Overlord Wizard

Chapter 38

Chapter 34 Black prison

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In the square in front of him, bones in wizard robes lie quietly. The corpses of the wizards were also covered with corpses in leather armor, apparently the dead mercenaries. After Li Luo scanned the square, he could roughly see the number of corpses. In total, there are a hundred!

Seeing this, Li Luo felt a bad feeling in his heart.

“So many wizards and mercenaries have fallen here, indicating that this square is absolutely terrifying. Even if there are no monsters, there is probably a lore formation.” Li Luo thought to himself, and began to perceive the flow of the surrounding elements carefully. .

From this look, there are no rules at all, obviously there is no formation in the square. But how to explain so many skeletons?

Li Luo narrowed his eyes, his heart kept turning, thinking about how to deal with the danger that would happen next. Without formation, there are powerful monsters. I’m afraid it is not a second-order ordinary monster, but also a dark wizard with the strength of the first-order. If it was the former, Li Luo would feel better, and if it was the latter, he would have to consider whether to run for his life.

Just as his mind was turning, Tegar’s words in front of him gave him a sigh of relief.

“Everyone, there is a sacrificial circle in front of you. Unlike magic circles, these sacrificial circles are hard to find. As long as there are living creatures in, these skeletons will resurrect and stand up to attack. If one of us is killed, we will join in. Enter their team. Once this sacrificial circle is broken, the skeletons in front of you will no longer be restricted by the circle, and will stand up and kill us directly. But don’t worry, I’m here this time. The witchcraft, and the medicine that can exude the smell of monsters. Come to me, everyone.” Tegar glanced around at the mercenaries around him, and said lightly.

Li Luo’s eyes flickered when he heard the words, and he also had the medicine to change the breath. It was the juice extracted from some Hades picked in the Warcraft Forest. At that time, when he passed a cliff, a magic-eared rabbit exuded a breath of death, which aroused his curiosity. After a lot of investigation, it was discovered that the rabbit had this change after eating a kind of magic grass. He searched and verified on the Herbal Medicine Collection, only to realize that the name of this magic herb was called Hades. It was full of dark and water elements. Drinking more of its juice can not only completely cover up his breath, but also Gives the illusion of an undead creature.

The sap of the Hades is extracted entirely to escape the tracking of powerful beasts in the Warcraft Mountains. But at the moment it came in handy, and he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. Drink the potion given by Tegal? Do not make jokes. Who knows what the **** this guy is planning? !

Li Luo thought this way, ran up to Tegal, bowed his body, smiled and said, “I would like to ask Master Tegal for medicine.”

“Well, remember to drink them all, or we will all be ruined in the hands of the skeletons in front of you!” Tegal handed Li Luo a bottle of dark green potion, while scanning the crowd, he said in a deep voice.

Obviously, he was not only talking to Li Luo, but mainly reminding everyone to drink the potion. At this moment, Li Luo felt more and more that there was a problem with this potion, so he slowly stepped back, flipped his hand, and he took out a bottle of Pluto juice and drank it calmly. And the bottle of medicine Tegal gave him, disappeared directly into his hand, and was put into the space bag by him.

The others were busy getting the potion, naturally they didn’t notice Li Luo’s movements, while the other wizards frowned and didn’t immediately take the potion.

Tegal looked at Liu Tan and the other five people, and smiled: “Everyone, are you afraid that there is a problem with this medicine? I will drink a bottle first, and the province thinks I will poison you.” After that, he took one sip I drank the dark green potion.

Li Luo took a closer look, and Tegal began to emit dark green fel energy, and the aura he exuded was somewhat similar to the evil claw demon just now. Seeing this, Li Luo’s heart tightened. The breath he exudes is different from the breath of evil energy, but don’t let this guy see any clues.

It wasn’t that Li Luo was afraid of him. Even if he couldn’t beat him, he wanted to run. Even if these mercenaries added up, they couldn’t contain him. Not to mention being in this environment. Thinking of this, he took another sip of thorngrass juice, rinsed his mouth and spit out foamy mouthfuls, fell to the ground and convulsed.

Someone naturally discovered Li Luo and shouted: “My lord, this cook seems to be unable to stand the power of the potion, it’s running out.”

Tegal and others looked back, and saw Li Luo frowning as he rolled, exuding a strong necromantic aura.

Before they could make any decision or action, Li Luo stood up tremblingly, wiped the froth from his mouth, looked palely at Tegar and others, and wiped his forehead. Sweat, a look of vitality.

“This guy is so weak, he can’t even resist the power of the potion.”



Listening to the surrounding discussion, Tegal frowned and stretched out. He said: “Everyone has seen it. Drinking this medicine will at most have some side effects due to lack of strength, but it is also limited. Look at the cook behind us, won’t he survive? And the breath exuding from the body is even closer. It’s a dead soul.”

