Outland Exploitation System

Chapter 2 - Maid Eight

“I rub, cheating.” Zhang Fan scolded, a face gloomy as if dripping water, “System, tell Lao Tzu, what is the base point of the plane, what is your energy? How to add it.”

The system did not respond to Zhang Fan’s self-proclaimed Laozi, and his tone remained cold. “The base point of the plane is the connection point between the host’s original world and the ectopic plane. As the host expands the range of the ectopic plane, the idea can be viewed by injecting the heart of the world.

“System energy is directly proportional to the strength of the host, and energy can be replenished by itself.”

“Add it yourself? That’s fine.”

Zhang Fan, according to the system, infused his thoughts into the light spot, and immediately understood that the light spot represented the mountain he occupied. He barely considered the owner of this mountain, but the mountain was deserted and lifeless.

“It seems that preventing the plane’s base point from collapsing is to restore the vitality of the hills.”

After Zhang Fan understood, he was also worried.

At present, the most in need of the hills is water. There is a well in the bandit, and the mud is coming up, and it is about to dry up. Then the only way is to move from the earth.

系统 “System, is there a limit to what I can bring from Earth? Also, can I bring things to Earth?”

“There are no restrictions on inanimate objects, as long as the host can handle it. Creature needs to use system energy asylum. In addition: the current host chooses the latent mode, and asylum consumes 1% of other energy.”

“The host can wish the world with any item, but the creature will contaminate the outside world, and return will consume system energy.”

Is n’t that bringing someone in, and there is less than 1 minute left? It seems that at present only dead objects can be moved.

Zhang Fan thought about his chin and thought, “My current strength is 500 kilograms, which is enough to water a tree. There are not a thousand trees in this hill, and there are hundreds of them. Isn’t this trying to exhaust me? Besides, who knows this? When will the drought pass? “

“Does it need artificial rainfall? This is pure nonsense, not to mention that the technology can’t get it, then the equipment can’t be moved at all.” Zhang Fan patted his head, “Let’s leave it alone, go back to check, and draw a lottery now.”

Immediately, Zhang Fan let the system turn on the sky edge mode.

After the start of the Tianyuan mode, countless star points appeared in front of Zhang Fan, spinning around him, as if sinking into the boundless galaxy, his eyes couldn’t open.

“You can’t see clearly, it’s really luck that hits the sky.”

Zhang Fan thought about it and reached for it. Numerous star points slipped away from his fingers because of the lack of sky, and eventually caught one.

“Ding, host Zhang Fan inherits the 3078th host heritage, maid No. 8 from the medium-tech plane.”

Along with the system announcement, a young girl wearing a maid outfit, like the best inflatable doll in an island country, appeared next to Zhang Fan.

系统 “System, are you sure this is not someone’s inflatable doll?” Zhang Fan said with eyes widened, feeling that Tianyuan was pitted this time.

“Master, slave is a simulation robot with medium technology level, built-in encyclopedia of life, massage technique, cookbook, medical encyclopedia, fighting technique, assassination technique, with certain fighting ability.” Maid No. 8 issued a crisp voice, and Real people are no different.

At the same time, the system also lists a No. 8 instruction manual.

Zhang Fan watched the instructions and was overjoyed, “Built-in surgical instruments, but also surgery? Equivalent to the fighting power of a first-class master, stronger than me? There is also a rapid learning system, which can learn knowledge. It ’s a shame! Looks like The real person is still a little different, and has no expression, otherwise he will be a bodyguard. “

“No. 8 is a second-generation intelligent robot. The original owner also has higher-level third- and fourth-generation robots. The appearance is no different from a real person, and the combat effectiveness is greatly improved.” No. 8 explained.

Zhang Fan nodded with a smile. This is only the first day of fate, and there will be many times in the future, not to mention the third or fourth generation of robots, even the flying sword magic weapon.

“It’s time to get in touch with the other world after the prize draw.”

Leaving No. 8 in the room, Zhang Fan opened the door with a sorrowful mood, and felt a fiery heat. The hot sun seemed to stick out his tongue to the ground. The place where he entered the place was deserted, the land was cracked, and the trees Withered.

“Scent, really scent, I haven’t tasted the meat for a long time.” A thick **** smell mixed with the man’s crazy laughter came.

