Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 65: Injured White Fox (1/2)

After playing a round of Tai Chi, Ning Fei sat on top of the mountain, quietly looking at the sunset in the distance.

The little falcon landed on his shoulder.

He didn’t want to do anything, he just wanted to enjoy the beauty of nature.

Looking at the landscape from different heights is different.

For example, right now, the mountains were in full view, and the sunset looked even more spectacular.

Ning Fei was born and raised in the world, cannot avoid having the smoke and dust, but the heart yearns for such a relaxed.

Little Falcon watched him from the side, occasionally looking at the sunset in the distance, not understanding why Ning Fei would have such a feeling.

“Master Ning Fei, looks really at ease.”

“Yes, walking for such a long time on the mountain just for this moment, such spontaneity, I both admire and envy.”

“Everyone’s choice is different, what some people prefer is life in the city.”

“Yes, I like to watch other people like this on live broadcasts. I really can’t do it like this.”

“After all, there are not many people who are as free and easy as Ning Fei.”

After a long time, Ning Fei felt that it was about time, and if he did not go down the mountain, it would be difficult to go when it was completely dark.

It’s easy to go up the mountain and it’s hard to go down the mountain. What is said is that it is easy to make a mistake and cause danger when going down the mountain.

“Comfortable, go down the mountain!”

Ning Fei stood up, patted the dust on his body, picked up the backpack on the ground, put on the cool cap, tied on the vertical leg pants, once again organized the line, towards the bottom of the mountain.

At that cliff, Ning Fei fixed the climbing rope on it, and then climbed down the rope.

Little falcon at this moment has been in Ning Fei’s shoulders, and no longer fly.

Although the falcons are the king of the sky, but their eyesight at night is very poor, no night vision. So few falcons come out in the complete darkness of the night.

At night, it’s the owl’s world.

Do not underestimate the owl, owls look very naive, at night will rely on their good eyesight to prey on other birds of prey, including falcons.

There was a short video, falcon mother in the nest to take care of two young, the owl recklessly go in to take one of the young, the falcon mother can only panic powerless scream, because it cannot see anything, only so.

Ning Fei came back to the woods that were dominated by golden monkeys.

After sunset, the golden monkeys almost rested, so Ning Fei walked in the dense forest, and did not suffer too much interference.

Night, getting deeper and deeper.

The night in the middle of nowhere is completely different from the night in the city.

Perhaps it is because the street lights, car lights, and building lights are all on now at night, lighting up the whole city completely. People have forgotten that darkness is the original colour of the night.

Just like now, when the sun completely sets, the forest is pitch black.

Netizens saw that the live stream was rapidly darkening.

“Super tube, can you turn on the lights.”

“The forest is so dark, it looks a little scary.”

“Always feel like something is going to jump out!”

“High energy ahead!”

“Anchor be careful.”

Netizens warned with concern.

However, Ning Fei was not too worried, the place where the monkeys rule, usually there will not be large raptors, even snakes will be much less, after all, the ruler of the tree can only have one.

However, just as Ning Fei was about to walk out of the dense forest, suddenly, he heard a strange sound.


The sound was low, but very distinct.

Ning Fei stopped dead in his tracks.

Then, the voice rang out once more.


This sound, like whispering and crying, sounded somewhat sad, not knowing what kind of animal was making it.

“What is that sound?” The netizens were also startled.

“It’s a bit scary in such a dark environment.”

“It can’t be a monster!”

“Why do I feel a few chills on my body.”

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