Overpowered Witch Reincarnation

Chapter 36: Best Witch’s Disciple

A small flake of snow touched Sine’s nose. The thick clothes all around her signaled the arrival of winter. Tinderwick was covered in a thin layer of white, and kids threw snowballs at each other in some of the back alleys.

Sine walked towards the black castle gate for what she hoped would be the last time. She was glad they managed to conquer the dungeon, but the constant castle celebrations were exhausting.

Sine’s lips turned up as a portal opened next to her. “Witch!”

Eerie returned the small girl’s hug. “Have you eaten yet?”

Sine shook her head. “I was waiting for witch!”

The witch giggled and gestured towards her open portal. “You want to eat in here?”

Sine nodded her head so fast that if she had a hat, it would have fallen off at least thirty times. Once she entered, she noticed the landing point was the library. Golems were already steady at work, moving books around. The aura of the place seemed to not care about the snowy world outside. Light shone in from an open window, and there was a comfortable atmosphere. The oddity was that Eerie’s domain lacked much light on the outside of the manor, yet light still came in from windows.

She shook her head, not questioning the unscientific phenomenon. After all, how can you question a witch?

Besides, the table in front of her already had 6 full seats. The other heroes sat there, and two seats remained open towards the end. Sine didn’t take an empty seat, she waited for Eerie to sit down and chose the witch’s lap.

Everyone sat in silence for a few seconds, until food began filing into the room. Floating golems brought food by air trays. No, they were literally made of air. Sine had to make sure her eyes didn’t deceive her, but the air was slightly visible beneath the food.

The air trays were set on the table, and the steel lids were lifted. Sine couldn't believe it. Neither could the other heroes. In front of them were trays of shrimp fried rice.

They began a gluttonous feast in celebration for finally being able to leave. For once, the axehero was well-behaved.

Sine turned to her own plate of food, realizing there was only one in front of her. “Will you eat, witch?”

The witch smiled and patted Sine’s head. “I already ate. Besides, you all are here for that reason, but there’s something else.”

“Something else?” Sine asked.

It was at that moment Mary finally walked into the room. “It’s the Languorous Winter.”


“Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute!” A noble grey demon sat before his Lord of Gluttony. “You’re telling me the pet was vanquished?”

Her sharp pupils narrowed at him, and he almost jumped out of his skin.

“Hiiiieeee!” The demon man quickly knelt in a prayer position. “Please, don’t eat me! Please, don’t eat me! Please, don’t eat me!”

The Lord of Gluttony sighed before her shark smile revealed itself. “This is great.”

Gryphon narrowed his eyes and gaped. “It is?”

“Gluttonous, troublesome, bountiful enemies I made. Delicious witches, and her pets, too. And another. Another old one, but her flavor is just right. Ripe on the air, and I can smell it in the wind. But even more trouble. Even more! Why does our lord send that one? Gross, vile, disgusting, putrid, no flavor, and stale.”

“Do you refer to sloth, My Lord?” Gryphon asked.

“Who else would one refer to? The one akin to a stale wet rag. Never moving, flavor ever growing dull.” In her agitation, Gluttony crunched down on the lizard tail in her arms. The way her jaw moved to wrap around it was more like a snake, but she chomped down like a shark, shattering through bone.

The piece of drake sparked momentary joy inside her core. She felt her magic pool grow by a slight amount. Her body also acquired some broken bits of knowledge. But her annoyance soon returned.

“Why would the great lord send him?” Gryphon asked.

Gluttony felt even more hunger building at his stupidity. She had a brief thought to devour her subordinate right there, but she held back the insatiable pecking. Her stomach void had to be satisfied with the lizard for now.

“Because he can maybe deal with the delicious witch.”

“You really think she will taste that good, My Lord?” Gryphon salivated. “Oh, oh, oh, can I share?”

Gluttony glared at him. “No, her flavor is mine. All of it. If you take even one piece. I will crunch.” She bared her jagged teeth at him to prove her point.

Gryphon shrunk again and kowtowed near her feet. “You can have it all, My Lord!”

Gluttony smirked and nodded. “I will have it all. The best seasoned flavor is right over there. But can’t have it. It’s more like a spicy pepper. Too much. Abundance of taste I’m not ready for.”

“Don’t worry, My Lord. You will be eating her eventually.”

Gluttony couldn’t help but grin at her subordinate. She noted that he also had an intoxicating flavor. It would be too sweet. She shook her head. Gluttony didn’t want to eat him yet. Not when she could still use him.

She knew deep down that a fight with the witch would be death. The only way she could climb to that level was her aspect. Gluttony knew that her own flavor wasn’t strong enough. She put her hands to her temples in irritation.

For Gluttony to devour the witch, she knew her own aroma needed to grow. She chewed off her finger nails, biting down in the hopes of finding some way. But in the end, her brain could ponder it no more.

No, she didn’t need to. Gluttony still had experiments to test. The fruits of her trees were beginning to ripen. Even if she missed out on one, she would get the others. Her doll-like face turned into a wicked grin.

“M-my Lord?” Gryphon asked, shrinking back from her.

“Don’t worry, Gluttony knows.”


Let me know how this chapter is because I felt awful and tired the whole day. If I need to rewrite it, I will.

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