Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 75: Solitary Lamp, Chanting Scriptures (1/2)

Back at Qingfeng Guan, Ning Fei picked the grapes one by one, put them in a basin, and then washed them with clean water.

The little fox was right next to it, once again pampering Ning Fei.

This white fox was very clingy.

The little falcon, on the other hand, stood high up, silently watching Ning Fei.

The fox is a carnivore, eating mice, fish, frogs, birds, insects and the like, and likewise eating fruit.

Ning Fei saw the fox cute, so he threw it a grape or two, the fox took the grapes with his mouth and ate them in, looking very satisfied.

Ning Fei waited for the grapes to be washed and dried naturally before starting the brewing work.

“To brew fruit wine from grapes, you must pick grapes that are just ripe; unripe grapes will have a raw taste for brewing, and overripe ones will have sedimentation.”

“Then de-grain, crush, and de-stem, and note here that red wines need to be fermented with skins, while white wines need to be crushed, juiced, and the juice taken for fermentation.”

Ning Fei handled the grapes while narrating unhurriedly.

What he didn’t know was that most of the netizens’ attention was not on him telling everyone how to make wine, but on the process of his winemaking.

An ancient style Taoist master in a long robe was concentrating on brewing fruit wine, which was in itself very ornamental.

Moreover, Ning Fei’s hands are slender and straight, which is undoubtedly more tempting for some hand-controlled girls.

The world is so big, everyone cares about different points, for example, men have leg control, waist control, collarbone control, foot fetish, and of course, like to knead dough and so on.

Women generally control face, and by the way, there are many people who like abdominal muscles and hand control.

After Ning Fei got the grapes, took out the wine jar that had been cleaned and disinfected at high temperature, put the grapes in, plus sugar, fruit wine currents, etc., a set of operations down, looking extraordinarily professional.

“The appropriate fermentation temperature for grape fruit wine is 20-25 degrees, so that the main fermentation can be completed in about 7 days, or half a month if it is at 15-20 degrees.”

“After the main fermentation, you still need to filter, press, clarify and sterilize, and you will get the grape fruit wine.”

After watching Ning Fei’s operation, the netizens were in awe.

At this time, Ning Fei took out another bag of apples. The apples were bought at the supermarket on the way back just now and were also used to make fruit wine.

“The brewing of apple wine is similar.”

“The thing about wine is that the longer it is, the more flavour it has. Wines and ciders for sale often take a year to ferment.”

“But I prefer fruit wine just brewed that time, light and sweet, with a little wine flavour. There used to be an old man selling fruit wine in Qinshan village, but unfortunately he left later too.”

“When I was small, my master would occasionally brew some, my master’s level was relatively poor, the brewed fruit wine is sour and bitter. Later it was me who brewed my own fruit wine after I studied and understood it.”

Listening to Ning Fei’s narration, the netizens were momentarily fascinated.

Some stories are not so climactic, but they are fascinating.

Ning Fei slowly told the interesting story of winemaking, and then with the scene at this moment, the whole is like a very beautiful painting.

Nowadays, the pace of life is too fast, and many people yearn for this kind of unfettered life, but they only yearn for it.

Society is like a wind-up machine that is constantly operating, each person is a gear, as long as you are in it, there will be countless gears forcing you to keep turning.

Unless one is very financially strong, or looks at everything, one does not have to pay for reality, and can pursue dreams without fear.

Ning Fei’s live broadcast allows netizens to feel that this life is real.

In this way, they would gain physical and mental relaxation.

“Master Ning, tell us about your master, the last Master of Qingfeng Guan!”

“Yes, where did he go, do you know?”

The netizens were curious again.

“My master, ah, he went to live the life he wanted to live.” Ning Fei just laughed.

Ning Fei knew that netizens liked to fantasize and guessed that his master must be a worldly man living in the deep mountains. Or like a character like the old Heavenly Master or the Earth-Sweeping Monk in the anime.

But in reality, his master is just an ordinary person, but for the ancient way, while extremely respectful of traditional culture and Taoist heritage.

There are not so many hermits in the world, but each has its own life.

After the preparation of the fruit wine was finished, Ning Fei sealed and sterilized the wine altar, and then put the wine altar into the cellar.

“The temperature in the cellar is perfect, and in seven days, I will be able to drink the fruit wine I personally made.”

Ning Fei clapped his hands in satisfaction.

Some things are equally interesting in process and outcome.

For example, classmates go to barbecue in the open air. Some people like to sit there and wait for the barbecue to be cooked. Some people like the barbecue process. While sprinkling the seasoning, the barbecue is evenly heated, which also has a unique flavour.

By this time, it was getting late, and he had spent a lot of effort from picking grapes to making wine in the afternoon.

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