Overlord: Evil Dragon Demon God Harem

Chapter 12: The Frightened Gazef Stronoff

Gazef Stronoff, one of the strongest men and Warrior-Captain of the Re-Estize Kingdom, could sense an unknown, majestic, yet dangerous aura emanating from the man standing before him—the handsome-looking man with deep red eyes wearing a fancy black uniform.

'Is he a nobleman?'

Observing the Dark Knight and the Silver Knight behind the man, there was a high probability that the man in front of Gazef was a high-ranking person.

Although he was giving a gentle smile, it was this easy-going behavior that, for some reason, gave Gazef goosebumps.

Gazef intuitively felt that the man was dangerous, especially due to his sharp eyes and gentle smile.

"What did you come for?"

At the man's question, Gazef opened his mouth heavily.

"I am Gazef Stronoff, the Warrior-Captain of the Re-Estize Kingdom. In order to subdue the imperial knights who are causing trouble in this area, I am patrolling these villages under His Majesty's orders."

Gazef's deep voice echoed through the plaza, and even the man's eyes were focused only on him.

"Warrior-Captain... that's right."

The man cast a glance over the cavalrymen behind Gazef before turning his attention back to him, a smile playing on his lips.

"Nice to meet you, Gazef Stronoff, Warrior-Captain of the Re-Estize Kingdom. I am Aurelius Nova Lucifer, a magic caster who aided this village when it was under attack by certain knights."

Upon hearing that haughty tone devoid of any regard for their commander, as though mocking their Warrior-Captain, the soldiers behind Gazef instantly gave Aurelius a threatening look.

Their hostile behavior was immediately met with action by Albedo and Luminous, who brandished their weapons, ready to strike.

"I'll crush you, Vermin."

"You insolent wretches."

However, they were still too slow to act. Before they could make a move, Aurelius's chilling voice cut through the air.

"Aura of Supreme, Level 1."

A crimson aura shrouded the area and enveloped the soldiers.


Thud! Thud! Thud!

Instantly, all the soldiers, including Gazef himself, dropped to their knees, overcome by an overwhelming sense of despair.

Their heads bowed as they collided with the ground, their consciousness slipping away.

Only Gazef Stronoff, the strongest among them, managed to remain conscious. With an intense glare, his eyes, filled with despair, locked onto Aurelius.

He couldn't even imagine that the man talking so amicably just now would, in a second, turn his face and attack them.

"Y-you!" Gazef was enraged and stared at Aurelius.

But instead of the gentle smile he had encountered earlier, Gazef was met with a chilling gaze that sent shivers down his spine.

Especially Aurelius's next words, which made Gazef realize that the man before them was not what he appeared to be; he was a ruthless and vicious man.

"Gazef Stronoff, do not mistake my kindness and casual demeanor for weakness. I am not a righteous individual. The only reason you're still breathing is because I perceive you as a man of pride and honor. But make no mistake; if you or any of your people dare to show even a hint of disrespect or hostility towards me or my companions once more, you will learn why death is a mercy in my eyes."

With that ominous warning, Aurelius surveyed the soldiers and noted some of them visibly trembling or even wetting themselves in fear.

Realizing that pushing them further could result in casualties, which was not his intention, Aurelius dispelled his [Aura of Supreme], allowing the soldiers to breathe a collective sigh of relief. Some even collapsed to the ground, drained of strength.

"Forgive me for asking Aurelius-Sama, but is it alright to leave them like this? Should I..."

Without saying a word more, Albedo motioned to swipe off her neck, but Aurelius just shook his head in response.

"Don't worry. It's not worth our time. Those who cannot think for themselves and are mere pawns of an incompetent leader will soon meet their demise."

"Yes, Aurelius-sama," Albedo replied obediently, and then turned her attention to the soldiers. Her earlier gentle smile twisted into a look of extreme disgust as she warned them.

"You lowly bastards, be grateful for Aurelius-Sama's generosity. But remember, should you dare to defy us again, I will personally sever each of your heads and feed them to the crows."

"It's alright. Step back, Albedo."

Aurelius interjected calmly.

Gently pushing Albedo aside, he chuckled lightly before turning to Gazef, who had just regained his composure.

"I apologize for the behavior of my knight. She is fiercely loyal, and any hint of hostility towards me triggers her anger."

At the sound of that almost mocking laugh, Gazef clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, but ultimately chose to suppress his rage for the time being.

"No... thanks to Prince Lucifer, this village is safe... My subordinates have acted out of line earlier."

The clinking of metal armor accompanied Gazef as he straightened his posture and bowed his head solemnly.

"I don't know how to thank you for saving this town."

The atmosphere crackled with tension.

A man of Gazef's stature, perhaps from a privileged class, bowing his head to Aurelius, who had not even disclosed his true identity, was a shocking sight in a world where status differences were starkly defined.

Yet, in this moment, no one dared to raise objections or voice dissent against Gazef's submissive action.

On the contrary, Aurelius nodded in acknowledgment of the kingdom's Warrior-Captain, Gazef.

"No need for such gratitude. There was a nuisance in the village, so I decided to take care of it and enjoy a stroll."

"A nuisance?"

"Ah, my mistake. Calling them nuisances is an insult to nuisances. They were more like parasites, I suppose. I simply eliminated them. There's no need to fret."

Aurelius smirked as he spoke, his eyes forming into a crescent shape.

'To eliminate... to take lives. You killed them, Prince Lucifer?'

