Paladin of Asgard

061 【Ice Beast】

The arrow of the Ice Shaper hit a small iceberg next to it, and there was only a loud noise, and a large piece of ice shattered into the air.


At the same time, cracks began to spread on the iceberg, and the sound of ice cracking continued one after another.

So powerful?

Luo Wei's eyes widened, a little in disbelief.


The cracks were still spreading, and soon they were almost all over the iceberg, so the whole iceberg was crumbling, as if it might collapse at any time.

Surprised and surprised in his heart, Luo Wei hurriedly stepped back while looking down at the Ice Shaper's bow in his hand.

Am I about to rise?


Just when he was about to start imagining the future, with the violent shaking of the surrounding ground, there was a loud noise, and the side of the iceberg hit by the ice shaper exploded directly, and the broken ice splashed like rain.

This Nima is too exaggerated!

Luo Wei was taken aback, and quickly backed away again.


Before the shattered ice fell, a shocking roar came from the iceberg, which made Rovi's ears ring.

Luo Wei took a closer look, and couldn't help but turn pale with shock: "This is... an ice beast?!"

What broke out from the iceberg turned out to be a giant ice blue beast, its body was like a hill, with two huge tusks growing out of its mouth, it was nothing but an ice polar beast.

Luo Wei thought it was his unlucky luck to get such a terrifying ice shaper, but he didn't expect that the truth was that he accidentally hit the frozen place of the polar ice beast.

Life is really full of ups and downs... Luo Wei secretly groaned in his heart.

Although the polar ice beast had just woken up from the ice and looked a little dazed, he had no intention of fighting against it.

Are you kidding, this is the ice polar beast, the most dangerous beast in Jotunheim.

Without saying a word, he took out the swift potion and took it, rubbed the soles of his feet with oil, and slipped away.

With the help of the swiftness potion, Luo Wei ran at full speed, definitely faster than the cheetah sprint, and opened a long distance in a blink of an eye.


However, the polar ice beast also noticed him, and immediately jumped up with a roar.


The huge body of the polar ice beast descended from the sky, causing the ground to tremble. With this jump, the distance between it and Luo Wei was shortened by almost one-tenth.

Luo Wei was startled and frightened, his thoughts changed sharply, and then he took out his staff and pointed it at the rock by the roadside.

The rock golem emerged from the rock and fled in a direction roughly perpendicular to Rowe, while continuously releasing flying stones to attract the attention of the ice polar beast.

"Roar!" The Ice Beast was hit by flying stones a few times, although it was unscathed but furious, it immediately turned around and jumped towards the rock puppet.


The ice polar beast jumped up to the rock puppet, smashing it to pieces with one paw.

Luo Wei repeated his old trick and transformed the rocks beside the road into rock puppets to attract the attention of the ice polar beast.

Going back and forth like this, within a few minutes, the distance between Ice Beast and Luo Wei not only did not shorten, but widened a lot.

However, the good times didn't last long. After 5 minutes, the effect of the swiftness potion had expired, and the power of the holy light in Luo Wei's body was less than half, while the ice polar beast remained in its state, chasing after it tirelessly.

Luo Wei complained incessantly, hesitated again and again, had no choice but to take out another bottle of swiftness potion, and continued to flee for his life, but no longer released the rock imprint.

Another 5 minutes passed.

Running at a high speed for 10 minutes, even the body of the gods has reached the limit. If he keeps running like this, Luo Wei will probably die from his own legs first.


However, the polar ice beast was still chasing him, as if it had decided to eat him.

Luo Wei gritted his teeth, stopped running away, and turned around to release faith healing on his legs first.

Generally speaking, the side effects of the Swiftness Potion would not appear until the next day, but after taking it twice in a row, the side effects had already become apparent at this time, and he obviously felt that his leg had been injured.

After the pain in the leg eased, Luo Wei held the staff and looked at the polar ice beast in full readiness.

What he didn't know was that at this moment, a gaze spanning countless light years was projected from the Rainbow Bridge teleportation hall in Asgard to him in Jotunheim.

Seeing Luo Wei with all-seeing eyes, Uriel couldn't help being surprised: "Strange, I just saw this area yesterday. Where did this kid come from?"

He observed for a while, and didn't open the Rainbow Bridge immediately, as if he wanted to see how Luo Wei faced the polar ice beast...

"Roar!" The polar ice beast jumped up again.

Luo Wei saw the timing, and immediately ran towards the polar ice beast, and ran behind it before it hit the ground. With a wave of his staff, the holy light radiated.


The arrow of judgment went straight into the backyard of the ice polar beast.

"Roar—" There was a trace of pain in the ice beast's roar.

However, as the most powerful beast in Jotunheim, even the relatively fragile backyard is not something that Rowe can easily pry.

An arrow of judgment failed to cause significant damage to the polar ice beast.

The polar ice beast turned around furiously, and jumped again.

Luo Wei repeated his old trick, and the arrow of judgment went straight to the back court.


This time the effect was good, the ice beast wailed, and Luo Wei saw blood.

After two times, the polar ice beast also had a long memory, and stopped jumping forward, and rushed directly towards it, like a flying hill, with a terrifying momentum.

Luo Wei put away his staff, gritted his teeth, and concentrated on it. When the ice beast was about to approach, he quickly circled around in an arc, and jumped onto the ice beast's front paws!

Along the ice polar beast's forelegs, he quickly climbed up.

"Roar!" The Ice Beast swung its forelegs, and Luo Wei immediately put his hands and feet together and hugged him tightly.

How powerful is the ice polar beast, it swung its forelegs vigorously, and Luo Wei felt dizzy after a while, and almost lost consciousness.

It knew in its heart that it must not faint, so it braced itself, and its thoughts changed sharply.

At a certain moment when the ice beast threw its forelimbs above its head, Luo Wei, who was about to be knocked unconscious, jumped onto the head of the ice beast!

He took out the Fist of Verrigan, clenched his hands tightly, and the holy light radiated from his whole body, and at the same time, the holy light rippled around the hammer in the form of waves.This is the spell fragment of Hammer of Sanctions.

Hammer of Sanctions!

Luo Wei swung the hammer with all his strength, and the holy light and flames intertwined and smashed down, hitting the polar ice beast Tianling cover.


The hammer of justice can produce violent shocks and has a strong stun effect.

Even though the Bingji Beast's skin was thick and thick, it couldn't help being a little dazed after being hit by this blow, and its head shook wildly for a while, but there was obviously still a long way to go before it could be fatal, and the Bingji Beast would regain consciousness soon.

so hard!

Luo Wei was taken aback, then adjusted his target, put on the staff again, and shot the arrow of judgment while the ice beast was not fully awake, instantly piercing its eyeball.


Eyes are vulnerable after all, when hit by the arrow of judgment, the Ice Pole Beast's eyeballs burst out immediately.

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