Out of Space

Chapter 618: Path to the Throne

Blake strolled into the interrogation cell and found Trism bent over one of the captives. The tied up prisoner vomited and gasped for air as Trism stepped back before he violently aimed a punch at the side of the prisoner, knocking the air out of his lungs.

"Sir," Trism greeted the Captain while one of the Marine medics checked on the prisoner. "They are definitely here for the Prince."

"The security detail picked up their movement on the infrared cameras and had been watching them nose around the ship," Marine Major Mills reported. "My boys have been watching them running around the outer decks trying to get in. And the way they are moving around, I doubt they are simple thieves..."

"So we dropped them a red herring," Mills grinned. "A small entry in but no way out."

"Gave them the taste of a couple of flash bangs," Mills continued grinning. "Easiest capture ever!"

"Good job," Blake replied with a smile. "So who are they and what do they want?"

"As I said before," Trism dropped the cloth which he used to wipe his hands on the table and said. "I suspect that they are for the Prince, but looking at their facial features and dressing, I say they are from the Suugon Dynasty."

"Why would the Suugon's send killers after the Prince?" Blake frowned. "Aren't they like thousands and thousands of kilometres away on the other side of the continent?"

"Well, I guess the Suugons are part of the plot against the Third Prince too..." Trism gave a shrug. "I work the prisoners overnight and hopefully, by morning we can have a clearer idea of what is going on here..."

"Find out what their objective is," Blake ordered. "And what is the target of their objective doing all this time?"

"He's hanging out at the officer mess playing cards with the rest," Mills replied. "I have also double the guards and patrols in the internal decks."

"Continue to keep the ship on full lockdown," Blake said to Mills before he turned to Trism. "I want a report in the morning on... this."

"Yes, Sir!" Trism replied and he turned to the prisoner on the chair with a sigh. "Well, you made me have to work overtime and without sleep tonight... I hope you all will be ready for what is to come!"


Third Prince Herod frowned as he threw the rectangular pieces of extremely firm and perfectly cut parchments on the table. Called cards, He could not identify what the pieces of parchment were made out of. The cards had exquisitely painted surfaces on both sides and the paintings were painted so vividly and exact that he could not tell the difference once all the cards were placed faced down and shuffled!

On the other side of the cards were painted shapes and symbols, which he recognized as a form of arithmetic. And the fascinating game he was had learnt to play called Big Two, was something that required much thinking, bluffing, strategy, and even luck to win! If he could bring this strange and wonderful game to the masses, it surely would replace knuckle bone guessing and overturn the entire gambling industry!

"Hehehehe!" Dr. Sharon giggled happily as she swept up the pot while the rest groaned.

"Please go easy on us," Magister Thorn shook his head as he gathered the cards and started shuffling them with practiced hands. "We got a newbie with us!"

"Well, take losing as paying school fees!" Dr. Sharon gave a wink to the Third Prince. "You will get better at the game and earn back those fees! Hehehe!"

Prince Herod shook his head in amusement, he never met a female like this 'Doctor' before who seemed to do things beyond traditions and norms. He gave his best charming smile and spread his hands wide open, "Well, I do beg the kind lady to be forgiving... My purse is not as heavy as I wish now... If this goes on, I might have offered my services as a Knight to the Lady!"

"I don't mind keeping a Knight," Dr. Sharon giggled. "Maybe I can start my own reserve harem! Haha!"

"I think you have a bit too much of a drink," Magister Thorn laughed as he started handing out the cards. Laughter continued on around the table as the card game continued, none of the players even knowing that an incident had happened until the next day.


The City of Ashmere, Banner Steam Workshop

Professor Hamlot knelt down next to the thin body covered by a blood soaked blanket that had long turned black from the dried blood and held the hand of the girl that was once full of life. He closed his eyes as he forced back the tears. He stood up and bored city guard soldiers came over and carried the bodies of the father and daughter away to the funeral furnaces.

"Those bastards!" A raging flame erupted within the heart of the Professor as he stormed back towards the airship. "They shall pay for this!"

He made his way up to the bridge of the airship and met with Blake. "Captain... Those... Monsters! What will you do with them?"

"We are still gathering information from them," Blake replied. "I understand your fury and rest assured, they will get what they deserved."

"How could they do this to a child?" Professor Hamlot groaned at his anger and helplessness. "She... She survived all this to return home to her family and it's... just gone!"

Blake placed a comforting hand on the mourning Professor's shoulder and said in a determined tone, "This is why I want to change this world... There is too much sadness and despair here..."

"Get some rest and steel your heart, Professor," Blake added. "This won't be the last tragedy you will experience!"

Blake left the grieving Professor and found the incognito Third Prince waiting for him outside the Bridge. The Prince paused in his pacing and spoke in a low angry voice, "Captain? A moment of your time?"