Zhang Fan frowned suddenly. After three years of severe drought, the hill beasts were eaten by them, and the remaining animals fled without starving.

He looked towards the source of the sound. In the distance, he saw dozens of naked, hungry, skinny men around a cauldron, grabbing food from the cauldron and gorging. Outside the crowd, a woman with a high belly fell to the ground, the woman’s legs were chopped off with roots, and blood was flowing to the ground. A hungry skeleton-like child sat aside, her body trembling and crying. There were tears in his face, and they looked at them in horror.

“What are you crying? Shut up with me and wait for the mother-in-law to finish, the next one is you, um, so fragrant.” A robber chewed on a piece of meat while cursing, scaring the child’s face pale , Covering his mouth, did not dare to make a sound.

“You’re crazy, he’s the eldest son.”

“What are you afraid of? The child is so thin that he can’t live long anyway. Besides, for the stuttering, even the boss will kill him.” The robber’s eyes were red, and it was crazy for food.

I wondered what might happen. There was a nausea and anger in Zhang Fan’s heart. He rushed over in three steps and two steps.

孩子 The child saw Zhang Fan come over, stood up and hugged his legs, opened his mouth, but remembered the warning just now and didn’t dare to make a sound.

Zhang Fan looked at the broken heart. He picked up the child on the ground. This is the daughter of the original body. Only 5 years old, the mother was starved to death. With the memory fusion, he also felt a kind of physical connection with the child. .

“Ding, congratulations to the host Zhang Fan for conquering the first aboriginal people, race: human, name: Zhang Ziyuan, loyalty: 100, not betrayal, the energy of the heart of the world is increased.”

叮 “Ding, congratulations to the host Zhang Fan for making an important breakthrough and gaining achievements: open up the soul, system rewards: Iron Sand Palm Dacheng.”

With the sound of the system, a light spot was born in Zhang Fan’s body, but the light spot was dim, and his hands were swollen, and the flesh and bones were strengthened.

Strength improved, but Zhang Fan didn’t have a bit of joy. He secretly contacted No. 8 and looked down at the woman aside, his heart shuddered again.

不仅 This woman not only lost her legs, her arms and her two breasts? The room was also cut off, cut into a stick, staring with big eyes, and his face was full of pain and nagging.

This woman is a rich family’s young lady. After Zhang Fan took someone to kill her family, she left her alone to take care of Zhang Ziyuan for everyone to have fun, and also had a big belly. Now she has been killed as food, and she is very wronged. , Resentment is deep.

“Poor a big lady, but it’s a crime to end up like this.” Zhang Fan felt a sense of guilt. This woman ended up like this, it was all the responsibility of the body, looking back at the robber eating meat around the cauldron. Men, there is a sense of killing in him.

“It’s a **** thing to kill people and kill humanity.”

The robbers were completely focused on the food and did not notice Zhang Fan’s arrival at all. UU reading www.uukanshu.com suddenly heard Zhang Fan’s voice and was startled.

“Boss … Boss, this meat is so fragrant. You have never eaten such fragrant meat. Come, you can also eat a piece of meat.” This man picked up the meat and handed it over, turned around and looked at Zhang Fan’s dress, it was another Alas, “Alas, boss, what do you look like? How weird!”

Zhang Fan smelled a scent of meat, remembering that it wasn’t known where the human body was, he couldn’t bear it anymore, and leaned up and retched.

“Oh, who? Fast speed.” The robber suddenly looked back.

I saw maid No. 8 dragging a dark shadow and ran over.

“What a pretty chick?

“The figure is so good. After a few seconds of refreshing, my brother is a big meal.”

The robbers licked their lips, and the evil spirits were shot in their eyes. Like the devil, they had lost their humanity and madness, so they did not watch the difference on the 8th.

Zhang Fan covered Zhang Ziyuan’s ears and eyes with both hands, these robbers with cold eyes. When these robbers saw people, they wanted to kill and eat meat. They completely lost their humanity and were not worth living in the world.

“No. 8, kill them all.”

“Yes, master.” No. 8 said, his hands changed into two-handed steel thorns.

“What is this?”

“Boss …”

“This is a second-class warrior.”

“Everyone fights.”



Uh …

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