Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 60: Picking bamboo shoots, the king of bamboo shoots! (1/2)

In the afternoon, Ning Fei was at the stream, staring at the sky with the three tigers.

Little Qun would occasionally run to the river to play with the water, looking very happy, the three remaining “parents” were all looking at him with doting faces.

Ning Fei saw that the time was almost up, so he stretched his back and took a look at the live stream.

He originally thought that the heat of the live room must be very low, after all, there is nothing substantial this time.

As a result, his popularity value was still high in the outdoor area, holding steady at number one, even far surpassing the second place by a lot.

Live broadcast South China Tiger, even if nothing is done, everyone loves to watch.

“The viewers have waited long, I should also make dinner.”

Ning Fei said to the netizens in the live broadcast room.

“During the process of making bamboo barbecue at noon today, I found that the bamboo shoots in the deep mountains were growing unexpectedly well.”

“The time of bamboo shoots generally changes with the climate, like the bamboo forests around the mountain villages, there may only be more bamboo shoots in spring and winter.”

“Seeing the bamboo shoots here, I suddenly want to eat fried bamboo shoots, so now I’m going to pick some bamboo shoots.”

“By the way, let’s also see if there are any better mountain products nearby.”

Hearing Ning Fei’s words, the netizens were all excited one by one.

“It’s time for the exciting mountain picking session again!”

“The anchor’s luck in this area is simply unbelievable.”

“Can we pick any treasure this time?”

“I’ve only ever eaten bamboo shoots, I’ve never really seen how they’re dug!”

“Watch Ning Fei’s live broadcast, and gain a little knowledge every day!”

Ning Fei and the South China tiger said goodbye, as if the South China tiger could really understand Ning Fei’s words, surprisingly, called out to the little nagging tiger, and the three tigers once again left towards the depths of the dense forest.

After the South China tiger left, Ning Fei returned to the tent, took out a workman’s shovel, brought a bag, and then headed for the mountains.

“Digging bamboo shoots is easy, the villagers in the mountain basically know how to do it.”

“Bamboo shoots grow around adult bamboos, find the greenish, greenish bamboo whips, and the shoots grow on or around the whips.”

“Look, everyone, there are many right here.”

Ning Fei explained while breaking open the bamboo forest, and the netizens could clearly see the bamboo shoots emerging from the soil.

“Shoots are usually spring and winter shoots mostly, summer shoots are also found, relatively few, and this should be the summer shoot.”

Ning Fei shoveled the bamboo shoots out with a shovel.

“The bamboo shoots in the deep mountains look pretty good. Remember, everyone, bamboo shoots must be ready to do to be delicious, but any time picked out more than half a day, then the taste of bamboo shoots will be more than changed, some sour.”

“Bamboo shoots have the effect of appetite and spleen, pass the intestines and broaden the chest, but also enhance the immunity of the body, is a rare and good thing. It is especially suitable for people who are obese and constipated.”

“Everyone look at this bamboo shoot, the shape is a little strange, with a distorted figure. However, the stranger the bamboo shoot looks, the better it tastes.”

Ning Fei narrated while picking bamboo shoots, and his confident tone and dashing temperament made the netizens tsk-tsk-tsk.

Ning Fei was exploring the bamboo forest, and just at this moment, his eyes suddenly lit up and a flash of joy surged in his expression.

“It’s appeared, Master Ning Fei has this expression again!”

“Hahahaha, every time he finds something good Ning’s expression is so cute.”

“Yes, it’s like there’s light in the eyes, just like a landlord seeing a treasure.”

“All old fans, this can be seen.”

“Haha, Lord Ning Guanfei quickly tell everyone exactly what he found.”

Ning Fei took two steps forward, shoveled away a few bamboos, shoveled it with a shovel, and said after confirming:

“Friends and audience, I may have found a king of bamboo shoots.”

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