Overpowered Soul Transmigrate In Apocalypse

Chapter 110: EP16: Unraveled (last battle)

He had finally become the owner of the third dimension which was used to be called as jokers boundary but, it is now referred to as the Hell of Torment because Feng changed its name and made it sound cooler.

Feng formulated an cliche announcement to boost the morale of his newly found subordinates that resided inside his dimension 'Hell of Torment'. He announced, "From now on, I am the God of you all, serve me to the best of your ability and I will grant you power and glory in return. Oust (put) your trust in me and you guys... I meant you souls will live for eternity. Pray me as your God and I will bless you all with my protection!"

Theone and the 777 tormented soul's roared in excitement and acceptance.

"Witness the power of this God!" Feng said.

Feng snapped his finger, a castle and millions of sky-scraping black houses were created in the Hell Of Torment. Theone lodged in the castle. While the 777 bodies that are shaped like a black cloud proceeded to lodge in the newly created 'Nascent Hell of Torment'.

Feng turned away, hence the chessboard stopped showing Hell of torment. He had been controlling his excitement to keep his majestical face before his new subordinates. But now there was no need to keep up the act.

"Hahahah hehehehe Huhuhuhu ahahahahaha!" His roaring laughter echoed in the soul space, laughter so powerful that ripples generated in celes riveria due to sound vibration.

Feng was head over heels after obtaining a dimension which used to be a part of emblem of wisdom, bubbling emotions of happiness shown clearly on his face. Utilizing Hell of Torment will bring him a lot of comfort.

Hell of torment could be utilized in many ways,

A: It could be used as a warehouse. Humans, living beings, deadly creatures, zombies, and items can be thrown inside the Hell of Torment. He could store everything and anyone inside the dimension by spending some divine energy to activate the dimension.

B: Feng could use it as a slaughter house, to punish evil beings and generate Dark divine energy/tyrant Qi.

C: Theone and the 777 tormented souls can be summoned into the physical world to carry out dirty deeds for Feng Mei. The downsides was that the tormented souls cannot survive in places that have sunlight or lacks Death Aura. Though, Red-zones are heavily filled with death Aura, density of death aura is so much that wraiths and ghost had been birthed on Earth. Furthermore, the black clouds blocked the sunlight, hence threat caused to tormented souls by sunlight was out the window. 

D: Theone was Feng's new trump card. He could literally use Theone as a vanguard and rush through the upcoming red-zones. Basically, he finally didn't had to do everything on his own. Besides, he also had Dracula.

E: Feng could create tormented souls. He could also create an army of tormented souls. To complete this goal, he just had to deposit souls inside Hell of Torment and not use them as fertilizer for his dark divine energy/tyrant qi. Rather, had them tortured and turned into a tormented soul.

F: The existence inside Hell of Torment are all tormented souls(tortured). Their prayers will naturally generate dark divine energy for himself. Basically, Feng had open up a cattle-farm to milk cow and generate money. Except the fact that the cattle were tormented souls and the money being milked was Dark divine energy.

'What a wonder feeling it is to have one life suddenly become easy-going' Feng thought while laughing. 'Though, it's all because elder Bai made a huge sacrifice'.

A Truth emblem is a special sort of power that being born in Eastern immortals Western Gods star cluster can acquire, beings that owns a truth emblem are classified as Truth seeker. A truth seeker can only have one Truth emblem, and one truth emblem can have several dimensions. To create a dimension, a lot of resources is needed, each dimension gives rise to different prowess which can be used to fend off enemies or create unique beings, divine herbs, divine equipment e-t-c.

More dimensions meant increase in the power of the Truth emblem. All truth emblem follows this rules, creating dimensions to grow more powerful.

Well, except one, about which nothing will be explained, at least for now.

Anyways, the emblem of wisdom had a total of five dimensions, each with their own properties, rules and prowess. It's owned by elder Bai, who made a huge sacrifice and gifted one of the five dimensions to Feng Mei. In simple words, elder Bai handed one fifth of truth emblems prowess to Feng Mei.

