Outland Exploitation System

Chapter 74 - Be faithful

After seeing the obese immortal being arrested, Zhang Fan also entered the realm.

The obese immortal teacher saw Zhang Fan suddenly appearing, and he stung for a moment. This person has no real yuan fluctuations, apparently just a mortal. How can he teleport? This is a magical power that can only be exerted by the power of God.

But the next moment, the face of the obese immortal changed greatly, how could the realm of divine power be explored by the monk of gas refining.

Thinking of this, there was a lot of fear and awe on the face of the obese fairy, and he did not dare to resist.

“Be forgiving, forebears are forgiving. The juniors only saw Xiancao, and they developed greed for a while. They also asked me to read it. It ’s not easy for me to practice, let me do it once. I have elixir, and I am willing to leave all my elixir in exchange for my life. “The obese immortal was captured and immediately beg for mercy.

Zhang Fan was unmoved, and curiously looked at the immortal master.

The bitterness of the obese immortal was a normal reaction when he wanted to come. How could Hua Shen’s power see his elixir, so he said: “Also, and my rat king, he is a treasure hunt rat. I Also willing to dedicate to seniors. “


The Treasure Hunt Rat was so spiritual that he heard the owner sell it, and protested quickly.

“Treasure hunt rat?”

Zhang Fan looked at the fat rat who couldn’t stand up.

The obese immortal had a joy in his heart and felt that he had a chance. He said, “Yes, he is a treasure hunter and can smell the treasure. I am also here because of the guidance of Rat King. Seniors will use it to go to some ruins and experience it. reward.”

“It sounds like a baby.” Zhang Fan nodded contentedly, and then said, “But if I kill you, I can still get the treasure hunt rat.”

The obese immortal paled instantly, and quickly said, “Seniors do not kill me, but are willing to be slaves of seniors? Also, I will do a little alchemy.”

Zhang Fan touched his chin and said, “Are you still afraid of death? Will someone catch you and you betray you immediately?”

“No, no, no, I will not betray my predecessors, I swear I will always be loyal to them.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host Zhang Fan for conquering the second-level practitioners of refining gas, name: Li Dezhong, loyalty: 80.”

“Ding, congratulations to host Zhang Fan for conquering the beast treasure hunting rat, name: Rat King, loyalty: 80.”

叮 “Ding, congratulations to Zhang Fan, the host, for getting an alien beast hunter, to get the achievement: Beast, reward Tianyuan once.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host Zhang Fan for obtaining advanced spells, and the immortal magic spell.”

叮 “Ding, congratulations to the host Zhang Fan for obtaining the low-level weapon, the peach wood sword.”

Uh …

At the same time as Zhang’s achievements, Zhang Fan’s body has increased by more than 10 points. This is a practitioner of the second layer of gas refining, which is powerful.

Zhang Fan was instantly overjoyed, and unexpectedly, he got such strange beasts as Tianyuan and Treasure Hunt Rat.

In addition, there are also the magic, elixir, and spar that Li Dezhong practiced. Zhang Fan took the elixir and spar, and looked at the spell again. I felt that there was only some use of the Xianxu body curse.

At the same time, on the option of his demon ancestor, there is also an additional rat king transformed, no combat power, but an extra treasure hunting ability.

“80 loyalty, but this can be betrayed at any time, this guy is also greedy for life and fear of death, than eight ways, it is estimated that the next time you are caught, betrayal.”

Zhang Fan was a little dissatisfied with loyalty, and then said, “Do you think I will trust you and always be loyal, do you think I am a child?”

“Really, what I said is true.”

Fat immortal hurried.

“The ghost believes you.”

Zhang Fan thought about it, this guy is so scared of death, it must be a cartilage. Learn a lesson, it is estimated that it can improve some loyalty.

Thought of this, he took out the lock soul vine.

Zhang Fan tried it a little last time, it hurts a lot, it should be good to use it for execution.

这 “This, is this the soul locker? Senior, you, what are you doing?”

The obese immortal master knew the effect of the lock soul rattan, and the fat on his face was deflated.

“Ding, Li Dezhong’s loyalty increased by 1.”

“Effective before you hit.”

Zhang Fan did not like to be angry. If this soft bone fell into the hands of outsiders, he would definitely betray him. It would be troublesome if his secrets were leaked.

“I will fight you loyally today, loyalty will not increase to 100, never stop.”

Zhang Fan immediately pumped the obesity master, this guy suddenly moved his facial features.

“Don’t fight, seniors don’t fight, I’m telling the truth, I don’t feel betrayed.”

Li Dezhong begged hard.

At the same time, Zhang Fan received another reminder, this guy’s loyalty rose by 1 point. At the same time, the loyalty of the mouse king on the side actually rose a bit.

“What kind of master you really have, what kind of pets you have, you will increase your loyalty when you are scared.” Zhang Fan thought in her heart, her hands kept growing.

“It’s so stubborn and tells lies.”

Zhang Fan went down again with a few whip.

However, after this, loyalty will increase very slowly, it will be a few times at first, and then more than 10 times.

After two hours of fighting, Li Dezhong’s loyalty increased to 90, but the guy was unconscious and had a great deal of consciousness.

“Eight way, wait for him to wake up, you continue to call me.”

Luanba Road straightened the canopy and said, “Leader, I am a great fighter, and I will condemn the inhumane acts of abusing prisoners against the enemy on the battlefield. I express my deep condemnation and will never implement it.”

Zhang Fan was furious and really wanted to use the soul lock rattan to pump him for a meal, but this guy is different from Li Dezhong. If he scolds, it is estimated that the loyalty should be lowered.

In desperation, Zhang Fan had to give this task to Li Yingying.

“Rest assured, master, I will definitely teach him fiercely, so that he will not betray him in the future.”

Li Yingying was wearing a gold suit, holding a gray soul-locking rattan in her hand, and pumped it on the **** of a fat man.

Zhang Fan blinked, which made the scene remind him of Queen SM.

“Eight roads, aren’t there many trees around here? There are also Zi Gaifeng ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ There are also trees there, and I will give them to you. After the demon is turned, it will be yours.”

Zhang Fan is also constantly looking for ways to improve the loyalty of the Eighth Road.


I am so happy that my loyalty has improved a little.

Zhang Fan nodded with satisfaction and returned to the virgin forest again. This time he turned on the mouse king’s ability, transformed into a big mouse, lay on the body of a black dragon army, and took the small silver to go to the forest for treasure hunt.

There are a lot of precious herbs and some precious ore in the original Mori Li, Zhang Fan has nothing to do anyway, just to find more treasures.

In addition to Ganoderma lucidum, jade rough, etc., he also transplanted several tropical fruit trees.

Zhang Fan feels that while improving strength, improving the quality of life is also important.

A week later, the news that Zhang Fan wanted didn’t come, but another good news came.

“Ding, the agency’s Li Yingying’s strength was upgraded to gas refining level 2.”

Zhang Fan was not surprised. He worked hard and dug so much in the past. Li Yingying didn’t improve some strength anymore, it was really a waste.

I have another ghost repair on the second layer of gas refining, Zhang Fan’s strength has improved again, he observed some, and should soon be able to be promoted to the top master.

“If this continues, I can enter the gas refining period in one or two months.” Zhang Fan revealed his expectations.

Finally, 2 days later, Zhang Fan received a system prompt, and the loyalty between Li Dezhong and Rat King increased to 100.

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