Overlord: Ancient One

Chapter 41: Truthful Lie

"Raise your heads."

With a sha, everyone raised their heads. Their coordination was so immaculate that Arthur wondered if they had practised that movement together.

"First of all, I should thank you all for coming here and pledging your loyalty."

"There is no need for thanks. We are all Ancient-sama's loyal subordinates. To us, You are our Supreme Creator."

None of the Guardians or Co-Guardians opposed her statement. As expected of the Guardian Overseer.

"... Ancient-sama, it is only natural that you should have doubts about us. After all, our abilities must be minuscule in your reckoning."

One who said that was Aurora—Overseer of Co-Guardians—she said that as she removed the business smile from her face, and continued in a respectful tone that was laced with stern strength.

"However, if Ancient-sama gives the order, we all the Guardians and Co-Guardians will accomplish any task set to us, no matter how difficult or arduous, with every fibre of our beings. We hereby swear that we will never allow the Forty One Supreme Beings of Ainz Ooal Gown, our creators, to be disgraced by our actions."

"This we swear!"

All other Guardians chimed in right after Aurora. Their voices were filled with power, and that adamant loyalty and determination would not be diminished by any number of foes.

Arthur nodded as he smiled, although his hideous face made that smile look like an evil mockery. But none of Gurdian or Co-Guardian does not seem to think that way.

"Excellent. Guardians, I know that you will understand my aims and successfully carry out my commands. There may be some things that are difficult to understand, but I hope you will pay attention and listen. I believe the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick has been caught up in some kind of unknown situation."

The Guardians' faces were still stern, and there was no trace of surprise on them.

"—The Great Tomb of Nazarick has been transported from its place in the swamps to a wasteland. Although I do have some theory about what has caused this incident before I confirm my assumption—did anyone foresee the occurrence of this strange event?"

Albedo looked back at the Guardians, and after seeing the reply written on their face, she said:

"Regretfully, none of us have any idea of what is going on."

"Is that so, Then did you feel any chance on your floor."

"No, My lord, Everything is the same as before."

"It is just as Shalltear said, There were no abnormalities on the Third floor."

"There is no change on the fourth floor."

"The. Fifth. Floor. Is. The. Same."

"Same with the Sixth Floor."

"There were no abnormalities on the Seventh floor."

"The Eight floor is the same as before."

"—Ancient-sama, I shall investigate the Eleventh floor right away."

"Then I will leave that matter to Aurora."

Aurora bowed her head deeply to indicate she understood, and then Shalltear said:

"Then, I shall handle matters on the surface."

"There is no need. Sebas is currently reconnoitring the surface and it's about time for him to return."

Just then, Arthur saw Sebas jogging over to them until he reached the Guardian's genuflecting before Arthur and went to one knee as well.

"Ancient-sama, forgive my lateness."

"It's fine. Then, your report on the surrounding conditions."

Sebas raised his head and looked around at the Guardians kneeling beside him.

"...The situation is critical, so obviously the Floor Guardians need to know as well."

"Yes. To begin with, the terrain surrounding us for a kilometre in each direction is plain. There are no signs of man-made structures. I spotted some Undeads, but there were no humanoid or large creatures."

"Were those Undead powerful?"

"No, they were life forms that had no combat power."

"...I see. And you did not see any sky castles or similar buildings?"

"No, I did not. There was no sign of man-made illumination in the sky or on the land."

"I see, so there was only a starry sky... Thank you for your hard work, Sebas."

As he praised Sebas for his efforts, After that, he turned to Guardians who were kneeling.

"It seems that my theory about the sudden transmigration of Nazarick into this unknown world is indeed right or partially right." After speaking that, Arthur took a dramatic pause.

"... It seems that we are no longer in the YGGDRASILL or any world associated with YGGDRASILL."

[Well, obviously. Even a fool could figure that out, Sir.]

'Shut up, Friday. I am trying to get into the character here. So please don't disturb my focus.'

"Why think that way, My Lord?" Antares—The Dragonic Destroyer—asked. Even though he was talking in his normal voice his voice can be mistaken for being too arrogant.

"Because the YGGDRASILL, I know has been destroyed."

There was a surprise for a moment, which was continued by a question that every person present here wants to ask.

"Destroyed? By Whom, Ancient-sama." Demiurge—One of the smartest brains of Nazarick asked.

'Wish me good luck, Friday. For I am going to fool all these geniuses.' [Sir, You don't need any more luck than you already have.]

"—By me."

Arthur's reply was met with a stunning silence. Technically, What Arthur said was indeed correct as he was the one, who unleashed demonic creatures across YGGDRASILL and virtually destroyed the nine worlds.

