Oversized And Loving It

ch1 – My Oversized P*nis, Meet Reader. Reader, Meet My Oversized P*nis


Ever since I've been in this world, it's always been this way. For almost 16 whole fucking years, my penis has always gone past my legs when it’s hard, and even when it wasn't, it reached my knee, which was somehow even more unwieldy since I couldn't wrap it around my very pencil thin waist, not capable of sitting on my huge ass and hips like a very thick belt. 

Thick hips and a thin waist, you ask? How do I have a cock while having such feminine features, you also ask? Why do I keep assuming you're asking these things like I know everything about you even though I'm conversing with you through the little glowing rectangle you're reading this on, you ask? How do I know about that little rectangle in the first place? (I've given up on saying 'you ask' cause it's repetitive- Fuck! I said it again!) Stop asking questions, silly! Why am I- No. Stop.

Anyway, number one thing to address! I am a futanari, and I'm damn good at being one too! My hips are wide as fuck and my cock is long and hard, but as I said before, I know it reaches down past my feet due to it being so damn heavy it sags like a grannies tits. EWW WHY DID I SAY THAT I'M IMAGINING IT NOW EWW! At least you are also imagining your grandma's saggy tits now too so at least I’m not alone. Also, don't mention my breasts. Sure, they're big, but… they aren't even comparable to my hips in size, and I look like a pear. IF I FIND YOU CALLING ME A PEAR I'LL FUCK YOU! MAN OR WOMAN, I DON’T CARE!

Ahem… back on track! Number two! I’m not from this world! Hey! Don’t look at me like that! I swear I’m not like all those other isekai protags! I didn’t ask a god to be like this! She just said I was gonna be born in a really sexual world for some half assed reason like ‘universal balance’ or some crap like that, and just put me in some woman's womb! It really isn’t convincing when you're blushing and stuttering through the cliche summoning lines with the outline of dicks instead of hearts in your eyes. Not to mention I was summoned to her ‘godly realm’ while she was talking to another god about how she’s gonna make the next cock queen, and she was so infatuated with the thought of a cock as big as mine that she didn’t even realise she was done with her ritual or whatever.

I mean, don’t get me wrong, this body is amazing beyond belief but the reason I’m ranting so much is cause I haven’t been able to use any of it since I’m not old enough yet! I haven’t come of age yet so I can’t physically have sex since some magic fuckery stops it, so I gotta wait just one week, until I’m 16, and I’ll finally be able to fuck someone and cum!

Ah, you still wanna know about how I know you're reading this? THAT WAS ANOTHER QUESTION! NO MORE! Anyway, I’m clearly the protagonist since my body and cock are so amazing, I was also chosen to be summoned to another world by a goddess so there's that. (Still sceptical about that bitch. She’s waaaaaaaay too horny) And I know you, the viewer, must be reading this since my life and this world are so amazing a movie or tv show would run out of budget before it’s done. 

Back to hiding my penis! Utilising a bit of magic based around space, I’ve finally created a cock ring to put a portal in and slide onto my penis. I know, I know, I’m a genius, praise me more, yes, yes. Stop thinking you didn’t praise me! Bad reader! You definitely did, so own it! The ring connects to another ring that the other end of my cock comes out of since storage magic is a scam and it takes a lot of energy to store things as large as my beautiful member. Well if I was normal sized I’d be able to do it. No! Not my cock you horny bastard but my whole body!

Y’see I’m a staggering 3 metres tall as well or around 10 feet for the uncivilised people out there. If my cock were to shrink down relative to my body it could probably fit but it would still drain every drop of magical energy out of me to keep it up all day. but I still wouldn’t do that if I could since it's my beautiful and bountiful cock sitting at the perfect length! Oh yeah. And I got balls too. They are fucking massive. Luckily through magic fuckery yet again they only grow to unwalkable(or close to it) sizes when I’m horny so that WOULD be a plus if I wasn’t so damn horny all the time. Unfortunately the ban on sex for younger people comes with the side effect of not being able to orgasm. Like seriously. Whoever gatekeeped even orgasms for all horny teens who’ve gone through puberty is an asshole. Sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, fuck you.

