Overlord: Multiverse

Chapter 64: New World XXVII

"Now then," I spoke while taking off my helmet.

"It's time for some action."

I exited the armor and transformed into my Human variant.

'Time to go outside and inspect that man.'

I turned toward Enri and spoke.

"I am going outside; contact me if anything happens," She bowed in response.

"Understood, Master Helios."

I nodded and used a Space Element spell to teleport outside the inn.


This spell was a part of the teleportation spells; unlike Lesser Teleportation- which allowed someone to teleport to a place that is within their eyesight-Teleportation allowed me to teleport over a short distance of 2 Km, even if I didn't have the place in my eyesight.

I vanished from the room and reappeared on its roof. I then cast Illusive Mirage- a 9th-tier spell similar to Perfect Unknowable. However, because I was using my Human variant, I could not cast it, so I had to cast its counterpart-.

One disadvantage of my Human variant was the inability to cast spells other than those of elemental nature. This meant I couldn't cast spells like Perfect Unknowable or Magic Arrow, etc.

Now that I had cast the spells, I was undetectable. Only someone with a level of detection ability could hope to find me. I jumped from the roof, cast Fly, and started to fly toward the inn where I had seen the man enter.

'I also need to abduct Nfirea from his home,' I thought while flying toward the inn.

In a minute, I reached the inn. Landing on its balcony, I entered through an open door that led to the first-floor walkway.

Because it was evening, the inn's ground floor, which functioned as a pub, was filled with wealthy merchants, famous adventurers, and other people of importance. But I wasn't able to find that man.

'Maybe he is one of the rooms,' I thought while looking at the rows of rooms. I spread out my arms and used one of the skills from the Arch Composite Elementalist Job Class.

This Class allowed me to combine 5 or fewer elements to cast a new spell. In Yggdrasil, I had to find a semantic or scroll containing the spell's information or use items or Super-Tier spells to ask the Devs to make the required spells.

But in the NW, I could create new spells on my own; all I needed was information about the elements I wanted to combine and a few other things. And because of my previous life's memories, creating new spells this way was a breeze for me.

"Elemental Combine: Information Domain"

This created an invisible domain that directly sent information about smell, sight, and sound to my mind.

I originally created this spell in Yggdrasil and edited it while studying Yggdrasil's magic system. I combined elements of Air, Light, Illusion, and space to make it.

As I cast the spell, my mind was bombarded with information. After a second, I was able to find that man. He was sitting around a large table in a luxurious room. Eight other people were also seated around the room; each had many magic items on them.

I deactivated the spell and cast Teleport to teleport to the same room where they were seated.

"Every high-ranking adventurer is on the move to eliminate monsters that have wandered too close to the town. I met a few Mithril-ranked adventurers, and according to them, they hadn't seen a dragon inside the Forest. And that's the end of the report."

The same man with blonde hair spoke while leaning on the table.

I looked around the room and immediately recognized the people. They were the members of the most potent scripture of the Slane Theocracy, the Black Scripture.

According to the NW's standards, this group of people was more potent than all the Adamantite-ranked teams of the whole world combined. This wasn't an overestimation; all the scripture members were at least in the Realm of Heroes, with even some outliers and even 2 God Kins; they had Divine-Class items and even a World Item.

I couldn't recognize that man the first time because he had very little screen time in the anime, and a catastrophe on Earth cut the series short before it could finish.

"Your predictions were right on the money again," The Captain of the Black Scripture and one of the God Kins spoke while looking toward a young woman- with short, very light brown hair and orange eyes. She had a female school uniform and purple-framed glasses-.

"Have you found any information about the revival of the Catastrophe Dragon Lord, Elysia?" One of the God Kins- who had androgynous features of a young man with long black hair and sharp red eyes- of the Black Scripture asked the woman.

Elysia shook her head in response.

"Lately, I haven't been able to observe anything in the Forest of Tob; it's like something is blocking me, and no matter how hard I try, I am unable to overcome the obstruction."

"Should we contact the Cardinals about this?" Asked an older woman who had a white robe with a dragon embroidered on it.

When I first entered the room, my eyes went to her because she was wearing a World Item known as The Downfall of Castle and Country. In the original series, Shalltear was brainwashed due to this item.

"No, We'll leave the town tomorrow and head toward the Forest of Tob. We'll search for the Catastrophe Dragon Lord for a few days, and if we are unable to find it, then we'll head back."

The Captain- named Aleron- said while shaking his head.

