Paladins of Asgard

Chapter 193 - 【Magic Floating Cloak】

Agamotto slowly floated down from the sky and said, “Asgard should have better tailors, right? All I can do is the magic floating cloak, are you sure?”

“I don’t know when to go back to Asgard. The magic floating cloak is good. This kind of flying instrument is rare in Asgard. I want this, you help me make one.” Diops said, walking over and looking around Agamamoto.

“How do you use this cloak?”

Agamotto: “Inject mana, and you can find out by groping for yourself.”

“And mana?” Diops was taken aback.

“Otherwise, why is it called the “Magic” floating cloak. ‘ said Agamotto.

“…” Diops was silent for a while, “But I don’t understand magic.”

Agamotto had a question mark on his face: “You don’t know magic, what magic weapon do you want?”

Diops was embarrassed and hesitantly said, “How about you teach me, Supreme Mage?”

Agamoto said: “My magic is not passed on to outsiders, let alone outsiders. But for the sake of friendship, if you are willing to live on Earth for a long time and join the Supreme Sanctuary, I can consider it.”

“Rovi, don’t you know magic too, or would you teach me?” Diops had no choice but to look at Rovi.

“You can’t learn Holy Light magic.”


“If you want to learn Holy Light Magic, you must have a noble character or a special physique,” Rowe said.

Diops paused: “What are you doing?”

Rowe: “Of course a noble character.”

Diops and Agomoto both looked suspicious.

After a while, Luo Wei suddenly said: “Diops, why don’t you sell me your share of silkworm silk. How about three hundred runes?”

He has already used the holy deed to identify silkworm silk, a fifth-level item, and even two feet can be exchanged for a spell [Holy Light Beacon]. Although the Holy Light Beacon seems useless to his current situation, the price of three hundred runes is definitely not high.

“This…” Diops was a little troubled.

Luo Wei thought for a while, and then took off the space bracer on his hand. Because of the existence of the Sanctuary space, the space bracer seemed very tasteless to him: “Plus this space bracer.”

“Okay.” Diops was taken away by Apocalypse at the beginning, and naturally half of his belongings were left. In the end, he did not withstand the temptation of material things and agreed to Rowe.

Agomoto: “Luo Wei, what are you going to do with the silkworm bush?”

Luo Wei: “Give me a magic floating cloak too. I’ll keep the rest of the silk for the time being.”

Agomoto: “Aren’t you already able to fly? The Protoss is so heavy, the speed of the magic floating cloak may be much slower than that of the flame.”

“I haven’t mastered the flame flight yet, and it consumes too much. The mana consumption of the magic floating cloak should be very small, right?” said Rowe.

Agamotto nodded: “Okay, I’ll make a magic floating cloak for you.”

A few days later.

Agamotto came to Rowe’s residence, and when he flipped his hand, he found a red cloak from nowhere: “Your magic floating cloak, try it.”

The nature of the magic floating cloak is very strange. In the absence of interference, it is in a suspended state.

Therefore, as soon as Agomoto let go, the magic floating cloak was suspended between the two, neither floating nor sinking, which looked very wonderful.

Luo Wei didn’t have any special requirements. His magic floating cloak was the same as Agama’s. It was a simple shape.

He took the soft magic floating cloak and put it on his body, instantly feeling lighter.

After the divine mana was injected, the buoyancy was greatly increased, causing him to float off the ground like a ghost.

“Let’s try outside.” Agamotto said, floating out first.

“Okay.” Rowe followed, also floating outside the house, and then tried to fly high into the sky.

The operation of the magic floating cloak is quite simple. Under the guidance of Agamato, he quickly mastered the skills and flew freely.

Although the speed is not fast, compared to his half-baked flame flight, the consumption of the magic floating cloak is very low.

In the case of slow and low flight, the mana consumption of the magic floating cloak is similar to the speed of Rowe’s mana recovery. It can be said that the battery life is explosive.

“Agomoto, can the magic float cloak fly by itself?” Rowe asked.

Agomoto: “Yes. For example, if you want to hurry and walk in a straight line, you can fly while sleeping. But you need some special skills.”

“I mean, the kind of cloak that can adjust its direction and speed on its own,” Rowe added.

Agamoto: “Of course not. The magical weapon has self-awareness, which is very rare. I haven’t seen it with my own eyes.”

Unlike the later generations of Doctor Strange, the magic floating cloaks of the two are just pure magic weapons, without self-awareness.

I don’t know if Agamotto’s Floating Cloak was later remodeled, or if Doctor Strange didn’t use the same one…

The two flew for a while, and suddenly a nearby portal opened.

The portal seemed to directly target Agomoto himself. Agomoto was in the air at this time, and the portal opened in the air.

“Supreme Law – ah ah ah!” A young mage came into the air through the portal, and then screamed and fell.

Looking at this scene, Luo Wei couldn’t help but recall a famous ancient portal in World of Warcraft…

Agamotto hurriedly flew over to capture the young mage.

The young mage was still in shock, and sorted out the language: “Supreme mage, we have found the approximate location, in the southernmost part of China.”

“Okay, I’ll go over in a moment.”

Agamotto sent him back to the portal, and then called Rowe and Diops: “The approximate location for the construction of the Second Sanctuary has been found, let’s go over.”

The three passed through the portal and came to a green forest, where several mages were already waiting.

One of the mage held a pointer compass in his hand, and the pointer on it was spinning around. The mage said, “Agomoto, it’s nearby.”

Agamotto nodded and took out his own pointer His compass was obviously more accurate, and the pointer immediately pointed in one direction.

Everyone followed the pointer.

“Is there anyone around here?” On the way, Agamato asked.

The master said: “There are some people living in the north, but only a few small settlements. Further north is a small country called Huandou. There seems to be no one in the south.”

After walking for about half an hour, the needle on the compass began to spin, apparently reaching the destination.

Here is a virgin forest with dense trees and fragrant birds and flowers. Not surprisingly, more than 2,000 years later, this is a certain street in Huaxia Hong Kong.

Agamotto stepped on the ground, looked around, and nodded slightly: “The Second Sanctuary is built here.”


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