Overpowered Soul Transmigrate In Apocalypse

Chapter 129: EP19: BBQ.

By that time, Chandni has also reached the site of Dracula's crash landing. Poor third black truck was half-destroyed, everything inside of the now destroyed cargo was exposed to the outside. She saw her Master talking with mister Dracula. Her moon-like mechanical eyes widened with happiness, as she saw her master consciousness.

"A day has indeed passed, Master!" A sweet melting honey voice resounded from behind Feng Mei. Feng turned around and saw Chandni, who rushed towards him and embraced him. Like a good master, Feng hugged her back. Even he missed her, as in the previous three years, this was the first time he spend a whole day without her. 

After hugging her for a good whole minutes, he turned toward Dracula to ask some questions. He said in slight confusion, "I heard the sound of explosion... Dracula, what caused this explosion, and where are the others?" 

Around him, there was black smoke that came along a certain explosion. Feng wasn't able to see through the smoke as he didn't use his divine energy to boost his vision, or rather, he couldn't. For some mystical reason, all three of his energy-field was empty of all divine energy.

"Master, there's no need to worry. I can sense the life signal of Arnold and the others," Dracula replied respectfully in his barely hearable voice. He continued, "A huge birdy that looked like a griffin straight out of a fantasy world of knights and magic suddenly attacked us, to kill it, I used the maximum power that my Flame rune could muster, which resulted in an explosion,"

Habits were hard to forget hence he moved his middle-finger to affix his eyeglasses. Realizing that he no longer wore eyeglasses, he controlled his finger in the middle of the act. As luck would have it, his middle-finger was pointed right at the face of Feng Mei.

Feng didn't saw that, as concisely at that very moment, his vision was blinded by the black smoke.

"Nothing less expected from you, it's only been a day and you can perfectly use your flame rune!" Feng nodded in praise, unaware that Dracula actually used all his rune and magical regalia to fight the big birdy. If Feng knew that then he would have shouted unfair to the heavens.

The explosion that happened mid-air brought devastation to the land below. The shockwaves and aftermath of the explosion was enough to make the mere mortals suffer. The mushroom-shaped explosion cloud also blocked their vision.

In the surrounding, the smoke caused due to the explosion caused by Dracula's punch has spread downwards in massive waves. It successfully blinded the vision of Arnold, Darci, Jody, Sylva, and Stella. Only the robots are able to see through the smoke because of their mechanical eyes. Their X-ray vision easily pierced through the blinding smoke. Able to clearly see their surroundings, Jo, Joh, John, and Johnny, along with their female counterparts stood up from their hiding places. During the battle, they hid behind the tilted black-trucks. Remember, they weren't battle robots, just normal household robots meant to perform normal labor or cook food. Hence, they hid during the battle. Besides, to begin with, Dracula didn't need their help.

The eight robots began to move towards their master, Dracula.

On the mortals side...

Arnold and the other didn't remain in position. They weren't gonna wait for the dust and smoke to settle down. Each time they breathed a lot of smoke was inhaled causing them pain. Using their hand to block their mouths, they tried their best not to breathe in the smoke. Except Arnold, everyone was blocking their mouth. It's because Arnold took hold of the small hands of his two kids and tried his best to move out of the smoky place. These were just one of the trouble faced by mere mortals.

On the supernatural side...

Sounds of footsteps echoed from behind him, he turned around seeing eight-silhouette coming from behind the smoke. Soon, Feng identified them as the member of the Bravo family.

Jo flinched as he saw the now conscious Feng. The world was so much better without him. The second day of his life was the best day of his life. As on that day, there was no Feng Mei. Furthermore, he had only lived for around three days. 

"Master, should we go and help out the others?," Dracula said. He included the newly arrived robots in the support team, believing that they won't be as retarded as Jody and Darci.

"Nah, no need," Feng said, an emblem that said Domi suddenly appeared in his right hand.

"Eh? Magic?" Dracula and Chandni exclaimed!

