Overlord: The Multiverse

Chapter 20: World Enemy

With those pesky PKers out of the way, I opened a up portal. Stepping through, I found myself into the searing heat of Múspellsheim, where even the air felt like it had a fever (metaphor).

"Now then, how should I find a Phoenix for me to slay." In Asgard, I had a convenient map to guide me to the dragon's lair, but here in Múspellsheim, I was flying blind.

"Maybe I should follow the scent of burnt feathers or look for a trail of fiery droppings?"

Chuckling at my own ridiculous suggestions, I decided to rely on a more conventional method: Cash shop item. With a quick flick of my wrist, I summoned the {Wish Granter} from my inventory.

As the {Wish Granter} materialized in my hand, I focused my thoughts on the task at hand. "I wish to locate the nearest Phoenix in Múspellsheim," I declared, my voice carrying over the crackling flames of the realm.

In response, the device emitted a soft hum, its magical energies swirling around me like a gentle breeze. Moments later, a holographic map materialized before my eyes, highlighting the location of a nearby Phoenix nest with a pulsating red dot.

"Looks like we're in luck," I remarked with a grin, studying the map intently. "Time to pay a visit to our fiery feathered friend."


Some place in Múspellsheim.

I am currently fighting two Fire Elementals in the middle of this particular area or dungeon. These two Fire Elementals are the guardian monsters that protect the dungeon from invaders; there were actually more of them. I had slain the remaining, and these two Elementals are what's left in their group.

Just like the {Wish Granter} showed, I came to this dungeon known as the {House of the Celestial Lord of Flames}.

Normally, I should be happy that I was able to find the Phoenix quickly but reality is I am not.

Being a vampire, flames were one of my kryptonites. Sure, my resistance had improved after ascending to vampire godhood, but I was still more of a marshmallow than a fireproof superhero.

I would have been over the moon if the {Wish Granter} had shown me a lone Phoenix, but noooo, it had to go all out and show me the dungeon boss, didn't it? And did I mention that this Phoenix I'm hunting is the World Enemy? Great, just what I needed—a flaming chicken with a world domination complex. It's like playing with fire, quite literally.

After defeating the rest of the Fire Elementals, I took a deep breath and prepared myself for the ultimate showdown with the Phoenix.

As I stood before the towering gates of the Celestial Lord of Flames' domain. I couldn't help but wonder if this was some sort of joke—a creature of darkness facing off against the embodiment of pure flame. It was like setting a bowl of ice cream against a blowtorch and expecting a fair fight.

"Well, here goes nothing," I muttered to myself, steeling my nerves as I stepped through the imposing entrance.

Inside, the air was thick and it seems there is some kind of area effect as my HP is taking continuous hit but it regenerate quickly.

As I ventured deeper into the labyrinthine corridors of the dungeon, I got a system notification.

{You are being watched by Celestial Lord of Flames.}

Finally, I reached the heart of the dungeon, where the Phoenix awaited, its fiery gaze fixated on me with a mixture of curiosity and hostility. It was a sight to behold—a magnificent creature wreathed in flames, its feathers shimmering like molten gold in the dim light.

"Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in," I quipped, trying to lighten the tense atmosphere with a touch of humor. "Seems like I've stumbled upon the lair of the infamous Celestial Lord of Flames himself. Quite the honor."

The Phoenix let out a guttural growl, the flames around it intensifying with each passing moment. "You dare to trespass in my domain, mortal?" it bellowed, its voice echoing through the chamber like the roar of a wildfire. "You shall pay dearly for your audacity."

I smirked, undeterred by its threats. "Audacity is my middle name," I retorted, summoning my weapon and preparing to face the fiery beast head-on. "But enough chit-chat. Let's get down to business, shall we?"

With a defiant roar, the Phoenix launched itself into the air, its wings beating with incredible force as it swooped down towards me, claws and beak bared for battle.

I braced myself for the impact, adrenaline coursing through my veins as I prepared to meet the creature head-on.

As the Phoenix descended upon me like a flaming comet, I leapt aside at the last moment, narrowly avoiding its talons as they sliced through the air where I had been standing moments before.

I unleashed a devastating spell known as {Shadow Veil} shrouding myself in darkness to confuse and disorient my foe.

But that didn't stop the Phoenix as it spread it's flame all around to restrict my moment.

With the Phoenix spreading its flames all around us, my usual summons consisting mostly of Vampires wouldn't be helpful in this situation.

"I need a distraction," I murmured to myself, my mind racing for a solution amidst the chaos of battle.

Then, it hit me. I reached into my inventory and pulled out a seemingly innocent-looking item—10th tier sealing crystals.

"If I follow my usual fighting method, which is a head-on fight, then I have no doubt I will become a vampire barbecue," I muttered to myself.

"It's time to play dirty," I declared with a grin, "You are going to see the power of money."

With a swift motion, I activated the crystals, {Summon: Elemental king Frost}


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