Blake nodded and they stepped to an empty passageway. The Third Prince towered over Blake by almost half a head and had body of muscles that was twice the size of Blake's thin frame. His aggressive stance made the Marine escorts growl in warning and the Third Prince stared deep into the disinterested eyes of Blake before he let out a curse under his breath and backed off.

"Give me those you captured that had hurt the girl!" He spat with barely suppressed anger. "I will avenge her soul!"

Blake shook his head and before he replied, "Take a queue number."

"What?" Prince Herod frowned, his handsome features turning deadly still. "What did you say?"

"You are not the only one who wants a piece of those scum," Blake explained, unfazed by the level of fury directed his way. Any lesser being would had long submitted to the fury radiated by the Third Prince. "And... her and her father's blood is in your hands."

The Third Prince paused in his retort as he stared at Blake, a sense of guilt creeping into his heart. He knew he was the cause of her death and he wanted to channel all that guilt and anger into the ones that killed her. He just did not expected to be confronted directly and by the Captain of the Old Ugly no less.

He found the Captain Blake of the Old Ugly to be a cold uncaring person that seemed to have no emotions, yet the crew seemed to worship him. Facing him now, Prince Herod felt the person staring back at him was staring right into his soul and a shiver went down his spine.

"If you were more truthful and open to us, her tragedy could have been resolved," Blake continued on. "If you want to blame someone, blame yourself and your enemies for this."

"You..." Prince Herod was surprised. "What do you know?"

"At least, I know your identity isn't what you claimed," Blake replied. "As for why these people came here, we are certain they are clearly after you."

"You... are right," Prince Herod seemed to deflate as all the anger dispersed. "I am the Iron Kingdom Third Prince, Herod Starsky."

Blake nodded and Prince Herod shook his head as he asked, "So you knew?"

Blake nodded again, "Of course, if not, why would we even allow someone who just claims to be the Chief Knight of the Prince on board the ship without any questions?"

"I- I see..." Prince Herod replied in a small voice. "I wanted to keep my identity a secret."

"Apparently, not secret enough," Blake cut in. "These group we caught came from the Suugon Dynasty... But who are they and why they were sent, we still have no idea..."

"But what we do know, they have the ability to track you even doth when we are traveling in the air..." Blake said. "These means they have some means to track your whereabouts."

"Still, to be truthful, her death is something no one has expected," Blake gave a rare comfort to the Prince. "We do not know how they tracked you... But they must have been following us for sometime since we left the borders..."

"The Suugon..." Prince Herod frowned before he said. "I read of a Suugon spell that could track a person's rough position by magical means."

"But... You would need something like blood or hair of the person," Prince Herod said. "The Suugon clearly tracked me by this method..."

"Wait..." Blake's dead eyes suddenly flared with life as he grapped the Prince's arm, the strength of his grip surprising the Prince. "Did you say there is a magic that can track a person?"

"Yes..." Prince Herod nodded. "I read it somewhere in the sealed library vaults of the Arcanium of Steamworks and Magic last time..."

Hope ignited in Blake's heart as he heard the Prince's words. "I see..."

Blake's mind raced as possibilities and plans started to form and fall into place in his head. After a moment of silence, he turned around and faced the Prince and said, "I will like to suggest an alliance between us."

"An alliance?" The Prince was surprise for the word used was alliance rather than a deal or promise. An alliance would meant that this Captain Blake was someone high up belonging to a powerful faction or nation. His surprised turned to suspicion as he asked. "What kind of alliance?"

"One that will ensure you onto the throne of the Iron Kingdom," Blake replied. "And of course, an alliance with me, will also ensure the prosperity of your nation for the next hundred years!"

His big words made the Prince dropped his jaw, "Prosperity for the next hundred years? What kind of power is that? Who are you truly?"

"Soon, in time, you will know," Blake said. "For now, it is still too early to tell you. So... Are you in or out? This will be a one time offer..."

Prince Herod rubbed his unshaven chin in thought and wondered what kind of backing does this weak looking Captain has. He thought back on the capabilities of the unassuming airship and wondered if they had steamworks equal to the best steam smiths of the Cartel to boast that way. But even so, to promise one a hundred years of prosperity was like casting a long forgotten divine blessing over the land which he would never believe one has the power to do so.

He observed the Captain, seeing him more animated compared to earlier after he mentioned the tracking spell of the Suugon and wondered could he be searching for someone. Finally he asked, "Could that tracking spell be some important to you?"

"Yes," Blake replied without hesitation. "For that spell, I shall ensure your path to the throne!"

"I... I agree!" Prince Herod finally gave in, knowing that he has no one to trust in the Capital as he did not know who his enemies were, now that even the Suugons were thrown in. At least, he trusted the cold blooded Captain. "I agree to an alliance with you!"

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