Overlord Wizard

Chapter 27

Chapter 26 The promotion of knowledge

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After Li Luo returned to Baishi Town, he found Mei Lin. The two rubbed copies of the several books that Li Luo had auctioned that could be rubbed, and then they studied them separately.

Six months later, except for routine meditation and one hour of weight training a day, Li Luo spent all of his studies.

During this period, Mei Lin learned how to make digestive gene evolution medicine, and conducted anti-toxin and digestive gene evolution experiments for several knight attendants. Fortunately, after this guy studied hard, he was still very reliable, and several knight attendants, including Rand, had evolved successfully.

The three knowledges of self-feeling medicine knowledge, bloodline knowledge, and genetic knowledge have been integrated and reached a level that can be mutually confirmed. Li Luo finally started the Velociraptor’s active gene absorption experiment.

Within a week, after Ron Ke met Hawkins with five hundred anti-toxin genetic evolution potions, the latter did not hesitate to agree to the request to hunt the Velociraptor.

On the test bench, Li Luo took an alloy knife and pierced the skin of the Velociraptor forcefully, putting the blood into several wooden barrels.

According to the acquired bloodline knowledge, the dragon bloodline has a strong assimilation and aggressiveness, so Li Luo intends to use these sub-dragon blood to create a group of dragon blood warriors with sub-dragon bloodline. These soldiers can be selected from among the elite soldiers. After the anti-drug gene optimization experiment, after Li Luo’s deduction, these soldiers will have a great chance to evolve successfully, and their physical potential will skyrocket. After hard training, they can have almost With a knight-like body, it will become an extremely powerful army.

Three months later, in front of the spacious laboratory, Li Luo stood quietly.

Compared with ordinary pharmaceutical experiments, according to the handbook of blood experiment, many new instruments and instruments for blood experiment were purchased.

Similarly, the bloodline experiment is much more **** and cruel than those experiments on plants that only do potion reactions.

Even if Li Luo has high-end genetic knowledge as a foundation, the experiment before him is really scary.

In the spacious laboratory, first some elderly people were lying there covered in blood stains. Most of these old people lost their ability to work, and lost their children under the attack of monsters. Under the grief, they actively sacrificed themselves. body. Blood holes in their bodies burst one after another, and their internal organs were damaged to varying degrees. Li Luo took an experimental note, compared their previous physical data, and began to keep recording.

Batches of old people willing to sacrifice have brought a wealth of data references to the experiment. After Li Luo felt that the time was almost the same, he started experimenting with slaves. There were more than three hundred slaves in Baishi Town, and Rand sent them all in a letter from Li Luo.

Most of these slaves were young and middle-aged. Li Luo referred to previous experimental data, and after drawing out a needle of dragon blood and medicine filled with ice cubes, he injected the young and middle-aged slaves.

Soon, three days passed. There were different levels of miserable howls in the laboratory.

In different places in the laboratory, Li Luo saw many corpses with extremely distorted expressions and bulging eyeballs. It seemed that he suffered great pain before he died.

Cut open the belly of each corpse and watched the blood spilling, but there were no broken internal organs. Li Luo compared the previous experiments one by one, and also deduced the data of a relatively successful experiment.

I feel that the experimental data has been perfected. On this day, he began to experiment with elite soldiers.

Three days have passed, and the elite soldiers kept howling miserably, and Li Luo kept getting injections of medicine. Although their stomachs also swelled up, with the injection of the medicine and the passage of time, most of them began to lose their swelling, and soon returned to their original state. There was also a small group of elite soldiers who did not survive, and died in the laboratory like those slaves before.

But the soldiers who recovered, after training again and again, gradually grew a layer of stratum corneum on the skin, and the figure was more than a foot taller, and the muscles of the whole body were as solid and powerful as the iron and gold. Look carefully. , A vertical pupil appeared in their pupils, and everything around them seemed to have been unable to escape their eyes. The weapon in his hand was also replaced with a 30-kilogram epee, and it seemed to be effortless to wield it.

