Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 40: Cutting scales, picking bones, a real master (2/2)

“Master Ning, you start, I hope you’ll forgive me for such a situation.” Jiang Gongzi smiled apologetically at him.

“It’s okay, taking money from people and cooking for them, as it should be.”

Ning Fei still looked unperturbed, facing the questioning of Fang Ju, he was not half affected.

Jiang Gongzi was impressed with Ning Fei’s mentality and aura in his heart.

The situation now was that Ning Fei was preparing to cook the grilled fish, and Fang Hu was watching him gloomily from the side, along with Jiang Gongzi, Jiang Xue and several subordinates, all looking at him.

When Fang Ju saw Ning Fei’s young and handsome appearance, a trace of disdain rose in his heart.

A real chef, which is not a fat man with a big waist?

This is also based on the fact that on the one hand, it requires strong wrist strength and arm strength for the chef to exercise invisibly; on the other hand, the chef has to taste the food frequently to become strong over time.

So, chefs often look at each other’s arms and wrists, you know how much the other party.

And then look at Ning Fei, well-proportioned, not strong, is obviously a flower frame well.

I guess Miss Jiang saw him as good-looking, so she let him come over.

Fang Ju thought in his heart, and then skimmed his mouth.

The good-looking men tend not to cook, and the men who can cook are not good-looking.

This is what he thought in his heart.

At this time, Ning Fei had already started.

He didn’t care about the eyes of the people around him.

The first step was to select the fish. The fish Jiang Gongzi prepared were all very high-class fish, obviously specially bred.

“It’s yours.”

Ning Fei fished up a large fish from the water and smiled with satisfaction.

“I never thought there would be wild split-belly fish here, the split-belly fish only grows in the cold river water on the plateau, the meat is fresh and firm, the wild split-belly fish is even more expensive, there is no market for it.”

“Good stuff.”

Hearing Ning Fei’s explanation, onlookers felt nothing, but Fang Ju was slightly side-eyed.

Ning Fei was right, that one was indeed a wild split-belly fish. The wild split-belly fish was a bit smaller than the artificially farmed ones, but it was more agile and lively, and the meat was also more delicious.

I can’t imagine that Ning Fei could recognize the split-belly fish and distinguish between domesticated and wild.

A bit of skill.

However, perhaps he just happened to have seen it.

Then, Ning Fei skilled scaling, gills, his knife is very fast, let people look dazzling, the knife as if long in his hand, looks extraordinarily flexible.

The process of killing the fish Jiang Xue did not dare to look, she turned her little head over. Jiang Gongzi did feel that Ning Fei’s technique was very good.

Then look at the side of the square pot, at this moment, has been wide-eyed.

“This ……. Scale cutting?”

“It’s actually cutting the scale?”

He was surprised out loud.

You know, ordinary people make fish, at most, scrape the scales. Fish scales very affect the quality of making fish, from the taste to the flavour, have an impact.

But this hand of Ning Fei, sturdy stunned Fang Ju.

Cut scales, using a knife to fit the pattern of fish scales, the fish body surface to cut out a thin layer, the fish scales all shaved a clean.

This operation is easy to say, but it is far from easy to do.

Both the force, direction, or precision are very high requirements.

There are not many first-class chefs in China who can say they can cut scales.

“Young Master Jiang, where did you find this person? And which family did you learn from?” Fang Ju couldn’t help but ask Jiang Gongzi who was at the side.

At this moment, his eyes have long since lost any semblance of contempt, instead, a touch of excitement emerged.

The skill of cutting scales, even he could not do so well.

Jiang Gongzi smiled and said, “You can ask him yourself later.”

Fang Ju nodded and stood to the side watching Ning Fei’s operation with full attention.

At this time, only to see Ning Fei knife in his hand, a light slash, a shave, actually shaved the complete fish bone from the body of the split-belly fish. The speed was so fast that people were dumbfounded.

“Shaving the bones?”

This time, Fang Ju was truly wide-eyed, his face full of incredulity.

This young man, actually knew the long-lost bone shaving?

You know, Chinese food culture has been inherited for thousands of years, and there are many excellent practices and techniques that have been gradually broken off in the course of history.

For example, this hand shaving bones.

Fang Ju heard his great master tell him that there was once a top master in cooking who could cut open the fish body with a knife and pick out the bones, after which the fish remained intact and did not affect the overall beauty of the fish at all.

At that time, Fang Ju felt that this was just some stories passed down about the chef, there was always some exaggeration in it.

Now that he saw it with his own eyes, he was really amazed.

This teenager is such a master!

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