Paladins of Asgard

Chapter 148 - [Odin\\\'s advice]

The Paladins of Asgard Vol.1 148 Odin’s instructions “Yes, I think what I see is probably the top of a tunnel, and of course it may be a gap in the ground, like this, no, it should be like this” Fairwind said and gestured with his hands, very focused.

Odin was lost in thought, and paced around the room for a moment.

After a while, he said, “You have done a great job. The next seven days are your rest time, and you may not participate in the battle. After seven days, you will receive new arrangements.”

“Yes.” Rowe replied.

“Well, you go back first.” Odin nodded.

Just as the three of Rowe turned around, Odin seemed to suddenly think of something “Rovey.”

“Tomorrow night, you will come to me again.” Odin didn’t say more, just smiled.

On the other side, not long after Rowe and the others escaped through the Rainbow Bridge, Muthurs, Ulic, the King of Trolls, and others rushed to the scorch marks left by the Rainbow Bridge on the ground and argued.

“They fled back, and Asgard must have discovered the secret of the tunnel now.” A tall demon with wings on his back said, “This war must end early, at least we must return to **** as soon as possible. The demons are uncomfortable here. .”

Mutehus said, “There are only about ten of them in total. They are an ordinary team, just to **** the prince of the Warner Protoss. It has nothing to do with the tunnel.”

“Ordinary Squad,” a frost giant said, “An ordinary squad can’t survive the meteorite attack. If Asgard’s ordinary squad is at this level, we can just bow down and be our servants. What wars are there to fight.”

“Mthurs, you should understand that our advantages in this war all come from the space passage hidden at the end of the tunnel. Once the secret of the tunnel is discovered by Asgard, we may lose our way home at any time.”

After a pause, the Frost Giant continued, “Unlike your trolls, neither the devil nor our Frost Giant can fully adapt to the environment of Warnerheim. If Asgard blocks the way home, we can Dead.”

The king of trolls Ulic looked gloomy, “We have a contract, and you have to help the trolls occupy Wanaheim.”

The Winged Demon said, “We didn’t promise to help you achieve your goal. Besides, in the current situation, even if you can’t occupy the entire Warnerheim, it’s not a problem to occupy half of it.”

Ulic was silent for a moment, “If you retreat now, the trolls will refuse to help you in the future.”

The Wing Demon flapped his wings, and his voice was very dissatisfied, “You are breaking the contract. Even if Ulic is in hell, breaking the contract is a great sin.”

The Frost Giant also said, “Ulik, the consequences of what you do, none of us are willing to bear.”

Ulic snorted, and was about to speak, but Muthurs said first, “Of course the trolls will not break the contract. But now is the critical period of the war, and you are evacuating like this. As allies, is it a little irresponsible? ”

Frost Giant “We don’t want to withdraw so early, but if the space channel is destroyed by Asgard, we can’t afford this kind of price.”

The atmosphere was quiet for a moment.

Mutehus said, “It’s not as good as this. Let’s organize one last large-scale attack to try to destroy an Asgardian camp. Then you will withdraw, how about”

The demon and the frost giant looked at each other, and the demon said, “I will ask Lord Zathanos for instructions.”

The Frost Giant also said, “I will also ask for instructions from Your Majesty Laufey.”

The rest during the war was not easy to come by. When he came to Odin’s camp, it was the first time that Rowe slept until he woke up naturally, and then spent a quiet day.

Of course, although Odin gave their team a holiday, Rowe will definitely not let the team down completely, and basic drills are still required.

After fighting against the meteorite, Luo Wei established a great prestige in the team. All the team members were convinced of him, and naturally they obeyed the orders honestly and completed their daily drills.

However, this kind of prestige is not always a good thing. For example, Amora’s attention to Rowe has obviously increased to a higher level.

In the past, she only occasionally flirted with Luo Wei, but now from her eyes, Luo Wei could see that she was somewhat determined.

What made Luo Wei even more uncomfortable was that he felt that this decision was not out of admiration at all, but out of a sense of curiosity.

This woman is not very old, so Luo Wei can’t help but think depressed.

“Captain, how did you stop the meteorite yesterday?” When everyone was eating at night, Amora began to tease Rowe.

Most of the male players are envious of Amora’s initiative, and their attention is either to Rowe or Amora.

Luo Wei silently nibbled the leg of lamb “Want to know”

“Yeah.” Amora pursed her lips and nodded obediently.

Although it is obviously pretending to be good, I have to say that when you look good, you can do whatever you want. She still looks full of aura and is very attractive, like a little ripe cherry.

Skorch’s eyes went straight, and he accidentally bit his mouth when he was eating, “Ouch”

Luo Wei was silent for a moment, and then pointed to the roast lamb in front of him, “Well Amora, if you can solve half of this roast lamb by yourself, I’ll tell you. By the way, no utensils are allowed, you must grab it with your hands. I don’t have any other hobbies, but I like to see girls’ mouths full of oil. UU reading”

Everyone laughed.

Amora “”

After a while, she pouted, “Captain, you are so boring.”

After the meal, everyone dispersed, while Luo Wei went to the command post to find Odin.

“Lord Odin.”

Odin turned around, “You’re here, Rowe. Come, come with me.”

After speaking, he took Luo Wei out of the command post and said, “Luo Wei, your divine power is flame.”

“Yes.” Rowe nodded.

“let me see.”

Luo Wei immediately raised his hand, and a flame lit up in his palm.

Odin took a closer look and nodded slightly, “Pure and fiery flame, yours is very good.”

The third rank of divine power is only a general division. Specific to each person with divine power, the attributes of the divine power itself, the strength of the initial divine power, the improvement process, potential, etc. will all be different, with different strengths.

For example, both are second-order divine powers, but Tyr is obviously stronger than Earth Demon, and even in a **** environment, Earth Demon may not be able to defeat Tyre.

Odin then said, “Rowe, how much do you know about divine power, especially your divine power?”

Rowe: “Very few, in fact I’m just beginning to explore it.”

Odin nodded, “Every divine power will have such a stage. Although I am not a fire divine force, the sky divine force can barely be counted as an element system, and I should be able to tell you a little bit of life experience.”

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