Li Luo and Rand stood side by side in the schoolyard, looking at the soldiers who had evolved into the dragon blood warriors, they were happy, but a little worried.

Under the training of these dragon blood warriors, the speed of progress is too fast, although they can no longer activate the fighting spirit, but with physical strength alone, I am afraid that soon they will not be weaker than a city master like Rand. By then ordering them all became a big problem.

“I think Merlin also has the formula for Qi-gathering potions, so let him start refining, so that you can speed up the promotion to the knight level.” Li Luo seemed to see Rand’s concern and offered one. Proposals to enhance his strength.

Rand nodded, glanced at the incomparably powerful dragon blood soldiers in the distance, his complexion tightened, and then rushed to the training ground to start the long-lost weight training.

After Li Luo gave Merlin the job of enhancing Rand’s strength, he returned to the laboratory and took out the velociraptor meat and the entire spine that had been cut into a dozen pieces from the black space bag.

Thinking back to the gene activity optimization experiment in the previous life, combined with the data on the reaction of the Velociraptor blood invading the human body for more than three months, he closed his eyes tightly and began to think carefully.

Gene activation optimization involves the integration of some active genes. In the previous life, they were beasts, and the bloodline strength was basically not much different from that of humans, so there was no beastization phenomenon. But in this alien world, the blood of many monsters is extremely overbearing. For example, the blood of the Velociraptor can make an elite soldier a dragon.

So after using this raptor to make an active gene evolution potion, it requires precise calculation and a special ability to control the mana to purify and eliminate the negative genetic mutations brought to the body by the dragon bloodline. Or diluted to a very weak point, slowly absorbing evolution. But either method is too slow.

But after a long period of research on several books, Li Luo came up with a quick and effective method.

That is, after absorbing the active genes of the dragon race, that is, the blood, sit in a purification rune array to purify the inferior genes that have evolved, and then go through a series of training to stabilize the active genes.

But to activate this kind of rune formation, a material called magic stone is needed as fuel, and Li Luo couldn’t do anything for a while. As soon as he thought of the magic stone, Li Luo’s inspiration flashed, and he continued to look for it in the black space bag. Found in the corner, where a pile of black stones was emitting bright light.

With the mentality of giving it a try, he used his magic power to engrave the purification rune circle, and put the black stones into the circle’s eyes one by one.


The magic circle turned automatically, and these black stones turned out to be magic stones! At this moment, Li Luo felt very lucky at the same time, so he couldn’t wait to start experimenting.

Through a series of medicaments to dissolve the Velociraptor meat and spinal cord respectively, and through a series of medicaments to filter and screen the dissolved dragon meat liquid and spinal cord liquid. Li Luo finally got two big buckets of Velociraptor’s active gene liquid.

stretched out his right arm, and he injected a prepared syringe of medicine into his arm. Because the world already has infusion equipment, Li Luo’s self-made troubles are left. After delivering the active gene fluid into the body in the form of an infusion, he began weight-bearing training with the aid of the medicine to quickly absorb the active gene fluid. After absorbing the active gene fluid, he sat in the rune purification circle prepared in advance, and began to eliminate the inferior genes that evolved after the absorption and the violent blood factors that caused the dragon to be transformed. Although it was anticipated in advance that the dragon blood was domineering and did not directly use dragon blood as the experimental material, even the small amount of dragon blood contained in the flesh and blood made Li Luo in the rune purification circle a little overwhelming. I saw the magic circle constantly purifying thunder and lightning walking up Li Luo’s body, constantly suppressing and purifying those violent blood genes. Perceiving mental power into the blood deep in the body, at this moment Li Luo discovered some unexpected circumstances. I saw that those originally aggressive and thin Raptor bloodline factors were suppressed by the purifying thunder and lightning and Li Luo’s own mana, calmed down, and began to merge into Li Luo’s bloodline, and disappeared in the depths of his bloodline.