"By You? Ancient-sama. But Why?" Hearing Demiurge, Arthur begins to perform the script that he previously prepared.

"As some of you might know, The World Tree YGGDRASILL consists of numerous leaves and each leaf is considered a world. But when the {Devourer of the World} started to consume the world. The world tree started to summon/'create' players to defend against the {Devourer of World}. And the player did just that. They defended against the Devourer and even managed to slay it."

"After the {Devourer the World} was slayed the player, Who was summoned by the YGGDRASILL started to turn on each other. And due to the World tree already being weak because of summoning and Consumption—Destruction becomes inevitable. Knowing the unchangeable truth, Shizyuutensuzaku—One of the Supreme beings who was an expert in the field of spirituality and Life Magic—put forth a solution, which was to offer the life of Supreme beings to the world tree."

"Most of us were against his solution, but he knew if we didn't do anything all the things we created would be destroyed. So he took the burden upon himself and sacrificed himself to the world tree. What he did was followed by other members for the same reason why Shizyuutensuzaku sacrificed himself—that is to protect the Great Tomb of Nazarick. And one-by-one all other members sacrificed their life for Nazarick."

"And at last it was my turn. For one such me death is not the end it just a state of being but that is not the case for Nazarick and it's citizens. As the leader of Ainz Ooal Gown, If I was to sacrifice myself then the Great Tomb along with all our dreams will be destroyed soon after my death. So In a fit of rage, I went berserk and destroyed all the nine worlds." There was a long unsettling silence after Arthur finished his performance.

'So how was it, Friday? Isn't my acting wonderful? Look Aura and Mare are crying bullets.'

"So anyway that's that. So my guess is that after the YGGDRASILL was destroyed, it might release all of its remaining energy and create a new dimension. And due to some spatial disturbance, we must have transmigrated to this new world."

"So my Guardians, I have orders for all of you—increase the readiness of each floor by one level. We are unsure of what has happened, so do not act incautiously. If you encounter an intruder, do not slay them, but capture them alive at all costs. When you capture them, do as little harm to them as possible. I apologise for imposing such demands on all of you at a time like this."

The Guardians voiced their acknowledgement and gave a determined nod in unison. While some of them may be depressed to know that their creator has passed away, that news only increased their determination to fully follow the last Supreme Being—just as what Friday wrote in their flavour text.

"Next, I would like to understand the administrative operations of the Tomb. Albedo and Aurora, how is the exchange of security information between the Guardians of the various floors?"

"Each Floor is administered by its respective Floor Guardian, but Esdeath is the overall defence commander followed by Demiurge, and everyone can share information with them." Arthur then nodded in satisfaction.

"Excellent. Nazarick's defence commanders, Esdeath and Demiurge. Guardian and Co-Guardian Overseer, Albedo and Aurora. The four of you will be in charge of drawing up a more comprehensive administrative system for Nazarick and then submit that report in four days."

"And Rory, investigate if there are any changes in behaviour in {Five Rules} and pop monsters that are present on the Eighth floor. After your observation report to me in my office."

"Next, Angrboda, create a report about the production of Celestial Uranium and other ore that are mined from the Fourth floor."

"Antares, Create a destructive force field that destroys anyone, who tries to enter the Tomb. And Mare heaps the wall with dirt and uses illusion magic to conceal the Tomb from outsiders. You can call Tatsumaki If you need any additional help."

"So does anyone have any doubts?"

"No." All of them said in a union.

"...I see. Then, I shall hand the tasks that were once performed by my former comrades to you. Carry them out faithfully."

After seeing the Guardians genuflect once more, Arthur teleported away.

The scenery before his eyes changed in an instant, from the Colosseum to the chamber of the Golems of Lemegeton. After looking around to make sure nobody was looking, Arthur sighed deeply.

"It was harder than I thought it be."

[Being the leader of Monsters is always hard, Sir. And I have to congratulate you for fooling all of them with your Bullshit.]

"Thank you. So to congratulate my transmigration do you plan to become a humanoid." Arthur, while in the previous world, as there was no mana, Friday couldn't take a humanoid form. But that is not the case now—the around them is filled with pure mana so if Friday wishes she can become a humanoid.

[No, Sir. I have no intention to become a humanoid any time soon. And I also don't want to be subjected to lewd stares for you.]

"What are you saying, Friday? You do know that I think of you as a close family, right."

[I also know that 'Incest' is your favourite genre.]

'Damn it. Seems like I have to wait until she willingly becomes a humanoid.'


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