Paladins of Asgard

Chapter 135 - 【Hell Fire】

Luo Wei chased a demon fleeing in a panic, but suddenly a frost giant leaped over, holding an ice blue long sword.

This ice-blue long sword is transparent in material, like gold and jade. It was by no means temporarily made of ice. At first glance, it is not an ordinary weapon.

“Now, I’m your opponent.” The frost giant said coldly, and the surrounding was cold.

Second-order gods.

Feeling the majestic icy power of the opponent, Luo Wei’s heart sank slightly.

The second-order divine powers are very powerful beings. There are only a dozen Asgards in the entire family, and they are not unknown people. The situation of the Frost Giants is similar. Therefore, although Luo Wei did not know the frost giant in front of him, he knew that he had probably heard the name of the other party.

However, Luo Wei also wanted to try the gap between himself and the second-order divine power. Taking advantage of the blessing of the king on his body, he immediately had the hammer and shield in his hand, and the flame and holy light surged forward at the same time.

Hammer of Justice!

The opponent’s ice-blue long sword turned and instantly condensed an ice wall, blocking it in front of him.


The hammer of sanction hit the ice wall, making a loud noise, which was quite loud, but it did not break open, but made many cracks.

Even though he knew that the first-order divine power was very different from the second-order divine power, Luo Wei couldn’t help being shocked when he saw that his Hammer of Justice had not even broken the ice wall.

The frost giant smiled contemptuously, stabbed with the long sword in his hand, but went straight to the ice wall.

Rowe’s expression changed.

Shield of Light!

The holy light on the Scarlet Commander’s shield shone, instantly turning into a giant shield made of a combination of shield and holy light, blocking the front, and burning flames at the same time.

Almost at the same time, the ice blue long sword hit the ice wall, and the ice wall shattered into countless small pieces of ice, and shot towards the Great Shield of Light like a bullet.

Strictly speaking, the analogy of bullets is inappropriate. If it was a bullet, Rowe would not block it deliberately at all. The power of these pieces of ice is definitely much stronger than bullets, at least much stronger than bullets on the earth in later generations.

“Bang bang bang bang!”

The shards of ice shot on the giant shield of holy light, causing a dense sound, which also filled the holy light with cracks.

“Bang!” Immediately afterwards, the Frost Giant’s long sword also slammed into the shield of the Holy Light, making a loud noise.

The shield of holy light was defeated for a moment, but fortunately, there was still the shield of the blood-colored commander under the holy light, which finally blocked the sword.

The Frost Giant didn’t finish his sword, he kicked it, and immediately kicked Luo Wei to the ground, and then raised his sword again.

Luo Wei was shocked, and quickly grasped the hammer in one fell swoop, and the dazzling holy light was released.

Blind light!

Being directly illuminated by the blinding light, the vision of this second-order divine power was inevitably affected, and the movement stopped abruptly, blinking a few times hard.

The time limit for the King’s Blessing was about to pass, Rowe jumped up at this time, and the holy light and flames above the warhammer were pushed to the limit.

Hammer of Justice!

Frost giants’ divine powers are often covered with a layer of ice armor, which is not so thick that sometimes it is not easy to detect with the naked eye.


Luo Wei hit the ice armor with all his strength, and successfully broke it open, injuring the opponent.

The frost giant screamed in pain, staggered back a few steps, and swayed his footsteps. He was obviously affected by the hammer of justice, and he was a little dizzy.

At this moment, only a roar was heard, and a silver warhammer with a square head and a short handle shot out. It was the Meow Hammer, Miao Ernil.

If the frost giant was aware of it, he hurriedly dodged at the critical moment. However, the Miao Miao Hammer was extremely fast, and he was affected by the Hammer of Sanction, so he was naturally unable to avoid the attack, but just avoided the key point and was not headshot.


“Ah!” The frost giant screamed and flew out. The ice armor on his body was broken, and the injury was not minor. After struggling a few times, he got up from the ground.

“His Royal Highness!” Rowe looked to the side in surprise, it was Hela who killed him.

“He handed it over to me to deal with, you continue to clean up the demons.” Haila made a move, and the Miaomiao hammer flew back in the air, and was held in her hand again.

Rowe didn’t talk nonsense, turned around and continued to kill the nearby demons.

From time to time, I encountered a frost giant blocking the road, but the nearby Protoss warriors also noticed his powerful lethality to demons, and they took the initiative to help, resisting the frost giant blocking the road, so that he could clean up the demon.

As a result, Luo Wei was even more reckless, chasing and killing demons frantically.

After a while, the demons who died in his hands exceeded 20 people, and several demon teams were frightened by the Holy Light and disbanded on the spot.

Rowe’s slaughter of demons finally attracted the attention of powerful demons, and he was not an ordinary powerful demon, but the lord of hell, Zatanus, who fought against Odin.

Zathanos was suspended in the air and looked at Rowe below.

The holy light lit up, and a demon fell to the ground and died, with almost no power to fight back.

“This power…” Feeling the holy light from a distance, Zatanos’ face was very ugly, although his skeleton face was not good-looking at all.

He had never seen the Light, but he could sense its mortal threat to demons. To nip this power in the bud, this is the natural idea of ​​Zatanus.


Odin smashed him over with a He suddenly ignored Odin, gritted his teeth and flew out, heading straight for Rowe, drawing a trail of flames in the air.

“Stinky boy, come and taste the fire of my hell!” The flames burned in Zatanos’ hands, and an evil force spread.

Luo Wei was shocked, he quickly propped up the shield of holy light and fled, and at the same time his whole body was bright, and both holy light and flame power were urged to the limit.

Zathanos raised his hand and fired a blast of hellfire.

Hellfire seemed to be no different from ordinary flames, but Rowe could clearly feel the horror and evil above, and was terrified.


The fire of hellfire was extremely fast, making him unable to dodge, and finally hit the shield of light with a bang.

The power of a **** lord like Zatanos is definitely on the same level as a third-order divine power. If he is in a **** environment, he is even stronger than a third-order divine power.

Although leaving **** made him a lot weaker than Odin, it was far from Rowe’s ability to fight.

Facing the scorching fire of hell, the shield of holy light collapsed and dissipated almost only for a moment.

At this moment, Rowe can actually open up another shield of light, and it is not impossible to offset the fire of **** with a few shields of light.

However, Zatanos raised his hand and shot out a fire of hell, which roared towards him.

This made Rowe abandon his fantasy and had no choice but to summon the Sanctuary.

Holy Shield!

A layer of rune holy light instantly wrapped around his body, entering an invincible state.

“Boom!” Immediately afterwards, two groups of hellfire hit him one after another.

At this time, Odin freed his hand from the battle with Grimir. Zathanos sneered, stopped looking at Rowe, and turned back to deal with Odin.

There was another fierce battle in the sky, the wind and thunder shook, the rain and fire intertwined, reflecting the criss-crossing rainbows…

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