Feng respectfully saluted elder Bai. Elder Bai gave a nod in acknowledgement. He wasn't unhappy, as helping Feng was helping himself. Remember, if Feng physical body dies then elder Bai and the other Evil Empyreans won't fare any better.

'Young chap, should we commence our plan and attack Bai or keep on waiting?' Deicide said. 

'Not now, I still have some answer to obtain,' Feng replied back.

Feng and Deicide were mentally communicating, hence elder Bai didn't hear anything.

Feng turned towards elder Bai. "Elder Bai, now can you explain the other reasons and give answers to what you are doing in the first soul space of the soul line of Evil. Cause last thing I remember was sending you all away(Nine Evil Empyreans) except sunny (Fourth evil Empyrean) & Deicide(Third Evil Empyrean), and fighting Heavenly emperor Tian Wu to the death!" Feng said with utmost seriousness while attentively looking at elder Bai and rubbing his hands together, anticipating elder Bai answer.

Elder Bai stroked his white beard in thoughtfullness. "Let's start with the remaining reasons why We send you inside Jokers bounary. Little wind, when you self-destructed to take down Tian Wu, We (I) stood (was) there together with the second (Void), Ninth (Eternal) and Seventh (Choas). We hid inside a single dimension and enforced it with all of our powers to avoid the harm your self-destruction will bring to us. After you self-destructed, We (I) managed to salvage your Truth emblem. We (I) have already injected the Truth emblem into your consciousness. It was injected into your consciousness during the blinding lights attack. Furthermore, We (I) intentionally put you under pressure, hoping that you will resonate with the truth emblem while facing death and form a connection with it, once again. Sadly, Jaaun was a complete disappointment." Elder Bai said while laughing. Sadness, dissapointment and happiness, these three emotions mixed together into one and were shown through his facial expression.

"But that's not possible!" Feng replied in certainity. "As far as I remember, I used my Truth emblem and everything to amplify the explosion range of my origin flame, which caused my self-destruction and the end of Tian Wu. My Truth emblem had shattered into multitude tiny fragments and turned into ash grains, creating the realm-ending blaze so vast and powerful that it annihilated the heavenly realm of Tian Wu and killed Tian Wu!"

Elder Bai, the giant, laughed at his words and mysteriouslly replied, "Little wind, have you forgotten? Fire give rise to destruction but it also gives rise to the creation of civilization. The blaze indeed annihilated the heavenly realm and it kept on burning in the same place. By using our powers and knowledge, we (I) with the help of others Evil Empyrean, re-created some of your Truth emblem and fetched it from the realm-ending blaze itself"

Feng understood elder Bai words. It was really possible to retrieve his shattered into grain Teuth emblem from the realm-ending flame.

Henever thought that he would be reunited with his Truth Emblem, once again. Feng had killed Heavenly emperor 'Tian Wu' in ten moves. But the Heavenly emperor 'Tian Wu' was like a cockroach, dying yet reviving, again and again. The reason for the revival and endless lives of the cockroach was related to Tian Wu Truth emblem.

Heavenly emperor 'Tian wu' Truth emblem gave rise to ninety-nine dimension. The ninety-nine dimension combined together created his heavenly realm. The prowess, rules and ability of his Truth emblem was pretty simple. Every times he (Heavenly emperor Tian Wu) dies, he can revive himself after sacrificing any being in his heavenly realm.

The only way to kill him was to destroy the ninety-nine dimension and annihilate all living beings in the ninety-nine dimension. Feng had to kill every single living being in Tian Wu heavely realm, hence he decided to use his physical body, energies, soul powers and Truth emblem as fire to fuel the flame of his Origin flame, all to annihilate the massive heavenly realm and kill Tian Wu, once and for all!

But now, he found out that his truth emblem still existed! Happiness was raised in Feng's heart.

"Then, my truth emblem, it's really within my consciousness!" Feng with blazing eyes, trembling lips and shaking hands said in excitement.

"Yes, little wind. You only need to establish a connection with it and you can start using the prowess of your Truth emblem," elder Bai replied.

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