Paladin of Asgard

104 【The Rise of African Chieftains】

In the square of the City of Destiny, many hunters and onlookers are already here, and there are hunters and their prey flying in the sky from time to time.

The giant wolf brought by Luo Wei and Heimd naturally attracted a lot of attention, but the most eye-catching one is undoubtedly the red dragon placed in the center of the square.

The red dragon is too big to be transported by flying cats, so Asgard chose to use the Rainbow Bridge to transport it directly. Once the Rainbow Bridge was opened and closed, the Red Dragon was sent here.


The red dragon seemed to have recovered, and it roared angrily at every turn.However, its body has long been tied up with more chains, and it cannot move at all, which can only attract people's joyful comments.

When Rowe and Heimed landed, they came to Hela's side to say hello, and then stood in the crowd and waited quietly.

Heimed: "If nothing else happens, His Royal Highness Hela will be the first in this hunting festival, and His Royal Highness Skadi will only be second."

Rowe nodded, but Hoddle said, still in the hoarse and gloomy voice: "I don't think so... After the dragon capture was over, His Royal Highness Skadi stopped hunting. In fact, it was equivalent to giving up the game. The punishment for fouls may not be able to get the second place."

Bart: "That's not the case. How about a hunting group of more than a dozen people? They have accumulated a lot of prey in half a month. How could they lose to free hunters?"

Hoddle was silent.

Someone beside him commented: "Have you heard that that guy, Gusi, has been banned for 1000 years, and he is not allowed to participate in the hunting festival for 1000 years."

"1000 years, tsk tsk..."

Just when people were talking, another fat and strong flying cat flew in the sky.


This seemed to be the last hunter to arrive, people looked up.

"Isn't that Tiarfi?"

"Who is Tiarfi?"

"The guy who practically lives in the Landvetti Forest and hasn't met a ibex for 180 years."

"Remember, it turned out to be him!"

The last hunter present was none other than Rowe's old friend, the famous non-chieftain hunter in Asgard, Tiarfi.

At this moment, the red dragon in the center of the square suddenly became emotional, the chains on his body were tense, and creaked: "Ho-ho!!"


At the same time, a small whimpering sound came from the sky, and the direction of the sound came from the flying cat that Tiarfei was riding on.

Some experienced hunters had already realized something, and they were all shocked: "It's a young dragon!"

"The voice of a baby dragon!"

Luo Wei was also a little confused, looking at Tiarfei who had just landed and got off the flying cat.

At this time, Tiarfei was ashamed and tattered, but he couldn't hide his elation and the sun was shining on his face.

In his arms, he was holding a screaming young dragon, or a young dragon.

This little dragon is only the size of an ordinary goat, with a fiery red complexion, and spits out immature dragon flames from its mouth from time to time. It is struggling with the mother dragon: "Woo... ouch..."

The female dragon was obviously its mother, and it was so stimulated that it struggled wildly and roared endlessly.

Fortunately, Uriel appeared at this time, and he raised his hand to emit an ice-blue light, covering the dragon's body.

As the third in command of Asgard, Uriel, the god of winter hunting, is a rare dual divine power holder.In addition to the power of all-seeing, he also has the power of winter.

Therefore, not only can he see the universe, but he is also a powerful fighter.

Luo Wei walked up to Tiarfei and was extremely shocked: "Tiyarfei, you... have you really met a young dragon?!"

"In fact, I met a pair of young dragon brothers...but the other young dragon was so powerful that I was almost burned to death by it, and I only caught this one in the end." Tiarfei smiled and pointed Burn marks on the body.

Luo Wei didn't know what to say: "..."

Heimed said with a smile at this time: "It seems that what I said before is correct, this female dragon has indeed lost her cub."

Luo Wei: "Tiarfi, what are you going to do with this baby dragon?"

Tiarfi said: "I plan to domesticate it."

Hoddle said: "You'd better not have this kind of plan. For thousands of years, there have been very few dragons that have been domesticated, and none of them can be copied... I heard that Master Brunhilde once tried to domesticate a dragon, and It was also a young dragon, but unfortunately it didn’t work out.”

The old driver hunter said: "It is difficult to tame solitary creatures, it is difficult to tame highly intelligent creatures, it is difficult to tame powerful creatures, it is difficult to tame carnivorous creatures... and dragons have all four. Taming dragons is easier than taming people." Much harder."

But Tiarfi didn't seem to listen, and his smile remained the same.

On the other side, looking at Tiarfei surrounded by everyone, the hunters of the Skadi hunting team all had extremely ugly faces...

"Silence." Uriel said standing in front of the square.

His voice was not loud, but it was clearly heard by everyone, and everyone became silent.

"I know everything about the hunting festival, and now I will personally announce the top three rankings of this hunting festival." Uller continued.

"No.1, Hela."

No.1 has no suspense, but then the discussion sounded again.

"Tiarfei actually caught a young dragon, I'm afraid..."

"It seems that His Royal Highness Skadi is about to take the third place."

"Actually, if it wasn't for Gusi's injury and no foul penalty, His Royal Highness Skadi would still be able to get No.2 by virtue of the number of prey. Unfortunately..."

Uriel's expression was a bit unnatural, but he continued in a calm tone: "No.2, Tiarfi."

"No.3, Skadi."

Rowe sighed.

This time, Skadi and Kur were ashamed, and they didn't even get the second place, so they felt distressed for a second.

Of course, he didn't think there was anything strange about it. After all, Kur was usurped by Odin in the end, which was obviously a result in line with the historical process.

The honor of No.1 belongs to Hela, but the members of the hunting group obviously should also be rewarded, so after the ceremony in the square was over, Hela summoned all the hunters to distribute the rewards.

The rewards included two things, one was a large bounty, one thousand runes per person, and besides that, a fairy steel dagger.

Immortal steel is the most powerful metal in Asgard after Uru. Hela's long sword is mainly forged from immortal steel, which shows its preciousness.

This fairy steel dagger is not only practical, but also engraved with the name of Odin, it is also a symbol of glory and a powerful weapon.

"Immortal Lovi's Blade, gifted by Odin."

This is the text engraved on Rowe's dagger.

In addition, the blade of Lovi is always covered with a layer of faint silver light, which is incomparably mysterious. It is naturally the magic "immortality" attached to it, which can make the dagger extremely difficult to damage.

Looking at the fairy steel dagger in his hand, Luo Wei was as happy as all the hunters.

Hela smiled.

Finally she said: "Thank you, I, Odin will remember your bravery."

"Our honor, Your Highness." All the hunters bowed.

Hela nodded, and finally fixed her eyes on Luo Wei: "Rowei, you stay."

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