Paladin of Asgard

057 【My name is Wojin】

Finally killed the ice bear.

Luo Wei breathed a sigh of relief, stepped forward and dragged the corpses of the ice bear and elk to a hiding place, took out the dagger, and began to cut.

The climate in Jotunheim is extremely cold. Although it will not freeze the Protoss to death, it is definitely not uncomfortable. He has endured it for half a month.

Therefore, Luo Wei first peeled off the ice bear's skin. This skin is thick and thick, with thick hair, which is very useful for keeping warm.

The ice bear's teeth are quite valuable, and the antlers should also be of some value, so he also took them off and put them away.

The rest is the flesh and blood of bears and deer.

There was no wood nearby to start a fire, so Rowe had to pour Holy Light into Veligan's fist, spark some flames, and roast the cut pieces of meat on the hammer.


The pieces of meat began to brown, oily, sizzling, and the smell of meat wafted.

After a while, he felt that the meat was almost cooked, and Luo Wei immediately began to eat it, gobbling it up for a while.

Although the taste of this meat is not very good, and the cooking method is even rougher, but recently Luo Wei only eats dry food, without knowing the taste of meat for half a month, it tastes quite good.



Rainbow Bridge Teleportation Hall.

Hela's injury has obviously healed, she was facing the gatekeeper Uriel, frowned and said: "It's right where I fainted, is there really nothing?"

Uriel shook his head: "No, there is nothing within a radius of ten miles around the cliff."

"There's no corpse?" Hila asked again.

"No, I'm sure." Uller paused, then continued, "But I think this is good news. The child may still be alive, isn't it?"

Hela was silent for a long time.

Uriel: "I will pay more attention, as long as I find the child, I will personally take him back to Asgard."

Hela said, "Thank you, Gatekeeper of Asgard."

Uriel nodded slightly, hesitated for a moment, and finally said, "Give my regards to your mother."


Ten months passed.


In the snow and ice, Luo Wei was wearing a snow-white bearskin coat, looking up, a trace of despair flashed in his eyes.

Since jumping off the cliff, he has been walking along the cliff for more than a year, but he still hasn't reached the end of the cliff edge.This seems to be an extremely large landform.

A few months ago, Rowe's beard began to grow significantly, which undoubtedly means that he has entered adulthood.

Now he has long hair, unshaven beard, and a fluffy bearskin coat. He looks like a hunter, the kind who stays in Northrend.

Rowe sighed.

But Jotunheim was a limited place after all, and he believed he could always find his way home, and the Asgardians had plenty of time.


As he was walking, there was a faint and undetectable light sound suddenly.

Luo Wei's expression changed, and he quickly backed away.


In the next moment, the land in front of him suddenly burst, and a huge blue-white worm as tall as a person came out of the ground and flew into the air.

Ice worm, one of Jotunheim's special species.

"Hiss." Seeing that he had fled to nothing, the ice worm seemed a little annoyed, and made a hasty hiss.

With a finger of Luo Wei's staff, the arrow of judgment shot out, instantly piercing through the head of the ice worm, and the transparent liquid splashed.

Almost at the same time as the judgment was released, he quickly dodged, dodging these transparent worm body fluids.

The body fluid of the ice worm is poisonous. Although it is not very poisonous, once it touches it, the skin will itch within a few days, as if thousands of ants are biting it, which is quite uncomfortable.

About a year ago, Luo Wei accidentally got some body fluids from ice worms, and couldn't sleep for several days, forcing him to almost use the spell fragments of the cleansing technique, but he held back after thinking about it.

After all, in a place like Jotunheim, such a small poison is really not worth mentioning. If he encounters some serious poison in the future, and he doesn't have the cleaning technique in his hand, then he can only use the holy shield technique to detoxify violently.

The vitality of the ice worm is quite tenacious, and it took a long time to die after its head was pierced.

When he was completely dead, Luo Wei immediately took out the dagger, scraped several places on the corpse, and scraped off a small bottle of white powder.

This white powder is a kind of medicinal material, which can only be produced in a small amount by ice worms, so it is called ice worm powder, which is quite rare in Asgard.Luo Wei has collected more than a dozen bottles, and it is estimated that at least one hundred and eighty runes can be sold.

In addition, the meat of the ice worm is edible after being fully burnt. Not only is it edible, but it also tastes good. It tastes like chicken and is crunchy. At least it is much more delicious than dry ice bear meat.So Luo Wei collected some ice worm meat to supplement food.

After doing this, he continued on his way.

A few days later, Luo Wei was pleasantly surprised to find that the cliffs that had been hindering him were shrinking rapidly. Before it was so high that the top could not be seen, but now the outline of the top can be vaguely seen.

He quickened his pace, and a few hours later he could clearly see the top of the cliff.

It seems that we can go around soon...

However, I never expected that when Luo Wei was excited, as the cliffs gradually disappeared, a group of buildings appeared faintly not far away.

Luo Wei hurriedly stopped, and instinctively dodged.

After he took a closer look, he was basically sure that it was the building of the Frost Giant, and it should be the location of a certain tribe of the Frost Giant.

Shit, what a bad luck!

Luo Wei then looked around again and found that this group of buildings happened to occupy the shortest section of the cliff. If he wanted to pass the cliff, he had to either pass through this group of buildings, or he had to continue to take a long detour.

Should I use the disguise of an Ice Demon Hunter to try to get away with it, or keep going around and try to get over the edge of the cliff?

While Rowe was struggling, a conversation came from not far away, and there were probably four or five frost giants.

Hearing the approaching footsteps, Luo Wei broke out in a cold sweat.

In the end, he gritted his teeth, opened the holy deed, and turned to [Camouflage: Ice Demon Hunter].

He put one hand on the paper and summoned the holy deed in his heart.

Camouflage: Ice Demon Hunter!

With a flash of light, Luo Wei's appearance changed rapidly, from a blond youth to an ice demon hunter in an instant.

The ice-blue skin looked almost the same as the Frost Giant. If there were no two exposed fangs, Luo Wei at this time would most likely be regarded as a branch of the Frost Giant.

"Who is it!" A few frost giants seemed to have sensed something, and rushed to this side.

However, when they turned around a boulder, they couldn't help but stare blankly, looking at this ice-blue skinned humanoid creature they had never seen before, and looked at each other in blank dismay.

After a while, one of the frost giants tentatively asked, "Who are you?"

Asgard and Jotunheim are old enemies, and they have been entangled for an unknown period of time. Both sides understand each other's language more or less, and Rowe is no exception.

Luo Wei immediately took a few steps forward with his staff in hand, and said slowly, "My name is Wojin."

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