Overpowered Soul Transmigrate In Apocalypse

Chapter 78: EP9.5: Joint council meet

In the various meetings held with different councils, Aneurin was the youngest in age. Everyone in every meeting was older than Aneurin. Almost, twice his age and even older.

Every elderly person in other councils were sensible and full of wisdom. Displaying the full meaning of 'The older a person the more wiser he is'.

The basic topics of the meetings were mostly about sharing information of zombies, apocalypse devastated regions and supernatural beings that are popping all over the world like pimples on the face. Passing information was the sole topic of these meetings. All such meetings had ended and concluded with the benefit of all of humanity.

The most important meeting for today began. In this meeting, all the councils joined. The 200 councils of the United World government and the thousands of councils all over the world.

The purpose of this joint conference of various councils was 'Passing council bills(a proposal for the enactment of a new law) and making new laws! 

In this meeting, there were only two basic rules and two important rules.

The basic rules are,

A: One organization/country can only propose one council bill no matter how many councils it has. Basically, the United World government with 200 councils can only propose one council bill during the whole meeting.

B: Only council bills will be proposed. Only the proposer can state the reasons for the bill and its benefit'. Basically, there will be no other kind of discussion.

The important rules are,

A: The approval of at least 33% of the total members participating in the joint meeting of councils is required for a bill to be approved.

B: The council's bills approved in this meeting will be enacted as a new law, immediately. It will be applied all over the world as law. It is because drastic times ask for an immediate decision. Hence, the bills approved in this meeting will be immediately enacted as laws. These laws will be effective immediately in every country.

Anyone who breaks these rules will be given a strike. A council whose members have three strikes will be kicked out of the meeting. Reasons being misbehavior and wasting time when it matters the most. 

Many councils began to propose bills one by one. Many got cruelly rejected for their stupidity. While some got accepted for their sensibility and benefits. The benefits here are benefits related to humanity as a whole!

Many bills were being proposed. Most of them so stupid that Aneurin rolled his eyes. But his eyeballs didn't move as he was suffering from advanced facial paralysis.

No council belonging to the United World Government had proposed a bill. Because they were waiting for Aneurin. After all, he was in a sense, the head of the United World Government.

Aneurin stood up from his throne and confidently proposed a bill of his own.

A: Every red-zone should be abandoned. United World Government, other organizations with military prowess, and military of various countries shall pull back their men's deployed in red-zones.

Aneurin words stunned everyone in the meeting. For a while, only the sound of heart beating could be heard. No one believed that someone has proposed such a bill.

Even the member of the United World Government were stunned. They believed Aneurin had just wasted their only chance to propose a council bill. This bill had a very slim chance of being approved.

Aneurin once again repeated the bill he just proposed to break the still silence.

"Do you know what you saying? Can the United World Government bear the burnt your words will bring? I have heard that the First supreme is an extremely intelligent man. But now I know that it was all a hoax. You are young and make decisions impulsively. Really not deserving of your seat." An old man reaching his seventies chided Aneurin. His words explained how jealous he was of Aneurin. After all, Aneurin had gained a status a hundred times more outstanding than himself. Furthermore, Aneurin had been working for merely 15 years while that old man had been working for his entire life.

Aneurin didn't give a reply to the old man. For the old man has smacked his own face.

'One strike for Elder Yasir of council Hyme. Two more strikes and the hyme council will be kicked out of this meeting' A mechanical monotone voice announced

The announcement caused the elder to cough in embarrassment. 'Damn, I have broken the second rule!' the elder thought. He sat down on his chair under the angry glare of his superior and mocking gazes of other participants. He didn't dare utter another word.

The elder chided Aneurin because the Bill he proposed meant abandoning every single living person inside all red-zones.