Gazef wanted to shout these words, but he held his tongue this time.

He knew that even if he dared to raise his voice, not only would he face death, but the soldiers behind him would suffer unimaginable cruelty as well.

Furthermore, Gazef couldn't begin to comprehend the strength of the person before him. With just a gesture, Aurelius had brought him, the Warrior-Captain, the strongest man in the Re-Estize Kingdom, to his knees. Gazef couldn't fathom the consequences of making such an enemy.

"... Yes, the result is that this village is safe, but…" Gazef paused, and despite the fearful gazes of the cavalrymen behind him, he continued. "The term 'parasite' may be a bit... Anyway, you are indeed the benefactor who saved this village."

"I apologize if my words offended you, Warrior-Captain."

"No, no. It's quite alright." Gazef hurriedly diffused the tension before turning to the village chief.

"Would you be willing to sit down and discuss the details of the earlier situation with me? Also, if it's not too much trouble, I would like to spend the night in this village, as time is of the essence."

In truth, Gazef wished to return immediately to the Re-Estize Kingdom and relay news of Aurelius's threat. However, he knew that acting hastily would only arouse suspicion.

He couldn't afford to become an enemy of the man standing before him. It would be too perilous and reckless, especially considering the uncertainty of potential future attacks on the village.

"Okay. Then, if you can talk about that at my house," the village chief agreed.

But just as the village chief spoke and took everyone to his house, a soldier from Gazzef's group burst in.

The desperation in his gasps indicated the importance of the information he brought. In a loud voice, he announced.

"Warrior Captain! We've confirmed a number of suspicious people around the village. They're approaching the village in the form of a siege!"

"I see... So there are people out there."

Gazef peeked out at the people surrounding the village from inside the darkened house.

He could see three people within his field of vision. They were slowly advancing on the village while maintaining an even separation from each other.

Their gear suggested that they were magic casters.

However, it was the winged monsters floating beside them that confirmed their vocations.


"Who are these people? What do they want? I don't think there should be anything that valuable in this village..."

"Prince Aurelius, you do not know either? ... Well, if it is not wealth they seek, then there can only be one other answer."

Aurelius and Gazef locked eyes.

"They must really hate you, Warrior-Captain."

"It comes with the job of warrior-captain. However, this is troubling. Judging by the way the other side has so many people who can summon angels, they must be from the Slaine Theocracy, and it's clear that the people carrying out this operation must be a special operations unit—the legendary Six Scriptures. It would seem that, both in numbers and ability, the opposition is superior to us."

Gazef shrugged, indicating the difficulty he was in. He might have seemed merely depressed on the surface, but inside, he was seething with anger and panic.

"Well, they've certainly gone to a lot of trouble, using the Noble faction to strip me of my gear. However, it's troublesome for that snake of a man to remain in court, so I guess it should be my good fortune to be able to recognize his villainy here. Still, I didn't expect the Slaine Theocracy to have their eyes on me."

Gazef snorted.

He did not have enough men; he was under-equipped for a battle like this, and he had no plan in mind. In short, he had nothing.

'No wait.'

Suddenly, a thought flashed in his mind, and he turned to Aurelius.

Even if Aurelius was extremely dangerous and unstable, it was undeniable that he had saved this Carne village.

Moreover, Aurelius's strength and probable affiliation with the Re-Estize Kingdom offered a glimmer of hope to Gazef.

"Prince Lucifer. Could I possibly hire you?" Gazef inquired, his voice tinged with desperation.

There was no immediate response. Aurelius's crimson eyes remained fixed on Gazef, his demeanor calm.

"I'll pay whatever price you ask."

Gazef pressed on, hoping for a positive answer, but Aurelius rejected him firmly.

"I decline."

"It's okay, then can you lend me two knights?"

"No, I decline that as well. My knights are my own, and they serve only me. They are precious to me, and I cannot allow others to even dare imagine about them, let alone borrow."

At Aurelius's calm but cold words, Albedo and Luminous twisted their bodies and exhaled heavily, their faces flushed inside their helmets.

Nonetheless, unaware of this, Gazef continued to push.

"Is that so? How would you feel if you were forced to conscript under the law of the kingdom?"

"That would be a foolish decision, Warrior-Captain. I had believed you to be intelligent and sensible, but it appears I was mistaken in my judgment. Regardless, let me tell you this: If you attempt to exert control over me, I have no choice but to destroy your kingdom."

As Aurelius's dark red aura slowly intensified, the surrounding onlookers recoiled in fear, instinctively taking a step back.

Gazef's expression contorted, but then, as if resigning himself to the situation, he let out a sigh and attempted to steady his wobbly legs.

"It's unnerving. I sensed sincerity in your words just now. I apologize for my impertinence; please forgive me," Gazef said, his voice laced with a hint of defeat.

"Haha, no need. Just consider it a humorous joke from a magic caster," Aurelius replied with a dismissive wave and dispelled the dark red aura, returning to his previous smile.

Perceiving Aurelius like this, Gazef's eyes narrowed. He knew what Aurelius said earlier wasn't just a joke.

His intuition, honed through countless light and death battles, was screaming that it was very dangerous to oppose this magic caster.

The suffocating, murderous aura he felt before.

It was a murderous intent born of that man.

'What is his identity?'

Gazef wondered while looking at Aurelius's smile.

'What lies behind that smile? Is it the face of a friend I've yet to know, or an impending catastrophe?'

Regrettably, Gazef had no answers.

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