"Something beyond magic," Feng said as he willed for the smoke to disappear.

Badum, in a single second, according to his will, the rules of reality bent. The mushroom cloud, the dust in the surrounding, everything that blocked his vision vanished as if it never existed in the first place. 

Arnold and the others, who were blindly going around in circles, couldn't believe what just happened. This was magic? The smoke has disappeared and they could finally see.

They stopped running frantically and turned back. Seeing the upstanding Feng Mei, Jody immediately concluded that this miraculous deed could only be performed by his handsome than gods leader. 

Like a frantic believer, he rushed towards the feet of his leader, ready to worship him just like how a God is worshipped. The other followed, acting a lot less frantic than Jody. Though, admiration filled their hearts. While, for many reasons, Arnold excluded a sigh of relief. His supernatural bro was finally awake, facing the unconventional big birdy was the last straw Arnold needed to realize how weak and useless he was.

"Oh, leader, great than God, are you alright, do you want me to massage your sore muscles or the stiff muscle of your legs?" Jody said as he dropped to his knees, forgoing all his shame in the process. 

Feng rolled his eyes, this man was even more shameless than him but he liked this. He thought, 'Yes, praise me more and you will find glory.'

A smile appeared on Feng's face. Jody saw it and became pleased with himself. Unaware of the dark thought of his leader. Feng smirked while thinking how he would use Jody as a lab rat.

"Hey, bro, its been a day since you were out cold. What happened to you?" Arnold said. He and the rest of the humans just arrived near the black-trucks. 

"A lot, in fact, I was communicating with the «Elder-Immortal Origin dragon. He told me all about the reason why the apocalypse started in our world," Feng said attracting the attention of the common people. He was gonna expose the information about the soul-devouring creature to everyone in the world.

As a cover, he intent on continuing his bogus about «Elder-Immortal Origin Dragon». He would not only fool the mortals but also confuse the soul-devouring creature that inhabited Earth.

Feng asked Dracula to record his words as a message and forward it to anyone that have a device connectable to wifi.

Feng began to explain information about it to everyone in the surrounding. He wasn't going to do all the hard work alone. If they were gonna save Earth, then everyone needed to participate. Furthermore, he wasn't a YY protagonist that saves the world all alone after defeating the strongest being of the world, the demon king with one sword slash. He was just Feng, a retired-fighter who exploded an entire heavenly world with one move during his peak.




Afterward, Feng along with the men's and robots uplifted the tilted black-trucks. After all, they were needed to travel to their final destination. Only two were in usable condition, even they were dented all over, and their mirrors were broken

Right then, "Gararrrr!" Feng tummy grumbled, exclaiming its hunger to everyone in the surrounding. Feng realized that it's been a day since he last ate. Now, it was time to feast. His eyes roamed the clean-surrounding, stopping at the dead flesh of the big birdy. 




Ten minutes later, the big birdy dead carcasses had been stripped naked. All its fur was removed and thrown in the blaze. Poor birdy was disrespected even after its death. What sin it commit was all it wanted to ask the creator. Sadly, its soul was devoured by the soul-devouring creature. 

The bird was big enough to feed dozens of people. Its fleshy and meaty legs were the tastiest Feng had ever seen in this world. Dracula chop-sui the big birdy into several pieces, all clean-cut. Then he gave them to Chandni. She applied spices on it. The kids had fetched these food supplies from the truck, as they wanted to be useful from them. The adults laughed at their unique antics, thinking 'kids and their thoughts'.

Chandni started the Bbq process of the meat while Dracula went to the site of the wrecked third-truck. He salvaged some mangas and gallons of water bottles. He Stored them in the useable black-trucks.

By the time he finished, the meat was already barbequed. 

Feng took the first bite. Contrary to his expectation, the meat was hard to bite into and a little bit too rubbery. Its texture was Bleh but the taste was moan worthy. Eating the birdy meat, Feng felt energy building up inside his body.

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