Paladins of Asgard

Chapter 184 - 【Supreme Sanctuary】

“It’s alright,” Rowe said vaguely.

Although he had burned a lot of money to make talent mixtures and learn spells before, he still had a few thousand runes in savings.

Before coming to Earth, he deliberately exchanged some runes for gold, and changed a lot. After all, gold is a currency that almost all civilizations in the universe can accept.

So at this time, there is ready-made gold in the Holy Deed space, about five tons.

“How much do you want?” Rowe asked.

“Well… how many do you have?” Agamoto said.

Luo Wei took out a few lumps of gold from the Sanctuary space, about a hundred catties: “Are these enough?”

Agamotto shook his head: “Not enough.”

Kong Si couldn’t help but said: “Agomoto, you are really disappointing. I thought you were a person who was not interested in money!”

Agamoto coughed twice: “The main reason is that I may be short of money in the future.”

“What are you doing?” Koons asked.

Agamotto thought for a while, and seemed a little hesitant, but finally said: “I plan to form a mage organization, attract members from all over the world, study magic and protect the human world.”

Kongs: “Isn’t that the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield, are you planning to leave the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield?”

Agamotto: “Aristotle and Menehmos are not very interested in magic, and I have a feeling that the Brotherhood will break up soon.”

“Split?” Rowe said involuntarily.

Agamotto nodded: “Aristotle and Menehmos have always had differences. Aristotle was keen on politics, liked a strong monarch, and hoped that the Brotherhood would be combined with state power… Menehmos hated politics and hated it. The monarchy, but obsessed with mathematics, which Aristotle hated.”

“The Brotherhood will split sooner or later because of their differences. I don’t want to participate in the Brotherhood’s infighting, and both of them are not very interested in magic, so I plan to build a mage organization myself.”

“It’s going to cost a lot of money,” Agamotto added.

When Luo Wei heard the words, he understood in his heart. It seems that the future Supreme Sanctuary is about to be established.

“Where are you going to build?” he asked.

Agomoto: “The plan is to find three suitable places, and then use the teleportation magic circle to connect with each other. The specific location has been found, and it is in the south of the British island.”

Luo Wei thought for a while, then pointed to the piles of gold in front of him: “How about ten times?”

Agamotto was a little surprised: “Really, then thank you very much.”

Luo Wei nodded: “Of course it is true. In addition, if you encounter other problems with the establishment of the Supreme Sanctuary, I will do my best to help you.”

Agamotto was full of smiles, then suddenly stunned: “Supreme Sanctuary?”

“Uh…” Rowe was at a loss for words, so he had to say, “What do you think of the name I chose?”

Agamoto pondered: “Well, it seems to be not bad. Since that is the case, let’s call it this, the Supreme Sanctuary.”

“Then you are called the Supreme Master, the first-generation Supreme Master.” Luo Wei simply said again.

“Ha ha.”

The two chatted and laughed.

At this moment, a student came in and said, “Mr. Agamoto, someone is looking for the sun **** outside.”

“Sun God?” Kong Si couldn’t help but say.

Agamoto smiled and said: “It’s Rowe, and the battle of Elifonta made him the new sun **** in people’s hearts. By the way, Kongsi, I remember that you seem to be called the moon god, the sun **** and the moon god. It’s a coincidence here.”

Cons: “…”

Rowe asked, “Who is looking for me?”

“It’s the one who came back with you yesterday,” the practitioner said.

Luo Wei was stunned, and then he realized that it was Howlett: “Let him come in.”

Howlett came in from outside with a hesitant expression on his face, then took a deep breath, knelt down and said, “Mr. Rowe, I implore you to transport me to Serbentus… My son is still there, I must bring He got out of there.”

As soon as Apocalypse died, Egypt was bound to have frequent wars, so he naturally wanted to take his son out of Egypt.

Rowe: “I don’t know how to teleport magic, it’s the portal opened by Agamotto.”

Howlett was startled, then looked at Agamoto: “Master Agamoto, please.”

Before Agamoto could speak, Kongsi said first: “I think you’d better prepare yourself mentally, your son might be dead.”

Howlett was shocked and angry: “Impossible, I saw Apocalypse cure him with my own eyes.”

“I’ve seen this scene too.” Kong Si said slowly, “but in fact, Tianqi just used a little trick to make the patient exchange short-term health at the cost of rapid burning of vitality, thus deceiving the patient’s family and making them willing make your own container.”

“Even if your son is not dead now, because of the rapid burning of vitality, there is not much time left.”

“This…impossible…” Howlett gasped violently.

Agamotto thought for a while: “Let’s go and see.”

Howlett said quickly: “Thank you, Master Agamoto!”

Agamotto went to the clearing and began to cast spells.

His teleportation magic has just been created, and it is not as perfect as the era of the later Doctor Strange, so it took him almost a minute to open the teleportation gate to Cybenetus by casting the spell alone.

Rowe, Agamato, and Howlett passed through the portal and came to an inconspicuous corner of Sebenitus City.

Under the leadership of Howlett, the three of Rowe came to a courtyard soon after, and there were a few guards nearby, but they were all ordinary human guards, not worth mentioning.

Entering the courtyard, I saw a little boy sitting on a stone.

“Son!” Howlett ran over excitedly and picked up the little boy. The little boy was very surprised to see his father suddenly.

“Strange, why does this child seem to have no signs of excessive loss of Kongsi’s voice came from the demon statue, paused, and asked, “Howlet, does your son have the same thing as you?” Ability? “

“Yes,” Howlett said, then sighed, “but he also got that disease at the same time as he gained immortality, so I went to ask for the apocalypse.”

Agamotto came over, frowned and took a closer look, then stretched out his finger and poked the boy’s forehead.

There were many black lines on the boy’s forehead, spreading all over his body like a cobweb.

“This is…” Howlett’s expression changed.

Kong Si said: “This is the method of Apocalypse. If it wasn’t for your son’s immortality, nine out of ten he would have died. You thought Apocalypse had cured him.”

Agomoto spread out his five fingers and grabbed the black lines from the boy’s eyebrows, then dissipated them in the air.

As soon as the black lines dissipated, the boy’s originally healthy skin suddenly turned purple and quickly spread, and the boy also screamed.

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