Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 52: Leading the Rhythm or give it away? (2/2)

“Go check it out, I’m most annoyed with such anchors who have little ability to swipe data.” [Chaoyang Wu Yan Zu] also said a word.

Li He chatted with the bigwigs in the group, constantly badmouthing Ning Fei, hoping that these bigwigs would strike a good blow at Ning Fei tonight.

A dozen emperors went to the live stream to insult, ask which anchor can withstand it?

Crucially, the emperor hasn’t been able to mute, and Superman doesn’t have this right. People spend hundreds of thousands a month to set up an emperor, so the platform won’t even refuse to scold individuals.

Seeing so many emperors scold, there must be a lot of sprayers also followed by the press into. Ning Fei’s live room will definitely pandemonium.

“Then, a few big brothers, just 7 o’clock this evening, let’s start.” Li He said ingratiatingly, respectfully.

Those few tycoons also nodded, after all, they were also considered acquaintances.

Seeing such a battle, Li He laughed in his heart.

“A newcomer, Douniao Live still has a column for you? I see what you can do this time?”

Wang Qiang thought it was interesting that the Heavenly Junction union actually took the initiative to beg him to go to a newcomer’s live stream to bring rhythm. Normally he does not want to do this kind of thing, unlike [Zong Yan] and [Chaoyang Wu Yanzu], they are the second generation of rich, young people are more hostile.

He is a corporate boss, watching outdoor live is a fresh.

Thinking of this, at 6:50, he opened the computer, ready to see Ning Fei’s live broadcast.

As soon as he entered the software, he found a title board that read, “Ning Guanzhu challenges to climb alone to the top of a deep mountain off the beaten track!”

“Lord Ning Fei? It seems to be that newbie anchor.”

Wang Qiang shook his head and climbed to the top of the mountain. Such a live broadcast should be meaningless.

Thinking, he clicked into the live broadcast room.

As a result, at the first glance, he was confused and thought he had clicked on a movie.

Because in the live camera, there was a huge tiger.

Crap? Old tiger!

Wang Qiang was dumbfounded.

He had watched outdoor live for so many years, where had he seen such a scene?

He also looked at the pop-ups, many people were saying something like “Ning Fei is powerful”, “the first person to jerk off the tiger”, “micro blogging over”, “Master Fei is so handsome”.

The atmosphere in the live room is very good.

Wang Qiang gulped his saliva.

He looked at the screen of Ning Fei’s live broadcast room, a handsome teenager with eyes containing aura, next to an adult South China tiger and a juvenile South China tiger, extraordinarily pleasant.

He opened another anchor he often watches [Tianjun-Long], and at this moment, Long was performing a big pot stew of group fish with a group of people.

It is to put more than twenty big and small fish into a big pot in the wilderness and fry them. Brother Long takes a big spatula and shouts while frying the fish.

“Old iron people, more than twenty live fish frying, this scene cannot be seen!”

“Family, pay attention!”

“Look at the outdoors, just recognize you Long’s live room!”

There is also a big speaker beside Brother Long’s feet, which is playing very exciting music.

“Hello Mr. DJ, don’t stop this rhythm…”

The emperor into the live room are special signs, Long’s assistant gave him a hint, Long hurriedly smiled broadly and said, “Brother Qiang is here, Brother Qiang you see how this fried fish today!”

Wang Qiang suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

This is too far from it.

When I watched Long fishing, catching bamboo rats, and catching pheasants, I thought the life of this kind of village people was quite interesting. But after watching Ning Fei’s live broadcast, he thought these were all things.

Thinking, Wang Qiang immediately turned off [Tianjun – Brother Long]’s live broadcast.

When Brother Long saw Wang Qiang go, he smiled to himself. He knew that their union was going to blast Ning Fei’s live stream tonight, and guessed that Wang Qiang should have gone to Ning Fei’s live stream to bring the rhythm.

Wang Qiang looked at Ning Fei’s live room, only to see the live screen, Ning Fei is holding a small tiger, and the adult South China tiger walking side by side.

That little tiger is really cute.

If this thing did not eat people, who would not want to have a big cat like this?

The more Wang Qiang looked at it, the more he liked it.

He also went to Weibo to search for a short video about Ning Fei.

Boulders, blood strains of lingzhi, unarmed rock climbing, Huaqing University graduates, South China tigers take the initiative to get close…….

Wang Qiang was immediately attracted to Ning Fei’s live broadcast.

This is what an outdoor anchor should look like.

Thinking of this, Wang Qiang did not hold back.

“[Jingo Tiema] gifted the anchor super rocket *10”

The screen of the live broadcast room was suddenly a mess of gifts flashing.

Countless pop-ups came from the right side: “Boss atmosphere”, “Thank you boss”, “Boss 6666”

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room was very good, people cheered and jumped.

Wang Qiang was also very happy.

Such a live broadcast is interesting!

At the same time, several tycoons who were ready to lead the rhythm also poured into the live broadcast room, and once they came in and found that Wang Qiang had sent ten super rockets to Ning Fei, they were a bit strange.

After whirling and watching Ning Fei’s live broadcast, it didn’t take long.

“[Mr. Yan] presents the anchor Super Rocket*10”

“[Chaoyang Wu Yanzu] gifted the anchor Super Rocket*10”

Netizens were cheering and thinking what was going on, how come so many tycoons were piling up to give gifts to Ning Fei.

In addition to five originally is the emperor of the Tianjun union, the rest of the emperors are the top layer of society’s tycoons, what things about their own cool, simply do not care what you union or not union.

Now in Ning Fei’s live room are seen South China Tiger, which how to bring the rhythm!

And people’s live is good-looking ah.

A moment these tycoons immediately switched camps.

The manager of the Tianjun union, Li He, saw this scene and was directly frozen in place.

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