Outright Favoritism

Chapter 997: No peace of mind

   Chapter 997

There are still five days before New Year’s Eve. After many twists and turns, Li Qiao was taken back to the old house of Pama.

During   , Li Qiao never regained consciousness.

Liuyu accompanies Li Qiao during the whole process.

This afternoon, Shang Zonghai was wearing casual clothes at the backyard fish pond, sitting on a wicker chair and reading medical books.

Yun Li stopped not far away, his thin outline became more angular.

He stared sideways at Falling Rain, worried, “What is the problem with Qiao Qiao?”

Luo Yu looked back at him and shook his head lightly, “Not sure yet.”

“The old man can’t diagnose it?” Yun Li’s expression was solemn, and there are rarely such moments of powerlessness.

Li Qiao and Shang Shaoyan have disappeared for nearly a month. Whether it is Nanyang or Pama, they have searched for a long time without any clues.

If it hadn’t been for a man named Qin Si to secretly inform Shang Zonghai, I’m afraid…the matter would be much more serious than it is now.

Luoyu swallowed her throat, her eyes were dark, “Chinese medicine can diagnose the cause of the body, but…there is no way to determine the mental illness. The owner only said that the wife has no physical problems, and temporarily cannot find out the reason why she can’t wake up at all.”

Yun Li pursed his lips, puzzled, “Shang Shaoyan…what did he do to her?”

In just twenty days, if she had not been tortured by inhumans, it would have been impossible for her to become like this.

But given how much Shang Shaoyan cares about Li Qiao, he can bear to start with her?

Faced with Yun Li’s question, Luo Yu returned to silence.

No one knows what the boss and his wife have gone through on the isolated island, but Luo Yu clearly understands that if something happens to the wife, the boss will not live alone.

This perception comes from seeing the boss crying and crying while holding his wife, and the shock at that moment is beyond words.


On the other side, Parma Royal Hospital.

He Chen leaned on the window sill in the corridor and peered at the man in the ward through the crack of the door. His eyebrows were tight and he was slightly distressed.

After a while, Jin Rong walked from the elevator, followed by Wei Ang, who was holding the lunch box in his arms.

“How about Xiaowu?”

Jin Rong was straightforward when he caught a glimpse of He Chen, turned his head and glanced at the door of the ward, followed by frowning.

He Chen leaned back, closed his eyes and let out a long sigh, “Look for yourself.”

Jin Rong gave him an unpleasant look, walked sideways to the door, his expression tightened.

The door of the room was not closed tightly. Through a gap of less than ten centimeters, you could easily smell the strong smell of smoke.

Jin Rong paused, then looked back at He Chen, “How many cigarettes did he smoke?”

“Ghost **** knows.” He Chen rubbed the broken hair on his forehead irritably, condensing his eyebrows at a loss.

Shaoyan was indeed brought back by them, but his current behavior is like self-defeating or self-punishing.

Jin Rong hesitated for a few seconds but still didn’t dare to go in and disturb. Shang Xiaowu is not normal now. If he rushes and starts his hand, he can’t beat it.

The two brothers looked at each other, He Chen rolled down his Adam’s apple, looked at Wei Ang and asked, “Is the younger brother awake?”

Wei Ang held the lunch box and shook his head, “No, my husband has called an expert in Chinese and Western medicine to the old house, planning to arrange a comprehensive consultation for the young lady.”

“Fuck!” He Chen cursed in a low voice, with a bad premonition, “If Li Qiao stays awake, Shao Yan will definitely not eat.”

Jin Rong pinched his eyebrows, and suddenly thought of something, “Qiqi has been drowsy and awake, is it possible that Xiao Hongdao’s old thief…”

“It’s impossible.” He Chen interrupted him without hesitation, “Li Qiao is not mentally retarded, and the trick of poisoning can’t deceive her.”

Jin Rong agrees quite approvingly, “That’s right.”

He Chen turned aside his face in disgust, and then said to Wei Ang: “Put down the lunch box, you go back to the old house first, and you will tell me when the consultation results.”

“Okay, Brother Chen.”

Jin Rong took the lunch box in his hand and sighed worriedly, “It will be okay in July 7th.”

He Chen squinted his eyes, and said in a deep tone, “Pray for her to be okay, otherwise Shaoyan won’t live long.”

The words fell, and he strode to the elevator room.

Jin Rong looked at his back inexplicably, “Why are you going?”

“You guard, I’ll do something.”


At the same time, Nanyang Li Family Villa.

Duan Shuyuan sat in the living room staringly in a daze. Since she was kidnapped and rescued some time ago, she feels that something is not quite right.

Although she has been unable to understand Burmese, but the whole thing can’t stand scrutiny at all.

Not long after, footsteps came from the hallway. Duan Shuyuan looked intently and smiled intently, “Xiaoyue, why are you free to come over today?”

Zong Yue carried the fruit in his hand, and chuckled: “The company is on holiday, and I have nothing to do. I just happened to come over to accompany you.”

Duan Shuyuan took a sigh of relief, then raised her hand to greet her to sit down, “Recently…has Qiao Qiao contacted you?”

“Contacted.” Zong Yue nodded solemnly, “The day before yesterday we both had a video, what’s wrong?”

Duan Shuyuan raised her eyebrows suspiciously, “Really?”

It’s not that she doesn’t believe in Zong Yue, on the contrary, she has made countless calls to Li Qiao, but she can’t get through.

Counting days, it’s been more than half a month.

No matter how many ideas the child has, he will never lose contact for so long.

Even if she is in Parma, she shouldn’t be unable to contact her.

Zong Yue lowered her eyes, her eyes flickered, “Of course it is true, I can still lie to you. This is not new year, Qiao Qiao is very busy in Pama, I listen to her, it may not be back until the end of the new year. .”

Duan Shuyuan looked at her deeply, “So…then can you contact Qiaoqiao, I want to tell her something.”

Zong Yue nodded calmly, “Yes.”

This move dispelled Duan Shuyuan’s suspicion.

Seeing Zong Yue took out his mobile phone from his bag, and just entered the password to unlock it, a figure walked slowly at the entrance of the living room.

“Do you have to go to your natal house every time you quarrel?”

Li Jun’s abrupt voice rang in his ears, Zong Yue’s shoulder shook, and the phone dropped.

She exclaimed and wanted to pick it up. Maybe she moved too fast and slipped. The phone was kicked out by her, and then hit the marble wall, the screen was broken.

Duan Shuyuan who hasn’t reacted yet: “…”

Zong Yue was stunned for two seconds, and then stubbornly turned away from her face, “If I don’t run, do I still have to look at your face at home?”

Li Jun walked up to her sternly, “When did I look at you?”

“Several times.”

Duan Shuyuan sighed and rubbed her temples, feeling upset, “Okay, Jun, don’t bully Xiaoyue, you let her order.”

Li Jun pursed his lips, and secretly handed Zong Yue a glance, “What’s the problem? Let’s go home and say, Mom, let’s go.”

Before Duan Shuyuan spoke, Li Jun picked up the phone and pulled Zong Yue’s wrist and left the living room.

Duan Shuyuan supported her forehead in melancholy, sighing again and again.

There is no peace of mind.

After this trouble, Duan Shuyuan instead forgot to ask Zong Yue to call Li Qiao.

(End of this chapter)

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