB#6

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