Outrun - Cyberpunk LitRPG

Chapter 51

I walked through Ichiban Street three days later, somewhat surprised that it was still as popular and popping as it was in the past- no, I’d say more so. It’s as if the increased Blue Crusade patrols and roving bands of Sentinel and Raijin had only brought more life into the street. The crowd density was several times thicker than it used to be as people trailed around the street looking for a way to relieve their stress.

Fortunately for the street urchins that prey upon this place, all prospective Fangs, that meant many more pockets to pick. I barely had to look around to see several dozen kids moving through the crowd like fish in water, easily slipping their nubby hands into pockets and klepping the loot.

Seeing such a sight brought me back, way back when I was far younger and far less skilled. I still remember that one time I nearly got my wrist broken by a merc who caught me back before I learned to differentiate people. His eyes held a sort of unnerving psychosis. Probably would’ve lost a limb back then if it weren’t for a Fang ‘conveniently’ bumping into him…

Say what you will about the Fangs, but they took care of their own. In a world of deception and misery, they were one of the few places with honor among thieves. It was rare, especially amongst the other gangs I’ve seen through the years. Maybe it’s because of the Jade Fang’s strong ‘elders’ that kept them on track? Either way, it was damn impressive.

I passed along, feeling the heat of hundreds of people packed tightly like odorous sardines in a can. Speaking of odor, there was the particular scent of drugs, spices, and aphrodisiacs that were common to this place. The light rain helped keep both the heat and scent down, but it was definitely still noticeable as if someone was trying to poison the air. Thankfully, a storm rolled in the last hour, otherwise it would’ve been so much worse.

I pushed a long lock of hair back behind my ear and adjusted my hat to block out the rain a bit better. Then, I stepped before the massive dragon maw gate of the Dragoon Saloon, already feeling the watchful eyes of the guards as I approached. I noticed a familiar face in the group- the boy who stopped me a couple of months ago. He nodded at me as I cast a critical gaze across his body.

I wasn’t the only one to have grown and changed in the last couple months. The boy no longer looked boyish, and I wouldn’t have even noticed him if not for his face. His limbs had been fully replaced by chrome ones, and he stood a couple of feet taller than he used to. A metal jaw covered the lower half of his face, and the rest of his flesh was warped with the subtle hints of subdermal armor.

The guy stepped aside, pulling one of the other guards with him, allowing me entry. “Welcome back, Shiro.”

“Thanks.” I tried to flash a smile at the guy. To my surprise, a small hint of a blush peeked over the metal edge of his jaw. I threw it to the back of my mind, trying not to hyper-analyze every little cue and tell as I walked past him. It wasn’t that hard thanks to practice doing something similar with Fox’s Paw. Still, it took effort.

I passed through the dragon’s maw of the gate, entering the courtyard of the Dragoon Saloon. It was similar to the first time I saw it; people were laughing and chattering all around whether they were sitting on the verdant grass or nursing a drink at the several short chabudai set up. It was oddly nice to see the Jade Fangs back to business as per usual.

I cast a glance around, appreciating the holographic sakura trees ever casting their blossoms across the area. It’s funny- this brought a subtle fear into my mind after the torture I experienced learning Fox’s Paw. Now? Nothing. See! I was growing, if not in the way I wanted to. Or you’ve grown too cold and heartless to care.

That thought was forced to the back of my head along with the rest of the things I didn’t want floating around in the forefront, and I walked through the courtyard and into the Dragoon Saloon’s pavilion. I cast a glance around, spotting the usual people scattered around the red-wooded room. In the corner sat Ishimaru, already drunker than any man had a right to be. He glanced up as if feeling my gaze and waved as if he wanted something from me.

I politely waved back before spotting Shinobu settled down on the edge of the second floor’s balcony. I headed up, the stairs set off to the side and made my way over to him. A dark suitcase sat at his feet. He waved me over to him, his long black trench coat billowing with the movement as his chrome arm glinted with the ambient light. “Shiro!”

Sitting down at his table, I couldn’t help but curl my nose slightly at what he was drinking. I wasn’t sure what exactly it was, but it was damn strong based on the stench. “Shinobu… I see you’re enjoying your day.”

He glanced down at his glass and sheepishly rubbed at his head. “Haha… yeah… just trying to drink some of the stress away, you know? Fuck that kleptoid- Drew, I think.”

“Not really…” Though I had been thinking of trying it recently. The last week had been… tiring.

“That’s probably for the best… not like I can get drunk anyway with my bio-monitor.” He slammed back the rest of his drink, not looking tipsy in the least.

“Sure.” I had heard biomon’s were particularly annoying with that feature. Sure, they fought off almost all kinds of poisons, but the fact they fought alcohol made many people second guess getting one. ‘Course, there were plenty of other reasons to not get one… “The shoe?”

“Chek chek, mikata.” He slid his hand under his coat and pulled out a black box about the size of a book. “Here you go, Squire Zuku.”

