Overpowered Soul Transmigrate In Apocalypse

Chapter 73: EP9: Feng energies (past)

The First Evil Empyrean was the most intelligent person Feng had ever met in his life. He was also his master, his friend. A companion worthy to give up his life for.

In the year 100001, Before the final battle against the Evil Empyrean realm and the Heavenly court of the 'Heavenly Emperor Tian Wu',established in the Eastern Immortals Western Gods Star clusters, began.

The First Evil Emperor *Divinator* had sacrificed 500 years of his lifespan to divine about final battle of the 'Evil Empyrean realm' against the 'Heavenly court of Tian Wu' established in Eastern Immortals Western Gods star cluster.

Overnight, his healthy gray hair turned snow white and lost their luster. His lifespans shortened. All of it done to have an upper-hand in the battle to death.

The first Evil Empyrean had also told Feng Mei fate of certain 'DEATH' before the battle against his enemy 'Heavenly Immortal Emperor Tian Wu'.

But Feng didn't falter and willingly charged ahead. Because the year 100001 was the only year in which they would be able to destroy 'Heavenly Emperor Tian Wu and his heavenly court'

As divined, Feng really died but not before killing 'Heavenly Emperor Tian Wu' and destroying his heavenly court.

But after death, Feng didn't know why or how his soul transmigrated suddenly got pulled out of nowhere in to the spacial void and travelled back to his comatose body in Earth!

His soul was affected by the 'Eternal enslave' curse of True Death God of the Death realm. The curse which will forcefully pull Feng Mei soul to the death realm, if it is outside of his physical body!

The only person that could provide him with the answers to most of his question was the First Evil Emperor *Divinator*. Basically, The First Evil Empyrean holds the answer to most of Feng question. Especially, the reason why his soul transmigrated back to his body on Earth!

Feng who was sitting cross-legged stopped practicing his «Art of Divination». After all, all the divine energy as absorbed by the art and sent to the First soul space.

Feng inspected himself. Right now, he has managed to become a Peak energy field opening expert.

Cultivation was an art. It had different forms and dozen of way. But all had a single purpose. Increase strength and lifespan.

The art of cultivation which Feng Mei is practicing is called 'Reaching truth till ageless cultivation'. In simple words, 'Energy cultivation'.

This cultivation art could be practiced by anyone as long as they had a strong body.

The foundation of this art was to have a strong body. The stronger the body the better the effect of practicing this cultivation art.

The first realm of «Energy cultivation art» was the 'Physical body foundation realm'. Feng had easily passed this stage; for he was already seven times stronger than a adult human!

The second realm was 'Energy field opening realm'. This realm was divided into three stages. Namely,

«First energy field opening» [Located in the stomach region. For most humans, it is located below the navel]

«Second energy Field opening» [Located in the chest region. For most humans, it is located near the heart]

«Third energy Field opening» [Located in the brain region. For most people's, it is located in the forehead i.e the temple]

The first energy-field becomes accessible for all humanoid beings, the moment their physical strength increase by five times that of an adult human.

In Each stages, a person will absorb a unique type of 'ABSORBABLE ENERGY' and fill up the energy field with that energy. After filling the »First energy field», he will naturally be able to sense the «Second energy field». The same is applied for the «Second energy field».

The energy stored in the energy-field could be utilized in two way. The first was to just discharge the energy from the energy field into the physical body. The second was chanting and casting Magic.

The first method was used by bruiser or close-ranged fighting expert. The second method of fighting was used by people who suffers from mysophobia or long-ranged fighting expert like mages, warlock and mystic archers.

Feng naturally was an expert in both ways.

Feng had also completed the three stages of 'Energy field opening realm'. He was at the peak of this realm.

All thanks to the three nucleus obtained from the «Copper-sheen Flesh zombie» and Divine energy obtained through mortals.

His first energy field was filled with golden divine energy and greenish self-healing energy. The self-healing energy existed in harmony with the divine energy.

Feng used the self-healing energy to first heal his internal wound. He didn't want to bleed to death. He had been bleeding but forgot about it. For he was lost in thoughts, reminiscing about his past.

'Though, I can never bleed to death, because of «Blood absorption art»' Feng thought in his mind. He said, "Oh well, it is still painful. Might as well heal it"

Feng began discharging some of the green healing energy inside and outside his body.

Feng body lit up in greenish light, as if he was a light bulb that can be switched on, internally and externally.

Greenish energy did a tour inside of Feng body healing up every internal damaged caused by the rampaging swirling mixture of the three energies.

The greenish energy emitting out of Feng body started healing up every single spot on his body that had been damaged.

Damaged caused on his skin because of wind cutting through his skin was already scraped up. Caressed by the green energy, even the mark vanished; and Feng skin recovered back to its silky white, pretty-boy smoothness.

From pulled muscles to tendons. From gashed outer wounds to internal damages. All wounds healed.

Feng stopped discharging the greenish healing energy for it had done its job and healed Feng body, whole.

Feng body lit off, both internally and externally, as if he was a light bulb that can also be switched off!

His second energy field was sparkling with golden divine energy boosted by reddish flame energy. The two energy also existed in harmony.

Feng decided to check whether the second method will work. He wanted to know whether flame spells will work on flame energy obtained from the zombie.

If it did, that meant chanting spells will work on both Self-healing energy and Berserk energy. Basically, Self-healing energy would not remain self-healing energy. Though magic Feng will be able to even heal other. Similarly, berserk magic will also cause other to go berserk!

Arnold and Dracula were still inside the Flamingo Mall looting stuff.

Feng sitting cross-legged on the elevated front parking slot of Flamingo Mall, extended his hand and began to chant out Flame magic.

His chant reverberated throughout the elevated parking slot. The parking slot in which dozens of broken cars laid scattered.

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