Aneurin stated this bill because he knew that no one wanted to face the consequences caused by spewing out such words. He also knew that this bill will not be approved by normal means. Because the bill literally meant, 'To abandon millions of people still alive in zombie infected red-zones cities, where there are 80% more zombies than humans. Basically, let fate and destiny decide whether they will live or die.' But everyone knows that there is no way of survival for a mere human against zombies that mutates. Basically, these people will surely die. Either through starvation or by being eaten by zombies. Approval of this bill meant 'letting millions of people die'.

So, why did Aneurin propose such a bill and what was Aneurin going to do to earn the approval of 33% percent of total members in this meet.

The minimum approvals needed to make the proposed bill earn approval and became a new law was 33% member approval.

Aneurin had already earned 10% approval. Because some gentlemen here had to give him face. As he held the document of their misdeed(corruption) as a source of friendship(blackmail).

But the last 23% approval had to be earned by himself. The only way to do that was to make the people here greatly appreciate his proposal.

Aneurin confidently proposed this bill. He knew that he will be able to convince at least 23% members in this meeting with his words and get enough votes to make this bill a law.

After all, he had prepared a great script, and coincidentally he also had hardcore physical evidence that will boost his script.

"Let me state the reasons and benefit the approval of this bill will bring," Aneurin said to the people's presence in the meeting.

Aneurin simplified his complex thoughts into words comprehensible by even a mongrel. He began telling them about the reason why he proposed such a bill. "Many of you here might not know but Elder Borealis is dead, killed by zombies inside of red-zone. United World government Squad 1 also faced total annihilation in a red-zone. Hundred thousands of soldiers had been sacrificed trying to save peoples inside red-zones. Red-zones are extremely dangerous places. The mortality rate of veteran Mech soldiers is 75%. What I am saying is not merely words. I also have physical evidence to back up my words."

Aneurin provided every person participating in this meeting with hardcore proof. CCTV recording played on a holographic screen.

The first recording showed them how third supreme 'Borealis' got assassinated by super-natural zombies in a red-zone. The second recording showed them how the most powerful Mech squad of the United World Government known to the world, faced total annihilated in a red-zone. The last recording played. It showed how hundreds of thousands of soldiers belonging to the air force and land force died trying to save people in red-zones.

The final push was given to the peoples participating in this meeting, when Aneurin utilized Words of wisdom and stated the benefits that his bill will bring.

Aneurin said, "The benefit of enacting this bill as law will be saving millions more lives. We are at war with the vicious zombies. Sun Tzu said in his art of war 'If we send reinforcements everywhere, we will be weak everywhere'. That's the reason why we can't fight the ever-mutating zombies in red-zones. It is because we don't have enough manpower. There are millions of brave men that know how to fight but there are billions of zombies! Sending out our men's in red-zone is literally throwing them inside a pool of lava and wasting our limited man-power. Hence, dangerous places like the red-zone should be abandoned. After all, it is the epitome target to be abandoned. Only this way we won't waste our military power. Rather, we should utilize this man-power in gray-zone and green-zone. They can kill zombies and save the 50% still alive population in gray-zone. While, in green-zones, this manpower can be utilized to set up barricades. Basically, This manpower could be used to save people in gray-zones and protect green-zones from migrating zombies invasion."

His reasons to propose such a bill not only made sense to the elderly but was also full of wisdom and the cruel truth of reality.

After all, It didn't take an Einstein to understand that sending reinforcement everywhere has caused humanity to be weak everywhere.

Everyone understood that Focusing on minimum goals and focusing on manpower to complete said goals was the logical decision.

"Aneurin, you have managed to impress me. Hence, I approve of this bill" loudly said an elderly man.

Others joined in, following his words.

"Me too. I approve of this bill"

"Extremely sensible and benefit able. I approve of this bill"

"I approve of this bill"

"I approve of this bill"

"I approve of this bill"

"I approve of this bill"

Hands were raised. Some who admired and greatly appreciated the bill proposed by Aneurin. While others raised their hand in approval because Aneurin had detailed documents that explained all their corruption.

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