If you make a metaphor, it is that the fish encountered a turtle and was chased and bitten. Now the turtle is hacked to death with a knife, and the fish starts to eat the turtle’s meat in turn. The fish is like Li Luo’s blood, and the turtle is the violent and thin raptor blood factor. As the fish eats the turtle’s flesh, they grow up and become stronger.

The experiment was very successful. In the continuous experiment, not only the active genes of Velociraptor were continuously integrated into Li Luo’s body, even a small part of the aggressive violent blood factor was also purified and suppressed by the magic circle and Li Luo’s mana. He calmed down, surrendered to Li Luo, and began to be slowly absorbed by him for his own use.

After three months, all the active gene fluids have been consumed.

Li Luo came to the training ground. He drank a bottle of the Qi-gathering potion he got from Merlin, weighing 300 kilograms, and while breathing out the knight breathing regularly, he ran around the school ground.

He was sweating like rain, and soon a whirling airflow kept turning in his lower abdomen. Immediately afterwards, he ran more and more vigorously, getting faster and faster. After a while, Li Luo fell to the ground with black eyes, and the airflow in his lower abdomen turned faster and faster. It quickly turned into a small cyclone and stopped there slowly, exuding bursts of unusually warm energy to his limbs. Mukuro poured over.

Immediately, layers of gray greasy were drained out of his skin, and a stench radiated from the gray greasy. When Li Luo woke up, he smelled it and returned with a few flashes of his nose. In the bathroom of my bluestone house, I began to wash hard, looking at the almost vomiting look, it was obviously disgusting by my look and the gray and greasy smell.

It took nearly a bag of noodle soda before he rinsed off the peculiar smell, and then he lay on the bed cross-legged, observing the cyclone between his lower abdomen.

At this time, the seeds of fighting qi were completely gone, only a fist-sized cyclone kept spinning in the lower abdomen.

Although the seeds of fighting energy disappeared, the fighting energy that this cyclone continuously emits is even more powerful and astonishing. Obviously at this moment Li Luo has been promoted to the official knight.

Now Li Luo even has an illusion that his own physical strength is enough to contend, a fireball with extraordinary power.

But he, who has a deep understanding of the power of wizards, is so stupid that his body can block the fireball. But the skyrocketing strength in close combat is also a good thing. And with the optimization of his bloodline, he will progress very quickly. I believe it will not be long before he will be promoted again and become a middle knight, or even a high knight.

More than a year of transformation of the body, UU reading www.uukansshu.com finally achieved results. At this moment, he finally realized the truth firsthand, knowledge is power!


Outside of the Forest of Warcraft, a violent mountain bear of the first class Warcraft was pierced by an epee to the heart.

The epee was pulled out, and a figure covered in blood slowly put the epee away. I didn’t know where it was from, took out an iron pan, cut off a piece of bear meat, and started cooking.

After eating a pot of bear meat, the figure stood up, revealing a slightly dark but handsome face.

This person is Li Luo, and he has been cultivating alone outside the Warcraft Mountains for more than three months. After countless life and death battles, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and he has become a real middle knight. But he was still dissatisfied, and after eating another pot of meat, leaving behind the broken body of a mountain violent bear, he ran towards the central area of ​​the Warcraft Forest.

The monsters in the central area are more fierce, all of them are some powerful monsters from the mid-level to the first-level peak, and even some talented ones will have one or two talented spells.

Li Luo was chased and fought by these monsters for another nine months. He himself even forgot Rand’s recommendation for his wizard seeds, and he still strayed in the inaccessible middle of the Forest of Warcraft.

Unconsciously, another year has passed.

On this day, after fighting with a fire-breathing cow on the periphery of the central area, he hid in a cave and fell asleep with black eyes.

At this time, the cyclone in his body spun again quickly, and after a while, it had been enlarged by more than three times after a long absence.

Finally, after two years of hard training in the Warcraft Forest, Li Luo successfully cultivated his knight level to a level that even nobles could not reach, and became a veritable upper knight.

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