Outgrowing Skyrim

11.1 Diary of a Housecarl

It's been awhile since I last wrote. Truthfully nothing interesting has happened since the war began. Today I write because they say a dragon attacked Helgen. It seems impossible but it seems half the city claims to have seen one flying north just yesterday. I wish I could have seen it but I'm on night watch. 




Things have calmed down and gotten boring again. Wild rumors spread and forced the Jarl.to seal the city until things calm down for fear of a Stormcloak attack. None of the guards seem to think that will happen though. I wish it would though, I'm bored out of my mind. I really wish the dragon would attack instead but I know how devastating that would be to the city so I keep it to myself.




Today the city was reopened thanks to news from a survivor at Helgen. With the dragon being the confirmed cause of the attack, restrictions have been eased. A gate is pointless against a dragon. Everyone is still on edge again as we've no real defense against such a thing. Some say the war will end now thanks to the dragons but I think that until a hold falls that probably won't happen.




These past few weeks have been a whirlwind. First I'm awoken to news of a dragon attacking the western watchtower and not an hour later I'm told that the person who killed it is to become Thane and needs a housecarl. No one stepped up, not even Gelfi, but when it came to me I was more than willing to pledge my life.




My new Thane is interesting to say the least. When I first saw her I couldn't believe she had killed a dragon, she is simply too small and frail looking. But after she talked to the Jarl everyone knew that she was something more. Dragonborn! And at the very beginning of her story! She must now make the journey to High Hrothgar like every Dragonborn before her. I hope she takes me along. I know she fought a Dragon but she just looks so scrawny and fragile I can't bear the thought of something happening to her. Currently I'm on assignment guarding my Thanes merchant friends while my Lady finishes up business in the city. I pray she remembers to pick me up.




She not only remembers me but even brings the Jarls brother along so we can help in a holy mission from the gods. How my heart soars at this news. Best of all we leave behind the merchants. I have no qualms with the brother but the sister has been making unnecessary advances on my Lady that neither she nor I appreciate.




I have not had a decent opportunity to write since leaving Riverwood. We have already completed our main objectives of visiting the Greybeards and now are resting at the Vilemyr inn in Ivarstead. We have rooted out bandit tribes and hag covens along the way. Not to mention the Greybeards! Truly my life has become amazing since becoming housecarl. I may write a more detailed account of our adventures later but for now I am content beyond measure. Hrongar has already left us to continue his quest alone and now I'm waiting to see what my Lady plans next.





I have avoided writing here for a while now in truth because I have been so angry I might destroy my diary rather than write in it. I cannot go into details on paper but my Lady's recent decisions have been nothing short of baffling. She has given her own reasoning, which seems sound as always, but doesn't sit right with either me or Camilla. I may have misjudged my Lady.




So much has happened that I now see my diary as necessity to remember it all. First I must apologize to my Lady for doubting her. In saving the next Sibil of Dibella from the Forsworn she demonstrated firsthand why it was necessary to go and do all those confusing things I mentioned earlier. I watched a Briarheart, something I believed to only be a myth only a week ago, fall. He was dead before he hit the ground thanks to the new skills acquired by my Lady. It forced me to reexamine some things I thought I knew.


Even more exciting is the news that we're getting married! Camilla came up with the plan after I told her my Lady was likely ignorant of the significance of the stone. It was her idea to embellish the importance of the stone and my Lady is far too trusting. I do feel a little bad for tricking her but that's one of the reasons we did it before someone else less trustworthy fools her. I'm going to be a shield wife. I can't believe it.




My Lady continues to amaze me. She had already planned to buy a house and even adopted the poor orphan girl Lucia. At first I had reservations about moving so fast but after the little girl called me Mama I knew it was meant to be. We have a few more things to settle before we get married; we're dropping Camilla and Lucia off at Riverwood for a few days so my Lady can return to the Greybeards. After that we'll search for Hrongar as the Eldergleam is somewhat nearby. He made it back from High Hrothgar but reportedly hasn't come back from Eldergleam sanctuary yet and my Lady is worried. I'm worried too but I can't help but feel frustrated at yet another delay before our wedding. I wonder how mad Camilla would be if I secretly got married first?


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