"I have no problems with that plan, do any of you?" The man with the blonde hair spoke while looking at all the people in the room. They shook their heads in response.

"Very well, then, Elysia, you will stay in the inn while we go and search the Forest. The meeting is dismissed."

Aleron spoke while standing up from his seat, and everyone in the room followed suit and exited the room. Now, only the Captain and the older woman named Kaire remained in the room.

'So they are going to start their expedition tomorrow,' I thought while scratching my chin. This was a good opportunity to introduce the Dark Lord to the Slane Theocracy.

For this, I needed to complete the quest of bandit hunting tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, I would formerly introduce them to the Dark Lord. Also, it might be fun messing with Elysia; as I understood it, she had divination abilities.

'Showing her the destruction of the Slane Theocracy will be fun,' Thinking this, I used *Teleport* to teleport away from the room and appeared on the inn's roof.

I then brought out a few scrolls from my Item Box. These were summoning scrolls for a monster called Shadow Stalkers.

They were level 90 monsters with great stealth abilities; only someone with good detection abilities could detect them. They were even immune to 8th-tier and lower detection spells.

I threw the scrolls in the air; they opened and burned. A few magic circles manifested on the roof; a few seconds later, they vanished, and a few shadow-like beings stood in their place.

As summoned monsters, they had access to some of my information, and due to our connection, I could telepathically send information and order them.

'Go and observe them. Contact me if there is another meeting or if something unexpected happens,' I telepathically ordered them after sending information like their target's information, etc.

They bowed and vanished from their location. Now, I was alone on the roof.

'Time to kidnap Nfirea,' I thought while jumping from the roof. I had asked Peter about Nfirea's house, so it wasn't hard for me to locate it.

After reaching its vicinity, I landed in an alleyway and deactivated Illusive Mirage. After exiting the alley, I walked toward the shop owned by Nfirea's grandmother, Lizzie Bareare.

I entered the shop and moved toward the counter.

"Hello?" I spoke in a loud voice while standing before the counter. I also

took out a spell scroll from my Item Box.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a second."

I heard a young man's voice from deep inside the shop. After waiting for a little while, a young boy with short, bowl-cut blonde hair walked toward the counter.

"Welcome, how may I help you today?" He spoke while moving behind the counter.

"Let's see."

I discreetly threw the scroll up; it opened and burned, activating the spell Forced Sleep.

A magic circle manifested below Nfirea, and before he could react, the spell activated, and he was put into a deep sleep.


He collapsed onto the floor.

"What's happening there!"

An old woman entered the room while shouting. I already knew her name and quickly cast a 4th-tier spell, Minimal Crystal Lance.

A small, crystal lance materialized before me and darted towards the old woman's forehead. Although Lizzie possessed the ability to cast 3rd-tier spells, she couldn't react quickly enough to avoid the incoming lance, which ultimately impaled her head.


Her lifeless body fell to the ground with a gaping hole in her forehead. Her eyes were still open wide.

I moved behind the counter and picked up the sleeping Nfirea before casting Gate.

I decided to leave Lizzi's body behind; even if someone used resurrection magic to revive her, she wouldn't be able to tell anything to them.

Though just to be on the safe side, I used a 3th-tier spell, fireball, to incinerate her body and burn this shop down.

The fireball struck her body, and began burning it. I didn't wait and entered the portal created by the Gate spell, which teleported me to Nazarick's entrance. I then used the Ring of AOG to teleport to the fifth floor.

I teleported to Cocytus' residence on the fifth floor.

"How are you doing, Cocytus," I asked the vermin lord, who was cleaning his weapons.


Noticing me, he quickly got up from his seat and kneeled before me.


After some initial small talk, I explained the reason why I was there and gave him the sleeping Nfirea. I instructed him to transfer Nfirea to one of the cells of the Frozen Prison- an area on the fifth floor where the captives are held-.

After that was done, I bid him farewell and used the Ring to teleport to my bedroom.


I was tackled into a hug by someone unexpected. It was Fenris.

'How unexpected,' I thought while wrapping my right arm around her waist and pulling her closer while my left hand began petting her.

When I teleported to my bedroom, I thought I would be tackled by Albedo or Felicity, but not Fenris.

"How's my little princess doing," I asked while I continued to pet her.


"Hahaha, is that so."

After a minute, I sat on the sofa, and Fenris walked over and sat on my lap.

"Now, tell me, why were you looking for me?"

"I want you to talk with lil sis," She spoke while getting comfortable in my lap.

To Be Continued...

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