Overlord: The Multiverse

Chapter 18: Kind Dragon


Asgard was one of the world where many players of the humanoid and demi-human races mainly resided in. It can said that Asgard is home base for human and Demi-human. Asgard is one of the largest world in Yggdrasil.

By entering Asgard, players of the heteromorphic races are well have disadvantages placed on them like moment restriction, other de-buff on critical situation.

Because of this most of the case, heteromorphic players avoid doing quests on Asgard. As they can't predict when shit will hit the fan.

Towering spires reached towards the sky, gleaming in the sunlight like beacons of hope for all who beheld them. It was a far cry from the dry realm of Helheim.

But I didn't have the time to appreciate the beauty as I have a hot 'date' with a dragon.

Because of that I was moving towards the destination to find pure blooded dragon, who is located deep inside the forest of Asgard.

With a spring in my step and a song in my heart (or maybe it was just indigestion from that questionable stew I ate earlier IRL), I pressed onward towards my destination: the deep, dark forest of Asgard, where the dragons were said to dwell.

Along the way, I also killed some unfortunate soul (monsters) that spawn over the area.

As I ventured deeper into the forest, the air grew thick with the sounds of rustling leaves and chirping birds, a symphony of nature's greatest hits. I half expected a squirrel to pop out and start conducting the orchestra.

Suddenly, I stumbled upon a scene straight out of a fairy tale. There, in a sunlit clearing, stood a dragon that seemed to have hit the jackpot at the mythical creature beauty pageant. Flowers bloomed around it like it was hosting its own personal garden party, and butterflies fluttered around its majestic form like groupies at a rock concert.

I couldn't help but feel like I'd stumbled onto the set of "Dragon's Got Talent."

But this wasn't your typical fire-breathing, treasure-hoarding dragon. No, this one looked like it spent its weekends giving out gardening tips and hosting tea parties for woodland creatures.

As I approached, the dragon turned its gaze towards me, its eyes shimmering with a mix of curiosity and amusement. It regarded me with the kind of look you give someone who shows up to a costume party in a swimsuit.

"Um, hi there," I said, trying to sound nonchalant despite the fact that I was talking to a creature straight out of a fantasy novel. "Nice day for a stroll, huh?"

Not going to lie, I am big Dragon fan.

The dragon regarded me with a bemused expression, as if it were wondering whether I'd lost my marbles. "Greetings, traveler," it rumbled, its voice echoing through the clearing like distant thunder. "What brings you to my humble abode?"

I scratched my head, "I'm actually on a quest to find a vial of pure dragon's blood. And I heard you might be able to help me out."

"So you are here to slay me," The dragon asked.

"Yes," It pains me too but my sword is more important.

The dragon's eyes widened in mock horror, a dramatic gasp escaping its lips. "Oh, the audacity! The nerve! The sheer gall!" it exclaimed, flapping its wings in exaggerated indignation. "To think that someone would dare to slay such a magnificent creature as myself!"

I couldn't help but chuckle at the dragon's theatrics, realizing it was just messing with me, AI is really something. "Well, you know, it's nothing personal," I replied with a shrug. "Just your standard quest for rare ingredients, in my case pure dragon blood. You understand, right?"

The dragon let out a rumbling laugh, the sound echoing through the clearing like distant thunder. "Oh, I understand perfectly," it said, its eyes twinkling with amusement. "But I'm afraid you've come to the wrong place if you're looking for a fight. I'm more of a lover than a fighter, you see."

I blinked in surprise, not expecting such a response from a creature that looked like it could bench-press a mountain. "Wait, seriously?" I asked, unable to hide my disbelief. "But you're a dragon! Aren't you supposed to, you know, breathe fire and hoard treasure and all that?"

The dragon chuckled, shaking its head in amusement. "Stereotypes, my dear traveler, stereotypes," it said with a knowing smile. "Just because I'm a dragon doesn't mean I have to conform to society's expectations. I prefer to spend my days tending to my garden and entertaining guests with my dazzling wit."

Not gonna lie, this is the first time I've encountered a dragon like this. I really need pure dragon blood, but I also don't want to slay the dragon.

Even if she's just made up of data and binary codes, I don't want to kill her. Why, you ask? Because she's simply too charming and delightful to harm. And I like dragons.

And I don't want to needlessly tip the scales of my karma. Up until now, I've maintained a steadfastly neutral-evil karma value. Death mentioned how karma can shape us when our avatars become real.

Glancing at her, she's radiating positive karma vibes. Killing a positive karma player or NPC would undoubtedly tilt my karma scale in the wrong direction.

Plus, who would want to disturb such a peaceful creature in its garden paradise? It's like trying to pick a fight with a fluffy bunny.

But alas, my quest for pure dragon's blood still hung in the balance. I needed to find a solution that didn't involve violence, yet still allowed me to acquire the precious ingredient I sought.

As I pondered my predicament, the dragon cocked its head to the side, a thoughtful expression on its face. "You seem troubled, traveler," it observed, its tone gentle and understanding. "Is there something weighing on your mind?"

I sighed. "Well, to be honest, I'm in a bit of a pickle," I admitted, scratching the back of my neck. "I need pure dragon's blood for a quest, but I really don't want to kill you,"

"If you want my blood then you can just take it." The dragon said.

I blinked in surprise, not expecting such a straightforward response. "Wait, seriously?" I asked, unable to hide my astonishment. "You're just gonna let me take your blood?"

The dragon nodded, its expression serene. "Of course," it replied, its voice as calm as a placid lake. "I'm not attached to it or anything. It's not like I need it for, you know, breathing or anything."

I couldn't help but chuckle at the dragon's nonchalant attitude towards its own life force or HP. "Well, alright then," I said. "Let's make this quick, shall we?"

With a steady hand, I reached out and extracted the vial of pure dragon's blood, making sure not to disturb the dragon's delicate scales. As I did, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was getting away with something I definitely shouldn't be.

But hey, when life gives you a dragon offering its blood on a silver platter, who am I to argue?

With the vial safely in my possession, I thanked the dragon for its generosity and bid it farewell. As I made my way back to the portal, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over me.

Quest completed, without a single drop of blood shed. Well, except for the dragon's, but that was more of a voluntary donation than anything else.

Before going toward Muspelheim, I asked the dragon.

"What's your name?"

The dragon paused, as if considering whether to indulge my curiosity. Finally, it spoke, its voice carrying a hint of ancient wisdom.

"I am known as Draegonax," it replied, its tone tinged with pride. "Remember it well, for you may never encounter another dragon quite like me."


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