Alright, enough talking to you! I need to go rub it in my parents' faces that I’ve managed to create the first spacial enchantment with magical circuitry in the world. I told you I was a genius!

A few moments later, in one of the many entertaining areas of a rather large mansion:

“MOOOOOOOOOOOM! I DID IT! I DID IT! I MADE THE SPACIAL ENCHANTMENT!” I tore through the flower beds and hedges towards my mother who were drinking tea and getting fucked by a servant while watching over the garden. I genuinely don’t understand how you can keep your drink so unbelievably still and sip on it so elegantly while a futa is fucking up you’re insides so much a bulge can be seen extending out of your stomach and hitting your flailing but also perfect tits. Ribs don’t matter in this universe I guess.

Ahn No! Really? Ahn That’s what you’ve Ahn been working on Ahn in your lab? Ahn” Mom sounded genuinely shocked even if it was spoken between delicate moans. Watching them go at it like that put the spacial enchantments out of my mind due to the shear torture it was for my penis. My balls enlarged to half a meter in diameter each and they were forced in front of my also fucking ginourmous thighs, pushing my already hard cock out even more, extending my dress is a very erotic manner if I do say so myself.

I gave my mother a frown. We’d already talked about this and we’d decided that if she's already having sex when I see her, I must at least wait until she and her partner finish and she won’t get absolutely railed when she knows I’m going to be around. When moving to this world I was extremely lucky I got parents who understood and didn't want to make worse the pain of being edged since puberty starts. I looked away and that oh so familiar feeling of my balls filling up and filling up until they reached their max size of around a metre or so in diameter.(Don’t forget I’m like 3 metres tall so it doesn’t look that ridiculous) My cock also flops out to literally almost my whole ass height and the width of a normal person's thigh. I did say it just reached past my leg but that was before recently, before it started getting insanely big due to the constant blue balling, hence the need for a spacial cockring. 

I looked away, blushing. My skin wrapped so tightly around my ever expanding dick and balls that it started to almost hurt. A pleasurable hurt at least but that just made things worse, like a never ending loop of pain and pleasure.

My size and expression only excited my mother and her futa servant even more, making the moans from both parties louder and louder until the sounds of water gushing and pleasurable shrieking which turned into a relieved moan once the water stopped, could be heard. Looking back, Moms belly was so filled with cum it extended almost to her knees, extending out only like a high born could since stretchiness is genetic. Mom quickly unsheathed herself from what I now realised was a horse cock a metre long and quickly sealed her pussy with her well trained vaginal muscles. Seriously, stop questioning this sorta shit. It's just how this absurdly sexual world works.

After a minute or so of my mother absorbing the cum and me allowing my erection to go down we finally were able to talk somewhat normally at the table she was just bent over. Her belly was now much more normal size so that was actually an option now, at least as much of an option as it could be with a 3 metre giant talking to a 1 and a half metre shortstack could be at least. 

The first thing that stood out to a person looking at my mother were her massive milky tiddies and her huge child bearing hips. These amazing features were tied in by a waist so thin I could almost reach my other fingers if I were to put my hands around her. Of course her face was nothing to scoff at either as her full and luscious red lips, blue eyes and blonde hair were very hot. It really should be illegal for moms to be this hot but luckily for me, it isnt and I can fuck her since due to even more magic incest isn’t a problem since close family can’t get pregnant, even from my probably extremely potent seed and distant family wont have a problem since there are no side effects that would effect the child. It's even seen as a way to bring good luck if you choose to lose your virginity to your parents. Though excessive sex with them is frowned upon since you can't rely on your parents for everything once you're of age.

Anyway, long story short, my hot mother is the reason for the excessively loud bang coming from under the table as my cock twitched.

“Back to the spacial magic, show me! Show me! Can it be mass produced? How much will it sell for? Probably a lot, right?” A swarm of questions came out of my slightly hyperactive mother, still slightly drunk on her absorbed cum. 

“Woah, Woah, Woah, mom, wait a second! At least wait until after you’ve seen it to ask so many questions! And didn’t you tell me a business woman should always have a clear mind if they want something?” I tried to slow her down but before she could get another word in, I brought out the cockrings. 

She snatched them out of my hands as soon as she saw them but soon got stumped since she didn’t know how to activate them.