I grabbed the box and opened it up, revealing a full ID, Blue Crusade badge, and several passports as well as a sheet full of ‘my’ history. I ran a thumb over the ID, feeling a little weird seeing my face staring back under a different name: Zuku Ichima. “You sure this will get me through?”

My thumb traced over the badge, feeling the cool metal lettering under my skin. It was so weird to see a Blue Crusade badge not attached to a member of the Crusade. Ah, but it was. It was best I got into the mindset now. I was a Squire. Not the petty kleptoid slowly slaughtering her way up anymore, but an ‘honest’ law-enforcing Squire out to make the world a better place.

I studied the Blue Crusade symbol, a heater shield with a wreath tucked behind it. Thinking such thoughts felt oddly… cathartic. I was still young, I could hang up my life of crime and actually become an officer of the Blue Crusade. Or even go and become a doctor under Medtech Solutions. I knew better though… in my heart of hearts? I loved the thrill of my current life, even if I had to deal with some not-so-great things from time to time.

He nodded seriously. “Scan the badge code. It’s good stuff.”

I followed his suggestion and ran my new code through my PA. In a moment, the code got a hit in the Blue Crusade database. Squire Zuku Ichima, 17, hired from amongst Aspirants two days ago by Inquisitor Ligh Strumgard. Sounded like a fake name. “Ligh Strumgard?”

“Yeah.” Shinobu raised his hand as a waiter went by and ordered another drink. The waiter looked at me as if trying to gauge the best way to attack, before moving on. “He’s apparently an Inquisitor infamous for picking out Squires amongst Aspirants while drunk and then forgetting about them. No one will question you, and if you don’t know something you can quote a lack of guidance.”

A frown came to my lips as I rubbed at my eyes. “Sounds like a deadbeat bastard. Why haven’t they fired him?”

Shinobu shrugged. “From what my shoemaker says, he pulls off some real hero shit four times a year, so the Crusade keeps him on… and you know how they are. With as much effort as it takes to get through their ranks, they wouldn’t want to fire one over something as small as this. They’re understaffed as is, which is good for us.”

“I guess.” I stuffed the box into my pocket, intent on looking it over thoroughly later. “You have the ring’s location in their lockup?”

“Chek.” He pulled out his phone and messed on it before setting it down. A moment later, a message popped up in my HUD with the lockup’s detes. Once more, I was ever thankful for the backdoor into the Blue Crusade database as the rest of the information immediately popped into my view. He wanted the evidence from the Idism case.

“Thanks for this. From what I’ve heard, that ring has been handed down ever since the Aetherium War back in the late eighteen hundreds. It’s quite literally priceless.”

I smiled at him lightly. “No problem. Happy to help you out.”

He returned the smile and chuckled. “You should smile more. You’re really cute when you do. Almost like there's a sense of innocence to ya’?”

“T-thanks…” Was Honest Face pulling an effect? It was one of those learned perks, but it might’ve affected how I smile and react in general just like Fox’s Paw did with walking.

“I’ve noticed over the past couple months. Every time I see you, you look more beautiful. Definitely inherited that from your mother… say, I have a nephew-”

I vehemently shook my head. “I-I’m good.”

“I’m just saying, I know you don’t have many friends, so…”

“I have plenty of friends! And I uh- I already have a boyfriend.” What?

The enforcer looked needlessly surprised. “Oh?”

“Yep, it’s been a umm- a week now?” What are you saying, dumb girl? And why are you attempting to defend yourself before Shinobu? It's not like he needs to know any of this stuff anyway.

“Really?” He chuckled, doubt obvious in his eyes.

“He’s quite handsome?” Stupid Shiro! Stop saying shitty lies! Even more revolting, why did Feras pop into your head? You’re so dumb you’d probably drown looking up at a rain cloud! Though the world might be better off.

Shinobu helplessly shrugged his shoulders as if some great disaster had just blown by him. “Well then, nothing to be done about that…”

I cast a gaze about the Dragoon Saloon, resisting the blush rising to my cheeks as best I could. “S-so, about the gig… I don’t have a Blue Crusade uniform.”

He pushed the suitcase around to me. “I wasn’t sure about your size, but I did manage to acquire some. You can go ahead and keep all of this stuff. It’s not like I really need it.”

“Alright… I’ll be able to just flash my badge and get into the lockup without hassle?” I tapped on the table as I tried to mentally process the plan.

“Should be. You might have to bullshit your way through some extra paperwork, but it's in a low-security lockup, so there won’t be any real problems as long as you’re careful.” He pulled a small evidence baggie holding a ring from his pocket and slid it to me. “This is a close replica. Just swap it out with the real one, and no one will know.”

Except for me and you. And how long till you made that just you? I shook my head, stood up, and snagged the ring and suitcase. “W-well, I guess I’ll see you when it’s over.”

Shinobu stood up too, abandoning his drink, and patted me on the shoulder as if he were planting a bug. “Thank you, mikata. Seriously. It means a lot.”

“No problem.” I sighed and headed for the Dragoon Saloon’s door. I needed to do a bit of research, but the sooner I got this over with the better. I could really use some sleep.

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