Overlord: The Multiverse

Chapter 27: King D-Kingson

After my first glorious victory, I found myself thrown into a whirlwind of battles with a motley crew of opponents. From the oddball demi-humans to the downright bizarre heteromorphic players, I felt like I was living in a fantasy version of a zoo.

But let me tell you, facing off against some of these humanoid players was like taking candy from a baby—well, a very determined, sword-wielding baby. Sure, they put up a decent fight, but compared to my daily routine of hunting down monsters and PKers, it was like playing a game of tag with a bunch of toddlers.

As for the demi-humans, there were a few that caught my eye. Two minotaurs, a troll, and a female wolfkin stood out among the rest. The minotaurs' brute strength, the troll's regenerative abilities, and the wolfkin's agility were impressive to say the least.

But let me tell you about that wolfkin. She had charm stats that could make even the most stoic warrior weak in the knees. For a moment, I was completely entranced, lost in her mesmerizing gaze... until she opened her mouth and out came a deep, booming male voice. Talk about a plot twist! I went from being charmed to feeling downright bamboozled in a matter of seconds.

I'll admit, I may have lost my cool a bit. Okay, who am I kidding? I went full-berserk mode. Imagine me, the mighty Alexander, swinging my sword wildly while shouting, "Who's the wise guy behind this voice-changing nonsense?!" Spoiler alert: I never got an answer.

In the end, it was one of the shortest fights of the championship match. But let me tell you, it left a lasting impression. Lesson learned: in the world of Yggdrasil, never judge a book by its cover. Or its voice, for that matter.

Ah, the battles against the heteromorphic players. Now those were a mixed bag of tricks, let me tell you. Some of them were about as tough as a marshmallow, while others had me sweating like a pig in a sauna.

But let's get one thing straight: I didn't take any of them lightly. Nope, not for one second. From the get-go, I could see that these guys meant business. They were decked out in gear that ranged from legendary to divine class items, like they were gearing up for a cosplay convention on steroids.

Now, did I have a bit of an advantage? Maybe. Okay, fine, I'll admit it—I wasn't exactly sporting my top-graded equipment, and I wasn't even tapping into my full potential as a vampire god. But even without all the bells and whistles, I held my own against the best of them.

Sure, I took a few hits here and there as I danced through the ranks of Helheim, but did it bother me? Not in the slightest. My HP replenished faster than a bottomless mug of ale at a dwarven tavern. I could practically hear my health bar chuckling to itself as it bounced back from every blow.

But hey, no harm, no foul, right? That's the beauty of the tournament format. Once we all shuffled back to the Colosseum after our little skirmishes, it was like hitting the reset button. All the HP and MP that had taken a beating during the fights magically restored to their original levels, like we'd never even thrown a punch.

So, did I come out of those battles unscathed? Not exactly. But did I let a few bumps and bruises slow me down? Hell no.

As I blazed through the rounds in the Colosseum, my victories seemed to come faster than a gnome chasing after a dropped gold coin. With each win, my name climbed higher and higher, plastered across the arena walls like a neon sign in a dark alley.

But I wasn't the only one making waves. Oh no, there were plenty of other players making a name for themselves too. Well, until they met me in the ring, that is.

As the competition heated up, the number of participants started to dwindle faster than a stack of gold in a dragon's hoard. It was like a game of musical chairs, only instead of chairs, it was fighters, and instead of music, it was the sound of swords clashing.

And then, in the blink of an eye, there were only two names left standing at the top of the Helheim North Colosseum leaderboard: mine, Alexander Seductus Von Mortis, and King D-Kingson. Now, I don't know about you, but that name? It sounded more like something you'd find in a R-rated hental than a serious contender in a World Championship.

But hey, who am I to judge? After all, stranger things have happened in YGGDRASIL. And besides, a little laughter never hurts anyone...

Looks like it's time for the quarterfinals, and I've got my sights set on victory. After all, a champion's got to do what a champion's got to do, right?


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