Paladins of Asgard

Chapter 154 - 【Door of hell】

Rowe suddenly felt that the Fist of Verrigan was out of hand.

After looking at the forging blueprint of Antusul’s hand again, he finally made up his mind.

The whole one!

Then he began to explore the flight method of the flame divine power, and came to an open space with flames on his body.

The temperature of the flame rose sharply, and at the same time began to surge rapidly, Luo Wei gradually felt the lift, his body swayed, and slowly left the ground.

However, just a few centimeters up, he stumbled and almost fell, so he had to land again.

After trying for half an hour, the flame flight still did not progress, and every time it rose a little, it was difficult for him to maintain his balance.

The fundamental reason is the lack of control over divine power. According to what Odin said, a skilled man of divine power can use divine power like an arm and a finger, but Rowe is obviously still far from this realm.

If Odin used divine power like an arm and a finger, then Luo Wei’s use of divine power was probably “like a foot to cover a toe”, full of estrangement and estrangement.

Luo Wei was groping slowly, and a middle-aged officer came over, this was his direct boss.

Due to the small number of people, the Asgardian army has only one official establishment, that is, the squad. All legions and camps are directly composed of squads.

However, between the squad leader and the commander and deputy commander of the legion, there are also middle-level officers, but most of them also serve as the captain of a squad, and the official establishment is only the team, so their title is also the captain. Of course, sometimes Asgardians call mid-level officers a squadron or a brigade in order to facilitate the distinction.

“Captain.” Rowe greeted, dissipating the flames from his body.

The middle-aged man nodded, showing a polite smile.

Although he has a higher military rank, he is not a man of divine power, and most of his combat power is not as good as that of Rowe. In addition, Luo Wei talks and laughs with Hela and Heimd from time to time, so he is naturally very polite.

“Luo Wei, I have a combat mission for you. We found traces of a group of remnants of demons. The number is between ten and twenty. I want your team to clean up. You shouldn’t refuse, right?”

“Of course.” Luo Wei readily agreed, “Actually, I’m enough alone.”

“I know your holy light magic is a demon nemesis, but after all, there are more than a dozen people on the other side, I don’t recommend you go alone.” The middle-aged man said.

“Don’t worry, no accident will happen,” Rowe said.

Zatanos and the big demons either ran away or died a long time ago. The other demons could only be beaten in the face of the Holy Light. There were only a dozen or so. Even if he couldn’t beat them, he could retreat calmly.

The reason why Rowe went alone was naturally because he was still more than thirty times away from a hundred revenge. Seeing that the war was coming to an end, the demon of Warnerheim was about to disappear. Of course, he had to kill it quickly.

Then Rowe set off and went to the stronghold of the remaining demons.

The base is located in a valley, surrounded by dense forests. After Luo Wei arrived nearby, he walked around for a while before finally approaching the hideout of the devil.

Meanwhile, in a hidden corner of the valley.

A young Warner mortal was tied to a tree and looked terrified: “Don’t kill me… Please don’t kill me…”

A blue-skinned demon walked over with a dagger in one hand and a bucket in the other, grinning: “Don’t worry, you’ll see your companion soon.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he stabbed the dagger into the young man’s neck, and blood poured into the bucket.

The young man was terrified, trembling all over. With a lot of blood loss, his complexion quickly turned pale, and after a while, his head dropped, and there was no movement.

After receiving the blood, the blue-skinned demon turned around with the bucket and said, “Old man, it’s better to have enough blood this time. Otherwise, we will be dead, and the Asgardians must have discovered us.”

In front of him, a gray-skinned demon with some wrinkles on his face frowned, his fingers dipped in blood and repeatedly sketched on the ground, adding a complex circular pattern with a diameter of more than two meters, while muttering: “In the end what went wrong…”

There are more than a dozen demons around, most of them look gloomy, and many are injured.

One of them suddenly said, “I said, have you really read the Necronomicon?”

“Of course. I can guarantee that my drawing is 99% identical to the “Gate of Hell” on the Necronomicon, but there is a problem with a certain detail. ‘ said the gray-skinned demon.

“You better hurry. I have a hunch that we won’t see the sun tomorrow,” said a demon.

Hell also has no sun, so obviously the phrase has two meanings, they will either go back to **** tomorrow or die there.

The demons were silent, and the gray-skinned demon was still pondering the magic circle at the gate of hell, his brows furrowed.

“Someone is here.” A demon said suddenly, looking nervous, while clenching the spear in his hand.

The other demons also got up one after another, looking alert.

However, they didn’t expect that it was a charming, scantily clad female demon staggering over.

As if she was seriously injured, she suddenly fell to the ground, her slender and pink waist twisted at a tempting angle.

All the demons were stunned, and even the old demon who drew the magic circle couldn’t help but look up.

“Hurry up and draw your magic circle!” The blue-skinned demon said, and then walked towards the charming witch who fell to the ground.

“This lady, I don’t know which lord you are under?” Several demons came over, revealing the color of desire without concealment.

The witch’s eyes were blank and she said nothing.

When a demon saw this, he actually started to use it. Hei Buliuqiu pinched his claws, and then frowned: “Hey, this doesn’t feel right…”

At this moment, Rowe jumped from a height, and the Holy Light of Verrigan’s Fist was released.

Receive the blessings of the Holy Light!

Blessed Hammer!

“Boom boom boom!” The Hammer of Blessing crossed a circle, and several demons gathered around the witch were killed on the spot.

“Asgardians!” All the demons were It was him! I’ve seen this person on the battlefield… he, he…” A demon was especially frightened, pointing at Rowe’s hammer that radiated holy light, his voice trembling.

Immediately, he ran directly to the old demon, and said eagerly in fear: “Quick, it’s too late!”

“What’s the problem…” The old demon was also sweating profusely, covering his head with one hand and staring at the Hell Gate magic circle with wide eyes.

Luo Wei’s side has already started killing, and the fist of Verrigan is brilliant, and in three or two, a demon died on the spot.

After a while, there were only five demons left, two surrounded the Hell Gate formation, and the remaining three were frightened by Luo Wei, and they collapsed and fled.

Luo Wei hurriedly pursued and took a lot of effort to kill all the three escaped demons, and then turned back, ready to deal with the last two.

Just when he returned to the demon stronghold and could already see the two demons, the old demon suddenly had a flash of inspiration: “I found it!”

He dipped his fingers in blood and quickly added a few strokes to the array.

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