“That's what you get for letting your merchant side take over and being impatient, mom.” She was an addict to making money, hell even while drinking tea and getting fucked harder than a car in a high speed collision, she was doing a business report for one of her main investors from what I could read of it, documents strewn all around the table. How could someone be such an elegant, obsessive and sex crazed person? In general it's hard to tick so many boxes but doing all of them at the same time is surely a world first. 

She reluctantly handed me back my creation, adorably pouting and I gave her a grin.

“Before I turn it on, I want to make it clear that this specific model can’t be sold since it’s not only a prototype but made especially with my cock in mind. It’s more complicated than anything that's currently mass produced with magical technology so you’ll have to hire someone else to figure that out since I’m certainly not doing it myself and the power necessary for the creation will also make mass production harder.” I tried to clearly explain a few disclaimers so as to not get her hopes up too much, relying on the presenting skills she tried to drill into me as a child, most of it wouldn’t stick since my mind was always elsewhere, namely her mommy(literally) mil-

“Now, Sophie, why did you even want to make it in the first place? And that clearly can't fit around your cock unless there's something else to it too?” She was in interview mode now. Gotta be careful.

“Ah, yes I wanted to make it so I either don’t have to lug my dick around wh\hen I’m hard or I could hide it in my pussy when not in use. Obviously I also came up with these uses before my recent changes but the former should still work. And it fits around my cock by resizing itself based on the intent of the user when pouring magic into it, which is also why it's completely unrealistic to mass produce this specific one. It's just too complicated.”

After a few more questions about how it was made and other manufacturing related queries, She nodded her head and I sighed in relief that her little merchant test was over.

“Mock interviews and dicks out of the way, you’ve really done an amazing job and are about to revolutionise so many fields in magical tech, all at the age of 15! You should really be proud of yourself soph!” I beamed with pride at that.

“Now, time to test it properly.” I stood up and manhandled my long lump of shmeat until I grabbed hold of the tip, cock quickly rising beyond attention as it bent into a circle with the head facing me and shaft thrusting out, trying its best to follow the laws of gravity and its own elasticity. Positioning the cock to be held by the inside of my elbow, I grabbed one of the rings from the table and held it with both hands. Holy shit I was about to try this new toy out for the first time not with a single finger or rock. Y’know, the less important shit. I can grow back a finger with magic and a rock’s a rock.

I poured a small amount of magic into each side and made it and the other ring as big as they could possibly go since they were magically linked. Exactly a metre and a half in diameter. The process for activating the portal was slightly different and needed a lot of concentration, willing each part of the circuits inside to activate and get ready for magic to flood through. Once I was done, I was ready.

Seeing the serious look on my face Mom senses I was ready to finally begin. “Give us a count-down, soph!”

“3… 2… 1!” On one I flooded a tenth of my magic into the item and all of a sudden, the simple ring I’d been looking through had turned the colour of the sky, matching the clouds I could see above. With a building blush, I grabbed my cock right under the head and held it steady while I raised up and lowered the ring. An odd feeling reverberated through each part that went through until finally It was at my balls. Since I’d calmed down from earlier they were infinitely more manageable in size so I slipped them through one at a time.

After that I reversed the size and could feel the cock ring tighten until it hit the now raging boner sticking out of the table, where the other ring was. 

“Holy fuck!” I went and stood on the table and when straightened it reached up to my neck from my feet, my balls were also churning again, luckily I’d put them through too since this sight was just too good! A sigh of awe emerged from Mom as she commanded the now drooling servant who she was fucking earlier to get an imprinting crystal, used for photos and even videos for the most expensive ones. Before I knew it, I’d found myself stroking the big guy and moaning as the pressure built and built until it just wouldn't any more. My look of sheer dismay at not being able to orgasm must’ve been a funny sight as Mom laughed at my peril. Can’t you see that this is a travesty of the utmost importance, mother? This cock will ruin me!

I was gonna talk about some stuff like how I suck ass at connecting thoughts with actions in a good way or something like that but imma be honest. It's 3:52 in the morning and I'm tired, not many people will make it this far anyway. Does this sentence I just wrote even make sense? oh well.

Thanks for reading!

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