“Everyone, I walked through the square and arrived at the place I said. There are great benefits waiting for you. I heard people say that the inherited knowledge of some of the melee professionals in it is very powerful. Even after the inheritance. With the capital to fight against wizards, whether it is all wizards or mercenaries present, I am afraid I don’t want to miss it.” Tegar looked at Carter and others still hesitating, and then tempted.

Langtian frowned and said, “It sounds good, we are all wizards. What good is this for us?”

Tegal heard the words, and directly replied: “The inheritance of this melee professional, the minimum requirement is to have the strength of a third-class wizard apprentice, and it is the inheritance of a melee wizard!”

“Cut, melee wizard, laughed to death. Accept the inheritance, not a warrior? What use is this for us?” Liu Tan smiled scornfully and said sarcastically.

“You can’t say that. Even if we are wizards, we need to improve our physique? Even if we don’t accept the inheritance, the knowledge in it is enough for us to learn from. It shows, the inheritance here is quite suitable for me, so I I just offered generous terms to everyone, including the three brothers of Langtian, and I will give thanks one by one afterwards.” Tegal waved his hand and slowly said his reason.

Langtian and others immediately thought about the words, and after a while, they said: “If this is the case, we will walk with you. Don’t forget your promise afterwards!”

Langtian and the three looked at each other, and instead of directly taking Tegar’s potion, they took out a bottle of black potion and drank it. The effect turned out to be roughly the same as that given by Tegal.

After Liu Tan took the medicine, he didn’t drink it immediately. He took out a few silver needles and stirred it for a while, frowning suddenly. Then he hesitated, and while drinking the potion, he did not know where to take out a bottle of white potion and drank it.

Carter was the only one left in the end. He frowned, hesitated for a moment, and drank the potion. While he drank the potion, Liu Tan turned around and gave him another bottle of white potion. Carter took a sip without thinking.

As a result, the aura of everyone around him changed drastically, all exuding the aura of fel or necromancy, and under the leadership of Tegar, he walked toward the square in front of him.

It seems that the potion has a great effect. None of the surrounding skeletons stood up. Everyone quickly passed through this huge square and came to a black building that looked like a prison.

The building area is not large, just the size of a building. It is square in shape. There are not many floors, but it is hundreds of meters high.

Tegal walked in quickly, and the others followed.

As soon as Li Luo stepped into the gate of this black building, he found that the evil energy in the air suddenly became rich, and even whispers in his ears sounded like a Jiuyou Ligui demanding his life. All the mercenaries also trembled, apparently frightened by the environment in front of them.

Looking along the line of sight, what catches your eyes are iron cages covering an area of ​​about ten meters. Inside, there are dead bones lying there, and there are also black blood stains, rusty subway scissors or knives around them. , Combined with this environment, is obviously a torture instrument for torturing prisoners one by one. On the wall next to these instruments of torture, crystal lamps hung one after another, emitting extremely bright light, illuminating the entire floor space.

But the dry bones in these cages are not like ordinary human corpses. These dry bones skull teeth are like spikes, and the bones on their bodies are very different from those of humans. Obviously, they were definitely not humans.

Li Luo saw this, his thoughts kept turning.

“It seems that this is the place where the devil is imprisoned. The inheritance that Tegar said should be a kind of melee professional of the elves Thinking of this, his heart becomes more and more heated. According to historical records. In addition to the powerful long-range firepower, the elves also have an extremely rare type of melee professional. Although the records in the historical annals are very vague, it still shows that they are extremely powerful, but how powerful and where they are. There is no detailed record in the historical annals. , Li Luo is even more unknown.

Now that he came here with these guys, he is somewhat confident that he finally got the inheritance.

Everyone started to walk towards the second floor under the leadership of Tegal. Li Luo’s nerves were tense along the way, but to his surprise, no monster was found. Everyone went to the entrance of the second floor smoothly.

And just as everyone relaxes their vigilance a little, the sudden change emerges!

Just as a few mercenaries walked in along the entrance, they saw seven or eight dark green figures passing by them. And these mercenaries in front of the expedition through this road, obviously are always tense nerves, as soon as these dark green figures struck, they were holding swords, walking in wrong steps, and at the same time, the silver light appeared from the point of the sword. It swept out, and under one rotation, these monsters were forced away, and at the same time the figure disappeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

“Go and support them!”

The mercenary who hadn’t stepped up immediately shouted, and at the same time rushed towards the entrance.

“Ah! Ah!………”

Before these mercenaries rushed up, they heard a series of miserable howls coming from not far away.

Li Luo and the others quickly stepped into the entrance of the second floor. What caught the eye was the first few mercenaries who entered here, lying on the ground with white eyes and purple eyes, and even a hint of incredible color was seen from their dead faces. There was a blood hole in the chest of these mercenaries, and the blood flowed along the black stone bricks towards the feet of everyone.

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