Overpowered Witch Reincarnation

Chapter 19: Miss Witch is Served

Mary knelt before the king again, but the heroes were also in the throne room this time, watching her every move.

King Tallow sighed as though bored. He leaned to the side on his arm. “I trust you have brought me good news, Mary? Or was it Marcy?”

Mary couldn’t believe this ruler had been like this. She didn’t even know why such a man would summon heroes. Surely, it had to be the decision of the church or, most likely, the eldest prince.

“Yes, Your Majesty. My friend has the heroes and plans to return them. I ask for your utmost leniency when the time comes. Not to mention—” Mary smirked and dared to raise her head. “I wish to collect the bounty for the return.”

The king returned her expression. Sitting up on his throne, he laughed. “You are quite the shrewd woman. Very well, I will agree to your terms, but first, she will have to agree—”

The wall’s stained glass window shattered and cut him off.

Mary noticed the intruder. Of course, it was none other than Miss Witchhat. She had to hold back her nervous laughter as Eerie landed beside her.

The gasps of the onlookers echoed in the castle. The nobles had begun their whispering, but King Tallow grinned even larger. “Maybe it would be fit to say she collects her bounty?”

“Eerie! What are you doing here? I told you I’d arrange the meeting!” Mary couldn’t hold herself back and jumped the witch, pulling on her cheeks with even more ferocity than the first time.

“Ow! Mawwy, faff hurts!”

“You dunderhead!”

The heroes didn’t hesitate like the onlookers. They began to ready their weapons, their movements precise and practiced. Of the five remaining heroes, only the saintess attempted to calm the others, her voice a soothing balm in the tense atmosphere.

King Tallow clapped loud enough to get everyone’s attention. The noise slowly died as he continued clapping. He stood from his throne and walked towards the two girls on his carpet.

“Splendid,” he said. “Absolutely fantastic performance!”

“Fantastic performance?” I asked. “That’s right! I am the best actress!”

“Indeed, you are,” The King said. He raised his arm, and the knights lowered their weapons. “I believe she is not a threat.”

“But! Your Majesty!”

“No buts,” The King said and stood before me.

I couldn’t believe he’d say that after I shattered his windows, but I wanted to act amicably. It was just as Mary said, I needed to act Eeriely. And me, Eerie, I was a nice girl! Still, this whole situation was crazy. There was a reason I showed up here! I had to make sure my friend Mary was safe!

The King smiled, holding out his hand. The heroes slowly lowered their weapons, until one of them—a muscular boy with short black hair holding an axe—spoke.

“Your Majesty, this woman has kidnapped one of us!” He ran in between me and the king.

The ruckus started again with his words. Voices got louder, and another one ran over to us, screeching about his daughter. “Please! This woman can save my daughter!”

“SILENCE!” The king’s voice projected throughout the room and silence once again followed. “I am speaking now. If you have any objections, voice them later.” He moved past the hero with the axe. “Out of my way.”

When he finally reached me, I started to sweat nervously. “A-am I going to be executed?” I asked.

He grinned before bursting into laughter. “No-no, nothing like that. In fact, I have a proposal for you. From the instant you arrived here, I could tell. I am no fool.” He shook my hand. “Please, join me and the heroes for dinner.” He looked at Mary who still remained speechless. “You are welcome, too.”

“You can’t be serious!” The axeman hero piped up. “This bit---”

The king knocked him out swiftly with a chop to the back of his head. I couldn’t believe it. Even though it was in slow motion, it was still the fastest attack I had seen. The axeman didn’t even react to it before being caught by the king.

“Sorry about that, I am King Tallow, by the way. I presume you are Miss Witchhat?”


“Excellent! Please, follow me,” he said, grabbing the hero and carrying him like a sack of potatoes.

After that, Mary and I were led through opulent halls while the heroes followed, along with some old lady, a few maids, and I believe the last man said his name was Duke Granford. I hadn’t paid much attention admittedly. It was all too overwhelming.

The dining hall we were led to was even more overwhelming. Servants lined the edges, and the table was long enough for a divine feast. I was simply happy the king didn’t decide to execute me when I finally sat down next to Mary.

Food was quickly served before the first words were spoken by King Tallow.

“Now then,” he said with a loud clang of glassware, “the first order of business. You do have the heroes, correct? How soon can you bring them here?”

“Of course, I do! It would only be a moment, but I cannot be certain they will come here, and I won’t force them.”


The king laughed once more. “No matter, that can wait. I believe you, anyway. It’s been a while since I have seen someone this capable.” He grinned as the servers brought food. “Feel free to eat your fill of the best chefs in the capital!”

I gulped as the lids were lifted from the plates by the butlers. The steam rising from the food brought a pleasant aroma of freshly baked chicken and vegetables, but it was slightly different. However, that didn’t stop the drool from leaving my mouth.

“Ah, that’s right, you could even live here and eat this wonderful food everyday.” King Tallow picked up a fork and began to dig in. “Ah, I could even provide you with clean and comfortable bedding---”

Another fork slammed against the table on the heroes side. This one was more lean with blonde hair. Something about his face made him seem super punchable. “Is this any way to treat a criminal! She hasn’t even brought them back here yet!”

The king sighed. “Fine, it is as you say. Miss Witchhat, can you please bring them back? Once they are back here, these heroes will listen, I am sure.”

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