Overlord: Ancient One

Chapter 57: Dream

While Arthur and Albedo were in the room doing their duty as the Supreme being and the Guardian Overseer. 

Angrboda—Co-Guardiam of the fourth floor—was making her way towards their quarter. And her goal was to report the changes that occurred in the great mines, that were present on the fourth floor, after coming to the new world. 

Also to take a look at her love humanoid form that he took after he came to this world. While she doesn't have any queries with his true form she still wishes to see her lord in his humanoid form.

While she didn't like to admit but in her love's Doppelganger form it is very hard to have a conversation with her lover as his aura always suppresses any living and non-living things and she can't deny that even she—the mother of monsters—is little afraid of her love is that form. 

So hearing that he took a Humanoid form she quickly made a reason to meet him, not because she wished to do something more intimate with her love. Of course, she wouldn't say no if her love was the first one to approach her.

Another reason is Shalltear, who messages her to meet Ancient-sama as quickly as possible, she doesn't state the reason—she just says to Meet Ancient-sama. While Angrboda was sceptical of why the Guardian of First Floor said something because of the urgency in Shalltear's voice she didn't say anything.

As she reached a quarter of her, Angrboda sensed a unique smell that was somewhat sweet yet arousing but she ignored it as she thought of it as some kind of perfume then she noticed Lupusregina, the werewolf, who was standing outside the door as if she is protecting it. 

She had prior knowledge about Lupusregina being today's maid for Ancient-sama as it was reported by Sebas. But Angrboda didn't know why Lupusregina was standing outside the door. 

Being a maid is one of the envious jobs in Nazarick as it allows even a low-level Homunculus to see and serve their creator. 

A servant should be present all the time near the supreme being in order to fulfil any order that may be given without making a single second to wait. This was an order that was supported by all Guardians.

So the behaviour of Lupusregina is disrespectful to honoured maid duty, unless, of course, it was a direct order from Ancient One himself. 

"Lupusregina Beta, Why are you staying outside and protecting the door instead of Ancient-sama," Angrboda asked. Her words were calm like a river but Lupusregina didn't think that way.

Even though Lupusregina is a level 100 battle maid, she can't deny the fact in front of Angrboda, she feels like an ant.

"It was an order from Ancient-sama himself, My Lady~su" Lupusregina didn't think much before she answered, Angrboda's aura was indeed crushing but Lupusregina didn't have to fear as she was just following what Ancient One just ordered.

Hearing Lupusregina's words Angrboda retreats her aura thus removing the pressure.

"Is that so, that good, now then Lupusregina, can you tell my love that I am here to meet him." Lupusregina was silent for a few moments then she replied:

"Forgive me, Lady Angrboda, but I can't do that as Ancient-sama has ordered me not to let anybody enter his quater~su." Angrboda didn't feel any anger even after hearing the flat-out rejection.

"Why? Is Ancient-sama currently meeting someone?" Angrboda asked as she knew that her love was not someone who ran away from his duty as he was a man of discipline and patience.

So Ancient-sama passing such an order must be because of something that he must do regardless or he must be meeting someone.

Hearing the Lupusregina let a happy smile and giggled a little.

"Yes, Currently My Lord is meeting with Lady Albedo."

"Albedo?" Angrboda's yellow snake-like pupil shrank quickly after hearing the name of Guardian Overseer.

Suddenly, Angrboda thought about what Shalltear said in Urgency and the sweet smell surrounding the room.

A horny succubus inside the room with her long-dreamed love in his humanoid form. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what going on in the room.

To think that Albedo will get ahead of me. But how does Shalltear know about it? Don't tell me...

Even without saying anything she cast the {Message}.

"Aurora, Call Rory, Tatsumaki and Esdeath. I have urgent news about Ancient One to pass on. Let's meet on the Ninth floor." After which she ended the message spell and then turned to Lupusregina.

"Tell, Ancient-sama, I came to meet him." Then she walked and left the area.

Without knowing the mess he was in, Arthur continued to do his expertise on Albedo's body.


The morning sun rises from the eastern horizon along with a ringing sound on Arthur's head.

[Wake Up, Sir, It's time to fulfil your duty as a monarch.] Friday, the alarm clock, begins to ring early in the morning. 

Hearing her, Arthur slowly started to awake from his sleep. 

'Good Morning, Friday.'

[Good Morning to you too, Sir.]

Then he turned to Albedo, who was sleeping in his arms with a beautiful smile which was very contradictory to the crazy smile she was giving when they were having sex, Not like Arthur minded.

Looking at the smile, Arthur slowly traced his hands on her beautiful silk-like hair—even after having non-stop sex that hair looks like dirt-free.

'Shalltear didn't come yesterday.' Arthur said suddenly as he continued to play with Albedo's hair.

[You don't have to worry about it, Sir. She just had an urgent task she needed to perform on her floor.]

'Urgent task?' Arthur asked.

[Yes, Sir. It seems like there was a situation where the NPC on the First and Second floors suddenly went frenzy. So Shalltear was the one to solve the problem.]

'Don't tell me there is a problem in Summons of the First and Second floor. Do I need to go there?' Arthur asked, unlike previously, his voice was serious, and there was no hint of sleepiness or playfulness.

[No, Sir, There is no problem you should personally attend. In Fact, this can be a blessing in disguise for you.]

'Blessing in disguise? Explain to Friday.'

[Yes, If you can survive this crisis then you can make your dream a reality.]

'Dream? Which dream are you talking about.'

[Your Harem Dream, Sir.]

'My Harem Dream. But what does that have to do with the First and Second floors.' Arthur asked a genuine question.

[It has a lot to do with the First and Second floors. But for now, you have to brace yourself for the upcoming storm, Sir.]

'What, Is a fight is going to break out.'

[You can say it's a type of fight, but don't worry it won't do you any harm.]

'For some reason, You don't sound very convincing, Friday.'

[Trust me, Sir. This is for your dream. So some sacrifices are needed to be made.]

'I know you don't do anything, which is harmful to me.'

'Anyway, let's get to work.'


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